
(421 KB, 1125x1270, 01970E47-3F05-48A4-ABB4-2656C23018BB.jpeg) (772 KB, 1125x1778, 67366229-7925-4798-AA1A-29CB8C7DB3F7.jpeg) (733 KB, 1125x1259, 877A9ABC-E70E-4E75-B2D2-C7C2BBA351A7.jpeg) (1.5 MB, 1125x1533, 5FE7EFA1-4439-492E-BC09-14712EA88EDB.jpeg)
I would upload to coomer, but I don't know how to.
My god. How long has it been? 7 years? 10?
There's a lot of missing content there.
I'm not gonna renew my sub because pic related. Then she went on feabie acting outraged I had the audacity to ask to see her boobs for such a small tip. Of course everyone replied that I'm a scumbag and shit. Bitches show that for free on onlyfans. I didn't even have to tip at all, and I'm already paying. If she would have said no, that's a no go for her, okay. But then to bitch to feabie behind my back. I feel shat on and smeared by someone who used to be a favorite. Sorry for the rant. Have a free vid for having to read all that.

Tells me all I need to know about her brain tbh.

And yeah feabie is full of obnoxious women that will post anything and wait for a horde of simps to come and agree with them lol.
>cost 20 dollars
>can i have it for 5 dollars
shut the fuck up
Yo appreciate the video, but I agree. If they charge a fee for something and you don't want to pay it then don't. She seemed to pretty reasonably respond to the request about things to film and follow up with fees for more.

And as far as being out $5, it's called a tip for a reason. You legit just sending money to her. If you actually wanted the pic for the cost I bet you could have send another 15 and it'd be gg, but without that it's just what it said, a tip.
I mean feederism in general says a lot about peoples brains tbh
She tells you how much it cost. Like why bitch when they tell you the fee for the service you want. Your not entitled to anything if you sent below the amount that is offered.
Her prices were not listed before I asked. She told me them after I requested. I wouldn't have a problem with the price (as I said in my original post, which everyone is seeming to ignore). It's that she went on feabie to complain about it.

I wasn't tipping for a levering tool. I did it because she seems annoyed by her fans, so I figured if I'm gonna request, a tip would at least make it less annoying. I'm mad because she complained about me on feabie like I'm some audacious asshole for thinking $5 is enough to see her boobs. And is all like "how dare he. I know my worth" then everyone is like "yeah, what a piece of shit"

Let me give you guys another vid.
I forgot to encode last time

I know what you mean. shitty of her to do that on feabie. her attitude doesn't seem too endearing even on her instagram, but i guess it's not the worst either. thanks for the uploads.
>"i know my worth"
> $20
lmao, dumb baby

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