
(906 KB, 1116x1694, 638853bd8d7a263b55c797f55514c931e66384003c095c95eb66cb31e75ae157.png) (271 KB, 1169x1939, 8ebfdf57daf2aa7b4cff96df4586940d617a9515199f27da3863cd68f0e5b7b4.jpg) (270 KB, 1125x1873, b09219a0abddb8c08008faa6c5e2e591a06557bc1defcf86192b9855bbf860dd.jpg) (363 KB, 760x1401, dfa27db8fcc46d1f43713cfc1e4feff38f7b93ec721919b119aa4af1aee29687.jpg) (331 KB, 1080x1350, ec336baac45623e63a8f0d7f4b9554b5b6629db988999583d76a05679163e09a.jpg) (247 KB, 1080x1350, 01837ceb8024b3255cd318a012647be9dbac0816b895957ee4ff77ef82543932.jpg)
Post everything you have, IG-TikTok, Twitter, videos and pictures

(614 KB, 1124x2037, c91def6d18b40a7434f41f24dbc60878f5fb9f491c011c62537fe44caa6f8dee.jpg) (149 KB, 750x785, 7c0e5eb5ebbf93cdbeb09c93038a4ab4aa6992eaf10a263d14c6daae30bf2ad8.jpg) (311 KB, 1080x1912, 01945d020eee966b769d61ae9a407febbfe7d9f69f08652ff41c35181706574f.jpg) (181 KB, 1079x1353, 8bf82a67a5f9b7f56fa8b1b4cb4d224e9729577eb5dddcb40c0e69573cbd0c1b.jpg) (232 KB, 1080x1249, d697b2f3bb54e5efd8804df783eb371cfadba2b7c30c63b5319991c6527ef495.jpg) (261 KB, 1080x1238, bb4564edea4cdd84bd9219a07c4d96ad5a08a8c6d639bb1e0e13282006d7e147.jpg)
(1.4 MB, 827x1565, d54abf97deb849c210ce50cf0aa7e6fc3ab9576abaa0e101480f6fa0fdf4cdca.png) (300 KB, 828x1028, efe3197e9a40ebfe696360eadba14783a3018e24eb3af0734d732520ae69e7bd.jpg) (230 KB, 1169x993, f3bd02ef265966bcb008f56919634304d50ed58a698e98be34786203b0cf6062.jpg) (87 KB, 762x1080, 54d5bd040628148a4c412bbf0b99ed97d8fa693a983501f5d2bf93852f598b14.jpg) (71 KB, 720x960, e78fb0db4fd564df734e0696738355f8e3580c31b84240ea83e32f5a36dac982.jpg) (120 KB, 670x1080, cc670ebcaa5b3b11f81cf1a3cd6df1a43f9275e0664d5d120550e4fc07155560.jpg)
(349 KB, 1440x1694, 8d36a975e8eadda020b54cf9d715ea17e1b40502996b2e8a7ee050fb5f4deb92.jpg) (128 KB, 543x960, d48b9eacb7382f01b1582ee64ebfb7d2b7e5bc5d54976b2e42b179876099c45c.jpg) (112 KB, 960x960, cb64139d3c86f7fe29b6f03a2e1991549dfd3ac2df9246e9652a4b8526694a30.jpg) (1.4 MB, 1005x1600, b54d43685e8f657b05aba416fb0b479b30414f8e0708e8061054648bfd9b66a1.jpg) (406 KB, 1440x1800, 202666d1a72f7e69d8c8f3fd08c130fc16da8f644a9a4847a7791284116551e4.jpg) (2.0 MB, 1284x1753, 81c0ef6c2685d4565f1a0fc7c6b7e2f5988d70477357213f18b6a721ffcc366e.jpg)
(206 KB, 1169x1893, caba69dddeb71bd5d713bcec43cdb26637d289759de9497dcd8ef0a8c6e5ff0f.jpg) (340 KB, 1536x2048, ea65a37c05c223f4157b7f2d9edf2e913662e13fecb90e97d926d793e31efcaf.jpg) (290 KB, 1125x1305, 618fc3c73a539f251051cff0a541dc6034610c4f5f71720b3f2d5dd0309eca40.jpg) (906 KB, 1116x1694, 638853bd8d7a263b55c797f55514c931e66384003c095c95eb66cb31e75ae157.png) (1.5 MB, 1082x1493, 7660183ce6431355cf64a193363ac2481c0dde024d14fd90a85e7c7f5e09f694.jpg)
I don't think there are any vids anywhere apart from a tiktok. greatest ass in the world and no videos damn

fucking hell, those white bikini pics tho
Fuckin actually post something substantial instead of just dumping everything from her instagram
So nice ass, hope she opens OF
Her Ig is private and she don't accept more requests,hope the users keep in post her Ig stuff.
(862 KB, 576x768, jeans.mp4)
Looking for long videos(10 seconds and more) please.
yep,she don't add more followers
would be interesting see her reels and videos,
she looking very hot and pretty
I know her irl and have been following her for a long time and she really doesn't have any
Yup. I appreciate all the pictures. She won't add me as well.

I swear, the moment she opens an OF, I'll be more than happy to subscribe. I just hope it's not ridiculously priced.
trump pence flag eh? I think this gal is more the trump side of that equation that pure boy pence
I was unable to become a follower of her, she constantly deletes my request.
I have noticed that she is constantly reducing the number of her followers and her posts ... most likely she is deleting her big ass pics, dammit ...

Someone who is a follower will save all of her content and post it please, before she deletes all of her big ass content.
We need a mega, mab or wetransfer link, please.
Ok,can u share some booty pics please?
She don't accept my req..
FINALLY this is a real fuckin bbw. Not these overweight ass women with this big ass bellys that u mfers are posting. Those are just FAT overweight women. A real bbw is built like this. Bigger in size yes but not FAT. Most still have slim stomaches and waist that are reasonably sized. Still keeping there hourglass figures while being bigger than the average women. Take vanessa blake for example. Thats a real bbw.

You're cringe man get a life. No one wants to know your taste.

This girl be indcredible if she gained about another 200 pounds tho
>>96606 some of yall need to spend way less time on this website
An "extra" 200lbs??? Sheesh
liking obese chicks… thats cringe. And other dude took time out his day to even respond like u dont roam this site like every mfer here.
Prob best looking girl on this side of the website.
>>96692 she’s so basic. just go to instagram and you’ll find tens of thousands of women that look exactly like this
Have she opened up OF account?
whenever I see someone commenting how she’s hideous or a disgusting whale on tiktok, I just have to think they’re a raging faggot/homosexual/secretly gay because how the fuck can you look at that as a man and not like it
to my brother's point above me

bruh she's twice as wide as her friend there, that's so fucking hooottt
You know some dudes see her and vomit internally
God damn I’m so happy I love big women lmao this shit is money
some guy on reddit apparently has her mega but is selling it for $500, says he's sold it to 7 guys already
provided that the file is legit (which i have my doubts, imagine bro is just scheming $500 casually), dudes who bought it for that price will get their personal “moneys worth” out of it and inevitably start to undercut the market, sell it to multiple people for like $50 less, so on and so forth. few weeks and people will practically be handing this shit out. just gotta sit back and wait.
Is the reddit link still there. Damn this is one of the best chicks I have seen. Ass tits face.
Does anyone have this pics in a better resolution?
She has a beautiful big ass that is gorgeous
Hey guys I follow her on Instagram and she found out about this and deactivated because of it
Something about this bitch seems familiar. I think someone leaked her pics on /booty/ a year or so back? She's from PA, right? Trump-loving girl? For some reason I remember the bright orange hunting gear.

Either way, she knew about this site beforehand.
If she reactivates I’ll post all her pics
I really don't get why girls like her are posting on TikTok everytime someone is mean to them. BoBerryVIP is three times her size, got 50M views on one of her vids, and the comments are fucking rife with haters. You don't see her crying about it because she (and Chloe) are making some good money off the ones who DO like it.
The profile is active but she is deleting 100 followers a day and is no longer accepting requests.
She now has 15.6K followers, she will take a long time to delete everyone, you hurry up before I delete you too, you save everything in high quality, this beauty must not escape us!!

"you hurry up before she delete you too"
Lord heavens you need to share this video somehow
Shes a fucking dumb cunt. I remember she had maybe 2k followers and then opened her account to public and it skyrocketed to over 18k in a few days. Random dudes message her asking if she will open an OF and she spazzed about it. Shes one of those that only posts her ass and then wonders why no one likes her for her. She deleted me because I sent her a message saying she'll never have a better opportunity to make so much money and she sent back that shes not a whore lmao

All I've collected.
Thank you very much, almost all beautiful stuff, the only photos that suck are the ones where she poses with dead deer/moose/reindeer.
This Bitch might go cock hunting instead of shooting poor helpless ungulates, but it's my personal opinion, I'm fishvegan, it means that I eat only vegetables and a little fish, no milk, no eggs and no meat and all derivatives.

Hopefully the $ 500 Mega Link will arrive here as soon as possible, I want to see this Beautiful Bitch all naked.
don't work..
Error:not found
Such a strange combo... Absolute fucking gorgeous body and face, and then the attitude/killing animals/posing next to a low iq flag is just, eh
Fucking big softies.
God what a bunch of closed minded pussys. For the record I didn't grow up hunting and have only gotten into it for environmental reasons. Mind you, she probably doesn't, but y'all MFs need to read the pitman Robertson act before you come at her with your gay anti hunting simp initiative. You all clearly don't know how broken the ecosystem is.
Holy shit that chick ate it a couple times. I can't tell if she's sloppy or if it's a skit for tiktok, but damn.

Lol. Lmao, even.
Shes dumb as a fucking rock from what I saw on IG before she banned me. Posts her ass all the time but then puts on a conservative front with the trump flag and shitty hunting/fishing tattoos. Another red flag is shes obsessed with Koe Wetzel, who does have some good songs, but he looks like a retard.
like who actually gives a shit if your world views, hobbies, or politics don't align with hers. You don't know her, it's likely that none of us ever will. I don't know why guys on here need to pretend the chick they're busting to is someone they're gonna date.

Just come in, appreciate the face, ass, and titties, and leave that parasocial shit at the door.
Here someone does not know how to read ..


"but it's my personal opinion"

Here, now you read it correctly.
Then if you shoot animals and take smiling selfies with their corpses showing them to everyone, you are not a normal person, but I'm not surprised, you Americans go armed with rifles and guns even to the toilet.

No one here is pretending or thinking about going out with her, don't make movie scripts that don't exist, please.
Only an opinion has been expressed on some questionable photos, period.
Too long didnt read nor care.... hope that works out for you tho.

Come on guys lets get some wins in here.
Speech that does not make a wrinkle, I totally agree
Someone spoon feed me this link doesnt work
typical expression of those who are unable to argue lol
stfu you and wash your ass, walking toilet lmao
Is this a mega link? It's not working
He's telling you to consider disengaging from your thought process because you look like a pedantic try-hard on a porn board. I hope this helps you better understand the situation at hand!
It is evident that you have not read the whole conversation, read it well, and if you do not understand it means that you are a multifunctional illiterate.
He expressed himself with an abbreviation, "stfu" means "shut the fuck up", an offensive language, don't you think?
If you insult you are paid back with the same coin, do you understand?
Or do you need subtitles?
There is a rule for quiet living and it is very simple: don't fuck with me and I don't fuck with you, respect and you will have respect.
Now re-read everything that has been written from the beginning, if you are not an idiot you understand it.
Thread reported to moderators, request for deletion, for a simple opinion about a couple of pics you ruined the thread with disrespectful comments, this section must not end up as the booty section full of disrespectful people.
Self awareness isn't your strong suit, isn't it?

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