
(94 KB, 960x878, nannywarwhal.jpg)
Saw some of her pics on Reddit and she's great.
(1.3 MB, 1221x1255, reddit.jpg) (296 KB, 926x1069, tiktok.jpg)
I guess she started off fat, lost a lot of weight, then gained a lot of it back during COVID and found the fetish. She has a TikTok too but I don't know about any other presence. No idea why she made her age so different though.
Are you 100% it's the same girl? Don't think every girl is being honest about age anyway.

The "looking for motivation to get healthy" in one pic does not sound like someone interested in being fat. So unless you find other statements from her saying she wants to gain, I'd forget about her if I were you.

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