
I know there used to be a thread on here in which most of her stuff got shared, unfortunately I didn't save any of it.
It'd be nice if someone could reupload some stuff, willing to share some StuffedPrincess videos in exchange
wasn't this chick underage
Yes but threads keep popping up and mods delete anything related to her being underage, but not the threads themselves. Creepy
damn was she really?
>I keep saying she's underage with no proof why won't they listen!!!!!!!!
Yeah because that’s something you really want to risk even on a chance it might not be true. When it’s literally why she left the scene. Fucking pedo. You’d rather beat off to a kid and plead ignorance than just settle on one of the million other fat girls.
lol that "kid" has bigger tits than most adults I know. just because she's under 18 doesnt make her a literal child and a pedo would most certainly not be attracted to her. Chill with the hyperbole and the virtue signalling bro.

Cope harder pedophile
Not worth the risk my man, we have to draw a line somewhere and this is it
She didn't leave because of some boogeymen pedos. She left because she felt used by her feeder boyfriend. Regardless, i bet if anons hadn't started pushing the pedo panic, you would be furiously fapping to her. I wonder how many of the pedo screechers previously drooled over her actually.
source: my ass
>>81324 (OP)

how many underscores did she have? (I might be able to find the stuff I have of her if you can recall)
Holy shit yikes. Rather than say “under no circumstance would I view and download CP” you’re going to double down on the “what I don’t know can’t hurt me, ITs OnLy a RuMoR”. Pedos everywhere.
Fuckin pedos. You have to draw the line somewhere you degenerate fucks.
Idiot, just because someone doesn't take such a claim at face value, doesn't mean they're a pedo. Mods themselves have stated they delete posts claiming underage and pedo without evidence, because in the past, claims have been made that x or y fatty is underage when they aren't, only because said fatty and their orbiters don't want her content being shared. That, and these posts always end up derailing the thread and shitting up the board, like what's happened here. So don't be surprised if most of this thread is wiped. Just don't go starting a conspiracy theory about how pedos have infiltrated the bbw-chan mod team or some other bullshit.
>claims have been made that x or y fatty is underage when they aren't, only because said fatty and their orbiters don't want her content being shared
exactly this
I've never heard of her before but she seems really interesting!
on what site did she used to be active?
Is there still any content or traces out there of her and most importantly is there any kind of way to verify that she isn't underage?
I believe it was 1(underscore,underscore)elle(underscore,underscore)1
she was active on IG
throughout 2018 shut the doors around 2019 early 2020 ish
from what I remember in a Q&A thing she did she stated she was 17 at the time (2018)
though I dont have the screenshot so just take this with a grain of salt
ah yes, a screenshot that may or may not exist
Lmao try explaining your pedo logic in a court of law i'd love to see how far that argument would get. "B-but judge! She has big tits! Surely that counts as a loophole right??"
actually the courts would agree. Pedophilia is an attraction to pre-pubescent children. She's definitely not pre-pubescent. Also, 17 is legal in many developed countries, so there would be no case at all.
You’re so stupid it’s funny
I think you're brainwashed. A child molester is different from a man who has passing attraction to teenage girls. The not totally underserved moral hysteria is patriarchal-feminist construct, society sees men as the default who clearly develop slower and more than women, father's like to delay their daughters first time as long as possible and it makes jaded women feel objectified.
You gotta think about it like this. Sure, she’s gone through puberty. But how many years ago was she 16? 15? 14? You see what I’m saying? It wasn’t that long ago (well it’s been four years now but she doesn’t age in the pictures so this applies here) that she was just graduating from middle school and going into high school. That’s why we draw a line at 17 and below.
Two years* right? I’m not exactly an expert on the elle1 or whatever lore
>That’s why we draw a line at 17 and below.
Who is we? The average age of consent in Europe is 16. It's also 16 in some US states. Are these places pedo havens to you then? In Bahrain, the age of consent is 21. So according to them, most people in the world are pedophiles, including you. Your law isn't international law.
>>81474 sure its legal, but morally, an adult being horny for a high schooler is gross. stupid, sexy, sexy children
Does anyone here have like actual content to share, or just moral arguments ?
Lol, there are plenty of 18 and even 19 year olds still in high school. School ends even earlier than 18 in some countries. So all it takes to be attracted to them is if they've graduated? Ridiculous.
.nl, retards. the only consent law that would matter on this site at all is the netherlands' which is 16. clutch your pearls somewhere else.
There are BBWs in the Netherlands? I thought it was just a bunch of tall, beanpole mfs
>>81497 > "let me be attracted to children!"
>>81505 if you don't wanna fuck 18 year olds thats fine, I guess, but ridiculing others for saying they do is pretty gay.
okay gramps .. some of us are 2 years off.
Sorry to butt into you guys’ convo but I wanted to share smthn. I’m 19 and in like… elementary school I stumbled across this one Destiny video and fell in love, she pretty much created my preference for double bellies and my love for seeing how they ripple like water under clothing when BBWs jiggle them. But yeah that’s pretty much my origin, how about ya’ll?
Dude i just dont fucking care about your stupid discussion. You are not going to change anyone's mind. Just pass the link or go hell.
>>81513 Ok? How about this? How about you fuck whoever you want? right and like nobody even gives a fuck? because it's your life & nobody cares about you? odds are that if we met I wouldn't even get along with you because you would only be an annoyance to me? and the way most of you sound as if you are all bitter old virgins. They literally sound just like this. Go get some ugly fat thot pussy already & stfu it aint that serious it's part of life and actually it's sort of what you are already supposed to be doing, not on the internet jerking off. You should be fucking & getting someone pregnant. Whether you do it the right way or not well that is up to you too. You do you.

>>81466 Riiiiight. On a related note, because of TikTok & social media I've been wondering recently what it must feel like to be a female 35 yo virgin. Good times.
Does anyone even have content of her?

thanks, and well, my zip on her was about half this size, so I won't bother posting it, his is more complete. You were correct though on the quantity of underscores.
re up?
Reup pls?
i didn’t even know this thread existed. could i get one last reup?
Noncery right here
Anybody have the pic where her tongue is out?
file doesn’t work
just one last re up ?
just one last re up
This girl is amazing.

Transfer expired

Sorry, this transfer has expired and is not available any more

These transfers are less amazing - would a hero-reup please?

Thank you!
Thank you, Hero!!!
Isn’t she a minor?
No, now shut the fuck up
she was 100% 16 at the time I don't know why people keep denying it, it's a bit weird. Just accept it or fuck off
Some people don't have morals. I saw a thread where some people knew it was below 1. 8 and they didn't give a shit since she had a mature body.

Like if y'all can't even agree if the digit's are above 1 8 or below it...you might need to leave that shit behind. Like there's other content of women you can jack off too who you don't have to worry about that type of stuff with.
Reup pls? shes amazing
does anyone know what she’s up to now? if we could get a lead on it or even her socials that would be god tier

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