
(38 KB, 768x512, 3D_cartoon_Disney_character_po (1) copy.jpeg) (31 KB, 768x512, 3D_cartoon_Disney_character_po (2) copy.jpeg) (34 KB, 768x512, 3D_cartoon_Disney_character_po (3).jpeg) (37 KB, 512x768, 3D_cartoon_Disney_character_po copy 3.jpeg) (38 KB, 768x512, 3D_cartoon_Disney_character_po copy 4.jpeg)
>>13880 (OP)
good shit, anon. yea, its not the best and takes some wrangling with the styles and anti-descriptions, but you can get some decent stuff

3D Disney, Tattoo, Pro Photo, Concept Art, and Oil Painting (Old) are my favorite styles to experiment with
This site is great, although it doesn't know every fictional character. Has anyone tried to get a blueberry girl?
(54 KB, 512x768, DDB3573E-533B-4C16-9E01-AF219BA97011.jpeg) (58 KB, 768x512, 6CF3EF39-D0F7-4508-9B45-10D6BAC88BD9.jpeg) (63 KB, 768x512, 972168D7-6B7C-4A5F-9F27-044F69DC8BD5.jpeg) (27 KB, 768x512, 263015A8-2EF2-4DBF-89C7-D93098F64D8E.webp) (78 KB, 768x512, A43BEA72-41AC-48C6-9D05-649E990C34CC.jpeg) (71 KB, 768x512, C461CBAA-7F6F-4EA5-8156-D14C183429A5.jpeg)
Thanks for sharing anon I ended up making a ton with this. They are all fairly simple so I don’t know if it’s just a waste to share everything here. Here’s a couple though.
Tried doing, didn't go so well.
Hope it starts identifying blueberry gens soon enough.

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