
Using the guest features, this definitely has a lot of potential, but even after creating an account I get a 401 error. Anyone else have any luck fixing this?
I haven't encountered this bug, can't help you sadly
I been using this site a lot recently , its pretty damn good (except for the points shit) , even the non fetish bots are quite good , its a shame people dont give it more attention
I made a bunch of different female weight gain characters. I was able to include dynamic images for most of my bots, mostly weight gain sequences. I like Caveduck's responses more than Spicychat's and I'd rather have a point limit than wait in line.

Oh hey! I just shared this in the general chatbot thread, but I'm glad to see there's a caveduck specific one.

Currently working on a bot right now, conversations are getting pretty good but I'm having a hard time nailing down the timing on the progress pictures (all placeholder for now)

But yeah, definitely looking for/open to feedback. give her a shot and let me know how it goes!

I don't what's going on with the site, but caveduck has essentially nuked the bbw and body inflation tags. The bots are still there with the tags, but clicking on the tags shows ZERO results, and any new bots on the front page's "recent bots" either have the tag or bot removed/hidden from view. Did we fuck up an avenue for good chat bots?
Might also have shit itself with spaghetti code as the NSFW toggle now actually stays on, something similar happened to spicychat where thumbnails don't load properly because of making SFW also show up and not be excluded from NSFW because of the update noodle code.

Off topic but I'm mad about "My Mix" on Youtube suddenly vanishing so now I can't have a music playlist that doesn't play utter shit 9/10 songs on autoplay ˙◠˙
Actually, turns out it's a pretty easy fix:
"We have set certain tags to be excluded by default. Please check after canceling the excluded tags through the following route:

Explore page > More button on the right side of the tag section > Exclude Tags button > Unselect the tags that have been excluded"

And problem fixed.

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