
Did I see something about her becoming a legit plus size model or was that total bullshit? iirc it got swiftly deleted so I'm guessing its the latter?
Wonder if she’ll ever come back…
Surely someone who has Aliss' OF can ask her what's going on, I get she had a breakup with her bf/feeder but there has to be more to it. Imagine gaining like 150 lbs for your partner, then when you finish with each other, you just disappear from your online modelling career, which I assume was a decent source of income too.
She was the most amazing BBW, her gain was incredible, wish she would come back.

I asked Aliss and the other fat chicken she hung around with, both said they have no idea where she is
She’s never coming back
I remember that someone in the previous thread posted an advertisement for plus-size clothes where she was posing, I imagine that now she is dedicated to modeling that style, I tried to look for that image but everything went away with the previous thread...
probably got depression or a fat-related illness. i doubt she will be back.
Her main reason for gaining was because her boyfriend was into it, and she probably lost interest in it after they broke up.
Any hero have funnel fantasy?
does someone have workout fail with aliss, the new one?
Anyone got her fat chat videos, or her funnel fantasy 3?

Anybody have her stuck videos? There were a few of them
Much obliged
Her appetite was ravenous, she gained over 200lbs, I hope she comes back
her bf is a real asshole. one of the truly great gains and he had to go and fucking ruin it.

i don't think we'll see her back, definitely not doing fetish stuff anyway. i think she'll end up dropping a lot of weight, although she'll never be able to get her old figure back
Does anyone have any of her really early stuff from curvage? Appreciated 🖤
sounds unlikely that she's modeling and hasn't been spotted by one of us pervs yet...
She is but since you guys are pervs I won’t tell where. You’ll just ruin it for her
"look at me i'm relevant guys"
Dude, you do know that it won't like increase your chances of sleeping with her, right?
That was probably true to begin with, but she seemed so turned on by it, more than almost any other model. Or she's the greatest actress to ever cross the feederism scene. I'm surprised and disappointed she completely disappeared after the break up.
Anyone got anything else?
Lol I’ve been rewatching game of thrones and you remind me of a scene I saw with Littlefinger (the brothel owner). He tells the prostitutes that it’s their job to make ever man who comes in forget that she’s acting and think he’s the one special guy who finally won her over.
any videos of her biggest??
Aliss went on holiday with her in October of last year, a few months after the break up. There's no way she doesn't know where KP is, they were legit friends. Likelihood is she's just left the community and doesn't want to be bothered.
Or it could be depression, i know some friends who were basically together since birth and one got depressed and completely isolated. Other friends/family had no contact but they later came back.
She was nailed on to cruise past 400, such a shame she left
anyone have that squashing video with CC?
Her last weigh in was 374 and that was a few months before her last appearance. Wouldn’t be surprised if she was close to 390 at that point, she was looking really plump. Wish she’d return
I've never seen these either.. not aware of her ever going topless. Do you think these are caps from a private call? Pretty shitty if so. Maybe it's why she dipped?

I had no idea she was this heavy. Does anyone have this vid?
would make sense actually. Damn shame
I’d guess they’re likely from OF or something. She went topless on there all the time, along with C4S. Just odd to see since Curvage didn’t allow it. I doubt that had anything to do with it
My theroy is she split with her boyfriend who she lived with. Could not afford a new place on her own or had a financial setback / health scare.

Could not make it withstrictly on curvage/OF on her own so she had to get a real job and lost weight as it was observed it was not a sustainable way to live.
Those are from a vid on her OF, it’s on her coomer if you’re interested
Looks like a Christmas tree in the background so probably not recent
He did all the videoing and editing. The equipment for all that was likely his. So she's maybe back at her parents with no equipment and was probably fairly cut up about the whole situation so making a post on some fat forum probably ranked fairly low on the priority list.
Her OF is still active 🤔 anyone who's subbed wanna message her?
She doesn't reply and hasn't posted in nearly a year
Someone got a reup for insatiable 2?

Here's Weigh-In 16, anyone got Anti Diet?
Thanks man
some videos from her OF:

Man those are great, thanks.
Does anyone have the video where she's somewhat half her max size, on her knees upright jiggling naked?
*i think its her first body tour video
Search Kitty Piggy on twitter and I found her profile. She's following one guy, who I believe was probably her ex. i searched the name on facebook and found a profile of a guy who seems quite into photography. I probably wont DM him because it's too intrusive but... there may be a lead.
Anyone got those messy eating videos she did?
No she has to update us now I need updates
yea aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LXZiS1MwSjR2V0Q=
Any hero have kitchen gainer or secret stuffing?
Weirdo. Why can't people just fap to this stuff and not be intrusive to the people who make this and their personal lives?
What the fuck is wrong with people who have this fetish, Why are so many of you all creepy and feel the need to do shit like this. It's no wonder so many girls get creeped out and never come back.
Anyone got a reup?
Is she still gaining
She hasn't posted for over a year
(403 KB, 1706x2048, 20221027_135014.jpg) (233 KB, 1538x2048, 20221027_134951.jpg)
I was checking twitter yesterday when I came across a photo that reminded me a lot of Kitty I don't know if it's really her or another model
What’s her @? She bears a striking resemblance to Kitty
Is txattooedsub
She looks a bit smaller, but I'm very glad she's still around doing plus size stuff
She looks as big as ever
There is a chance if she is doing mainstream/commercial plus-size work that might play into why she is no longer doing fetish stuff anymore.
Not her. kittypiggy had smaller boobs even at her biggest and she's not Scottish
However, this definitely might be her
Definitely happier as a big girl. She definitely was never against gaining all that weight

(1.7 MB, 834x837, bbw.PNG)
dear good look at those cankles
Here's one I've not seen shared before, looking real big if not her biggest here

You hero thank you! I hope she comes back
Any chance for upload again
How do I decode this good sir?
>>102745 Run the jumbled mess through a Base64 Decoder. This one requires two decodes before you get a link.
Anybody got the last weigh in she did? Will trade stuck holiday edition n the most recent work out vid for it
this isn't a trading board fuck off
Mannn shit the fuck up about fuck off, you fuck off
idc who posts or how it gets posted someone post something chick is too hot for yall to be arguing specifics. The way it work here is you post, then you way for a kind stranger to post as well. I will post too once I get my files transferred over to this laptop
Clearly YOU don’t know how this works. If you have shit and are feeling generous, then post it, and we are grateful. Don’t beg with the excuse of “well uhm my porn is on the wrong computer so I’ll up later..” you upload and then ask, or just don’t at all.
Give him more than an hour to deliver you Chode FFS
how awfully niggardly of you
Not this dood malware shit again!!! Avoid like the plague!!! Moderators shut this shit down! How many more times does this need to be requested?
Does anyone have her Instagram name, I'd appreciate it, she's incredible.
You're obviously complicit in this shitit! You want your computer totalled follow the dood.
Yea why are the moderators not banning people who post dood? At this point everyone knows it’s hated here but 15% of things posted here are dood. Dood is a virus not a thing that benefits users here.
They post all the time “ this was banned “ then you see why and it lets you know the rules. I have never seen a ban that shows some troll trying to use dood with a ban. Why not?
yeah frick dood. but BUMP lets get some actual content in here and stop bitching about something out of our control
I am hoping a moderators see that dood is giving viruses and start banning people from using it here. So it’s in my control voice the problem. A moderator can’t be everywhere but if we bring it up when we see a post by a dood troll they could start banning. You are right it’s ultimately not in my hands if it’s taken to heart by a moderator.
Can someone explain the dood thing for anyone who hasn't heard of it? Is the site full of malware but any videos are downloadable or is it just straight up malware/if you go to it you're infected level shit?
anyone got anything at all? and please no dood links. dood trolls need to be sent to the darkest depths of hell and burn
Don't worry. Their time will come.
you fucking legend, may your dick be big and your cum plenty
Can anyone put a new wetransfer link for Anti Diet? The previously mentioned one isn’t working :(
Thank you very much, you're doing a wonderful service
Get her to gain another 100lbs and come back to curvage
(1.6 MB, 300x300, 1415430129184.gif)
Well you've totally just outed yourself if she browses here. And mildly doxxed her with her real name and age. Good luck though.
(30 KB, 448x252, B237257E-7134-432D-A576-CB978EA7EEA3.jpeg)
What kind of flex is this? Lmfao you fucking idiot you couldn’t even be bothered to block out her name. Hell imagine if your the only person she’s talking too so now you ruined your chance because you wanted to flex to a bunch of randos in a porn sharing website.
she shared her name on her IG tho
She’s revealed her name many times like on instagram 💀
You're not getting much backing by anime weirdos but I support you king. Good luck out there!
Please convince her to retvrn to curvage already
honestly she's fat enough that I'd expect most of the people interested in her to be from the feedee scene. Gl, merry Christmas
Bro that shit is so fucking fake. My friend looked on hinge and saw a profile with Mal Malloy’s pics within like 5 seconds. It ain’t really them.
She's only a year older than me? Damn I thought she was in her 30s lol
Clearly not her 🤣 wish she'd make a comeback
Also... of course "bisexual" is listed there... that's exactly the kind of shit that a dude who gets off from pretending to be a woman online would write.
>>105460 I have been told that I am mature for my age.

>>105470 I am not very handsome but I am superior to you in every way.

>>105472 Yes. It's me. I don't understand why your tiny brain finds it soooo amusing, or why you cared in the first place, but what would you like to know? What would you like to gossip about? Do let me know how I can speed up hour self-inflicted demise.

>>105473 I have had a few 3 somes, 4 somes, and even 5somes, and many lore close calls. "Bisexual" women are so common to me I only thought of lesbians as gay. When I see a cute lesbian I make it a point to flirt with her and try to get in her pussy. I see it as my duty since most who try are failures who enjoy fucking up. Plus, I can't stand stupid. Stupid gossips and fucks up. I don't fuck up. This is the real version of it. You fellas are useless idiots who complain about everything, then after complaining you fuck up, then after fucking up you lie about me. I love this shit because.... you think you are smart. It makes it easy.

Your assumptions and lies only make my cock that much more harder. You should see this shit right now. If I had a shitty pawg's butt infront of me right now I would be a gonner. You eat shit, you die, don't believe the hype.
>>105476 Shut up, bitch. I know it.
^^ This behavior is why I support any legislation ending special education classes and switching to a “eugenics only” approach to wrangling autistic children
Take your pills man, go outside
Why do you guys use autism as a synonym for mental retardation? They‘re not the same.
we ever going to update her coomer?
Y'all are suuuch creeps. Let a model retire and quit stalking/doxxing. And y'all wonder why she left? Toxic ass community
So did any date happen or not? This is probably a fake account, I'm willing to bet every photo on her profile is something that can be found online
Of course it’s a fake account 😂
Anyone got Anti-Diet? Literally my favourite video of hers and I can’t find it anywhere
it's your favorite video of hers and you don't have it? lol
No, it got deleted due to a virus on my pc along with many of her other videos sadly. I’ve managed to find the other videos that I lost but can’t find anti-diet at all for some reason :(

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