
(168 KB, 750x1134, lmbb_by_realphilford_dfc5qn3.jpg)
I'm the guy that went through the pain of making this mega for her

I think it has all her early stuff but I'm unsure, and it definitely does not have all her later stuff.
If you could post what you have of her Id be grateful, I will add anything new and I'm going to work on downsizing the file sizes and perhaps even ordering them chronologically, if thats even possible at this point.
She was one of the best gainers of all time and I think the effort is worth it
Thanks bros
>>97124 (OP)
You have a gmail or any way to contact? Think I have a couple you don't have and would like to help with this project.
>>97124 (OP)
please dont compress the files just leave them as is. every time you compress the quality goes down and then we eventually lose the high quality originals and we’re stuck with the compressed shit. then other people compress those files and its a cycle
this is awesome! thank you. have you tried putting a date to any of them? they seem like the order is pretty disjointed.
>>97124 (OP)
I think I've got about every video of hers in my collection. Love to help, I'll take a look later when I'm at my computer and see what you're missing
I have a lot to share but would need gmail to do it, I am too lazy to sift thru

always looking for her fattest content, I have a lot
Could we have this uploaded to stufferdb
my email is flabbyarms4@gmail.com
I have some basic video editing knowledge and Adobe, I think I can reduce the file size without butchering quality.
I have no idea for the dates, I was hoping I could get some help in that department
I've never uploaded there before, and honestly I don't trust them. They've deleted stuff in the past, I think they even messed with the LMBB page because I could have sworn there used to be much more content
Thank you, can't wait
Out of interest does anyone know in which video she was at her biggest?
I have over 200GB of free space on my seedbox, I wouldn't mind creating torrent for long time preservation.
Any from Jan-Feb 2021, but her "Fat girl story time" from late Dec. 2020 is great also, especially towards the end when she stands. About 215 lbs in these (100 lb gain).

Just shared my gmail with you. I am sure you can find some things and pics that were missing from the collection.

If you could upload a more complete collection when you are done I would really appreciate it.

I am mostly interested in her content at her biggest point, thanks in advance
you could use handbrake, it lowers the size of the file with out reducing quality
video compression always reduces quality, its not magic. everyone just hopes that its “barley noticeable” which is fine until the next guy compresses. it all adds up until the videos look like shit. please dont compress
based as fuck, thanks to you and the other guy who chipped in
Anyone else is welcome as well, I now just have to compare all my files and see what needs to be done
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Alright just sorted through the new files, thanks for all the new content.
I will now work on downsizing and then I will delete everything in the mega and reupload.

If you do share files with me through my email at flabbyarms4@gmail.com please let me know first in this thread.
I don't check my email often and I want to make sure I get everything done in one effort

if you could share it with me on the gmail i shared with you that would be very kind. thanks
this. the file sizes aren't even that huge, it wouldn't be the first compression for many of them.
What did she wear in that?
A too small bikini - good stuff.
Cant seem to find it. Have a screenshot link or something please
When did she leave again?
Some limp-dick chode revealed a bunch of irl shit about her and ran her off, apparently she wasn't the first either.
There was this early video of hers i remember watching on stufferdb, I think it was called "Agressive Belly Play" and she was jiggling her belly in bed. I havent been able to find it anywhere and im not sure if its been archived
She wasn’t.His channel name was milkmerz and the lmbb vid literally had her face in the thumbnail.Fortunately his channel was terminated,but the damage was already done.
Does she moan in any of the videos?
makes me sad, you just know that if she kept going she would've gotten massive. She was into it, ate like a pig and was constantly high. The thanksgiving video in which she finishes the cake is emblematic.
She was obviously a favorite of a lot of people, such a genuinely nice girl and one hell of a belly. I know she’s gone for good, but I still hope I’d come across her. We chatted for one a bit once, we grew up in neighboring cities
Well congratulations
You got yourself caught
excuse me for being out of the loop, but why is she gone for good? where was she posting her stuff?

how's the resizing going?
I'm sorry bros, theres just too many files for me to compress them all without fucking up quality.
I decided I will just keep the mega as is, and I uploaded all the new files I got from a few helpful people into this link for you all
If it expires I can reup in a week
I hope someone else has a better idea for what to to, i still really would like a decent archive for this bitch
What if whoever has the new videos creates a new mega with them and then people just save it to the app and put it in the old folder? It’s a possibility and there’s no need to lower the res.
Can you please reup great king?
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anyone have the [LMBB] SO FAT AND JIGGLY
reup mega?
Can you please reup all those new files that aren’t in the old mega?
Can you send them to me man?
Can you reup what’s not in the mega
Posted a few LMBB videos in the Begging thread along with content from a bunch of other models
Good find! Wonder if this is one of the few privates she did? In any case, perhaps there will be more finds in the future. Looking back, I put her among a class of G.O.A.T's. She sure drew in a crowd of haters, but 100 pounds added to a cute, petite frame is nothing to scoff at.
Is their anymore around like those. I’ve seen all the yt ones all the internet ones but that’s completely new. Do you think people have more like that?
Anyone got a video where she shows her face? I feel like I’ve seen one in the past but I could be wrong.
To my knowledge she never did an intentional face reveal vid. Perhaps in a private not yet commonly seen in the public domain. However, in several vids, she slipped up enough to get a decent face capture with your pause button. One such is a taco stuff vid she did. She was pretty cute. Too bad the retard milkmerz and several other moron haters that harassed her ruined it for us all.

Fuck GOAT status. Little Miss Boring Bitch. Nuff said.
bad bait, no one cares
Yeah fuck milkerz I hope that fag breaks his neck
Has she ever done any belly sloshing content?
Yeah. Look in the mega. It’s there!
is the mega down? it’s not working for me
I'm the OP but my ID may be different idk
If the mega is indeed down then I'm not sure what I can do, its too many files to be shared on the usual wetransfer or whatever, not to mention thats a pain
is there any other way to archive this?
Anyone got any of her button pop vids
Seconding this ^^^ also does anyone have any other maxed out LMBB stuffed belly stuff? I know their the mega and all but surely theirs more that’s just hidden somewhere?

Her videos at her roundest are hot
does anyone here by any chance have any pics of her were she's skinny, they'd make for great before pics
I appreciate it, it's crazy to think that she used to have such a conventionally attractive yet she decided to improve it by gaining 100lbs
Surely their is more vids out their right?
try making another mega or a google drive.
share video at her largest ?
Anyone know what her weight was at her biggest
Best guess is about 223 lbs, which makes about a 100 lb gain. goat imo
Never formally revealed, but the consensus of opinion lies in the 210-220 lb range. She stated in the period that she had gained 100 lbs and we know she started her gain at around 115, so this heaviest weight estimate would appear to be about right.
She farts in that vid. I'd love to see and hear it again!!!
Sorry to burst your bubble but I'm almost certain that's the only video she farts in.
May I ask for a timestamp? You got my curiosity with that
Legend for the upload👌
Correction: Jan. 12, 2021
Any more vids out their?
will you make a new folder soon? you should make a new one on mega.
Does anyone actually have the timestamp?
Anyone got any of her old YouTube content from 2018? I remember her first button pop in those gray pants. I wish someone had that video!
Not it but love that one. She cheated on the pop tho!
I still intensively long for an unlikely return - visualizing what she looks like now. Back to thin? The same? Even fatter?
Without going into too much detail, she is currently thin
and w/o too much detail, how would you know that?
Does anyone know where I can find her content, from when she started to gain weight
Anyone got any of her old Patreon pictures?
And she may have a roommate/maybe girlfriend? who is a bit on the thicc side.
Greeting this with great skepticism. With the insatiable appetite she showed all through her final active year, I find it unlikely that she could just shut is down easily and return to slim.
As someone who's done multiple cut and bulk cycles, this is fully possible and you're just coping
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By some stroke of luck, one of her friends came across my TikTok feed and I instantly LMBB’s voice. Went down the rabbit hole and found her looking thin and very into hiking. I remember from her very early days on YouTube that she talked about wanting to join the army. Sorry friends

Unfortunately, I can’t prove any of this without doxing so source: trust me
>By some stroke of luck, one of her friends came across my TikTok feed and I instantly LMBB’s voice.

What the fuck is even this sentence?
My b LOL, I meant to say that I recognized her voice from a TikTok, but I mistyped
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Maybe I made a mistake then?
This picture is on the same account and is marker as June of 2018. I’m almost positive it’s the same girl because she’s showed us this picture in a really early video when she stared gaining in 2019

it does look like her smile though.

can’t verify the tiktok claim myself, but just checked an instagram account that sometimes posts photos with her and she’s much smaller.
Anyone got button pop vids?
Does anyone have a video of her biggest belly
Nutter your whole life is a mistake, fool. You're so ignorant that you still incist that you're not a fuck up. Why don't you try letting us live in peace and maybe even help those who are more disfortunate it may do you some good. Haha some of that "peace of mind" that you love so much! Asshole.
I don't believe in meds. I was created, and designed, and I am superior to you in every way. Except probably not as beautiful. But I am beautiful on the inside. I don't mind being called ugly, but don't call me crazy, and don't call me homosexual.
Bro please shut the fuck up no one wants to hear your unmedicated babbling you fucktard. Just shut the fuck up, damn.
lmao there's no way she's become this batshit crazy 😭
What's the account name?
I guess that you mean that you don't believe in God and you find my beliefs crazy? I don't know what to tell you. I don't believe I needs medication. If I needed medication I would want it.
when did I say I don't believe in God? However, I do find what your spewing likened to how a mentally unwell person would speak.
If you do believe in God then you sure are doing a bang out good job at sounding like a non-believer, but I'm not here to judge you, and like you are many others, if not most. I apologize for any mistakes I may have made, but you shouldn't be so quick to jump to conclusions of your own accord and letting youself be guided by your own thoughts and intelligence. Ask God for guidance and for love.
Oh yeah I saw this "joke" already.... Good one. You're still a pervert and you're still going to hell, though.

I meant to reply to somebody else who is a terrorist and a stalker and it posted here. (It's a mistake)
Everyone who knows about this site is going to hell, including you
Is that so? Says who? Says you? Read the Bible, nutter. I'm here to help as many as I can before I die and I don't wish to stay here any longer than necessary. You're a fool if you think your words mean anything to me. I've heard every lie you could ever concieve before they come out of your mouth, because I have seen the future. This site will not "take you to hell". This site is garbage and has no power. The little good that the users of this site can achieve will be in vain ultimately, and it only serves for greed of money and entertainment/socializing. The only thing everlasting here is the word of God. I'm telling you to be careful, and to love these hoes like if your life depended on it.
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Well, I can confirm she 100% lost the weight and is almost the same weight as before, and this was by mid to late 2021 at the very most. Not going to reveal her name or accounts as it's immoral and a huge invasion of privacy, But it's pretty safe to say she's never coming back, unfortunately (or fortunately if she realised this life wasn't for her.) Ngl I'll probably be leaving this fetish shit and website too. Goodbye guys, it's been a treat.
What the fuck, I also found her family members and friends, holy fucking shit. The internet has to be demolished, this is so fucked. And to think this shit could happen to any of us if someone were to look hard enough. We need to go back.
ffs, please just stop. This only encourages more creepers. Mods, can we get a thread clean up please??
Sorry, and yeah I concur. It won't let me delete my posts so just wait for a mod.
nah ngl I agree with them, this place is a shithole and should be fucking demolished, and can someone tell a mod to come and delete everything from today.
You are acting extremely unwise. There is abundant scientific evidence these days that Jesus rose from the dead and the Apostles didn't suffer horrific deaths for a lie. Please become Orthodox
The Bible is a historical record. After Jesus' death many significant events took place. Not only were there wars but also internal struggles for power within the land of Israel. Not to mention the fall of the Roman empire. It wasn't until approximately 100 years after Jesus' death that Christianity had grown larger than the Jewish religion within Jerusalem. By that time there had already been many families moving in the area, most of them away from there presumably because of all the wars and riots. That was the start of the Jews and Christians spreading throughout Europe and Asia and it is said to have lasted approximarely 300 years from what I recall. So 300 AD was about the time were the hatred of Jewish "jewery" the hatred of Jews and Jews fighting against Christians and all that horrible stuff was about that time that it probably started 300AD but it was also the start of great things in Europe (before the dark ages.) A lot of good inventions too came out at that time.
After Jesus' death the disciples continued Jesus' teachings and kept writings. They also wrote letters to eachother and between churches. The disciples grew in numbers. If I recall the final count was 200 disciples one time. There are "letters to the saints" that are part of the new testament, but after Jesus' death there was a lot of work to be done. Building churches so that they had somewhere to congregate, and they continued doing all the things that they were doing before Jesus' death.
Then after the resurrection there was an event that took place I believe on a mountain where the church was baptised in the Holy spirit and I think some visions were seen.
Other than those writings and the letters that they wrote I don't know of any other written testimony about what took place, but historians have already dug up most of what occured during those times and have a good idea.
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>Guys, I have 100% irrefutable proof that this is her and she lost all the weight
>No, you can't see it, you just have to take my word for it
Спасибо Товарищ!
Who, stuffed princess or lmbb? It is also too bad with the story on stuffed princess. She had all the goods and great potential, except the mind to tolerate that not everyone was always going to be adoring to her. I communicated with her on occasion when she was active. She absolutely detested any comparisons to other models made with her, especially lmbb. She'd just lose it. Not sure where it all came from, insecurity or perhaps jealousy since there were similarities in their appearances and lmbb was extremely popular at the time. There were not, however, any doubts with her feedism urges. She really got off on overeating, gaining weight, and seeing the results on herself. The results were outstanding too, imo. However, even then she never seemed totally comfortable with herself in her own mind - "my butt is not big enough", "I'm not gaining fast enough for some of you", etc. She just didn't have the mental fortitude to last in this sometimes cruel and personal fetish. Although I didn't see her being able to continue long-term, by no means did she deserve her fate in the way it came to an abrupt end. Some mentally ill, creep POS stalked her and threatened her personal safety. As much as we all would like to deny it, there are some sickos in this community who are going to ruin it for all of us with some of our favorite content creators..
can the mods delete this weird ass fucking thread? it's disgusting that these autists are still stalking LMBB in her personal life, and would be safer if this thread didn't exist
You're right friend, it's time to close this topic, everyone knows that Lmbb won't come back anymore.
Does anyone has the vidwo of her farting?
Does anyine has the video of her farting?

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