
These are great

Every time I think you’ve peaked, your realistic pears somehow keep getting better and better
(692 KB, 640x768, 00011-3654326586.png) (740 KB, 768x768, 00001-2068553495.png)
>>13647 (OP)
Huh, I didn't realize people were using HyperButtomHeavy so much. I might re-train it at some point, to improve it.

Personally I just use Hyperfusion these days. Same sizes with somewhat similar prompts, but more flexibility
(1.4 MB, 1075x819, 20231006_190029.png) (1.2 MB, 1075x819, 20231006_190114.png) (230 KB, 429x327, 20231006_190038.png) (1.1 MB, 1075x819, 20231006_190103.png) (980 KB, 1075x819, 20231006_190129.png)
(4.2 MB, 2150x1487, wideGoth1.png)
Thank you kindly.
I use it mainly when I have that specific body shape in mind: that heavy, fatty pear shape. Hyperfusion gets absolutely stellar results, but can drift a bit in the early stages when I'm 'fishing' for a seed image (drift to other, excellent results, mind you, just not always what I'm looking for in the moment). I'm sure a lot of people would be grateful if you retrained it, I know I'd enjoy it.

I really need to write up my process and post it somewhere, as I have to explain myself a lot. Unfortunately these images won't benefit from catbox as they don't have any metadata. These are made through multiple iterations and compositing the results in photoshop. 50% of the work was done for me by the others here in those images (and the attached from >>13835 ), the other half was just running them through my workflow.

The real answers you're looking for are the NextPhoto and EpicBigGirls checkpoints, and the Hyperbottomheavy and cellulite LoRAs. And the rest is photomanipulation in Photoshop.
Where can I find the EpicBigGirls checkpoint? I can't seem to find it anywhere.

Lots of massive belly goth girls in the other thread, can we have some more massive goth pears?
(3.0 MB, 1583x1152, WideCourtyard1.png) (3.5 MB, 1440x1440, WideFullOffice1.png) (2.7 MB, 1200x1200, WideGoth2.png)
Whoops, my bad. That's actually a custom blend I made. The ingredients are:
>Bigger Girls Models -BGREAL
>EpiCRealism -Natural Sin RC1 VAE

Merge the first two at 50/50, then merge that result 50/50 with NextPhoto.

Attached are a reprocess of another image from >>13835, a random hyperfusion experiment, and a hippy goth for >>13924
Catbox on 1,2, & 4, please?
What do you do to get such realistic skin texture and cellulite?
(28 KB, 512x512, F06B27D6485D9A428D039C171EC0E7BBC0F68B4CD505596FA594439AE47F1540.jpg) (29 KB, 512x512, F3E57E8BE549A84C3255EDD74F2F16786CE1F6B6EE665076EC8D0A8E4C0D5D43.jpg) (33 KB, 512x512, F47F3E8F2B872D8F65C23802895D7600F9B8CB40018AB8E6CC2F32C5CB57AAA2.jpg) (27 KB, 512x512, F338702FC9ABA8325C6BC8191909ED42B6BC05EA54350E5DBD5F2E5CFB56B890.jpg) (24 KB, 512x512, FBAF91BBA28655A038EF9358E3AA9D1BFBC1AC250D1E3F57868406B28770E69B.jpg)
messed about last night, maybe not as extreme as some of these but they're going for a more realistic skin look.
(29 KB, 512x512, DB39DC90E46B78E1843FA16540566BDAEC3FAD17E63FDF9DE24025B2AE521BCB.jpg) (30 KB, 512x512, DB146361DB0D0E71FE7BD1D73FF7F1F2293378D71072A8D1216B58A2260686C0.jpg) (25 KB, 512x512, E7E3529ECAE56ED3A739504AB1EC9A33B2B07481B2C2A6D62481F221E314DEAA.jpg) (28 KB, 512x512, E97BB97DBF998BAC8CB22CC01FAE17B3307AF79ACFD7C55C9D49BB09E86646D0.jpg) (25 KB, 512x512, EDF15F7194618B6904679FEAD822774EA2D92088F5DCA7FF2139AD31FCD0209E.jpg) (28 KB, 512x512, ECDA3BB370309E04B4CAB0A6A272C299D769D1DC2373160F3D9564657ED07AD6.jpg)
(37 KB, 512x512, CC0A17FEE37FFF2FD2D767E8CB701325AD099407CBCFD66E95ACB19237439F0D.jpg) (23 KB, 512x512, CC22614CF7EDE48DBB9E59EA15BB0749DBBF0070D954C7F7CD8A93EB02E8F969.jpg) (26 KB, 512x512, CDC8921C0F616D5508AF40FAA06C7518FFEE0AC2665BA874F16779129DFC19B6.jpg) (27 KB, 512x512, CE47F72F08058E1033249BB6FEB3FD13500B5EDBEE62BC85066AF27386D75AF1.jpg) (31 KB, 512x512, D81069AFCA607A1683DBB19B7C4356E657EF94A3A5F67194FD4EC634152ACBA9.jpg) (28 KB, 512x512, D75C3AC9F8F393336FBCC84AA9C7111D68AB7B4C8E34FCFDB12ACDC5F1A4B81C.jpg)
even more
(23 KB, 512x512, BC6317F99326E55FA87D3003E96DAC3DDF0CE9499110A63F9F3F1FFF139C682B.jpg) (25 KB, 512x512, C2BEEE0C75AC254EA47CDF6012546A94B32A46AAC44903F2634AAE4A5BB5E583.jpg) (28 KB, 512x512, C54C20EEEDD33D836434BADDDFB52A9E97A4BD9928DD49CD5E409A1CCBE95F29.jpg) (26 KB, 512x512, C73276268D7C0D3225F16C4483771531527CC1CF182E1BD836E943CC840DA595.jpg) (25 KB, 512x512, CB068B9546DED473D427B86995C4F5EDAA49AB2137FA00C2171A28A94DA6D4C9.jpg) (26 KB, 512x512, CA208C1D03280350EEE377069FB5EB8E7D460FDA11F6BA2EC3E0F7E650E5267C.jpg)
more again
(25 KB, 512x512, 8103263C6E098DAB1201BF8E0E3FF6A24B5A25B6DFE543844CA2330975E0C74F.jpg) (37 KB, 512x512, A4A30FA125642BBB9A99DBD75BF86D1FF527E8903708587C572E902EF7DCF229.jpg) (47 KB, 512x512, A7B416E2528498A60B3C5590A4F8AD7AFC6B21590457002CC2222817D19FEE27.jpg) (21 KB, 512x512, A936921C3B07126860DA3715C3FE1EBF92F81C63E65F271671C39738D75537D1.jpg) (27 KB, 512x512, AD852CEE3BFD7826F5E618B968D35BDF985727F28BB29E45BF6802479E2259BF.jpg) (29 KB, 512x512, B858832A7CB9662EF1CDEF074145850B542395C0FCF4A01FB79ED9719435224C.jpg)
a few more
(29 KB, 512x512, 4227CC413A41D16E907849839EDFEF7D9A4EA7D961ED82B87DBDE8C15BB7BEE5.jpg) (28 KB, 512x512, 5099F97C85697F85AE684441C1C34FD199D31B926A2B67DA21F8792EDEF29F69.jpg) (30 KB, 512x512, 6936B8BF15CEE28027FCFE9B75FB7F95BD7B8A441872F88D94BDC7EAF634C598.jpg) (25 KB, 512x512, 016211B6EB892C5F7969DFFF559A48FBBAC9234207D6F4C96705443FE6791C7B.jpg) (31 KB, 512x512, 21306CE2EC6CCEBBBF24F381DD72730290F649503DA00248D9EDCF58A1ADEA32.jpg) (26 KB, 512x512, 94761CE3FEAD3B38B14B1D6CFE13FB1E16B69DBBB3ECD09EBE699EDDE5E9A9D0.jpg)
I do love a pear
(33 KB, 512x512, 820FAD12AC37DD383C116CC506027A889370A34594241ABB568E1192A9D7A6D5.jpg) (29 KB, 512x512, 906AD4C45C26FFADDF7B55D35E6A8DFFDD60735EF9F08079D4415A5A65D87A24.jpg) (29 KB, 512x512, 907D06054ED6BC7C95DE8BE51E2D90CD1C6358E04EFB5CE0176650307A2B68FA.jpg) (23 KB, 512x512, 963F44C4FE6E8AD1D394B21EDEA4DD281378C238F865C34A4FDBDF6B0CACDED0.jpg) (26 KB, 512x512, 1315BA51B068BE7B0AA436E471B09526BD5FB0036136034AEF19FCD5E2E15B2F.jpg) (26 KB, 512x512, 3924D9CF1C4FA79A14F08C7C97144361382699DE4BD05D975FD807A7BF902EDB.jpg)
that ass tho
(35 KB, 512x512, 205A93C05F59BFE3B8CFFE4EC5F5D7EE5D3D92E62DCA805AA2B422C19C2C8877.jpg) (35 KB, 512x512, 189B409C602BF2626F4BD1E1841E47F9982D793865A0B5A3C9EB2A05D8794C6A.jpg) (39 KB, 512x512, 297D422E5879F2D25E7BE9445A42DCEDB86D9DBBA1218FEA982D096E4334A8BE.jpg) (28 KB, 512x512, 370B1F13224B0E6609E8D660A0D8D97627B369E8C8752F6DFD61B7DA15D71A49.jpg) (39 KB, 512x512, 370D2C6CCB54A4300D2562B9518637C2625062CFAC9298EF006248D56261811B.jpg) (37 KB, 512x512, 701BB433A6F214BA97C30422B90E4BD0741354D8B312D64336AA555000ADF876.jpg)
(34 KB, 512x512, 19FD0F26256165000F304A40B96B27AC0A9394C78B8489A21D3EFE2F5FED66CA.jpg) (22 KB, 512x512, 26AC608ED645AF2ACC876598D093D2B490776A947C834EE9120703BBF5011E72.jpg) (34 KB, 512x512, 55FA51D13353BAA205063D1C4F0FCE30FB7ABB7E950F7F4C1EF6544485C75133.jpg) (27 KB, 512x512, 74B1CE56CF6F1A959D21E5688A72FF853CD24B5E275806A28276F616463A3227.jpg) (24 KB, 512x512, 122DC538A8049522793277E65BE4DAE62F8D7340FE920EC5E240365BD7B7F874.jpg) (32 KB, 512x512, 98C093DC5394A0EF96E883CEAF05C2A64EB559A8387CB20B2C5B920DC6AB3DD4.jpg)
ass ass ass
(28 KB, 512x512, 2BBF2D5A3E435A9BCD2F680D7646CDF3BD1E3D43D5C19C342938794122F47C4C.jpg) (34 KB, 512x512, 1CB9828F70564D441F85D51E4EBE687AD1F5CD852BD6499616AC809CCAAB89DB.jpg) (34 KB, 512x512, 3CFBB81706E69FE491964C31FCC23AD9EA7380BEEDAAB88F47BAECCC939ADED9.jpg) (28 KB, 512x512, 3E30A78A168C9A6933F4C6321B2A1FC04471D181ABE1D790CBC5270A1BBD1E4A.jpg) (26 KB, 512x512, 3C4087FC2A482B32CD206D9AA488CE30ADF96642DBE9E8029EB1F041A08893F2.jpg) (23 KB, 512x512, 3E672A5045A962D59BC0F02DCD8B7102634BFD6B68CC14AF17161F119751A6F5.jpg)
last one
(1.9 MB, 1316x913, WideBed2.png) (4.0 MB, 1656x1292, WidePool1.png)
The first two here took me longer than I would have wanted, and I'm still not thrilled with the results.

see my responses here >>13867 and here >>13928. THe only other thing I'm doing is that I'm running multiple img2img samples, upscaling 10-15% at a time. Seems to 'lock-in' the skin and details a bit better than just running one process at your target resolution.


Hello fellow namefag! These are looking very promising! I too am curious what your LoRA/checkpoint setup is, those are some very interesting shapes you're getting.
I, for one, am thrilled with the results 😩🥵

And Jesus, the sheer size of these lasses. I’d love to see more
bob118, you're doing some great work but I have to ask: why are most of the faces so wonky? A lot of them have fucked up teeth and the left and right eyes are completely different. Are you doing that on purpose?
No I'm having trouble getting the faces right, any advice would be appreciated, most if this I'm doing using civitai online generator.
This thread has been absolute diamond, "that guy" is a hero. Now if only the dimensional merge were real
Holy shit, that 4th one is unreal
I have no idea. When I've tried to do AI images, they are turn out terrible. I have no idea how to do it.
>>14427 >>14076
It might be worth a shot trying out a different model or trying to merge the current one with one that can do faces a little better. I've tried out the civitai generator before and it tends to always spit out bad faces, if you have a 1050ti or higher, I highly suggest you to try it out on your machine
This place needs more Saa.
I can only really use my laptop which has an amd APU currently running a111 with cpu only and it takes forever.

civitai just started charging which sucks. Tried using google colab but not got anywhere hitting NSFW filters etc.

I want to see more of this
The second image is the best thing I've ever seen

Ugh, can't remember specifics but smth like this;

[safe] obese pear body shape ginger woman sitting in athletic mans lap, not bottom heavy, not fat thighs, not sitting in fast food resturant booth, not photo, not realistic, not fat woman being fed hamburger by athletic man"
I got horrible results when I tried AI months ago, but I am confused as hell. Why are all your prompts for the things you want preceded by "not". WTF?
This is because the image was made using Bing's free generator, which is heavily censored and tries very hard to prevent people making smut with it. You have to get creative with the tags. It's the equivalent of uploading something onto Youtube by a company that's takedown-happy and titling it "Totally Not [title of show]".
Any requests for colors/details?

What kind of prompts are you using to get hip-to-waist ratios that big on Stuffer.ai without them turning into blobs?
It was a lot of trial and error! I found prompts like: hyper thighs, hyper hips, cellulite rolls, leg rolls and hip spread seem to work. I'll be honest with you though, about half the time they come out as hideous monstrosities
>>14042 i want to see more of these i love the bottom heavy in puffer coat/puffer pants look

Doing the lord’s work 🫡. We need more ASS
I don't suppose youd be willing to do a Bottom heavy Erza Scarlet.
These are fantastic thank you
>R: 102 / F: 341

whats the ai and promts on the 2nd picture of the black haired woman?
(1.9 MB, 1024x1536, woman-sitting-on-a-couch-in-an-apartment-red-pants-leather-pants-white-shirt-button-shirt-brown-8919913373.png) (1.8 MB, 1024x1536, woman-standing-in-apartment-door-red-pants-leather-pants-button-shirt-1girl-solo-fully-clothed-891991337.png) (1.7 MB, 1024x1536, woman-standing-in-apartment-door-red-pants-leather-pants-button-shirt-1girl-solo-fully-clothed-8919913372.png) (1.9 MB, 1024x1536, woman-standing-in-apartment-door-red-pants-leather-pants-golden-shirt-button-shirt-1girl-solo-891991337.png) (1.9 MB, 1024x1536, woman-standing-in-apartment-door-red-pants-leather-pants-white-shirt-button-shirt-brown-leather-891991337.png)
First time making anything with AI, inspired by that old Bud Light ad with the mother-in-law.
I don't know if you still post here, but I'm DYING to know what exact models, vae, loras, prompt, ect - were used for the last three. The dark elf schoolgirl, Rei, and the knight chick. Those are so amazing!
Holy shit what models and prompts? Catbox for these please?

Thank you! I don't have all the prompts anymore, but I can let you know the models and what I remember.
I do a lot of manual edits and blend toghether multiple gens as I go. I also switch the model as I'm working on my images.

The dark elf schoolgirl
-Mostly AuroraBBW and Anything V4.5, sometimes with a tiny bit of rev blended in
-Hyperbottomheavy lora, advanced embarrassment lora
-((dark skin)), (gigantic thick thighs), (gigantic wide hips), (soft tummy), (embarrassed), (elf ears), (schoolgirl uniform), (classroom background),

The knight is Darce from Fear and Hunger
-Mostly Anything v4.5 and Rev
-Hyperbottomheavy, gigass, and microwaist lora's
-(from behind),(short red hair), (silver plate armor), (black leggings), (gigantic ass)

-Mostly Anything v4.5 and Rev
-Hyperbottomheavy, gigass, microwaist, and both Rei lora's
-Pretty much just the prompts for Rei lora and (gigantic ass)
(880 KB, 1080x1081, LondonAndrews1.png) (1.8 MB, 1600x896, Sadie2-crack.png) (2.8 MB, 994x1208, ChantelSmithX1.png) (3.3 MB, 1380x1380, WideSidewalk1.png)
>manual edits and blend together multiple gens
>switch the model
My man. And thank you for mentioning the microwaist LoRA! Never thought to look for that before, but I can definitely see the potential for it now.
Jfc man that last one is incredible. Sets a new standard for bottom heavy
>The fucking wall on the Sadie edit

Dude you're remarkable
wow, absolutely stunning. can you make the skin more detailed?
OP to this pic here. Thanks man that's a huge improvement. Stuffer ai is so limited but I'm enjoying creating stuff
(878 KB, 800x960, 1.png) (814 KB, 800x960, 2.png) (1.2 MB, 960x960, 3.png) (1.2 MB, 1200x960, 4.png)
Ass Goblin?
What's Ass Goblin?
(1.2 MB, 1024x1024, WideBedroom1.png)
I liked the look of that first one, so I took a stab at it.
Wow, those goblins are cute and sexy!
(1.4 MB, 1024x1536, pretty-barista-standing-in-cafe-blushing-smiling-front-view-dark-skin-dark-skinned-female-blu_output.png) (1.3 MB, 1024x1536, pretty-female-baseball-player-sitting-in-dugout-view-from-front-baseball-outfit-smiling-blushing_output.png) (1.3 MB, 1024x1536, pretty-woman-standing-in-airport-front-view-open-mouth-smiling-black-hair-blue-leather-pant_output.png) (1.4 MB, 1024x1536, pretty-woman-standing-in-the-forest-nighttime-dark-from-front-blushing-shocked-scared-dark-sk_output.png) (1.4 MB, 1024x1536, pretty-woman-standing-restaurant-kitchen-white-pants-white-top-chefs-uniform-smiling-black-hai_output.png)
(Realistic style),(Stable), huge glowing cock,(femboy,Having sex,),Curvy hips, Curvy plump ass, huge buttocks, plumb figure,fat,bbw, Euphoria,On the farm, (straw hat, red plaid shirt, denim shorts),
(),(Stable), huge glowing cock,(femboy, pig and horse, kissing,Having sex,),Curvy hips, Curvy plump ass, huge buttocks, plumb figure, bbw, On the farm (straw hat, red short sleeve shirt, denim shorts)
(Realistic style),(Stable,),Curvy hips, Curvy plump ass, huge buttocks, plumb figure, bbw, On the farm (straw hat, red short sleeve shirt, denim shorts)
Finally somebody did some young, attractive, shapely, bottom-heavy, black women. WTF was everybody was doing only black grannies and blobs when you could do this? Nice work!

Thanks! I've a few other similar pics that I'll upload once I iron out the wrinkles, still a few issues with fingers and faces and whatnot but it's getting better.
as if trying to use this thread to generate art wasn't retarded enough, you also appear to be trying to make Toriel X Sans Undertale porn
(1.6 MB, 1024x1536, female-pirate-captain-black-uniform-dark-skin-dark-skinned-female-black-pants-leather-pants-1g-500497003.png) (1.3 MB, 1024x1536, pretty-african-woman-sitting-in-field-view-from-front-purple-skirt-yellow-top-dark-skin-smiling_output.png) (1.4 MB, 1024x1536, pretty-african-woman-standing-in-field-view-from-behind-denim-shorts-dark-skin-dark-skinned-fema_output.png) (1.2 MB, 1024x1536, pretty-female-woman-standing-in-apartment-party-party-view-from-front-blue-leather-jeans-red-t-s_output.png) (1.3 MB, 1024x1536, pretty-woman-standing-in-cafe-blushing-smiling-dark-skin-dark-skinned-female-blue-leggings-b_output.png) (1.8 MB, 1024x1536, woman-walking-up-stairs-black-pants-leather-pants-dark-skin-dark-skinned-female-glasses-1girl-808030344.png)
For the guy who liked black ladies with big booties. The one in denim shorts is what I got when I typed in "African queen" which wasn't what I was expecting but I can't really argue with either lol
Model and prompt for the barista one?

Model was Rev Animated with Hyperfusion LORA

The prompt was: Pretty barista standing in cafe, blushing, smiling, front view, dark skin, dark skinned female, blue leggings, black hair, yellow shirt, gigantic ass, huge thighs, wide hips, bottomheavy, 1girl, solo
(456 KB, 640x1120, image.jpg)
Sorry if it's not big enough, I was just experimenting with realism.
And sorry x2: I also like feet
Who draws these what's their name?
Draws…? Do yiu know what forum you’re on?
fat girl weighing 300 kg and with a huge belly and hips
fat girl weighing 300 kg and with a huge belly and hips you say?
3.2 isnt enough in todays currency you all know that. More.
A retard has breached containment!
I repeat.
A retard has breached containment!

Must be a Creampuff or Bonnie fan.
(4.0 MB, 1371x1943, WideHome.png)
Welcome home! She's happy to see you again.
(6 KB, 333x567, Courtney.PNG.jpg) (179 KB, 1108x1075, whitney22.jpg)
Can someone make a bottom heavy Courtney Babcock from Paranorman about this big

What are the prompts did you use to make her

Thanks for guidance Sensai.
(2.1 MB, 1600x2293, ryza.png)
i know this isn't a request threat, but why does it seem like no one has done any bottom heavy stuff for Ryza? she's like the MOST known for her lower half
(5.2 MB, 1702x1684, WideTown1.png) (5.2 MB, 1376x2064, WideSnow1.png)
and two more for good measure.

Oops, forgot to tag >>18975 in my previous post, as I took a crack at uprezzing that last one.
how do i make big butts in bing's ai image generator?
(57 KB, 704x832, a46af030-658c-479a-b168-d9e41e7d18ef.jpg) (87 KB, 680x1024, c7e4f588-bb7f-4750-8e0b-07a828a474a0.jpg) (87 KB, 704x832, c93df29f-7510-4f2b-9a92-aa7a05d3ad86.jpg) (67 KB, 680x1024, d01a8281-5c2a-42ce-9579-ee64ca61a8e1.jpg) (88 KB, 680x1024, e4f80af8-dd46-44ad-a9d6-219b60e52db9.jpg) (65 KB, 704x832, f6a617f0-6d73-4fe3-b013-3de6fd698817.jpg)
You can uprez my shit anytime. BTW: I've read your "How I did that" page and I'm too stupid to figure out what you're doing or how to get the programs to run. Maybe I need more time with it, or I'm just thick, but thanks for making that available.
(476 KB, 512x768, 20138-merge-mbgazovgame2r0406-next-r04.fp16-1012360003-DPM++ 3M SDE Exponential-30-20.png) (463 KB, 512x768, 20147-merge-mbgazovgame2r0406-next-r04.fp16-1012360003-DPM++ 3M SDE Exponential-30-20.png) (2.0 MB, 1024x1536, 20300-merge-mbgazovgame2r0406-next-r04.fp16-908808561-DPM++ 2M SDE Exponential-30-20.png) (2.1 MB, 1024x1536, 20512-merge-bgmreal-stoon-buxom-3r035035.fp16-3056831885-DPM++ 3M SDE Exponential-30-20.png) (504 KB, 512x768, 20124-merge-symbg-photon-next-2r0404.fp16-1012360003-DPM++ 3M SDE Exponential-30-20.png)
just a bottom heavy bump
this is a thread shitass, not a generator
I see you are a man of exceptional retardation
(3.4 MB, 2048x1200, ClownShoes.png)
Alright buddy, you're pulling some clown shoes shit here. As others have clarified, this is a thread, not a generator.

But since I'm feeling particularly generous, I processed a set of images using your prompt (such that it was). You may choose ONE (1) image for me to uprez.
(3.0 MB, 1357x1600, WideRoom3.png) (3.7 MB, 1354x1600, WideRoom2.png) (3.2 MB, 1357x1600, WideCandy1.png)
well, if you insist!

Also, I promise you're not too stupid. If you're having issues installing and setting up SD with A1111, I recommend you check out the guides thread pinned to the top of this board. There are a handful of guides that many have found useful. I'm afraid I can't help much in that department, as I barely got it running on my machine in the first place.

If you already have it setup, just start playing around with it. don't stress about settings or configurations, as you can't break it from the inside. Then go back through my guide and try things step by step. If you're still stumped, feel free to message me through DA and I'll see what I can do.

What are you using to make these?
yes. SD with Automatic1111 UI. All the prompt used is embedded in the image. The LoRas are mainly from CivitAI. The model is a custom merge of couple of models such as Bigger Girls Real, Game, SyMix or Buxom Brits. I can give you more exact details if interested.
Im well versed in tech, but all the bullshit regarding setting up SD is too much for me.
I use easydiffusion. Simple setup, simple UI, easy to load new models, Loras, etc. Its not going to be as versatile as what others are using, but its incredible what it can do.
Barring you have a good computer. Mine can chug out 1024x1024 images in under 10 seconds.
(4.2 MB, 1772x2048, BBWChan7.png) (3.1 MB, 1101x1651, WideSidewalk3.png) (3.1 MB, 1095x1573, WidePier1.png)
Stable Diffusion and Photoshop. Your image is attached here.
Honestly, after looking into that it appears that easydiffusion has all the core functionality you'd need. It's just CUDA locked on Windows, so I can't run it myself. Really, that guide I wrote will likely still apply to you as it has img2img and the ability to use multiple LoRAs. (also, just in case you weren't aware: easydiffusion IS StableDiffusion, just in a convenient install package with a simple UI)
Im aware, im just talking for the likely magnitude of people who cannot figure out where to even start with SD. Easydiffusions main limiting factor is preset UI and command console. Other than that, its still SD.
I need to fix the face on most of these. Just some raw generations.
(51 KB, 512x768, 654552721F87842A0BA1AA1888A952FBDC5465BBF9E969FFDE81E37023938491.jpeg) (46 KB, 512x768, A53D13553ACFC4A40F8567066A36F7E408F31E3973401F73984112C83F1D145C.jpeg) (83 KB, 512x768, 5DCFACF32EF7AB9F4C691BB92E98E676874F859E34B4EDB3BC707875561A8904.jpeg) (48 KB, 512x768, C6153C399DEFD2B1AE8FBA02C5EE5EF4B3A8600BC03772DAF39CC5E4A500B2C0.jpeg) (66 KB, 512x768, 3DEB1BE8057FB9F55F609830F853486C35DDB8A4B5FF74A0E98D95E15D920271.jpeg)
I've tried my hand at some
(2.9 MB, 1187x1492, WideSidewalk4.png) (3.4 MB, 1161x1748, WidePark9.png)
Very interesting results indeed! I'm curious how you got that wet/dripping look on the third one.
Honestly, complete fluke. Prompted wet skin and it happened 😂
(51 KB, 512x768, CDD7F3BB36D96EED92E564A5DCDA788A9328CEAC23032C1024E6E6E1DA8E6468.jpeg) (42 KB, 512x768, 8024F50ECFA56DBC59AF1A7782556C7F48BB1C10B81E6B6B9F1D6CA0BD429EDD.jpeg) (44 KB, 512x768, 9F36287860AAEA8D66D3A0ADAFF968D6F617592A84CCFFFB3A844F5105946354.jpeg) (51 KB, 512x768, ABC2F7BAB376E248B00D1A15987192E6C57D83B5D3F913D7DFA1D211BF68D31E.jpeg) (49 KB, 512x768, B31DEA44E83A23B79DAAAB881EEB9BB49EDDCCFE8BF7FED6A56C12BD15F96A4C.jpeg) (45 KB, 512x768, CCA8B34E9D7CB72CFF29C24EDB6FDD6EE51DE29728979BC1E21EB4E0FD87B5D8.jpeg)
A few more
Love the school classroom ai with her sitting in the desk with big legs but what program you using Stufferai or something different cause it looks realistic
(133 KB, 2366x800, shaun-absher-kiosicgirl-v03.jpg)
Anybody willing to do the kiosk girl from inner workings but bigger?
Maybe one in a swimsuit if possible.
Ppl talk tough till you snap back that hammer
(1.6 MB, 1024x1536, 3C15FF6717B9BAAF40C95F1646142B1BEC707CC7576D83DDF3A2D51CC9AF15B3.png) (1.8 MB, 1024x1536, 3E2D75F167A3EB0140AEC3028604FE55471B9FA091B0502C252F295D40F72FD6.png) (1.7 MB, 1024x1536, 39E1199A461FD1B10CE570E157633075599E9034858CDE8A3E85581E193ECBE2.png) (1.5 MB, 1024x1536, DB52FB632B837BBFD5EADA1A588FD4DBE2CF2B87628C2E4786E676B6141D0D1D.png)
Few more black ladies, been trying out a new program to help faces look better, let me know what you think
(537 KB, 768x512, 18302-merge-gods-bgmbv2-next-2r0405.fp16-800499235-DPM++ 2M SDE Karras-35-7.5.png) (2.0 MB, 1536x1024, 18283-merge-gods-bgmbv2-next-2r0405.fp16-800499236-DPM++ 2M SDE Karras-35-5.5.png) (1.9 MB, 1536x1024, 18253-merge-gods-bgmbv2-next-2r0405.fp16-800499235-DPM++ 2M SDE Karras-35-6.5.png) (1.8 MB, 1536x1024, 18221-merge-gods-bgmbv2-next-2r0405.fp16-800499235-DPM++ 2M SDE Karras-35-7.png)
let me join you with some black beauties
Theyre not friends anymore.
Back in the day yes they were best friends
(41 KB, 512x768, 20656FF20531BD167AD8F8F5A72CD69A1FFBB99F0CE16B372119C5CB1B87BE29.jpeg) (43 KB, 512x768, 60D129503500A755568DB08F763AB53B7599BE1C8C132434436F24257ECAB11F.jpeg) (41 KB, 512x768, C30EB6E8DE3EF7A46997CA80B804EC75F1B0C579AAFA42ADD020BD3CB630CC93.jpeg) (45 KB, 512x768, F8DC4D9AB13E077C25697906945D69780491D3E53EDC7F30009CECAC05DB3945.jpeg) (41 KB, 512x768, CC48789D2C199C6EF2BEDE7DF9EF4F0B8BCB8DD77F98D38C4590B31A850B99B7.jpeg) (470 KB, 512x768, output (27).png)
These are great. I have yet to get any results this good.
It's true. I'm a Klansman; but after seeing these images, we now just get together to play pickleball.
really nice stuff! care to share your prompt and/or technique, model used, etc?
Nope not with that evil & malicous intent. Sage cleanse.

@mods, could we please watch for the spambots? seems that the captcha is getting easily solved

same for
(507 KB, 670x1079, Kuro_2wei.png)
Can someone do a bottom heavy/pear shaped chloe (kuro) von einzber, outfit and all.
(1.7 MB, 1024x1536, 01398FEDF77F6390686B5890B36DE4DA4E2CFBEFEFEDD5CE79E43666FE0374BB.png) (1.5 MB, 1024x1536, 881F7D486629C754B924F39DC7842691A3EB43F06988E93ED976AE6F9323A107.png) (1.7 MB, 1024x1536, 7EF461900397172DAB029192160A43532665525EE4FEE4A087A732BEB6D1D375.png) (1.7 MB, 1024x1536, 19AD717D5798649888D44615161262478BC1A7FA7CCD06564F0CD684CC269F44.png) (1.8 MB, 1024x1536, 275CD542E1A13E7F99A054B0BA215A174D22C4A34E369DAB986D2F2DE3E92840.png) (1.6 MB, 1024x1536, 3D9531DE698A17DAC07A3FEC1A7B965D9986F28793404C8D98E12A440B684A46.png)
More black beauties
This first one is nice! It has a story behind it. It is like she is obligated to stuff her face silly to honor her family name. I'd title it something like: "The Dining Obligations of Royalty" If the lady in the painting was a small-blob, it would excite the imagination.
I follow you! LOVE your work!!!

Appreciate it. I’ll keep it them coming 🫡
A little too smooth and a little too small for my tastes, but well done, anon.
Tall guys with small feet you lied
Thanks and yeah, I think that's because of the upscaler I use, it's pretty good for faces and overall quality but the downside is everything gets smoothed over.
Now for the eternal question, how much bigger can you make them?
(925 KB, 1280x1280, dhebw94-6c32496b-ff42-4e0a-b6e2-fc6fc503b878.png) (1.1 MB, 1280x1280, dhebwqh-87019c2f-391a-4b41-ae2e-c975848e25ba.png) (972 KB, 1600x1280, dhebx4e-b7a2bf08-a6b2-480b-b551-f72691179459.png) (1.6 MB, 1600x1280, dhebxfm-98623dca-5810-4a63-a2ef-50beeb2f9214.png)
(20 KB, 623x492, images.png)
That's me!

That's my deviantart account. I'd change the name if I had Core. I also have a pixiv account where I post the same stuff and sometimes a few more pictures because it allows more than one image per page.
Because ppl not supposed to know. Keep it quiet. We didnt forget about you. Have patience.

Dropped so hard. Furries need to off themselves.
what kind of prompts you put for these? my ai always comes out kinda mid
(1.1 MB, 1152x864, 00185-3857075573.png) (1.2 MB, 1152x864, 00196-3899441223.png) (1.2 MB, 1152x864, 00230-3899441257.png)

I use an amalgamation of things I've seen in positive and negative prompts of images that I like, so this is in no way the "correct" way to do things but here it is:


score_9, score_8_up, score_7_up, score_6_up, score_5_up, score_4_up,
<style>, 1girl, solo, asian, pale skin, pretty face, chubby, curvy, looking at viewer, all fours, from the front, crawling, inside military facility, stuck, ass squeezed inside small opening, (fat hips stuck), struggling, straining, exerting, grunting, (huge ass, wide hips, fat hips, hyper ass, ass expansion, fat ass:1.2) spy jumpsuit outfit, ripped clothes, thick thighs, action shot

Negative prompt: censored, blindfold, furry, bad anatomy, bad, sketch, low quality, lowres, text, watermark, patreon, heterochromia,

Steps: 35, Sampler: Euler a, Schedule type: Automatic, CFG scale: 7, Seed: 2474606618, Face restoration: CodeFormer, Size: 1152x864, Model hash: 059934ff58, Model: ponyRealism_v21VAE, VAE hash: 235745af8d, VAE: sdxl_vae.safetensors, Clip skip: 2, ADetailer model: face_yolov8n.pt, ADetailer confidence: 0.3, ADetailer dilate erode: 4, ADetailer mask blur: 4, ADetailer denoising strength: 0.4, ADetailer inpaint only masked: True, ADetailer inpaint padding: 32, ADetailer version: 24.6.0, Version: 1.9.4

If you're using automatic1111 you can also download these images and drop them into the PNG Info tab to extract this information, then send it to text2img or img2img
love these ones that look like beccabae

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