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I would make sure this girl was sexed 7 times a day for growing her gut like such a good girl. Look at this pig, gentleman
Wonder how big she's planning on getting? I think she's done a weigh in on curvage
Anybody got her burping vids?
She's got yo be very close to 400

she's planning to become immobile

Is she even in a relationship? Doesn't have a feeder and I don't remember every hearing about a boy/girlfriend.


She's been saying that ever since she first started out. Immobile goal only goes so far as her heart and artieries will take her.
I would be suprised to see her even get to 400. I haven’t seen a weigh in but she looks to be high 200s, likely 280-290 range. She’s put on a fair amount of weight in her time making content but I feel like she’s stagnated the last 8 months.
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She hasn't done a weigh in video in almost a year, but last time she was about 290. I doubt she ever made it pass 300 or there would've been a milestone video about it. But so far, nothing on her site.
There's no way in hell she hasn't passed 300.
She’s way past 300 for sure

So why hasn't she made a video about it of even acknowledge it? 300lbs is a milestone considering she started out as a stick. You'd think she would've at least made one post about it after almost a year.
Hasn't done a weigh in for a year 🤣🤣 do You idiots even check her curvage ?

Why would I check her Curvage when she posts everything on her own site?

..... Retard
IDK…Because you’re too lazy to use a computer mouse?

No retard. It's because I rather be part of a porn site that actually has nudity. Jason and any of his cronies at curvage can kiss my ass crack.
Pretty sure I've seen a weigh in with her in the high 300s which was months ago. Would imagine she's close to 400 now
Then you would know she did a weigh in a month ago.

Then show some proof. Otherwise suck dick faggot,
show proof? look it up yourself you stupid self entitled bastard
Dumbass doesn't know how to google her curvage.
Newest weigh in and q&a is up on curvage
Can someone please post the burp contest vid? Or any of her burping ones?
Has she hit 400 yet?
She was about 10 lbs away in her mid-Oct weigh-in. However, this is exactly where she was a year ago. She moved from NJ to FL early this year and it appears that it threw her gaining into reverse for most of this year. She seems to have gotten back on track this fall, and 400+ may be in store before years' end.
is she actually near 400, unless she’s tall or all the fat went to her organs…i’d say she’s around 300, maximum 350.
she’s like 5’8 or 5’9 so it’s possible

Boberry is 5'8 and is twice her size. Nadya's been lying to y'all about her weight. She's nowhere near as heavy as you think she is.
Fat distribution looks different on different people. Honestly, I'm willing to believe Nadya since she arguably has the most documented gain in the history of the fetish.
i dont want to fuck it up for her BUT if you actually believe her numbers you clearly havent been with a fat chick irl.
she might be 270 or something.
What a bunch of dolts - she has the most documented gain ever with nearly 6 years of photos and videos. If you weren't so cheap, you'd spend the $20 on her site and get the HUNDREDS of videos she's done since early 2017, including the many weigh-ins. She is also 5'10", not the listed 5'9" and explains the discrepancy in a recent vid.

Lmao, she's still lying to you. Delusional faggot. But go ahead any try to justify how a 2 inch difference in height is such a huge factor.

I'll believe it when she actually posts a weight scale. Until then, her white knights can fuck off.

Keep moving the goal post for her. I'm sure she'll appreciate it.
You cheap morons. Spend a few bucks, watch her 6 years of content before spouting your baseless nonsense, and if you still are a denier, tell us exactly where she begins her deception. btw, she is using a commercial weight scale now (but you simpletons wouldn't know that, would you?)
So where did she begin fooling us? At 150 lbs, 185, 210, 250, 295, 310, 350, 385? I have all her vids - let me know so I can check it out.
Lmao this faggot is still going around disputing her weight. dude you got proven wrong on the last thread before this one fuck off already 🤣🤣🤣
She has her weigh ins on curvage but I guess you cunts are just too brain dead to check 🤣🤣
brain dead, too cheap & too cowardly to give us any of their "evidence" that can be easily debunked from her 6 year content history
Let me know which weigh-in video(s) is fake/staged, in your opinion, and I'll post it here for us to analyze its authenticity. Just need the alleged weight or date stamp to find.
its pretty easy: if youre 5'10, and a good amount over 300 pounds you either have a HUGE gut/legs/tits.
she doesnt have any of those.
i mean she is hot but im not giving no bitch no money if she lies.
especially since there is no reason for it. people would probably still buy her shit if she admitted it but these chicks are too dumb to get it.
Not sure about the chicks, but your dumb for sure 100% 🤣🤣
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I'll concede the tits, but gut/legs? You need to schedule an immediate eye exam, dude.
So just ignore the legitimate question poised previously to you. What video(s) are you claiming she is lying/faking? You don't know because you've never seen them. And no gut? Dumb ass must be looking at her early 2017 vids.
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yoooo i get linked this thread every now and then when shit hits the fan and i gotta play referee

ive done consistent weigh ins for almost 6 years now. u guys give me too much credit because i really should be in the 600s by now ngl though the fact someone thinks im only in the 200s gets me super turned on LOL

i have no reason to orchestra some elaborate weigh in scheme i hop my fatass on the scale and thats it my ogs clearly stuck around (ily) i always try not to get sappy on here but i appreciate it sm

i just started going live on onlyfans recently and ive toyed with the idea of doing a live weigh in with a helper but honestly i dont feel like paying anyone (above comment is correct im very much single lol) bc the same people bitching now will still be bitching that i must have a stunt double. unless my fans wanna actually see a live weigh in if u do lmk lmk

ive had this fetish my whole life i think its the coolest thing ever that i can get off to eating an entire cake or listening to someone burp after drinking soda like im so happy this community is around and i dont have to buy fat porn on vcr so the last thing id wanna do is alienate myself from it by faking things

so yaaa the deniers dont bother me, the pirating doesnt offend me, etc it all comes with the territory and i know i'll encounter people who question stuff despite ample amount of proof

i just hope you know the earth isnt flat and justin bieber isn't a reptile

i hate it when u guys fight play nice someone leak a burp vid or something lighten the mood update my coomer

also im posting my last weigh in from my weigh in challenge on curvage tonight, perfect timing lmao

you know where to reach me, cya!!
You're the best, Nadya and The Real Thing if there ever was one.

If you got nothing to hide, then post a weight scale photo. You beating around the bush isn't helping, nor needed.
Lmao, based if real. Keep making the autists here seethe
see, comments like this make people want to buy stuff. I'm gonna go check out her curvage and coomer.
I’d film a live weigh in for free for you! I’d totally be interested in seeing and helping you out ❤️
Mark Zucc is the lizard, not Beiber

>>comments like this make people want to buy stuff.

Since when do you niggas buy stuff? Quit kissing her ass.

That's not even her retard. Some dude keeps posing as her since it's pretty easy to do so on a Chan site.

Anyone can type Nadya as their name and play referee to a bunch of weirdos.

I guess not everyone is smart enough to use a VPN to change their Id.
HEYYY okay can you please reach out privately so we can discuss making this happen
It’s so fun playing on here LOL yes Nadya (besides the one saying it wasn’t me) Tupac, I’m gonna stop checking now, and what’s 2+2 were all me idk if you don’t believe me just ask me on Feabie or somethin go back to regularly scheduled programming im gonna leave before “her nose is so big it could crack a coconut in one hit” guy from a few threads ago comes back (again true but damn lol) thank you so much for the sweet comments :)
this is some next lvl simping shit oh my god.
well good look staying virgins and jacking it to fat porn for the rest of your pathetlc lives lmao.

i mean its not like hard to look at actual weigh ins on a pirating board but coginitive dissonance is a bitch.

pro tip: look out for talking scales and videos where you actually see the whole person.
there are no actual arguments in this entire thread. you guys are being fooled by close up angles and perspective.
go on feabie and check for girls in the 400 range. they are fucking huge. even if over 6 foot. how is this even a debate?
Tupac is still alive? I don't get it. Is this American coming out of the closet or something? Is this some sort of celebration? Any way this thread is crack
If no one bought stuff, then nothing would ever get shared, dumbass.
True, but you fail to understand that literally nobody gives a fuck. Women love showing themselves naked and men love to see them naked and it's no secret that women don't mind that men love to see them naked. Some models are greedy and care about money and cry about this site. Other than that there are no real issues in the real world. Everybody loves boobs. Again, literally nobody gives a fuck. I don't know what wide wages means but it's more than likely more greedy politicians that are already wealthy trying to become ever richer. It's nothing new. This thread is crack. Btw, I would like to remind you all that the US has the worst academic testing scores on the planet and the highest amiunt of crime, and that it is the top most argument against further immigration. Literally all of you are an emberassment to your country. Grow up. Plus, Tupac had a belly button piercing like a woman so I've been told and his music sucks. Go back to Insta with your precious BBC
Interesting. I chatted with her on OF and we briefly discussed her posting here and what she thought of this site. Not sure why she'd do that if it wasn't her. Anyways, her new weigh-in is up on Curvage. You cheap fucks who keep posting repetitive crap w/o a clue of her 6 year documented gain or evidence of fakery should get your boyfriends to penny a few bucks and check it out. She looks rather large to me.
I remember her from her days on stuffer and I also know women gain weight differently. I personally know a woman thats 300lbs and most of it is in her behind with a little potbelly. no she isn't lying. she hates her weight. I don't really care if nadya is lying or not. I like her burping videos, I like her belly and I like her personality from her posting on here. does she accept video ideas?
Anyone have anything recent ?
appreciate the drop, but the audio is broken, could you maybe download it again and reupload it? Thanks.
Posted some old videos from the Eatme days in the begging thread along with content from a bunch of other models
Need a hero with a coomer update
She did a weigh in recently...anyone seen it?
Yeah, she weighed in at 394 lbs. She's definitely an SSBBW now, the question is how long it will take for her to get over the 400 lb mark.
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She's 5'10" and thus able to carry a lot of weight. I don't believe that she considers herself an SSBBW yet, but intends to get there - maybe2023. Amazing when you compare her starting 120 lb frame to these recent pics.
yall getting this shit from her website or OF? Bc coomer hasnt been updated in years
Years? Try July 2022, or perhaps you can't read, retard. And what difference does it make where it came from? A few of us may pay for content at times. Cheap fucks like you, only looking for freebies, are the reason many of us won't upload to coomer.
Any reup?
Over the course of your comment, you managed to go from being in the right, to being an asshole.
coomer got updated a lil bit
She looks massive now her belly hang insane she could be 400+
I don't get why people hate on her she is a literal pig
That's what can happen reading the asinine comments so common on here.
updating coomer rn, she’s got a lot of good content 👌🏼
any ups on vids that aren’t there would be appreciated
You are the fucking GOAT my man. Thank you so much
We need more ass from her, ASAP!
Could someone post any of her doctor visit videos? Even if they are old
She's making an announcement tomorrow...any guesses or idea of what it might be??
neither curvage nor preggophilia would withstand her announcing a pregnancy, especially if she said shes willing to do any and all customs. everyone knows pregnancy is a gold mine but her? the way she's already belching and with her big belly? she would make a fortune.

Well that's disappointing. We've already seen her butt ass naked.
I hope she'll pull the trigger and finally do a full blown fuck session instead of playing around with her sidekicks.


Preggo SSBBWs are rare, so that would've been interesting at the very least.
>Preggo SSBBWs are rare, so that would've been interesting at the very least.
well, we get them but most of them don't really do much. they're either too big and tired or just plain don't want to do much. I've seen a couple go through curvage in the last few years but by the time people find out about them they've already given birth. it boggles my mind that these ladies don't realize that they can really make money by just attempting to work out or sitting there, rubbing their belly and burping. some of them would make. money trying to play just dance. people really just want to see all of those curves bouncing everywhere but instead we get nothing.

Honestly unless I missed a video or post, I always assumed that Nadya was either a lesbian or bi. She's one of the last ones that I expect to get knocked up while active.
Anything new from her ?
She's gotten so huge 😳😍
Did something happen to her or something? She got rid of the Collab videos from last year and has only uploading two videos this year so far. She's usually pumping out at least 4-6 vids a month.
Yeah, very strange. It has been apparent for about a year now that her focus is on posting OF and Curvage content. The nadyabbw site was suffering before this latest new observation with only dated flashback, and sub-par postings. Now, without any explanation, it appears to be nearly abandoned. This is surprising as it was once her bread-n-butter income source along with her preceding associated S31 content. Likely has to do with where the most bucks are coming in from, but the content drop-off is her own doing, and the fall of paid subs would be expected. Also, many, but not all collabs have been removed from her OF too. ??? The nadyabbw site is still a good $20 deal to get over 500 videos going back to her then skinny 2017 self.
Onlyfans and curvage are way better anyway imo
I haven’t seen her since she was smaller, and she’s so big now seeing her massive bellh is hot

So she spent all that time and effort leaving S.31, making her own website, only to abandon it after a year for Curvage and OF?

At that point, she could've just pulled a Carmen Lafox and have all her videos under her OF and charge $20 a month.
Honestly I don't give a shit what site the videos come from as long as she makes them

curvage and OF aren't shady as F tho
I saw some people talking about a pregnant Feedee, Feedistdani is currently pregnant btw, everytime she has thread on here it gets taken down.
The collab vids disappearing from onlyfans is probably because onlyfans seems to be cracking down on 2 or more other people being in one video its happened to a couple other models i follow.

That still doesn't explain why they disappeared from her own site.

You should care considering she can't do any nude or sexual content on Curvage. Her own site is abandoned, and OF is cracking down again.

OF is cracking down on pornography? Is that what you just said?
All good 🤷‍♂️ those 2 things don't bother me at all just here for the gains
She's friggin huge now, with motivation to get more massive. That's what's important to me.
It'd be pretty hot if she did a doctors visit video with how huge shes become 😍🤰
New video that she's uploading soon sounds pretty good
One day late on the mab lol, any chance at a reup please
She is down 200 from 240 how is she friggin huge now?
What are you on about 😂 200 was ages ago 😂😂😂😂😂
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If you believe this is 200 lbs, you have serious issues.
Definitely has serious issues yikes
Has anyone watched the new vid yet? Is it as good as it sounds ? She looks fucking huge in the pictures for it holy shit
Latest one. Enjoy my waste of money. Not because I don't like what she's talking about but because it is just sitting and talking.

Yeah, I suspected this was going to be the case with this video. I've learned with her that you need to pick & choose her content. Some are great, some are uninspiring. Thanks for sharing, though!
The video is literally called “my thoughts on immobility” did you retards expect to see a handstand
From one retard to ANOTHER - Yup

If she was a good 5-6 inches shorter, she'd look her weight. Also never realized she doesn't have an ass until now.
Much appreciated king. The fupa being that visible in a dress is crazy to me. She’s huge
isn't nadyabbw part of stuffer31?

I'm pretty sure they're connected in some way. Similar to LaylaBBW. It's hilarious how she spent all that time building hype around it just to ghost it for OF.
I'm not sure flaky is the word. I can think of a better one. I messaged her asking about her nadyabbw site as I had been a subscriber in the past and she denied things had changed. I have also noticed a change in attitude. You used to be able to make suggestions for future content, now she hits you back with "put in for a custom" along with your $100 minimum, I might add.
Something went on with that S31 spin-off site went it was first launched. There’s was like a week where she was blowing up her socials about how she was screwed over on it and other stuff. Then suddenly all was well again. I figure her OF is her mainstream income source so she’s bounced the S31 site to get rid of that particular middleman. OF has to be a lot more convenient, less shady and is one less place she has to bother maintaining.
Sad. I have a word for it. With OnlyF and curvage, she is likely now making several times her former income with the s31/nadyabbw sites. Success can corrupt and change the best of us. The word is greed
okay, remember it, but that doesn't excuse denial, a sour attitude, and moving on like nothing has changed

>Success can corrupt and change the best of us.

I do hoe you're using that word loosely. I would only allow you to get away with calling yourself succesful in public only if you are a saint and belonging to a culture thousands of years old that only recently began to finally be able to come out of decades long hardships that plaugued your country, all through meaningful political upheaval by the real members of society in an effort to stomp out "corruption and greed" in the domestic sector organizations, aswell as companies.

The part about greed's correct. Also, the greediest citizens tend to be the adultest, but who's judging? None of that will bring meaningful change in a country so corrupt that it has no issues fighting foreign wars but hasn't done anything about terrorism in the streets back home through the use of technology and the smartphone.

So all of her previous years of gaining, hundreds of videos and thousands of pictures are straight up abandoned. Let's be honest, that's a shit ton of history there that'll end up lost once the site goes down. And the main S.31 is horrible with preserving videos as well.
So she spent 6 years on a site constantly getting shit for working with s.31 moves on from that fossil site to more popular platforms but she’s flakey?? And requires a request fee like every other model?? Jesus 💀💀
Out of all the rumors I see on here the ones about her are the weirdest. Everything from shes a pregnant lesbian to she’s gonna hightail out of the community. She’s been in the scene before she even started making content. She posts daily on of and 3 videos this month already on curvage and some of y’all are still whining?? Do you think she has a life outside of this shit? She’s mentioned she has a vanilla job too. And a dumbasses here thinks she’s going to make them a free request? I think y’all are the greedy ones I will always simp for nadya because she’s cool as fuck

>shes a pregnant lesbian

Where there is LGBTQ, there is pythagoreon theorem.

>> I will always simp

And just like that, you lost all credibility.
You're entitled your opinion and simp all you want, but she is not the person she once was, imo. She used to reply to every DM I made and engaged in good conversation. Now you are lucky to even get a three word response. She also used to take criticism and suggestions to heart, and welcome it with the opportunity to improve. Now you get a snide remark with a hand out. And I don't need to be lectured on her history. I've been with her at least as long as you have. Also, I have very little good to say about the folks at S31 and their practices, but to just abandon them without giving them an explanation is unprofessional. Without them, we wouldn't have the 5 years of good content. Nadya would be just another already fat bitch starting on OF trying to make some bucks

>>She also used to take criticism and suggestions to heart, and welcome it with the opportunity to improve. Now you get a snide remark with a hand out.

I like how she used to come on here and brag about having thick skin when dealing with the internet. But as soon as one guy made fun of her nose, she wouldn't let it go.

I think you are the biggest simp for her on here. You are the only one on here whining. I bet you just message the hell out of her she did a good job at pissing off a lunatic
Ha, ha. I don't appear to be the only one disappointed. FYI, I've DM'd her 3 times in the past month. Hardly excessive in my estimation. At least you're not accusing me of being her as another dolt on another thread. Go blow your snot elsewhere

I like how you're skipping over her ghosting people, not answering requests, and being snippy with people. Fucking clown 🤡🤡🤡
Hot off the press. As of minutes or perhaps an hour or so ago, she is gone from OF! Also gone from both IG and Feabie, So now she ghosts her s31 roots, doesn't respond to messages, has turned snippy, and now this. Who is still in denial that something isn't going on? What about her tough skin that she even personally expressed on this site? Unless she has been seriously doxxed (hard to figure since she has always shown her face and her family & friends know all about her life) or there is some other great reason that I cannot perceive at the moment, this is inexcusable. Let's hope for some explanations soon.
I got a few ideas for customs. where can I reach her and how much does she charge? is it like $20/min?

its crazy because the last time she came on here talking about "will y'all please update my coomer" she got me as a fan.

tbh I never thought it was a good idea anyway. I know I don't know much about how all of this goes but I see models with of, fansly, curvage, so many of these websites and I just can't help but think its a quick way to burn out. curvage is probably good to drop a video once in awhile and comment in threads but of had to be a ton of work. I don't even want to know how many dms she got daily.

I remember her from her days on stuffer back when she was thin and women like aileen had huge pregnant looking bellies. I didn't pay much attention to her then but she's obviously ballooned over the years. from her posts in here she seemed cool but we really don't know anything about these models.
Her OF is still there. What are you talking about?
Likely been blocked. She has simps here who snitch.

His post is so funny knowing it was just him getting blocked on everything lmfao embarrassing
believe it is $100 min thru OF but don't know how much that gets you if no sub likely reach her on curvage
Embarrassed? not if anything said is fact. guess her skin isn't as thick as she'd like one to believe. the rat fink informer simps here are the ones to be embarrassed. she's sure a big girl now who should be able to take care of herself

You going on and on about thick skin is the icing on the cake. The irony 😭😭
$100/min? man thats ridiculous. why would I or anyone else pay nadya $100/min? $10/min is understandable. $20/min is debatable but pushing it. I seriously doubt she's getting $100/min from anyone.

thanks for the info.
I believe that is $100 minimum not $100/minute

Nah brother it’s $100 for 10 minutes she usually throws in an extra few minutes too

Gunna be honest you made your own grave. Don’t blame us, the fact she knew exactly who to block proves you’re more annoying than you want us to believe. If you really thought she quit referring to it as “hot off the press” concludes she made the right decision in blocking you.
Gunna be honest you made your own grave. Don’t blame us, the fact she knew exactly who to block proves you’re more annoying then you want us to believe. If you really thought she quit referring to it as “hot off the press” and going into attack mode concludes she made the right decision in blocking you.

How much of a sperg do you have to be for her to block you on every platform?
oh thats it? thats very reasonable. I might have to hit her up with a few ideas.

She’s not even associated with the site anymore. It’s s31 pulling one of HIS notorious sneaky moves that has led to his downfall over the years. Now that she’s gone he’s probably just trying to make any buck he can. Not her.

>>It’s s31 pulling one of HIS notorious sneaky moves that has led to his downfall over the years.

I've been seeing this shit since 2009 and yet he's still making money. You people are just retarded and can't tell time.
I bought the subscription to her site and was only charged $4.99. It could possibly be that they didn’t change the $19.99 at the bottom.
I was charged $19.99. Enter at your own risk s31 is sketchy and since Nadya no longer has ties to the site I wouldn’t past that crook to steal our card information. I already cancelled mine after the false charge
Ehh, is she actually hot? Is she really fat?
The answer to both is “kinda?”
She’s mid and mid sized, all her content is puffgut shit.
really fat? - wtf are you talking about? She's fat! Ivy Davenport and Mary Boberry must be your reference points. As for hot? Depends. All made up with big hair, she can give off quite the look. Without the makeup, hair up or pulled back? well, meh, but likely no worse than 90% of the gals you know.
Here's a clip from November, and she's a little bigger now. If this doesn't convince you, you'll find the ssbbw/ussbbw blobs you cherish on another section of this site.

>>really fat? - wtf are you talking about? She's fat!

You wouldn't be able to tell due to her height. She's not short like Moochii, Ivy, or Reiina. Not to mention hardly anything is going to her ass or tits.
The three you mention are short & surely fat, but still quite different. Ivy is now in ussbbw territory, Reiina is very fat nearing 300 lbs. Moochii is approahing beach ball appearence at roughly 400 lbs. With Nadya 5'10', her look seems to fit right there with these latter two at the near 400 lbs she showed at her last weigh-in in late November. Therefore, Nadya should be able to go another 100-150 lbs to fill out her frame (hopefully more ass/tits) before the majority of the bbw community (not ssbbw) says "too much"..

>>Nadya should be able to go another 100-150 lbs

I highly doubt she'll get that far without something drastically changing. She'll need to either go the Moochii route and take a hiatus/return or go the Reiina route and get a feeder/fiance.

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