
>>86566 (OP)
I fucking hate tiktok videos, it’s the worst fucking tease ever.
Yeah, I've tried using the app a good number of times cause theres hot fat chicks on there, but then I just can't get past the annoyance of the videos. The repetition, the movement, the egos, the culture, the hivemind, its just the worst parts of previous social medias turned to 11. Lot of hot girls on there tho.
The fucking lip syncing, 1000 decibel music, gen z attitudes and cartoonish facial expressions seem to show up on every person that uses the platform whether they're gen z or not. Tiktok feels like a cross between a cringey attention seeking platform, and some kind of mental illness broadcasting network.
When people complain about TikTok based on the videos on their FYP but the algorithm is designed to tailor the videos to you based on what you watch and interact with… 😬🤡

If you hate what you see just do a hard reset by only liking, watching, sharing, and commenting with stuff you actually want to see for a bit

I agree. TikTok sucks d. The content sucks. Some of the bbws are cute with huge boobs, but I can see all that by going outside or to a store. I don't know. If I used social media I would at least try to fuck some of them, but then again I am not even sure if any of them would want. Most of those chicks look like they are in love with themselves and only want TikTok for attention from their friends. I would fuck if I could. I like fat females with cute faces and huge boobs. Maybe I should make my own social media

Well its hard to intereact with non annoying shit when the bbw content is what I'm mostly after and its filled with annoying shit. I will say there are plenty of good creators that make content more akin to quality youtube just shorter like on urban planning or whatever. Just the FYP page becomes a weird mix of bbws and then dudes talking about suburban inefficiency.
awfully dramatic for something easy to ignore
2nd chick finee. booba
First does it for me. Too bad she's a bipolar Democrat.
(105 KB, 736x650, snibeti snab.jpg)
>>86566 (OP)
>0.1 femtoseconds of slight movement accompanied by garbled niggerbeats
no thanks

I guess she has an Of.
I dont even know what the third girl is doing or talking about
Check out @kenziebrenna
She’s one of those annoying body positivity types but she has a great fat body
ciklaly has gained a ton. Her tiktok shows her progression very well.
my word... someone has to ID this girl asap!
yeah I third that
(82 KB, 787x1100, 1641543424655-1.jpg)
imo seeing randoms do things is infinitely hotter than models. a bunch of obese slugs glorifying their gluttony and laziness really shows the coomerific decay of society.
picrel might not be but i love girls lifting 5kg dumbells and acting like they're fit lol. i once saw this video of a really angry hugely fat girl acting like she was in shape because she could lift a cheap wooden chair, the ones that only weigh a few kilos even though its spread out
i that TikTok real???? I almost came instinctiveley inn my shortes
bro you can’t just post that and not give a sauce
sorry i found the pic on 4chan with the sauce cropped out, but i recognise the girl and dug it up, honestly not that interesting and her shit is pretty annoying, but here is the bounty of my quest anyway. also if you go to the bottom of your profile she used to be thin before lockdown which is always fun to see

I wish we could find her one day...
She’s in high school. Yikes. Inb4 pedos on here try to justify it because “no proof she’s underage”
Don't even get me started on how bad suburban neighborhoods are

Uhh she has a video about going to prom..
We are become 🅱️edo

it is time to die
>what a cute girl! what a fun and sexy v-
> oh is that all?
Every single time.
Her name is Kenzs_
damn she got bigger, love to see it
I has a question. Why are all these hoes so ugly?
(1.3 MB, 576x1024, fr0ue3.mp4)
God this is hot.
Holy shit that's her. Well done sir! God she's amazing.
Dont have my phone rn but @sixtine on tik tok is amazing, would post some vids but again dont have my phone on me
great job finding it hero. hit us up when this boring bitch gets naked or shows her gut
Does anyone know her?
Is Sara Deline the same person as MarijuanaMILF?
Need a fat gf who listens to Nine Inch Nails
does that clown girl even count in a bbw board or did you just lump them all together and post
nvm the windows open too big on my laptop so i didnt see half of it
Need more fatty zoomers
She has an of, someone should make a coomer of her
we need more of this
she looks like 40 IQ
What's her name?
That link doesn't seem to be working. What's her username?

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