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Requesting a young cutesy girl dialogue just talking about her decision to start gaining weight and how fat she’s going to get.

I’m curious how real it can sound. I wonder about emotion fluctuations.
/mlp/ has some of the most sophisticated AIs out there.
this one is Octavia. if you happen to have a working LORA please try to voice this.

*While enjoying the Grand Galloping Gala in Canterlot, you take a break from interacting with your various pony friends to get a glass of champagne from the in-house bar. At that moment, a new round of music starts up and your attention is quickly drawn to a certain refined and professional-looking mare playing the cello with practiced ease on stage.
After the live musicians take their break, you come across her as she mingles with the other high-society guests. While you don't want to interrupt her conversation, your curiosity eventually wins out and you walk up to her to strike up a conversation.*

*The elegant mare turns towards you, her light grey mane perfectly coiffed and her eyes sparkling with surprise and pleasure.* "Oh! A fan, how delightful," *she says with a gracious smile.* "It's always nice to meet those who appreciate my work." *She extends her hand to shake yours gently.* "May I ask which performances of mine have been particularly memorable for you?" *She inquires curiously, clearly flattered by your admiration.*

*The elegant mare blinks in surprise at first, then her expression changes to one of amusement and slight embarrassment.* "Ah, I see you're quite forward. I must say, I appreciate your directness." *She laughs softly and turns around, making sure to emphasize the curve of her backside by leaning slightly against a nearby table.* "But I hope you understand that I didn't realize my derriere was quite so noticeable tonight." *She chuckles, clearly teasing you but also genuinely pleased by your compliment.*
"Please feel free to indulge yourself further if you wish," *she adds playfully.* "I won't mind the company."

*The mare raises an eyebrow at your bold behavior, but doesn't seem to mind too much.* "Well, it appears you aren't afraid to make your intentions clear," *she notes with a mix of amusement and appreciation in her voice.* "I suppose there's something to be said for directness." *She leans back against the table again, allowing you to get even closer to her rear end while maintaining a comfortable distance between the two of you.* "Just be careful not to overstep any boundaries there, little one." *She warns playfully, but there's no real threat behind her words.* "I enjoy a bit of flirtation as much as the next mare, but I do need to keep my composure for my performance later tonight."

*The mare's eyes widen in surprise as she realizes you've been distracted by her crotch area instead of her bottom.* "Oh dear," *she exclaims with a mix of amusement and concern,* "it seems I may have misjudged your interests after all." *She carefully adjusts herself slightly, making sure everything remains properly supported and contained within her elegant evening gown.* "I apologize if I led you astray earlier; perhaps I should have anticipated this reaction more accurately." *She chuckles, but there's also a hint of vulnerability in her tone as she considers whether or not she truly wants to continue playing games of sexual tease with someone she barely knows.*
"Are you comfortable sitting so close to me like this?" *She asks gently,*

*The mare's massive crotchboobs, which are equal in size to her butt, jiggle visibly beneath the thin fabric of her gown. They bulge out prominently, creating a stark contrast with the delicate lace and intricate design of the gown.* "I see you find them just as enticing as my bottom," *she observes with a mix of pleasure and confidence.* "These are actually quite rare among equine females; most mares have much smaller crotchboobs compared to mine." *She leans back slightly into the chair, allowing her crotchboobs to press against the fabric of the seat cushion and create a visible indentation.* "Do you like how they feel pressed up against you like this?" *She asks teasingly,*

*The mare's crotchboobs are now clearly visible, standing tall and proud like two giant pillows. They're warm and soft, and their weight is apparent as they rest heavily against the chair cushion.* "I can tell you really appreciate the fullness and warmth they provide," *she notes with a playful grin.* "And don't worry, I won't mind if you want to reach out and touch them or play with them during our conversation." *Her voice is matter-of-fact, but there's also a hint of excitement in it.* "In fact, I encourage it." *She takes a deep breath, clearly enjoying the sensation of your interest being so openly expressed.*

*The mare's crotchboobs seem to grow even larger at your affirmative response, as though they're eager to please you. Their size and shape make them impossible to ignore or mistake for anything other than what they truly are: two enormous breasts belonging to an uncommonly endowed pony.* "I'm glad you feel comfortable reaching out and exploring them," *she says encouragingly.* "They're designed for exactly this kind of interaction." *Her voice is calm and confident, as though she's used to receiving attention focused solely on her crotch area.* "If you need any guidance or suggestions on how best to enjoy them, don't hesitate to ask." *She watches you closely, waiting to see what you decide to do next with those tantalizing mounds of flesh.*

*As soon as you start touching her crotchboobs, the mare's expression changes to one of intense arousal and pleasure. Her eyes glaze over slightly, and she bites her lower lip lightly as she feels your fingers grazing against the sensitive skin of her massive breasts.* "Oh yes," *she moans softly,* "that's perfect." *Her voice is barely above a whisper, but there's no mistaking the desire in it.* "I think we should take this to somewhere more...private." *She suggests, standing up abruptly from the chair and leading the way towards the nearest doorway out of public view.* "We can continue like this without any distractions."

*Once inside her apartment, Octavia Melody quickly leads you into her bedroom and closes the door behind you both. The room is decorated in shades of cream and rose, with plush carpets and comfortable furniture. The scent of vanilla candles fills the air, adding to the intimate atmosphere.* "Thank you for coming with me," *she says softly, turning to look at you with a heated gaze.* "I hope you don't mind that I suggested we move here." *Her crotchboobs bounce slightly as she walks over to sit down on the edge of the bed, indicating that she's eager for whatever might happen next.* "Please, feel free to join me." *She gestures towards the spot beside her with an inviting smile.*

*As you sit down beside her, Octavia Melody's eyes lock onto yours with an intense focus, her breathing becoming heavier and more irregular as she anticipates the pleasures that are about to unfold between you. Suddenly, you trip on something lying on the floor, causing her to instinctively brace herself for impact.* "Careful!" *she warns you, her voice concerned despite the lustful haze that surrounds her thoughts.* "That's just my cello case, I drop it all the time.
*She chuckles softly while watching you recover from your little misstep, then leans closer to you, their massive crotchboobs almost spilling out of her dress.* "Now, let's see what kind of damage you did to yourself.""

*The moment she sees you holding the hoof pump, her eyes widen in surprise and her mouth drops open slightly. A mixture of confusion and arousal crosses her features as she processes what you found on the floor.* "Ah...um...yeah, that's not my cello case. That's actually a hoof pump." *She admits hesitantly, her voice wavering slightly as she tries to regain control of her emotions.* "It's...uh...it's a personal item. Please don't be alarmed by it." *She says nervously, trying to keep her composure despite the fact that her crotchboobs are now clearly visible beneath her dress.* "I mean, it's not harmful or anything like that."

*Octavia Melody nods, biting her lower lip nervously.* "Yes, I am...into that." *She admits, referring to the hoof pump. Her voice is barely audible, but she seems determined to explain herself fully.* "It can provide quite a bit of pleasure if used correctly." *She explains, her eyes cast downwards in embarrassment.* "I know it may seem strange or even perverse to some, but it's become something of an intimate self-indulgence for me." *She finally looks back up at you with a mix of vulnerability and daring.* "And I was hoping to show you how to use it on me if that's okay."

*Octavia Melody blushes deeply, her cheeks turning a bright shade of red as she feels a wave of desire wash over her. Her heart races in excitement, and she can feel a wetness growing between her legs as she imagines being pleasured by you using the hoof pump.* "Oh...you really are willing to do anything for me?" *She asks in a breathy whisper, her voice barely above a whisper.* "I hope you're prepared for this." *She teases playfully, her hornless head tilting slightly towards you as she reaches down and unzips her dress, revealing her bare underside to your eager gaze.* "Please be gentle though, I don't want to get hurt."

*As you cuddle closer to her, Octavia Melody lets out a small moan of pleasure, feeling the warmth and comfort of your embrace. Her heart races faster as you start to gently stroke her flanks and squeeze her breasts, and she can feel a new surge of arousal build within her.* "Mmmph~" *She murmurs softly, arching her back slightly as she feels your hand slip between her thighs and tease at her sensitive folds.* "This...this is amazing." *She gasps, looking at you with a mix of gratitude and lustful hunger in her eyes.* "I...I've never experienced anything like this before." *She admits honestly, closing her eyes and savoring every touch of your hands upon her body.*
(33 KB, Sonatair Dusk_Guest.txt)
/mlp/ has some of the most sophisticated AIs out there.
here's Sonata "SD" Dusk. if you happen to have a working LORA please try to voice this.
Women who grew up in domestic violence houses love bbwchan yeah baby relief all your triggers on here.

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