
>>87974 (OP)
Holy shit that belly is so fucking hot who is this chick? What does she go by on twitter just dumpling?
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She used to be waaaay bigger imagine if we got content from her at that size ✨
She used to he HUGE and then got weight loss surgery. I remember seeing someone on feaboe go by this name and her page wa super pro feedee and gaining and i saw on Instagram she uberwent some weight loss procedure and her feabie profile disappeared
I was typing fast sorry
That’s super depressing. She was gorgeous.
She’s still fat hopefully she can get bigger again
She into feederism look at her other vids. I may be going on a stretch here but she honestly could be the next boberry
what a dump truck she was.
Shes getting fatter guys. Its kinda cool. She had weight loss surgery coming down from 450 lbs and now shes gaining it back. Shell have literally the best proportions when she puts on 70-80 lbs. Check her other curvage videos theyre very foodie and feedee as well as her Instagram.
Don’t lie to me and get my hopes up man this girl is literally my type and she’s making my brain go dumb…
Im not. She's literally my type exactly also. Go check her other curvage videos. I swear its one of my fantasies coming true
Yeah but her insta is all about her losing weight man the curb age is probably just for the fat stacks of cash…
i don't know if she's getting fatter, but from the looks of it she abandoned the weight loss insta back in February. she then created a new one that may not be pro gaining but is definitely anti dieting.
What’s the other insta?
Thats exactly what happened
She has a new Insta called @alittlemorewhitney where she talks about how bad diet culture is. I think it is safe to assume at the least that her weight-loss journey is dead. Hopefully we see a weight gain journey from here,
dont think so. i looked for it, but couldnt find it.
>>87974 (OP)
You got more to upload bro? Her stuffs pretty fire and thanks for the drop
She just can’t do without the Ring Dings.
Any more of her?
My ex girlfriend slept with her once
Anyone have any of her vids?
Looking for her eating videos from curvage. Here's an assortment of adeline vids:
can we get a reup for justice
How do these links work Jesus christ
anyone got a reup on this please?
anyone got a reup on any of this stuff?
Bing bong bump
Idk if you guys have seen curvage right now but shes collabing with a bunch of different models right now making really hot content! Im sure reddit and other ssbbw boards will catch wind of this and theyll be all over the new videos. If anyone wants to share her recent ones with the other curvage models feel free.
I second this request with every fibre of my being

Why is her face a whole different tone than her body? Is this what we call hot?
You don't know what makeup is?
her photo editing is fucking awful. her legs look like frozen blocks of ice lmfao
You clearly don't spend a lot of time around naked women, do you?
Shes fuckin hot to me. Her frame is just massive so even if she hasnt hit 500 lbs she still looks very big.
tanning causes a similar look in some people. two common explanations only missed by cave dwellers
Looking for her new vids where she collabs with other models excluding the one already shared. In return heres some vids i posted in ssbbw to kick off a thread.
Do we know the results of her recent weigh in? I assume if she’s weighing in she’s trying to gain back all the way 450
Her lowest weight on Insta was 350 so I’m really hoping for something higher than that
There was a new weigh in videom anyone wanna upload it?
Idk man, but this whole thing sounds to fucked up to be real. Like being obese her whole life and secretly hating it, seeing multiple specialists about this, to find out about rare genetic mutations which might have caused the weights gain, then getting WLS (vsg to be exact), starting a weightloss account in Feb 2021, loosing over 100 pounds in a year, just to gain it back?! I mean she does struggle with mental illnesses, but is she in such a bad state, that giving up the lost weight is worth it to her...? But really, who knows? I mean she was one of the girls I'd least suspect of starting far fetish modeling, so anything is possible, I guess.
Shes a different breed to say the least. I remember she was on feabie when she was at her heaviest but never had other content. She talked like a lot about food and being a feedee i remember. Than she deleted it and her weight loss saga happened. Later i find this thread and find out she returned, gave up on weight loss and is gaining and has a curvage.. She lost all her weight and now shes fattening right back up. She totally could have chose something else but chose this path of gaining and feederism. Shes got like a skinny face to so that makes it extra hot. Idk what she weighs right now which is kinda why i was asking about the weigh but she looks like she fattened up quick post weight loss.
Oh, I didn't know about her feabie time's. But this just adds to the confusion, like a feede who gets WLS...? But she for sure does look over 350lbs ;)
Yeah shes over 350 right now but used be as high as 460 but had the weight loss and changed her mind i guess. I feel like she should make a video talking about her feederism interest and story. I honestly think she has the potential to be as popular as boberry.
Toxic society can definitely make someone want to lose weight. I bet she’s a hardcore feedee that couldn’t deny her desires and realized that she was always meant to be a growing girl.
Spot on bro. She seems like she found her crew in this fetish so im happy for her.
She regained it pretty quick. I wonder if thats wls thing regaining it back quickly in different spots.
There anyway we can move this thread to ssbbw? I think it'd be a lot busier of it was there.

In return im looking for her new weigh and any other videos where she collabs with other models
Anyone got anything of hers?
Really need some more vids of hers...
Could we please get a reup?
Reuping some content in hopes for new stuff
>>87974 (OP)
Where can someone find her Content?
IIRC she was diagnosed with something/had health issues maybe diabetes(?). She frequently mentioned feeling ill.

She's a dreamboat though.
Her belly is literally the perfect combination of shape, hang, and jiggliness. Unreal
Jesus god I need a reup so bad
yo he looks sexy all spread out and tied to that piece of wood. I've been tugging to that BDSM for like two thousand years
My friend says he hooked up with her and that she has the softest fupa he has ever seen
Uh huh, and my dad works for fucking nintendo

I bet he's a plumber.
Spoke to her on Feabie. She’s a troubled individual who doesn’t know which way is up. She rebelled against diet culture because it didn’t make her any happier and because she simply couldn’t give up eating like a big girl. She could easily turn into a 600 pounder.
Is there any reason why this broad won't show her tits? I like a belly as much as the next guy who likes big women, but as breast man I gotta say it will always be titties or GTFO. She gotta expose them soon otherwise she's just becoming boring.
Curvage doesn't allow nudity
That explains it. I've never ventured on that site so that's why I didn't know..I hope she moves from there sooner than later. She's got tonk knockers and I wanna see them
Now that's what I'm talkin about...she's on the right track now!
>>100430 any chance you could re-up the files to go file, WeTransfer, or mega?
Maybe later. If you know of any site that'll let me post 300+ gb of porn for free then I'm all ears
Any chance of a reup?
Any new content?
>>105874 not to be rude but it’s one of the same videos that were leaked. Are there any new ones?
thanks bro, you are a king 🙏
Okay but where are the rest of the goats? The best looking ones?

Re up I can share some stuff I have one vid from of
Please does anybody have her newest vid? Or any burping vid from her?
In exchange I have these vids of BigCutie Jolene and Alissbonyt: https://we.tl/t-wJk6KVJGuC
2 requests.

Don’t ask me to re-upload
Share content, it’s simple and why the site is great.

Here is the newest
does anyone have some of the 2023 video's?
could you upload the shower vid aswell?
Got that latest POV vid, for a $5 vid I still felt robbed lol
it’s honestly kinda wack how big she is now versus when she started. She must have a huge appetite and very encouraging feeder. 2023 could be big
She could easily be Adeline sized.
can someone reup the link
one of these days hopefully
You’re a king. Insane how massive she looks here!
that skinny chick was so turned on when dumplin got on top of her Damn.
Nice one, but is that really how it ends?
I feel kinda cockblocked, just kissing and lying on top of eachother...
Was hoping one of them would eat the other out, or at least nibble on the nips
Thanks dude
Does anyone know the name of the skinny chicken off the top of their head?
She didn't even put her full weight on top of her, either. I was hoping she would completely smother her
Anyone have that one video of her with Kayla and Lauren? I need it for my collection of dumplin… god she’s so beautiful
Can you upload what you have on a mega 😅?
Anything new?
Any chance of a reup of everything?
Anyone know her weight
Just discovered this girl bumping for any burp content
Skinny chick is CuriouslyClever on curvage, apparently her gf. She's got some of her own stuffing vids and some with Dumplin. If you look at Dumplin's curvage she has a bunch with her
They are both gorgeous and look genuinely happy which makes me happy while watching them…I wish nothing for but the best for them if in there relationship
No problem man, looks like CuriouslyClever even has some good stuffing vids, like only 3 dollars too. May be a good find
Genuinely happy for them, but F/F is kind of a turnoff for me at least. Sad but I'd rather they be happy
I presume she's way past 400
Yes, she should definitely be on the SSBBW thread lol.

Back when she used to post her weight on feabie, she was pretty consistently in the 420-430 range IIRC. Then she tried her hand at weight loss, an attempt that did not last very long at all, and she's probably even heavier now than she was before. Wouldn't be shocked if she's past 450 tbh

there's essentially no rule against sorting a girl incorrectly, you'll just get more haters if you do. Just make sure next time if you're a big fan and plan to start a new thread with a great OP with links in the OP that you choose ssbbw if you mean to choose ssbbw
I hung out with her a few times when I lived back in Seattle. She was the kind of girl who acted super confident but you could tell she hated herself. I just couldn’t be friends with her it always felt like a competition that I didn’t sign up for. Anyways I’m pretty sure she said she wasn’t into feedism and just wanted a guy that would accept her at her weight. She had health issues and wanted to lose weight eventually. I’m sure after the immediate weight loss from surgery it was hard to sustain and she just gave up. Probably decided if she’s going to be fat she may as well profit off of it…
Is she bigger in person?
Hey y’all - yes. We see. We look, and we see. And I’ve been pretty forgiving in not DCMA-ing the shit out of everything. But this talk about my mental and physical health has gotta stop. I am pretty transparent. I had VSG weight loss surgery, to help with issues that were impacting my health - NOT explicitly to lose weight. I am a feedee, have always been a feedee, and after WLS I developed bulimia to try to cope with my desire to live in both worlds. It was going to kill me. So I stopped. I stopped trying to lose weight. I stopped giving into the pressures that society were throwing at me, and I started living.

A few more facts: I’m not mentally “unhinged” or unstable. I’m human. My mental health is of no one’s concern but mine. As for my physical health, I’m fine, surgery fixed what it needed to, and I am open about it.

I am no longer dating CuriouslyClever, feel free to ask her about it, I’m done talking about the subject. Moral of the story if you have a question, ask me, because I’m very upfront.

What I don’t love is the constant speculation about whether or not I’m authentic, because I care about this community and have been a part of it since way before I started modeling.

As to the speculation about my “confidence” - you’re right - I did hate myself. Not because I was fat, because I was an unhappy person. I’ve gone through a lot in my life, as many do. I’ve spent extensive time in therapy working on it. I’m happier now, still struggling, still human, but better than I was - thanks for asking…

I’m a good person, a good friend, and I deserve to be able to stand up for comments made directly about me.

Feel free to reach out to me if you actually want legitimate and authentic answers because I have nothing to hide.
>I’m not mentally “unhinged” or unstable. I’m human.

You're a woman dating another woman, that's the definition of unhinged.
I hope you get hit by a bus
I wish there were upvotes for comments here. Super based. It's crazy how people go to bat for all these unnatural relationships not realising that they're useful idiots.

Anyway as for this fucking dump, her OF is some of the worst I've ever seen. I subbed on 2 separate occasions. On OF it tells you how many posts a user has made since the last time you subbed. It's not always accurate as 1 post can be 10 media items. So if there were only 20 posts in the space of 9 months since you subbed, that could in theory be lots of media.

With this in mind I decided fuck it, let me see what new things she's posted. Worst decision ever. For the entire duration of my subcription, she posted nothing but thirst traps, some stupid masturbation video with her face off-screen and a handful of rehashed pics. I will never sub to this girl again.

Zero worthwhile content. It costs the same as a large coffee at your favourite coffee shop but trust me, just buy the coffee instead. Anyway here's this dumps entire OF:

I have a rule about not really showing chicks who freeload off porn addicts much respect but like where are these comments coming from? I mean its not like shes gonna quit OF and get a job but like why shit on them for no reason?
You are literally calling a model you have never met on a random internet forum devoted solely to pirating that persons content unhinged. Get off your high horse, no one is forcing you to jack off to her content.
Lotta freaks on here only care about something if they can jack off to it, the creator isn't real to them beyond that. No need for basic decency on a site for people shunned from everywhere else
Don’t care post content or scroll
Lotta freaks on here only care about something if they can jack off to it, the creator isn't real beyond that. No need for basic decency on a site for people with only that outlook. This threads a wash
Youre not wrong but that's what their audience is, thats the caveat of funding your life off of strangers over the internet.
Post tits or gtfo, we're not reading your wall of text
This chick is hot and seems nice. Don't worry about what people here say it's a chan, it's not real.
the texture on that belly is unreal
PS - CuriouslyClever is a fake feedee and only weighs 145 lbs. She will just take your money and run.
I subbed to both her and dumplin on OF recently and the regret was almost immediate lol.
All I have to say is I’m not a fan of dumplings smear campaign to her ex. It’s just a sign of mental illness to go that far out of your way to ruin someone because they broke up with you.

I got scammed by CC… Dumplin isn’t wrong
I think the point is that yes her ex gf is a scammer. But dumplings reasons for exposing her was just dumpling being a petty psychopath. Im sure dumpling is friends with a lot of scammers she isn’t calling out. She’s targeting her ex only because her ex wanted to break up. That alone shows how evil dumpling can be.
Who the actual Fuck cares incels ☠️
Not everyone minds their own p’s and q’s like you do. Nobody should care but they do due to cancel culture
I don’t think dumpling is a psycho… I’ve talked to her and she is actually I really sweet girl. She just got mixed up with someone who shouldn’t be in this community.

Dude… why do we care what Dumplin (an actual fat bbw) did to some skinny chick? She is a model, not a role model…
Anything new?
Some hero has uploaded her coomer btw
They’re all just enemies pretending to be friends for money.
Don’t care any new videos?
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Anyone got this vid?
Its the mest boring video
Can anyone update her coomer? Please
New weigh in boys
Anyone have new weigh in?
How the hell is a woman this massive not in /ssbbw??
A question as old as time itself
god i wanna see her sit on a feeder guy and get that fat belly squeezed so bad,
She definitely jumped up in weight more recently
degenerate poors’


Sharing in hopes someone will share some of the other New videos/collaborations
Thanks a ton!

How much do you guys think she is willing to gain? I mean she went down from 463.8 to 458.8 then got the VSG to go down to her lowest documented weight of 349.8 (according to her wl IG) and now up by ~70lbs.

Personally I would love to see her at least surpass her highest weight at least by little bit to counteract any deflation and loose skin she must have gotten from loosing ~110lbs.

So what are your guesses? Wille she plateau, gain beyond her highest weight or stop at her heighest weight and reconsider everything??
Can we get a reup dude that went down quick
Encoded twice in hope of ensuring freshness ;)

And its already down. Those she have someone working for her to delete these posts like wtf.
If you reupload I would recommend using MAB or gofile, it might be slower but at least it doesn't get nuked instantly
Anyone has the diet sabotage with Lauren and Kayla ?
Encoded with what? How do I get to the actual stuff?
Holy shit, how did I miss her and this thread all this time?
I realize it's unlikely, but I'd be super grateful if someone would be so kind to get me up to speed.
She’s something special. What an amazing hottie
Can you guys reup please?
Just so people know...she's doing a livestream on OF I don't think you're gonna want to miss
If you have access can you update coomer?
She is live on OF
Can you reup? I was literally halfway through downloading it and then the link refreshed and expired.
Dude… she is doing a live squashing on OF tonight
Someone screen record it please!
anyone have her vids with curiouslyclever?
I want to see her before she lost weight
when was the last time you uploaded new content?
I love you Nope guy, but no point on keeping this thread alive if there's no new content.
You're our unsung hero, your deeds don't go unseen.

With that said if this ""hobby"" is really eating into your finances..
Lol it's not a problem anymore. It's more of a "whenever I have extra cash" thing nowadays
Gotta be 577.
Saw her go down 114 now we need to see her go up 114
Anything new?
Anything new?
I wanna see her at 700 for sure. That should be an ultimate goal for a lot of chicks who got the potential to get up there in this community today.
Any content?
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Looking huge in her newest video
God some hero please drop it. New content hasn't been shared in a long time
someone please drop her videos with curiouslyclever
Post the newest vid and I’ll buy the weigh in
she had some ppv squashing videos on onlyfans with her bf or feeder. anyone got em?
Anyone have the comparison video of her and the short guy ?
I beg someone to update her coomer
He was referring to the pic of this video as this is the new content but as to what is seen in the mab is the old content starting from January.
Any kings wanna upload the new weigh in
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For anyone wondering about her weight:
She was stupid enough to post a screenshot of her BMI on insta which together with her height of 5ft10 on curvage makes it easy to calculate her weight.

current weight: 458lbs
current BMI: 67.9
highest weight: 463.8
lowest weight: 349.8
Insanely hot that she has almost regained all the weight she lost from WLS.
I hope she will take this even further to completely stretch out her loose post WLS skin.

BMI picture:
Correct me if I’m wrong but I think her weigh in video from earlier this year was like 425ish? I can’t seem to find it but if so that’s a pretty significant jump in just a few months. Could easily surpass her highest weight by the new year
Do anybody have her new video
Do anybody have her new video with Laurenlush
Could easily be a bullshit weigh in too
Do anybody have her new video with laurenlush on File brotha just asking
I hate to say it but this thread is pretty much dead. I heard the site is going to be shut down soon. Maybe that's why there's a type of lazy folk around here since they don't want to send anything here.
Anything new?
She's really filled out all that loose skin she used to have
Re-gaining comes at you FAST
still waiting on the weigh in vid or whatever new vid she has
Still waiting for some hero to upload her coomer with any new video
Anything new?
Anything new or is it dead?
She is gaining right now?
From what I know of, yes
Reup btw?
bumping, if anyone has any of the curvage content from some of the previous uploads.
Beggin for someone to upload anything new from her curvage
Thank you for the update bro ! Appreciate it..
Do you have also the ones where she’s doing size comparison with a guy ?
How tall is she?
What’s this I don’t trust fishy links
Did she ever do a squashing?
I think she did it on one of her livestreams on OF. But I do know for sure she did one with curiously clever and with cece but with her is about squashing balloons
Anyone got that piggy one around?

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