
(179 KB, 640x856, 20220816170259-967a281a-la.jpg)
So, a little archive of Leksa's videos recently appeared on StufferDB. I'm contributing the videos from my (small) collection. Anyone else got any vids?
On stufferdb.

The one's I've uploaded aren't there yet. It said they need to be approved by a moderator before they'll appear. Fingers crossed for tomorrow, lol
lets hope
Heres like 4 vids of her
enjoy bros
just a question, has anyone here heard of lilcakebaby or suunsi? couple newish skinnier models
just want to see if its worth making a thread for them
Thank you kindly. I haven't seen any of those videos before, so they're great additions to my collection.

I actually hadn't heard of either lilackebaby or suunsi. I love it when a model starts thin, so I'm definitely interested.
Ure talking about a collection. Mind sharing it then?
She's just posted on f e a b i e that she's going to be returning via curvage!
are there any videos from when she was at her heaviest?
Did she when she returns on curvage and under what name?
Chatted to her and she wants to return somewhere but it's hard to sell clips when you're Russian
They discarded many of her videos on Sutffer31 recently... Any reason why?
Fallout with the guy who runs it. She wants somewhere else to sell clips now
That is "very nice," as my collection disappeared.
Anyway, since S31 is out and both Curvage and Patreon don't support anyone connected to Russia, are there any suitable platforms for her? Because - I'm not the only one missing her, am I right?
Patreon seems to work for Natusik
OK, I didn't know that, but I had different info from russian game developers, whose money were "frozen." If it works for Natusik, it may be the best possible way to sell her vids.
I think boosty may work for her. It's like Russian patreon
So, the removed sets are back...
She also posted a clip on curvage...although of someone else which is odd
What is her name on curvage?
It is strange indeed, but let's wait. Maybe we will see some interesting progress.
You meant "there are not Leksa's clips," am I right?
so, has anything new happened?
A lot more active on curvage recently
Could you give the link?
i second that
Am I the only one who thinks that her friend is pregnant?
Does anyone have content from leksa's friend
I found this channel on thisvid, it has two public videos of leksaaa friend. I encode url for first time so i hope it works correctly.

Does anyone still have all of Leksa's content because they would like to see her beginning to her last video please
chugging video is good. Not so much, but there seems no cuts in video like in Latino models there.
This leksa friend has a lot of potential to grow or she is pregnant because her belly is getting very round pregnant shape.
It looks like she confirmed on Curvage, she is not pregnant.
Looks like there are two exclusive videos of Kristina measuring her weight and December on thisvid website anyone how to get it?
Does anyone have Kristina's gain measurement videos please
I found one:
It looks like Leksa's friend posted a photo on Curvage With teddy bear in hand showing her belly, can someone explain to me if she is giving details that she might be pregnant or what about the next video she is creating.
Does anyone know where I can find video of Kristina putting oil on her belly?
Are there any videos other than the one's on thisvid that you have found?
Has anyone been able to find more content from Kristina
Does anyone have the entire leksa content collection?
Has anyone been able to find Kristina's new content please
>>107885especially if leksa is essentially done
does anyone have chugging beer, pizza or pancake video of Leksa?
any re ups?
It seems that in the evaluation of her video she is not standing to show off your full belly 😢
Preggo and lying about it to make more money.
She already said in a comment that she is not pregnant
not, belly too squishy.
Has anyone been able to find Kristina's new videos
If she is preggo, she’s still def gained a fair bit on the side, because when she grabs and pokes it, it is 100% soft as fuck to touch.
Has anyone seen this new video of Kristina?
Has anyone managed to find more videos of Kristina yet?
I found one more:
Has anyone got any leksa videos or found some?
Any sign of new Kristina videos?
Does anyone know, if you already found new Kristina videos or found videos of old leksa fillings please
New weigh in vid is out, and she's looking more and more pregnant
Does anyone get this new weigh-in video of her?
I’m waiting to see how the pregnancy thing plays out. I’m undecided since in some angles she does but then when she’s sitting and/or grabbing it and in profile standing it defo seems to just be all fat. Plus that’d be a crazy belly growth for just a few months of being pregnant.
>>110795I still think, that she is not pregnant just that the weight is going to her belly and butt.

Does anyone know where I can find this new weigh in please
does anyone have chugging beer, pizza or pancake videos of Leksa?
Any new footage of Kristina's weigh-in?
Does she have a goal weight does anyone know?
I think she weighs 80kg, why did she say she weighed 75kg

Because she was 75kg at her last weigh in.

I’d pick up the new clip, but as the guy who reviewed it pointed out, she never actually takes her belly out of the jeans or really shows it off, same with the last weigh in with that onesie and couple of her other clips recently.

She’s got a great gain going on but damn, do her and Leksa really need to start kicking out actual belly play content and show it off more. Shame you can’t give these sorts of critiques on curvage without it getting deleted by the mods and/or getting banned by them for saying anything less than glowing about models and content.
Yes, and really sad I hope leksa and Kristina started reading the constructive criticisms to further improve your content
This bih not even fat!
useless ahh thread
Anyone got some Leksa videos or found some New?
Does anyone have new videos of Kristina, I'd like to see how that nice round fat belly looks
Does anyone have or found videos of kristina of her beautiful round and soft belly
I love orange juice.
Anyone found new Kristina videos or have videos of her please could you share
>>113210 Do you know that she's pregnant?
She once said on her Curvage that she's not pregnant.
Could someone get this new video of her please?

I’ve been watching fat girls for a long, long time. She is absolutely pregnant.
I still think that the belly is just full round, since she said in her Curvage that she is not pregnant
If you enjoy the content then this doesn't matter, but.. she is undoubtedly pregnant.
It's ok you can be right about she is pregnant, it's getting harder and harder to find women who are starting to enter the feedees community 😞

You can bet that pussy gets fed nicely anytime she's hungry without much trouble at all.
This explains a lot about why people don't look up or ask about Kristina's videos.
Has anyone been able to find Kristina's new video?
Does anyone know if there are new ones from Kristina or Leksa?
How sure are we that she’s actually pregnant?
Does anyone have kristina's new videos or managed to find new videos
Claims to be 200 on phoebie
That’s based on her most recent weigh in vid she did.
pretty sure. insane belly growth in the last what is it 5 or so months? she’s pretty much due now. her belly button has gone further and further out in every vid i’ve seen. also, as someone who speaks russian, whenever they speak it kristina is not into it at all as she claims, treats it more like a quick way to make money.
i didn't see her stuffing vids but at least in chugging she seems to be fair, i.e. she drinks it in real. 90% of pretty models do it for money, i don't mind it if they don't cheat in stuffing.
At least her stuff is cheap. I'll definitely purge her store once she pops. I prefer it when Curvage models don't announce that they're pregnant. Just like that Latina Chanel chick who didn't even respond to the pregnancy comments. It keeps the immersion of her rapidly gaining weight through food instead of having a parasite.
Leksa is very skinny in this new video
There is a New leksa video on thisvid where she burps, does anyone got it as the channel doesnt accept friend Request?
Dude, that leksa is skinny af, and the other girl, kristina, is pregnant. Why you guys even bother with these scammers?
drop the link to the video
Will leksa take Kristina's place by doing the content, as in a few months Kristina's baby will be born
she did some good stuffings before and I prefer when a skinny girl stuffs herself, not a fat one.

Because everyone has different tastes and finds them attractive. Also don't be the bumming freeloader who tells people how to spend their money.
Who is this in the video?
what the fuck is your goofy ass doing with that spyware ass website

spyware website? What are you talking bout homie? I worked for 11 years doing software maybe I can help you understand something
+1, can't find it anywhere
has anyone found new videos of kristina?
looks like she popped
looks like she no longer pregnant

That's the smallest 9 month belly I've ever seen. You probably wouldn't have known she was pregnant if she sucked her gut in or wore a jacket.
maybe she did abortion and it wasn't 9 month.
frfr, bellybutton disappeared, belly skin stretched, swelling.
Can anyone fix this new video of her, reviews are saying this is her best video
error when I wrote the above what I really wanted to say, if anyone can get this video for us the critics said this video of hers better than all her others, please

Why bother? The "critics" on there make the reviews on rotten tomato look professional in comparison.
now that she’s not pregnant you can really see the number the pregnancy did on her. she’s actually fat now.

No shit. Every woman is going to have postpartum weight immediately after. Which is why people should've waited until after she popped before complaining.
Does anyone have the latest video of her currently released, or any other new video of her, other than what is already on the thisvid site
Does anyone have this new video of Kristina, or a video of her when she was pregnant, other than thisvid, please?
Leksa seems to be starting to gain weight along with Kristina
Can anyone re-upload her materials?
She was 100% pregnant. In her newest video with leksa you can hear the baby cry near the end of the video. And they cut the audio of the video several times.
Where can you find this one in Kristina and Leksa's video?
Does anyone have new videos of Kristina together with Leksa please

We all knew she was pregnant since Janurary. It was only that one guy who kept denying it.
this aint even a leksa thread wth

That's because Leska's barely in her own damn videos. Out of the past 20 released she's only in 3 of them. Everything else has been her pregnant friend.
She is no longer pregnant.

No shit. The fact is every video since October up until last week has been her pregnant ass.
Dude stop complaining, thank you that at least leksa is making a video, and trying to put on weight again, since she will take some time to gain weight

Trying my ass. She had a pot belly at best. And her little side kick and screeching child can go on somewhere. I'm not buying another video with half the audio is cut out due to a crying child in the next room.
deadass, low effort, and liars… you expect us to be excited when we get bullshat by them? Low effort videos
They played us like a damn fiddle!!!

Nah, some of you are just slow. Anyone who remembered her from S.31 would've told you that she wasn't serious into gaining. It should've been more obvious when Kristina took over the channel.
Idk why you guys are so negative about her. By the end of her s31 career she legit gained and outgrew her old clothes (you can see that in her two try on vids).

To me it was obvious that kristina was a fake so i didnt bother with her at all, and if leksa puts on weight again - im all for it.

But for the time being, im ignoring her existance until she gains some weight again..

>>Idk why you guys are so negative about her.

>>Isn't serious about gaining weight

>>Majority of the videos in her store are of her pregnant friend and not her

It's not that hard to figure out why people don't like her.
Think of TummyParadise and ChanelLatina

One had mental problems and kept denying being pregnant despite having a baby registry link on her page with her real name it.

And the other straight up ignored the pregnant comments, popped, and continues to gain weight afterwards.
Any new found content from Kristina or Leksa please
Does anyone have a new video or found it please
Looking soft in pics for her new video
Thank you for this very important information
Could anyone re upload any video please? Just found out about her. Thanks 🙏
The transfer is expired, can you reupload pls?
Looks like Leksa will be posting content again
Kristina is back with a new video as well
Anyone have any kristina videos please 🙏
Any kristina would be appreciated
the transfer expired again. can you reupload please?
wait like a day I have some stuff to do
she used to be a camgirl before Stuffer31 and during her weight gain too, unfortunately all the recordings are dead except a few ones.
Anyone have any kristina videos please

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