
She's super underrated, her giant potbelly is truly a sight to behold. Here's three vids I have of her (one of them is a little teaser compilation of other videos):

>fetish model only in it for the money
What a shock.
it’s not even that, like i get it. i just don’t like the anti-feedism agenda she seems to have while actively interacting with the community/ profiting off of it.
(forgot to mention that i’m op)
really stupid to be so open about it too. the money lost might not be significant but it's probably more than $0
Who cares. If this effects you so much then just stop watching her content lmfao. Like there's alot of Porn stars or fetish stars that are not into the shit they do and are only doing it for money. Some are just more obvious about it.
complainfag doesn’t know how to read a thread
What are u talking about? Lmfao whatever get bent over trivial shit.
" On no a porn star doesn't actually care about the videos they produce" what will do now...lmfaooo
the downsides of modern camera quality
Creampuff 2.0
not complaining
yeah maybe this one won't be a sociopath.
edit : watched a couple of her vids and read her posts. likely also mentally ill, not surprised.

How is Creampuff a sociopath? An actual explanation would be nice. I’ve seen that claim a few times and they always dip when they’re asked to clarify lol. Explain yourself.
maybe this one won't be a sociopath.
edit : just saw her posts and vids. likely still mentally ill. not surprised lol
i mean, her tiktok is “borderfine” which i think is a play on borderline personality disorder
holy shit lol, someone compares her to creampuff and the mods even remove that like her name itself tried to kill fuckin harry potter lol. Remember when people used to be able to talk on this site ? jfc
lol someone compared her to creampuff and mods wiped the posts like her name itself tried to kill fuckin harry potter. remember when you used to be able to talk on this site ? jfc
>>83971 (OP)
Can someone reup the video from OP's picture?
Where is this conversation from? I'd like to read it myself.
(43 KB, 495x244, Capture.PNG)
Oh she's psychotic. There's your explanation.
I think this is pretty hot actually
Where specifically? Link me. I want to read the whole conversation.
haha. realistically, I imagine that the number of men with our proclivity is greater than the number of females who want to play it with us (and do so online.) that's most things.

However, and I believe many here would agree with me: there are women who are REALLY into it (rivaling the men for perversity), and there are women who- while not into the fetish for themselves- like to eat, have come to accept/enjoy their bodies and enjoy the (a few.) nice(ish) men that think these women are the best thing to be found on earth.
Then there's women who are just fat and looking to make a buck. They're the unfortunate kind of fat girl because: they don't like being fat; almost certainly won't ever be thin (even thin enough for drunk middle America youth, which is still pretty fat); will have less fulfilling sex/personal relationships since they don't like men who like them and they don't like themselves.
And they make lamer content since they're "fakers"

interesting social media analysis- (via twitter)she's getting married, can cum in like 45 seconds but isn't really into sex (although apparently it's a sexually fulfilling 8 year relationship) and wishes she weren't the only sex worker at her upcoming nuptials. More positively: thinks she's a "fat hottie" (She's certainly not ugly. Nice eye color IMO), an "ex-goth" and seems like her fiancee has a thickish cock. And she tweets a lot.

a superficial ( and unprovoked and rather snide) observation: she strikes me as someone who considers themselves somewhat artistic (not autistic, although there is a spectrum there) and having good taste.
However: what ugly fucking interiors she presents! That painting and where it's hung over her bed? The frame looks like something from Spirit air taxiway. The sophomoric paintjob (with other walls done in the remaining primary colors) is the wrong kind of effort? Yuck. and the rock salt light sources + ugly fake plants make it look like it's the room next to Terri Schiavos. and don't keep your bras in shoe pouches- it's gauche and can damage the underwire.
Seriously, best of luck on the upcoming nuptials. In the future when a john asks you if you liked it, say "yes"
I'm sure the guy marrying a morbidly obese bipolar prostitute is a real winner. Sounds like a domestic violence murder waiting to happen.

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