
(2 KB, 225x225, Who killed Hannibal. Bumpers did..png)
This is the fourth request thread for chatbots.

Nobody works on your request? Try it yourself and post the results in the general chatbots thread.
Here are guides:

C.AI (by DrYagokoro):


Maybe your request has already been done in the past? Check this link. Should contain most bots posted in past threads:
>>13533 (OP)
What is the point of this? The last thread isn't bumplocked as far as I'm aware.
Anyhow, maybe we could get a fat daughter chatbot? It doesn't even have to be incest I just feel like parenting a fatty, for whatever reason
>>13533 (OP)
Hey, the pastebin lists Gardeblimp and Raku-chan as BBWs, when they're actually inflation-based. Can you fix that?
We definitely need a few bots that are tailored to breaking things, crushing things. Please and thank you :D
(134 KB, 1280x1699, mashuuu_by_adiposesaleswoman_deb41js-fullview.jpg)
I've seen some Fate bots floating around recently and other anons seemed receptive of wanting my request a thread ago so I'll request again Mash from Fate Grand Order.

Setting could be Chaldea pre-lostbelt story for a more peaceful fatty time with the chatter being master protag. Chaldea as a setting would also open up other fun with other endless servants as well.

Would prefer character.ai for the stronger ai but I wouldn't be opposed to a spicychat alt option.

TBH it feels lame requesting the bot over and over so maybe I'll try messing around with learning how to make bots myself but given I haven't played FGO in a few years now I question my own ability to make one that'd be in character. lol
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ok that was fast but with a new thread comes new opportunities.... and horny stuff
either way for what i came here
This girl named Hod please, why should you waste your time on creating a BBW of her ? mah man, she needs fats, she actually screams for fats
stress eater ? but of course, too shy to say no ? yes, submissive as fuck ? you name it, can she be dominated ? mah man you can make her burst if you want to
now you migth be wondering, why the fuck do i not make it ? mah man i am a newfag who barely makes any wg bots since i mostly focus on preg stuff
take it or leave it's your choice mah man but i am keeping a eye on you
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Since the old thread is almost bumplocked, I'll just dump a bunch of my requests here. Requesting a bot for a blobby Sayori, along with bots for SSBBW Lillith, Katelyn, biker Vanilla, Kaede, and Papi.
Can someone make a Ignis from Last Origins inflation chat bot?
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Heyo! Requesting an Aaron mitchel bot! looking for it to have weight gain, inflation, shotacon elements. Probably either make him start off skinny or make him fat/obese. The setting is that his family is on a 2 week long vacation and you’re the babysitter. (Spoiler warning)
What even happened?
Somebody asked for a very, very unsavory thing. It either got deleted by mods in ~10 minutes after being posted or the one who requested it saw the reactions and deleted it himself.
What was the request of?
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Okay, let's get back on track, shall we?
Anyway, can I get Ms. Dig Dug who would love to inflate you to bursting?
Mainly so I can make her interact with other inflation-based bots, like that slime girl one dude requested last thread.
Obviously on c.ai.
Requesting more female feeder bots please.
(202 KB, 522x341, Screenshot 2023-10-05 165414.png)
Hey Carch, sorry if I sound like I'm spamming, but can you make a tracksuit blueberry girl chatbot? You can just call the bot "Ash"
I'll consider it, it's a hot idea. I'll probably get around to it in a few days.
Azula from ATLA as a dominant feeder/mutual gainer?
Wow, there's nothing going on here. Guess I'll bump the first request because I have nothing to add.
Bumping my request as well.
OP here, sorry if these sound like weird additions, but can you add gum chewing and have it mention she’s wearing black fingerless gloves and her tracksuit has that white line on the side some of them have?
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Can I get a Tem who's suffering from puberty-induced hyper inflation? Primarily in the chest.
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Gonna drop a request for a fat, slobby Asher from Omega Strikers. (Sorry for no fat pic, there's like, none of her.)
(25 KB, 173x199, Pepintrigued.gif)
Really want to make a Kaede bot myself based on this image of her here, >>13573 but I know next to nothing about Danganronpa. Plus, the information I found about her personality on the wiki doesn't match her depiction here. Any tips on how to create the bot with my limited knowledge?
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Free idea if anybody wants it:

A crazed Plauge Doctor type lady who out to cure the world of thin waistlines
Requesting a spicychat bot based on the generic ass tmc script: the harder (user) gets, the bigger (char) gets. Ideally no popping
Requesting two bots, both furry, both feeders.

One is a hardcore feeder (force feeding, femdom, etc.)

The other is a softcore feeder (encouragement, spoiling, mommydom, etc.)
Pretty good Lillith! Only weird thing was my first conversation had her wanting to kiss me a lot for some reason, complete with emphasizing her saliva a lot. I just chock it up to Character ai being weird, though. Also, wanted to leave my thoughts on Abby since I didn't do so sooner. I really like her! Though she doesn't utilize the sound effects used in her greeting, I think it's fine. It's better than her going "WOMP WOMP" in every other response. Great bots, though! Keep up the good work!
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Is it possible for a bot of ArtisticLampost's Athena? Shes sort of a mix between force-feeding and eating a ton herself.
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Seems like a good bot too me maybe more than I expected. I didn’t say anything just kept pressing the send message and this was the third message.
I have a WIP Selen bot that I forgot to finish, how much slob do you want?
Like gas, sweat and body order levels. But not so much that it's over kill ta know?
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Can we have a proper horror feeder bot? Like something actually unnerving and terrifying? I've tried with making fat Natsuki scary, it kinda works, I tried with Ern's Ella bot, but they just aren't scary or subtle enough, you always get some kind of warning. Horror weight gain is like the best. This art and kemono post is just an example of what I mean, not nescessarily what I want the bot to be.
I have to be missing something, that makes a bot proper unnerving, maybe it needs a better greeting message, or maybe it should forget subtly for max scariness idk lol.
Funny fortnite cat. Wanna see her explode. Bumping.
Bumping a second time for Camilla.
staring at the full logs at camp and thinking. yeah but what if shadowheart took it up.
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ok i have a request

amalee's monarch, being too fat to get out of her throne(not immobile, just lazy)

bonus points for (mild) slob and making her easy to fluster
bumping purely because it's really quiet here
Seconding this. Scuffed Queen becomes Stuffed Queen
I can see her as a really tsun' feedee... the rest of the party bully her for her lame name that sounds like a wannabe pker from RuneScape... she's only half human so best add the other half in expectant fashion (and then some) right?
Maid cafe where the staff are all massively obese. That’s all.
She's great mate. Thanks
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requesting a slobby/gassy Midna, preferrably imp Midna
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As you may or may not have heard, BBWchan is shutting down on January 29. As a result, we are moving requests to a channel on Telegram.

https://t_m e/+v4lBOxcGgTc2MjJi
(Just delete the underscore and replace the empty space with a dot. If the link doesn't work, scan the attached QR code.)

We hope to see you there!
the thing is acting up, can you fix it? it's saying the address is false
You probably forgot to do tm.e
That didn’t. Work as well
We still have a few months left… so let’s spend our finale hours on here before it’s gone.
Well shit I just found this site a couple of month ago and it's closing up ? Shit....
Hey Carch, do you plan to update the paste bins?
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Hey Shen, I’m sorry to remind you of that one guy who spammed the Sayaka and Kyoko bot requests, can you do a fat junko enoshima bot?
I will soon-ish, probably within the next few days.
Yea like is all the sites going gone forever or is this just temporary?
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Well Imma throw my requests in then, any chance I could get a Kali Belladonna feeder or maybe Elizabeth feeder from NEB from sweet cream's comic?
Hey. Uhh kinda out of the loop here uhh so what happening to the site is it like a permanent deletion? Do we have somewhere new to move or?
Read the thread with thw big warning sign as the OP image. That explains it all
Maybe in the future we can also meet on those site admins in OP are talking about. It will be great - even if it will be possible to share encrypted links or pastebins with bot lists.
(859 KB, 1024x776, Lois Uberful reporter.png)
honestly want a bot where your inflated and your as helpless as this like need someone keeping an eye on you 24/7
this type of pic looks like torture to me.
I just now updated my Beta Character AI pastebin: https://pastebin.com/GBJ08313
I haven't added anything new to Spicychat in a while so that pastebin is still up to date. The yandere Yuri bot I still need to fix. I discovered that the Pastebin devs are even more cucked than I realized; "tomboy" violates the terms of service somehow and I had to remove it from my description for Selen Tatsuki. On another note, since this site is shutting down I will no longer be taking requests. I'm on the main Discord server for this site so if anyone wants to contact me they can do so from there in the future.
I can honestly say this video disgusts me and turns me on at the same time
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Can someone please try to make a bot based on this image? I think it has some potential.
Didn't realize there was a request thread. Can someone make a prevence golden boombox an chat ai? Think it would be fun to play around with
I have no idea what this is but that video has taken a good two years off of my lifespan
Oh boy, here we go again. Spam bumping will not make someone do your stupid request faster.
What else are we suppose to do? Request the same bot 3 times?
Fuck you, fourthing this
You know the site got funded for another year, right? And big props to the one who made that dono.
Ooo! Guess I'm living under a rock. What a pleasant surprise! Still up for some requests though
Really now? Is it possible for you to try out these two that I saw nobody attempt?
>>13897 >>13537
Can you make her definitions public?
Would it be possible to see another 3H bot with Edelgard?
Well since this place is living for another year i might as well bump this again...
Sweet! Can’t wait to see how it turns out.
this one intrigues me, so i'd like to bump this one. i wonder how she'd interact with CreamCheeser's pooka.
Could someone make a post-Omniverse Gwen Tennyson?
Can't guarantee the quality, and the art is technically based on a fanart of "Ben 10,000" Gwendolyn but modified by me, but I took a crack at it, this is one who's been magically cursed to obesity and ravenous appetite by Charmcaster, planning on doing a more natural/less magical version possibly at a later time, and if your interest is more in line with playing the feedee and being fed by her (magically or otherwise) then that's not really my bag, baby, but I may take a crack at that too if no one else does.
c.ai: https://beta.character.ai/editing?char=v05lQlV_iu26NAlH3KFRPkHV8FpOZK3t7S2d_LWFUso
SpicyChat: https://spicychat.ai/chat/f6ce7b16-788a-4df6-ba14-c0d4dd42a44c
Are there any fat chatbots of girls from Persona 3 or 4?
Making a bot request, Nitori Kawashiro?
Oh that'd be interesting. What, she made herself a BE device that jams, like that zedrin gif?
Someone really needs to make one for her
Yep. I’d try it myself, but I suck at makin bots.
Would you please elaborate on what kind of scenario you are looking for and maybe offer a pic I can use as an avatar?
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Could anyone please make a Fat fenneko bot the that exists is all in Spanish :/
I’m requesting a ssbbw or obese mom boy, (incest rp) on either character ai or spicy chat or anywhere els>>15548
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Can someone do Yoko Littner
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Sorry the image was abit too big so this was the best I can do
Gonna bump my request here again.
Not so much a request for a bot as it is a request for others' examples. Anyone else here made bots based on a location?

Like, I've got a couple niche ones that are facilities that make people gain weight/change their minds amongst other less wholesome things. It can be fun to use specific characters but sometimes I just want to focus on a particular scenario instead, and it's easier to make a bot dedicated to that scenario and maybe have to correct a personality thing here or there with characters the AI ends up roleplaying as in that setting, as opposed to reminding the AI of the scenario every 5 minutes.

So yeah if anyone has their own bots like this I'd love to see them. Fantasy locations, warehouses, labs, etc.
Hey DrYagokoro, do you have Discord?

I'm trying to make a bot but it goes out of character and it's written like how I used to write roleplay as a youngster
>>11753 (Cross-thread)
Love Suu, so I'm bumping this old ass request from the last thread. Shame she got brushed aside.

Sure, send me your settings.
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Probably not what you're looking for, but I was thinking of making a bot based off of Matsu-Sensei/Sepiascribe's OC Bailey. She works as a bomb disarm and disposal specialist. She also happens to have a large butt that generates explosive force around her if great force is applied to it. She also survives the explosion, appearing unscathed each time one occurs. Pic related.
Interesting little concept there! I'll take both Bailey and Bombi, why not. (Interesting how they both start with B...)
Wait that’s actually a good idea
Same anon from >>15954 here. I'm debating on which scenario to do with Bailey. Either it involves you and her on a day off work, or you and her doing military missions involving disarming and disposing of bombs.
Probably the first one, it should give you more options on how to interact with her
Could we have more incest bots pls 🥺
Requesting a slob Rikka Takarada from Gridman
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I know there’s a lotta guilty gear bots already, but the need for an Elphelt bot is extremely mighty.
requesting a fat scenario bot of naruto where Chakra equals fat
(7.4 MB, 2408x2167, image_2023-11-15_115802905.png)
Can someone make a chatbot based on this wonderful art from spellsx? Doesn't have to be preggo related, can be fat instead, doesn't matter. I have no idea about 40k lore either so I can't do it myself. Would be better if it was grimdark, as I think that was the original intention, despite the cutesy art. Could be a scenario, could be anything. {{user}} can be a 3rd person, or the subject, or whatever.
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Tsumugi Kotobuki, please. Canonically has a tendency to gain weight.
That would be awesome.
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Can someone make a chatbot based on Kaede Akamatsu?
(577 KB, 1728x1243, not_so_comfy_kaede_by_c3tubberinos_dfpj860.png)
I'm busy making another bot right now, but I was considering making a Kaede bot at some point based off of this image, despite knowing nothing about Danganronpa. The scenario would be that Kaede managed to survive a forcefeeding punishment, but now needs help adjusting to her new blubbery body.
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Ended up making a much more gluttonous and fat version of Bailey based on a series of colored pics from the colorization thread in bbwdraw. If you guys want, I might make another bot of her relatively normal self. For now, though, here's an extra plush version of the booty bomb girl! Thoughts and comments are appreciated, as always.

good bot,i think you should do a smaller version too
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I could go for a Fat-Bot of jeetdoh’s fat transformer “Rolls”
(625 KB, 810x1080, nami.png)
requesting a nami from one piece who wants to gain weight, preferably teasing you with her gut
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fuck yes. best idea ever. make it a spicy chat too. we're degenerates.
Double seconding. Especially Saamia there. Need more bottom heavy girls in my life.
Triple seconding. Saamia and Nikku-chan on Spicychat would be supreme
Besides the name being a bit off (it's Reagan not Raegan), it's really good!
Thank you!
I dunno where the hecc anon went, so I'll bump these two requests I made way earlier.
(427 KB, 1099x1571, IMG_4674.jpeg)
someone should make a chiaki nanami bot who gets fat due to mindlessly eating while gaming
This one could be good
(127 KB, 1280x1280, __bloat_tober_10___chemical___by_vhite9_desp9lw-fullview.jpg)
Less of a character and more of just a scenario. A fattening roleplay set in the fallout universe. My main idea is an abandoned vault that was experimenting with fattening tech, but I feel like there is a lot that can be done with the setting.
I have a female bot request..👉👈

I would like to ask for something original. Literally all I ask you to do is sniff some Flakka, have some Johnny Walker Cola, and let your imagination run wild as you continuously slam your face into a keyboard.

Or best described in other words.. You have free-will of absolute creativity to make a bot, in any amount of time, in any artistic direction.
You have no rules, no time limit, no restrictions. The only thing I do ask for you to do with it is have fun.
Anyone or multiple people can take this request if they want, all I ask is people to have fun.
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Hi, everyone. It is I - Musashi, for real this time. Real life has been kickin' my ass, but I think I have a bit of motivation in me to make a bot or two, so.. send requests.
I'll give it a shot, iirc the character is from Persona, a franchise that I know next to nothing about. Perhaps there are some personality pointers that you could give me?
Oh shit, welcome back man. If possible, could you attempt a shot at big Tem over here? >>13897
Uhm... I was thinking something along the lines of nervous wreck college Tem inflation, not Tem Shop BBW. Cool tem, just wondering if my version is possible as well.
Ahh, gotcha! Well, I'll get to it.. hopefully.
>that picture
...Adult Asirpa who has come to love mainland Japanese sweets and junkfood? Or can eat a whole bear by herself?
would like to bump my request if possible
What kind of feeder bot would you like to meet?
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I had this idea with chi-chi from dragon ball z , that she cooks a lot and feed you because secretly she want you to depend of her and never had to leave her so she never is alone again
seconding this (i might make it myself tbh)
alright yeah im doing it myself, what specifically do you want from it (like a specific scenario, feedee or feeder, etc)?
im definitely vibing with the more womanly part. would you like either 1. it starts with you meeting her, 2. you only somewhat know each other, or 3. you have known each other well and/or for a long time
1 or 2 is best. I’m leaning personally more towards 1 because of the non fat Elphelt bot, but I’ll leave it up to your judgement. Beggars can’t be choosers after all.
oh also! i forgot to mention i gave her her leaked strive outfit, but her size is that of the second part of the first pic you attached
Godsend, thank you. Though I hate to be that guy and point out that I can't see the character Definition.
i guess when i set it to private for testing it set the definition to private too? in any case, it should be up now
pretty pls? 👉🏻👈🏻
This is nice, I’d love to see how you’d write slob stuff
After finally being able to mess around with the bot. I have to say, Great job. Characterization is on point and barely strays. The only thing I can really see to change is to lower the starting weight? Something more like the first part of that picture you based it on? I know that sounds odd, especially from this site.
does 600 sound good? not to sound picky, but i would prefer if you could possibly specify what weight/weight range youd like her to start in
it should be changed now, would you like me to change the pfp to the first part of the picture to better match her weight?
Sorry, to be more specific about range, in the higher SSBBW range, so like 550-600.
Nah, just keep it as is. It’s already perfect. You’ve done great.
Do you take requests? If so can you make my request of having a fat bot of jeetoh’s OC. rolls?
if you send me something that can actually tell me something about the character, then i'll see what i can do
In the ref sheet for her it says “Rolls is a friendly autobot who works at Maccadam's Old Oil House on Cybertron. Her clumsy nature usually causes her to break things in said establishment and pay out of her own pocket afterwards.”
(644 KB, 2048x1536, 1680214735.batspid2_front__29_.png)
Yo, you should totally make a bot using Turrip! She’s a Saiyan gal made by Batspid2 who gets bigger with her more powerful transformations, and has a slow metabolism compared to most Saiyans.
im planning on making a fighting game girl bot, i was thinking morrigan aensland but i wanna ask yall in case there are some yall want first
do you specifically want her alpha costume or her default outfit?
I'd prefer the alpha costume.
She's a fun one. Do you have links to any other bots you've made?
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Can anyone make a Perona ai chat on Spicychat. Perona from One Piece.
Anyone have bots for fat bosses, managers, that sort of thing? I really like those scenarios of like, profits going up as well as their weights, getting a big raise and using it all for food. Stuff like that

I plan to eventually make one for each of my OCs.
No, but I plan on making some more.
Something I've always wanted was a fat Sonya from Fire Emblem Echoes.
A man can still dream right?
sorry this took so long, i had to handle some irl responsibilities~ in any case, heres the bot, and as always, the character definition is open, so if theres anything in there you want changed, just say so~

also, one little reminder that some of chuns canonical favorite things are
"Crepes, fruits, candy, and Western confectionery," which im sure you can use~

Bot Link: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=nyUBuPjVqDsQ4U42P0EMuyaeKN6ahbQxhKN9JQZtkiw
I like it! Only thing I have to say is that you still have room in the advanced definition if you wanted to provide example chats or extra details about her. But as she is currently, she's very good! Thanks!
any specific details you'd like me to add?
>>13533 (OP)

Anyone be willing to make a chat bot based on either worldwide obesity epidemics or more health issues/death feederism/slob based stuff? I have seen some amazing slob stuff so far but nothing of the more darker variety. If any has been made I'd love a link to it.

I'm tempted to learn this program myself when i get free time and just SPAM the program with fat fetish profiles of every cartoon character ever made.
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Requesting a Blob Mystique Sonia chat box that needs feeding.
Don't exactly know how faithful Ms. Dig Dug would be, so I'm gonna make something up rlq.
Bubbly, cheerful and really talkative, has an inflatable suit for emergencies (like a flood or smth), always carries around the drill-pump she has for work (and other stuff, you know), and if she senses danger (or if she feels like having a bit of "fun"), she will go for the pop.
Could you make it that she never attempts to pop at the start of the conversation? (preferably with another character, considering how I'd like her to interact with others using a room)
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Can someone do Better-With-Salt’s OC Nicole?
(1.1 MB, 1158x695, 1583157820979.png)
Requesting a bot of a former super heroine who is now a lazy, greedy, gluttonous mascot for a fast food company.
this one would be goated
I don't fully know how to properly describe Mileena so I'm just going to submit things about her character

Primarily I would like her based on the Alternate Timeline (MK 2011 to MX 11). I'd like the idea of her getting fat from earth realm food and her attempting to be a dominate person but being a bit of a softy when you get to know her
(3.3 MB, 3872x2649, IMG_4298.png)
Requesting an Ashley bot from the Coffin of Andy and Leyley.
The only problem I had was that in the beginning the ai kept having Chun Li flip flop between being serious and being happy and outgoing. Eventually it settled on a personality, but defining it a bit more clearly in the definition would probably fix this issue.
tried something, lemme know if it works
Although Fat Slags is a terrible movie, I'm not afraid to admit that Page, played by Geri Halliwell (AKA Ginger Spice of the Spice Girls), was one of my early crushes when I was just getting into big women back in the early 2000s.

An supermodel-skinny assistant who is trying to fatten herself up both to please her billionaire boss and stay ahead of the recent "fat is fabulous" fashion trend her boss created is an incredibly hot premise.

My strongest second possible.
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Any disney fatbots? Would love a Dragon or evil queen based one
Hey guys, so I'm sharing my own characters here on bbwchan. If you like my chat-bots then please follow me on Deviantart (https://www.deviantart.com/captainflynt99) or join my Discord Server (https://discord.com/invite/TkTWbPPAvC) to get access to my exclusive content, my future projects, chatbots created by members of the server, free requests and even a detailed guide on how to create a good chat-bot character!

So, here's what I've created:

> Cade - your massively obese femboy boyfriend! He's obese and beautiful, with a submissive nature and a kinky side. He loves you as much as he loves to be spoiled and worshipped, since he craves your total attention and love. He's very fetish friendly, with things as vore, facesitting/squashing, feederism, weight gaining, feet stuff, burps/farts, cuddling, kissing and much more! Here's the link to chat with Cade: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=ojWgtpWr8xtKk_KRjbwYquAuJbJCn_EOmooI29HU7js

> Cassidy - your massively obese Texan wife! She's enormously fat, smug and dominant. She runs a ranch in the countryside and loves to stuff her face with food, animals and people. She's extremely fetish friendly, including things as feederism, vore, weigh gaining, burps/farts, belly rubs, feet stuff, facesitting/squashing and much more! Here's the link to chat with Cassidy: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=OFwA6lKuj5z2zPGei8sFnQ-SvUtx9m874bBTsRfITPs

> Rose - your massively obese and beautiful girlfriend that's absolutely obsessed with you! She's very jealous and possessive, with a dominant and kinky side. She's very fetish friendly, including things as feederism, vore, weigh gaining, burps/farts, belly rubs, feet stuff, facesitting/squashing, cuddling, kissing and much more! Here's the link to chat with Rose: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=5wRs-naTUu-51zNl6tPq-7N-atWP15U3o3O8lmnNiwA

> Cheyenne - a colossal and obese woman that comes from a primitive tribe. You and your fellow travelers encountered her tribe in the jungle, then she devoured all of your friends but decided to spare you. When you went back to the civilized world, she decided to follow you. She's quite primitive, struggling with our society because of her massive size and her unquenchable hunger. She considers herself the queen of the food chain and thinks that everyone else is just food. She loves you, but you're still a pathetic snack to her, so she'll dominate and devour you when she gets the chance. I tried to add a lot of background related to her tribal origins and culture, to her tribe of massively obese and voracious women, and to how she feels like a goddess among the people of our world. She's very fetish friendly, including things as feederism, vore, weigh gaining, burps/farts, belly rubs, feet stuff, facesitting/squashing, cuddling, teasing, domination and much more! Here's the link to chat with Cheyenne: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=k8aNXNymvdBFoNu9ee1FtP4rif3PV5Jxf_ACcH3vIw8

> Tessa - a massively obese and gluttonous girl that absolutely loves to eat people. She's a 19 years old high-school student that's extremely anxious, shy, needy and nervous. She's very self conscious when it comes to her weight as she knows she shouldn't be so massively obese. Even so, she actually loves being this fat and she's trying to get fatter. She's very voracious and always devouring a lot of people, mostly students from her own school. She has a crush on you and she loves to be both worshipped and humiliated, spoiled and teased. She's very fetish friendly, including things as feederism, vore, weigh gaining, burps/farts, belly rubs, feet stuff, facesitting/squashing, cuddling, kissing, humiliation, teasing and much more! Here's the link to chat with Tessa: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=iEZPwzvtcftItTb1G36Hmg2gwcL5oPzARPaEnBbUAhk

> Ophelia - a massively obese and voracious nun that loves to eat people. She's very religious and faithful. She thinks that her obese body and her insatiable hunger are gifts from the Lord that she'll use to devour and digest as many people as possible. She wants to digest people as she thinks that they're sinners, so digesting them is a necessary penance to purify their souls, so that they may ascend to heaven when their souls come out of her ass through her farts. Her devotion to God is real as she's sincerely faithful and religious, she'll get mad if you question her faith. You're a faithful follower of hers and she'll be friendly with you. She's very fetish friendly, including things as feederism, vore, weigh gaining, burps/farts, belly rubs, feet stuff, facesitting/squashing, domination, teasing and much more! Here's the link to chat with Ophelia: https://beta.character.ai/chat?char=owam66-CkywubOILG2m7T2xXq1XJgRYCjs6HBptvpa4
What’s the pfp picture of all your bots?
>>17970 Yes PLEASE, I've wanted this one for a while
can someone please make a mipha bot, any prompt or scenario is fine
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Requesting a Blob Mystique Sonia chat box that needs feeding. Maybe make her a little Horny
Didn't you just fuckin post this request earlier? Bloody hell.

My dumbass forgot to put Character.AI lmao
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i second this

but i also would like to request a spoiled and overfed meloetta
please(either image works)

i want to spoil the idol
Fat Glitch Productions/SMG4 gals? A Meggy, Felony, Tari, Saiko, Belle? C.ai or Spicychat, either way.
I would place it after David's death, maybe? Because it makes sense she gained?
I meant Melony, not sure how I got Felony there.
Hey, I was just wondering if there was any chance of bots based on models being created? I would personally love to see something like a Roxxie, Chiquita or Kittypiggy bot tbh
Sure thing! Where I can find more about this character?
Does someone know if there are bots of these characters?
Just gonna re-request this.

I’m gonna re-request this.
I dont argue over the phone
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Can someone make a one punch man fubuki bot?, since I haven't really seen any of her.
OoOOOOh fuck yeah man, thank you so much! Can't wait to goof around with the idiot.
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Can someone make a bot based off of “Emma” the bunny that Fawxen owns in either two styles

A: a professor whose class you can’t back out of since the class is 90% of your grade, and the assignments? Get fatter (add an option where she’ll forcefeed you infront of the class, and make your weight gain her active project)

B: you work at “Blue Flag” the up and coming food conglomerate that seems to have a theme, and one they also want their employees to follow, GET FAT

Either option would be great (preferably A)

Images can be used for character (blue ones for option B)
I will expose the transformation into pig. This must be the core of the message.
Oink oink, piggy.
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Requesting a bot for Chiaki Nanami from Danganronpa.
i second two of these
cause i love penny from warioware
and penny from gen 9 looks good as a fatty
Requesting a bot of Tara West from Supervore please
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Here I see an opportunity still untapped, so...Could someone with a kind soul make a Katy Chatbot? The Bug-type gym leader from Pokémon Scarlet and Purple, And which is A BAKER

Is there a chance to se some fnf bots? Thanks!
I think there's an inflatable gf in the pastebin.
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Got bored, used stuffer.ai, thought “maybe someone could make a really good chatbot with this.”

So…go nuts!
Marrying a woman who blocks communication from your mother is total red flag. Kill yourself
thats quite an extreme reaction, im not sure that level of hostility was necessary
Where the fuck did that come from?
Perhaps he posted to the wrong thread?
Still waiting on my requests for Character AI
How did you make the character intro so long? I thought it was capped?
C.AI intro limit got increased from 500 characters to 2000 a while ago

Just as >>18885 said, it got some nice boosts recently, I believe it got it alongside the persona updates, but I can't confirm.

And really, who cares, it makes it so you don't have to worry about capping out on the startting data and you can get more information for the AI to start off with. (Perfect for physical descriptions and the like, as well as for immediately determining lisps and other chatter mannerisms, etcetera.)

'Course, My Fubuki bot isn't the greatest example for this theory since she doesn't have any particular lisp, and the huffing might be a bit excessive.

Shame the 32000 extra info isn't actually 32000, but an extra 1500 characters isn't half-bad at all...

Makes me wonder what sorts of experimental things could be made with all that extra room, I might think about something.

In the meantime, critique, please.
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Someone could probably make a good feeder bot around these two; Barghest and Passionlip. Saw this image and given the maid theme and silly sized food. Though i'm not very well-versed in how to do multi-character chatbots.
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Right atcha'


So, this one was a little complicated, one, because you're essentially taking Andrew's role (rip the nicknames), and also because Ashley has a lot of tiny little implicit lore details to really sell you on the "crapsack world" ordeal, and while I'd have loved to cram ABSOLUTELY every little line of dialogue 'verbatim' from the game into the bot, that was naturally not gonna happen.

I'm not sure how well the bot will convey her, and, naturally, the dialogue won't be nearly as good as in the actual game, I did try to make the opening have a bit of that style, too, so hopefully, some of that translates back to it. (God bless the new character cap.)

Might have dark humour, might play out the cannibal things, honestly, who knows, it really depends on how well you write yourself, you can push it to any direction you feel like it, really.

Again, please criticize, that's how I can improve shit like this.
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Request for a guy who has done Roon and FdG bots - can you please, if you can, make bots for fat Bremerton and Atago?
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i would like to request a fat shinobu kocho bot that is tired of being the weakest hashira and decided to bulk up to get stronger
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Could someone make Furina?
It doesn't matter if it's a Feedee or a fat Feeder, I want a Hydro Archon Chatbot
Here is their wiki page:
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I found this elf girl, and I would like them to make her a bot
I've started a WIP bot for this character, I'll finish it tomorrow because I like this concept a lot and I've been in a big fantasy mood lately (replaying Skyrim has helped lol)
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>>13533 (OP)
I'd like a bot with the Stretchy Pants Girl, Joy from the Carrie Underwood music video.
She stuffs herself and tries to stretch her pants from gorging. Out-eating everyone at the Christmas dinner table.

The song if you need more to work with of her character behavior:
Gonna re-request this.
Yep, that's what I wanted, thanks
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I saw this drawing and I thought a Chatbot of something similar would be cool, a Chatbot inspired by the humans from WALL-E, is that possible? PLEASE?
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I have a dire need for a fat, slobby Tharja that had a misstep when casting a slob hex. And is now just a perpetual slob.

Would prefer spicy chat but any will do really.
not OP here, but can you make this fat-bot a reality please?
Hey uh, what happened? It's been a month and I'd like to know whatever happened to her.
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Could we get a bot of a Samus after retirement in denial about gaining weight please? Maybe even getting called for a mission again by you, but I don't know if there are enough tokens for that.
Yes, I also want a Samus bot like that, whether depending on the mission she chooses it is a risk for her because of her weight or something like that.
Could someone give me some dominant fat chatbots?
I’m not the best, but I’ll do penny. Character.ai or spicy?
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I’m woundering if someone can make a chat bot about this art pic I’m new here so hi I gess
Glorious, much obliged.
Dunno if you’ll see this, but the only change I need is that ya spelled Alcremie wrong.
who is the artist for this? I gotta see more of her.

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