
>>81827 (OP)
She was one of the hottest girls in the community. I hope wherever she is that shes living her best fucking life
(320 KB, 1422x800, cover5.jpg)
afaik she was immediately scared off by doxxing and/or stalkers

You’re amazing
She never uploaded a lot of nude content right? It’s been so long I can’t remember, I’ve only seen the one image
There are other old pics out there that I've seen but don't have any more. She's probably my favorite gainer of all time and it sucks she wasn't around longer.

She is still active on a personal Insta. I've seen some recent-looking pics reposted elsewhere and looks like she's gained. No I don't have the info. Not fetish related at all, I don't think she wants anything to do with the community.
still would be nice to see her today, mind sharing some of her current pics?
She was the Second Coming of Uglyandstrange/qdqdq (someone I also am dying to know where she went, even a crumb of info), and she disappeared just the same, although at least
is some good news. :(
Here are more pics and a couple of short vids.

Honestly, the pics from the last upload, which I had already, are included since I am too lazy to sort them out.

What file transfer service is this for? I'm fucking stupid and new to this.
That girl was so crazy hot (Uglyandstrange/qdqdq).
I liked uglyandstrange but most of her content was morphed. Some more obviously than others.

For me obesityglorifier kinda filled in for littleyellowspider when she left
(15 KB, 180x180, c4bdb982-653f-4030-8186-2d581fa70527.jpg)
I remember she had a feabie, where she had a Hebrew name that started with an A like Anya or something, I think it meant deer but not sure. (also incidentally, qdqdq is jewish like obesityglorifier)

And she was making some money too:

What in the world made her just dip without a trace when she was evidently an extreme feedee, photoshop or not? Did she go into diabetic shock or something at such a young age?

Yes I should let go, but I had a crush on her more than anyone else in this community, mea culpa. Occam's Razor tells me she likely encountered a doxxing creep or just got tired of the scene, but I really wish we had even one sign of what happened for closure. Alas.
Does she have a SDB page or anything I’ve never seen her before
Nvm nvm, she really does have THAT body, literally my favorite type
Wish I had more but that's pretty much it. I wanna fuckin die.
That makes two of us. You’re a real one for providing us with what you have
Obesityglorifier is jewish? I thought she was hispanic
The two aren't necessarily mutually exclusive. If she's of Sephardic descent for example she could reasonably be considered as both.
True, was just surprised. But pretty sure she was from Florida so chances for both are pretty high.

Anyone remember how tall she was?
Fuckin huge khazar milkers
she said on feabie a couple times she's half italian half jewish (ashkenazi i believe), hence the vaguely mediterranean look
Does her Feabie still exist?
I think I always just ASSUMED she was Cuban bc if I remember correctly she was in FL and could pass for it. Regardless she us hit as fuck and looks even better in the recent pics we have. I would love to see more but also dont want to fuck with her private life.
Ya she has a kind of "fiery" "sick of BS" personality and although she liked attention it seems, she also has little tolerance for creeps and anyone not her style. If someone gets weird in her personal IG, she'd probably disappear off the internet (for a while anyway). And yep she could pass as a white Hispanic, but I recall distinctly being proud of both her Italian and Jewish sides and being sensitive about her late father who passed.
As far as I know, no, it's deleted. She doesn't seem like the type to have a secret/lurking alt either. If she made a new one I haven't seen it.

If you do find obesityglorifier on another site, the best thing to do is just let her sink back into the community on her own. She's too outspoken to tolerate BS from brainrotted cookers who will stalk her etc. She was apparently born into this fetish anyway so I doubt she can stay away forever - fat is in our brains wired.

TLDR - leave her alone and hope for the best
Her first username was "zaftig" which is a pretty good clue she has jewish ancestry, almost no one else in the anglosphere uses that word.
can you reup?
i missed this, can you re-up my guy?

I bet you were particularly excited for the Northman!
The word isn't Yiddish or particularly Jewish. It's just German, and hardly unknown in English and other languages - nice and descriptive.

And GOD, she's beautiful, great on camera, and and one hell of a body. Hope the lady comes back sometime.
Actually "Zaftig" IS Yiddish, from the word "Saftig" in German. "Zaftig" doesn't actually exist in German. Saft means juice, and "*ig" is like the "y" suffix, so Saftig means "juicy," like a fruit.
The well is dry for all intensive porpoises.
I was actually, I loved both "The VVitch" and "The Lighthouse", and I speak German, so this guy
>>83567 is 100% correct. Why so sensitive lol, I didn't even say anything mean. Let's be real though if a girl living in "Flahridda" uses a Yiddish word, there's a really good chance she's enjoyed Gelt for Hanukkah. I'd it makes you feel better, I've definitely spun a few girls dreidels and one of the hotter women I've ever been with was of the tribe.
Can we get a re-upload of everything shared before?
Thanks in advance
Woah are these new pics of her? Is she back? Where?
I stand corrected. Thanks! Always happy to learn.
Based thank you.

New-ish but I don't have source (private IG I assume), saw them reposted somewhere else and OP there hasn't shared more. She's not back unfortunately.
>easily offended and opinionated while also being uneducated
Please, for your own sake, delete your r*ddit account, it is poisoning your mind.
Is there anything there that isn’t on StufferDB?
Yes, some of the pics are not anywhere else that I've seen. It's pretty much everything I've ever seen of her minus the more recent pics I posted itt.
Can we get a re-up, please?
Would anyone mind another reup?
Just now discovered her and fuck this is hot
I speak german and I have no idea what the northman and lighthouse are. (what are they?)
I always thought zaftig was a corrupted loanword for juicy (saftig). To me it has more of a voluptuous connotation than plump. I also thought it was one of those kraut/yid words that was widely understood.like hinterland fuhrer of the lumpenprolitariat

when I'm in florida and know what bialys are people think I'm jewish.
Any chance of a reup?
I've come late to this thread.
Any chance of posting a Mega folder of this lovely girl?
Late to the party here.
Any chance of a Mega upload of this lovely girl?
Hey Jack!
Eat shit and kill yourself.

Kind regards,
Just a short video.

can someone please tell me how to use these links ?
It’s idiotic that people have to post encoded links. How 2018 can you get?
you don't need to encode links anymore. All it does is cause those who don't know anything about encoding to post "what do I do with it?" The encoding doesn't stop models from taking shit down, they know what it is and what to do, ( It's been explained thousands of times) even if some posters here don't.

yup... some sites are sort of back ass forwards like that. Maybe the new twitter can change all that. If we had a few more predominantly white countries some of these pains of the modern world could've been alleviated
kill yourself

I have heard this so much directed my way that it's got to the point that I now chuckle everytime
Another reupload, if possible? Thanks in advance.
re-ups please
Any chance for a reupload? Thanks.
Reupload please?
I have no idea why my post keeps getting deleted
reup plssssss
Just found out about this, sad I'm late to the party, anyone have a re-up?
She's perfect! Anyone with a re-up?

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