
btw i didn’t realize i put the screenshots the wrong way round. also just realizing $25 for one, probably very short video is straight up a scam lol
Typical entitled bitch
fr. if there’s one thing being in a fetish community has taught me it’s that money changes people. worst thing is, the bitch would be 25 bucks richer if she just waited.
I never interact with any models anyway. I'm not delusional, I know they can all get guys who are better than I am.
She's not a bimbo, she's a dumbo. Snowflakes, believing the world owes them shit.
Welcome to post-Feabie fat girls. Gone are the days of YouTube/Omegle/FantasyFeeder where you could just chat up a fat girl curious about gaining and start sexting. Now there's ALWAYS a dollar amount attached.
She blocked me too. Literally we were cool then she asked me if I wanted to feed and i said I don’t know because I got somethings in personal life going on, and then she read the message and no response. I checked her page and she had me blocked and her and I have been talking for a over a year as well
Clearly a perfectly stable and healthy person, that handles rejection properly
surprise. fat women can make money off of their bodies like skinny women can these days and don’t need to beg weirdos for attention for free. go complain about it somewhere else
>>96309 (OP)
If $25 is a lot of money to you, then you shouldn't be wasting it on porn.
Bunch of broke niggas having a circlejerk when someone who sells their body for cash wants it up front. Do you go into McDoanalds and tell the cashier you can't afford a burger now but you'd be good for it later?
you seriously think that this is perfectly normal behavior?? this has nothing to do with her being fat. she could be 90lbs and anorexic for all i care and i’d still resent the way she treats people
i asked for the price tho, and said i wasn’t good for it. that’s completely different. i never lead her on and pulled out at the last minute. if you’re too dense to see the difference then i don’t know what to tell you man.
fr. i don’t want to contribute to this woman’s delusion but if anyone has anything of her’s already, add it to the thread.
$25?! And your acting like that's gonna make things tight for you? Boy you were broke to begin with and had no reason to open your mouth. You got what you deserved tbh.

A burger doesn't cost $25 and at least I know what I'm going to get at McDonalds.

Don't be a simp defending sketchy bimbos.
not a boy and i don’t owe her anything but all that aside, why are you defending this?? like really. i don’t understand why $25 for a complete mystery is ok to you? if it was like a file of vids or premium snapchat access, i’d get it but you really don’t get how this just isn’t normal???? lmaooo you’re just as delusional as her
i know i’m adding a lot to this thread but i just wanted to add that SHE BLOCKED ME AFTER. how are you on her side when she didn’t even give me time to explain to her???
She won’t fuck you, stupid simp ass bitches
honestly tho. on the off chance she’ll even see this thread, she’d probably make him pay extortionate prices just to be in the same room as her, let alone make any type of physical contact lol.
There are a lot of exceptionally stuck up and delusional women in this community. There are many many feabie bios with cashapps, venmos, wishlists, etc. Now, I know that if a lot of them read this, they'd think: "Lots of guys want my time, attention, and body, which can't be free, because that'd be unfair to me." To which my response is: "Charging for your time, attention, and body makes you a prostitute. You are worth *more* than money, but you have such poor self-worth, probably because your dad didn't raise you properly, that you thought you had to charge money for your body in order to be worth anything."

Yes it's a travesty that these women act this way and treat us like shit, but it's just a product of the times. Find a woman who is worth more than $25, who is worth a lifetime of devotion, and who actually deserves it, and make her your queen. Leave this chick for the streets where she belongs.

And another thing: sex work isn't real work, and I would never marry a chick that ever had an onlyfans.
You guys are all incels holy shit
Who the fuck cares??? Yeah what do you expect..of course their gonna have an ego mfs jack off of them being a fucking gluten.

Like it's shitty that she blocked you. She's wrong on that part because she thinks he's entitled to your money even tho there was no promise of payment made what so ever.

It's better to just talk to them only when you have the money in the first place. They probably have to deal with a bunch of weridos holding cash over their "heads" so they can have a conversation.
The Simps have ruined the community for the regular jerk offs.
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Long time lurker, had to reply to this board tho

Her and I knew eachother since 2019, and I sent her $ for stuffings a few times.
I sent her $ one time around december and she fucking spent it on booze partying with her brother LOL. I was fucking livid when she asked me to send more cause she has nothing to stuff with.

Thankfully I realized my errors and never sending $ to entitled bbws again. She blocked me after promising a refund too, crazy how you can know someone for years and throw something away just cause you're THAT entitled.

Do not interact with her yall.

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