
(42 KB, 423x395, FC2AD88D-5DF8-400D-9653-41B54B071BE1.jpeg)
I don’t mean to be an ass and make a whole thread over one pic but I think we can all agree that this woman is smoking hot. So gentlemen, I humbly request we put our heads together and get a name.
Stay in your containment thread.
>>87851 its George Washington now fuck off
Not quite the name I’m looking for my good man
>>87848 (OP)
There's already a model ID thread dumbass
There’s no way that you think this is new information to me
>>87848 (OP)
>I don’t mean to be an ass and make a whole thread over one pic
Then why did you?
“but I think we can all agree that this woman is smoking hot.”
Can you read?
>posts to model id thread
>2 min. later creates a thread
Clearly this is new information to you because you still created a new thread you stupid faggot. Kill yourself.
You told me there’s a model ID thread, I respond by telling you that I know already, then you check the ID thread to see that I used it, and still think that’s it’s new information to me… are you slow?
Great. We can all see that you are retarded.

Now get back in your cell, faggot.
Dumbass thinks he's only talking to one person 🤡
You’re all the same to me
Exactly bro, imagine some guy getting angry cause you asked who someone was on a BbW image board. Some guys just need to pull it and fuck off
he's not angry the guy asked, he's frustrated that the entitled twat not only posted in the ID thread, but then decided after a whopping two minutes that he needed to create a whole other thread for the exact same reason

I'm here to explain other social cues to you as well, if you need it, hun
Did you ever consider that I planned on doing this from the start? Why would I expect results in just 2 minutes… but seriously, if you don’t have a name, don’t interact
Fr. Also, would you happen to know of any places that may be able to help me with this? Any other places like this website perhaps?
>Did you ever consider that I planned on doing this from the start?
I ... don't understand. There is a thread designated for identifying models, specifically to prevent cluttering the board with similar questions. You knew this. You used the thread. And yet ... you still created a whole ass separate thread? Your behavior is indicative of either gross incompetence or unbridled entitlement.
>Why would I expect results in just 2 minutes…
Why would you create another thread when you've already posted in the designated ID thread? I'm afraid that at this point you can't be afforded the benefit of the doubt.
>but seriously, if you don’t have a name, don’t interact
I mean, the literal guidelines on this site tell you not to make single-image threads because they delete other--probably useful--threads, and you did this so you could double-post and beg for an ID. You're not really in any position to dictate the discourse in this thread.
Exactly. Threads are going to be made because some people can't just wait for drops or a proper ID. This is not a search website. Your just gonna have to wait for someone to either reply or drop content. It's literally going to turn into /tits or /booty where people just beg and beg for content by making threads.

Just use the begging/Id thread for what it's used for. Especially when your just asking for who the person is and not adding any content to the thread.
Following the rules is not that hard lol.
Gross incompetence? Unbridled entitlement? You couldn’t be more wrong. It’s lust bro, what do you think people come here for

Why would I create another thread? Bc the model ID thread is littered with unanswered questions…

Don’t even know what to say to the last part… when did I even say that I was in a position to dictate the discourse, you’re arguing with yourself at this point bc my motives are clear.

I’ll state them loud and clear just for you though:

She’s hot, and I want a name, sooner than later if possible. Breaking the rules is a shitty thing to do but given the types of people on this site I’m practically a Good Samaritan by comparison, so it’s impossible to guilt trip me by constantly restating that what I’m doing is not allowed.

Typically the one guy who would know the name would’ve shown up by now so it looks like it’s hopeless. Thanks for coming out but if you have anything to say to me that involves a slur, a threat, stating the obvious, or trying to take the moral high ground on the basis of rule breaking, then I’m sorry to inform you that I don’t really care.

That being said, you’re all my people, actually no, a lot of you aren’t, but let’s not go there. You’re a collective of individuals with a taste in woman very similar to mine. For the longest I felt alone, the only others like me were weird foreign guys or the notorious Joel Camoose or whatever his name is. I had the wrong idea about myself for the longest, that I was a monster, or more specifically, a freak for liking heavier women. But I’m simply just some guy, with a preference that’ why the fuck am I taking about this I started going off on a tangent again my bad. But yeah um, bring it on I guess? I don’t really care anymore I lost all my momentum in whatever it was I was saying.

Fuck Joel Camosse (I looked up how to spell it)
1. You could message the orginal poster of the screencap.
2. You cold make a thread on Curvage in the request section.
3. She ain´t all that.
1. How (you can call me an idiot as much as you want if you explain)
2. It’s toast, there was one made in February this year but only like four people were in it and it didn’t lead anywhere
3. Eye of the beholder, can’t really change my opinion
Lmfao wrote a whole essay
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Update: I found a name, but it’s common as fuck and doesn’t really lead anywhere so here’s all I could find off curvage/stufferdb

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