
That room is terrifying.
she's about 30wks now. she ought to be something to see when she hits 36wks. sadly she doesn't do much of anything. all she seems to do is sit there with a dildo, prop her feet up on the desk and masturbate. you'd think a lady made famous for her huge breasts and even bigger belly would play with them some more. I mean, can we get a weigh in even? outgrown clothing?
Yeah it's a bit much... reminds me of the myspace page of an emo high-school chick circa 2007
The golden era of DIY porn is over. Its a social vehicle now. Most of the models who find the most success will also ignore their customers the most. Most of them started out genuinely horny but it turns out 99.99% of humans labidos dont work on a 9-5 schedule so they become worn down and eventually see us all as porn addicted goblins (source: dated multiple SWs) Amateur sex content is cool but most "professional" content is being pumped out by women who dont want to go back to serving at the local dive. Anyone who's ever known those types of women know they're kinda shitbags lol

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