
(2.1 MB, 1920x1080, mochii 2 years.png) (1.5 MB, 3024x4032, mochii 20K stuffed.jpg) (509 KB, 1536x2049, 1536x2049_218816af77035f38d8f113473d9c850c.jpg) (574 KB, 2183x1536, 2183x1536_84c8b0b55428306422f4a009e9838556.jpg)
Can anyone share the fucking machine video? My self imposed statute of limitations is over for that and it looks nice.
Anybody with Messy Wings Sexual Stuffing?
That last one is STUNNING 😍
In 3 years she became Buddha lul, I wish she would do more exercise videos. A blood test too, I sincerely wonder how her body is handling so much fat so quickly
I really like her way of „slowing down“
her gaining.

she turned from asian to mexican lmao
She looks better when she was thin.
Lol you lost?
Same. The whole "I'm 'slowing down' but can't help but keep piling on weight" schtick is so hot.
Then watch her old videos, no need to put someone down publicly. Most people here like her gain
Shout out to the legend who uploaded her brand new video. She is losing her shape beautifully
fuck i missed it.
She did one in her OF some time ago. They were pretty close to normal IMO considering how much she has gained weight.

Probably because she is so young and was athletic before this plus possibly good genes.

Could be also that she is eating quite healthy (still fattening) and not just the junk we see on the videos.
What happened to her did she say she was stopping somewhere?
no, this has been unfortunately common recently. her upload schedule is basically nonexistent now, she keeps changing it and never sticks to a pattern

Goes from being dedicated and slim to obese and sporadic.....

Sounds about right for this community.
it's on coomer party
We want women to be lazy about everything—except making content about their laziness lol
I mean, it's hot that she comes back noticeably fatter after each break. but it's also insanely annoying to commit to an upload schedule, break it, commit to a new one, then go back to the old schedule and immediately break it again after only one update. totally understandable if it's due to personal stuff, but if that's the case then you can't keep promising to keep a schedule that you clearly can't maintain
She is at the size now especially with such an extremely unhealthy gain style where taking a break more than a few weeks raises plausible concern she had a stroke or such lol
Shut the fuck up nigger
you first faggot
“With a hard R”
To answer someone’s question that got deleted, she’s active on her twitch stream REPORT MY POST
The “Mav” guy is her feeder/boyfriend on REPORT MY POST and the post was made to their twitch streams REPORT MY POST
Idk why it says report my post

I love inside jokes.

One day I hope to be a part of one.
Is it possible to get a translation for this?
Mochii's feeder/BF made that post on their streaming REPORT MY POST. Apparently they're becoming full-time streamers on Twitch?

No idea what it means for their fetish stuff. My guess would be that they're still going to make it, but it won't be their main focus anymore.
Seems good for us, she will still need income from the videos and is now sitting around playing video games full time, bet she blows up more
I think they've just been running out of ideas. she just posted an OnlyFans update, apparently she'll have 3 new full length videos coming out tomorrow, Friday and Sunday so perhaps it's coming to a close
Does she really pour all this time, money and effort into gaining nearly 200 pounds just to drop it for being a twitch streamer? She's sitting on a gold mine 500 feet deep and just dug out the first 10, doesn't make sense to quit now
I mean she can’t keep gaining like that forever so it makes sense that they are pivoting to streaming for a more sustainable income
Who gains 200 pounds just to walk away from it? (Barring age and eventual health issues that is)
I meant perhaps the dry spell is coming to a close. unlikely she'd give up on something like this
>eventual health issues
Way to answer your own question bud
how is a twitch channel with little to no viewers a sustainable income

They do get semiregular donations with their tiny number of viewers

The issue seems to be that they don't realize (??) that those donations come from people obsessed with their porn

If they were to actually stop making it, those would dry up lol
Butterball uploaded two new clips including today and she is looking more obscenely obese than ever, someone please... you know
No point until Sunday when the 3rd clip drops and she disappears again
Now the coomer can be updated
She just posted like 3 new videos.
I don't know why this thread is si guarded. She's got a coomer like everyone else and doesn't even post anymore

I managed to acquire one of the 3 most recent videos

Someone updating the coomer would be ideal but if anyone just has either of the other two recent ones that'd be great
>>85283 Thanks dude! Damn, her belly really reached a Layla-like tightness in this one ...

Ah yes, let me continue gaining when hospital-ridden with breathing tubes.

You're not going to gain weight without developing issues.
I don't really care much about the super creative scenes. I just think it's hot to watch her eat an obscene amount of food. I don't know of anyone else who does that kind of content, which is absurd in this fetish scene.

Is there anyone else who does actually good binge eating content? Genuine question.
Imagine if Mochii made the 3 vids because she read though the thread and wanted to prove us wrong.
I'm having trouble figuring out how to upload OF to coomer. If someone wouldn't mind explaining it I could update Mochii's and some other pages
re-up for the 3 new vids?

omg was that you that did it?

Thanks so much, I was literally just about to ask for the number but you updated the coomer right after she dropped the weigh-in
364lbs is the new weigh in.
Does anyone know her weight from previous weigh ins?
I only know that in the one before that she was 342 lbs
I’ve always been really good at remembering numbers so I’ll give you the rundown

Mid March 2020: 177lbs
Early April 2020: 205lbs
Mid April 2020: 226lbs
Early May 2020: 230lbs
Mid May 2020: 243lbs
Early June 2020: 257lbs
Mid June 2020: 273lbs
Early September 2020: 285lbs
Early November 2020: 304lbs
Late March 2021: 330lbs
Early September 2021: 342lbs
Mid May 2022 (Now): 364lbs

Dates/weights might be a tiny bit off but generally that’s what I remember
50 pounds from mid March to mid April? That’s crazy
Man, this girl is getting so big. And I'm here for the ride.
here’s hoping she gets to 400+ by the end of the year, if she makes it to 450 i could really see her entering ssbbw territory
As much as I enjoy her content and the ridiculous gain..the excessive burping is a bit much. I don't even mind burping in general but this is just comical
>UUUUUURP I have gotten so BUUUUUUUURP fat
>Time to see how much I gained BURP
It's involuntary actually, she said so in the doctor's checkup video.
NGL someone else updated it; I had forgotten...
Hilarious when I remember being under 300 was concerning her family that they "decided as a family to diet" wonder how that turned out.
You try eating what she eats on a daily basis and see if you aren't excessively gassy lol
Speak by yourself, girls speaking like Rick from Rick & Morty turn me in
I got hard from just reading that
Yeah it's very hot, I wouldn't think about it too much
Read this in the Foghorn Leghorn Voice
She's 5' 2" right?

Those measurements seem small for 364 at that height, especially given a low fitness level.

I would expect a woman to be closer to 5' 9" with a 60" measurement, at 360. A pear shaped woman I know was in the mid 60s at 5' 7" - 325.

Something doesn't add up here.
Yeah I guess those are her "billed" stats same with wrestling stats.. exaggerated as fuck
I agree. I knew a girl who was around 5'2" and about 250 pounds who was maybe slightly thinner than Mochi. If she really is 5'2" I'd say she's more like 270.
I sort of agree, but not by much.

My gf is 5ft4 340 and has slightly larger measurements then her.
>implying she's telling the truth in her heavily edited videos
She's literally microburping absolutely constantly. I don't see why she would lie about it. Such a weird thing to lie about. Burp fetishes are hardly unpopular so she wouldn't hide it.

Maybe she's just heavier than she looks? She's been eating and doing fuckall for so long it doesn't seem like it's a stretch to me.
She’s probably 270 or so in real life. Just saying that because she looks the same size as people in real life who are ~270.
I don't think it's exaggerated by much. she's a very uniform fat distribution, so that she's practically cylindrical whereas many people have like an oval shape. also, she used to work out a lot, and I'd imagine she still has a decent amount of muscle under there.

personally, the biggest girl I've been with was about 330 at 5'6, and her widest measurements were some way below that even with a more pear shaped body. it's not inconceivable for her to be practically telling the truth, especially since her fat seems quite dense based on how it jiggles. some girls just have more lard packed into a smaller container; at a guess, I'd say she maybe steps on the scales with camera in hand but otherwise doesn't cheat
I love how everyone looks at regular people who aren't in shape/would be considered chubby in most civilized areas and state they were gym rats or work out alot. Muscle is not holding on for literal years of doing nothing. You'll lose muscle relatively quickly.

You know damn well not everyone thinks this and this is your way of rationalizing the narrative that everyone who isn't a chubby chaser is some anti-fat health nut.
I get that we all love big measurements but I just don't see Mochii cheating this one. 360 seems just believable. She's a tightly packed butterball and has been living the most sedentary lifestyle I've ever seen for over a year doing fuckall but eating.
lmao someone's never seen a fat girl in a fight. being morbidly obese is a workout even if you don't move around much, and the fact her blood pressure is even half decent implies that she has been working out at least somewhat more than her videos imply.

yes, I'm inclined to agree
I feel like we're so nitpicky by picking apart a model's life to explain this stuff, it seems borderline obsessive. But anyway.

Couldn't the blood pressure be explained by the fact that she had an active and healthy lifestyle + weight pre-feeding? I've been to the doctor's as an assistant with people who are very overweight but have good blood pressure. Naturally not nearly as fat as Mochii but still good blood pressure.

I don't doubt that her blood pressure and rest of her vitals will decline, but she has gained a lot of weight extremely fast, and she's still very young (25 or younger?), so it simply hasn't had the time to catch up with her yet.

Being fat is not healthy, but being fat or very fat for a year isn't going to destroy you. But over time it's really bad. It's hot though.
Youth is forgiving. Fat accelerates the aging process, but it takes years to catch up with a person. That's why doctors shit all over "healthy" morbidly obese 25 year old. Their vitals are still great, but every calendar year adds two to their biological age. By thirty, they feel forty. By forty, they have the health problems of a sixty year old.

Being lazy makes a fat chick lighter than she looks, cause the muscle isn't there. Maybe mochi is secretly powerlifting, but exaggerating her gain seems a lot more likely.
I thought fat is literally like free moisturizer
age has to do with cell death and regeneration, the process is dependant on the damage dna takes i believe. Moisturizer has nothing to do with any of this. also muscler is denser per pound than fat is, the heaviest girls are also pretty muscular underneath. I believe boberry must have been such a case.
At this current fatness what age is Mochii is likely to get really sick or even croak? Sorry to put it so vulgarly

She's already sick. Her mobility is extremely limited for her age. Sleep apnea. Digestive issues. Less visible - reduced immune function, higher inflammation, repeated blood sugar spikes, etc. Good chance of a fatty liver, gall bladder on the way out, prediabetes, etc.

It's hard to say when she'll find those issues cause an unacceptable quality of life trade off. Is really sick metformin to keep the prediabetes under control? Or is it at the point where she needs oxygen to compensate for the cardio pulmonary damage from decades of metabolic syndrome?

Lifestyle factors beyond weight will strongly influence her personal timing. Exercise, smoking, alcohol, stress, sugar, etc. She could be a wreck by 35, or fairly comfortable at 65. It depends how much of her most extreme feedism is for show. Binging on sheet cakes, while refusing to leave the bed, isn't doing the body any favors.

The long play is to keep your feedee active and eating healthfully, while consuming more calories than she needs. Optimize all the other health factors you can. Burning them out on crap might shortens the number of years where it's fun and might even short a peak weight. It's hard to keep gaining with digestive or blood sugar issues.

We don't and won't know until it happens.

IIRC, Asians are somewhat more susceptible to diabetes. She already has the weirdly colored skin in certain areas (armpits, etc) described in the linked article.

Choices, we all make them.

She's WAY bigger than my wife who is 270

I think mochii is just more active than she lets on. Have you *seen* her thighs? Those aren't the thighs of someone who doesn't heave her fat ass around a lot. She has the muscle everyone is claiming she doesn't.
At least she and her boyfriend are perfectly aware of the risks. They did a doctor's checkup and Mochii talked about it in a long video.
dude you are fucking delusional if you think that natty levels of muscle are going to show through that much fat
Look at ripped natural female bodybuilders, even though they have top 0.01% levels of muscle for women, they're still tiny. I seriously doubt that Mochii is working out as much as these girls are.

I mean, unlike you, I literally have a 270 pound active woman to compare to. All I'm saying is that her legs haven't warped into blobs of cellulite the way a lot of the completely-inactive fatties get.

My wife is both shorter than Mochii and visibly less wide and weighs 270 pounds (275 last she checked), and Mochii looks bigger than my wife did even at her highest weight of 300.

It's seriously not that unbelievable that mochii is 350.
The way y'all are speaking about this woman. It's like she's gonna die...yikes..imagine dying over your Fetish...that's embarrassing. Like theirs obviously health risk but yikes man...
lol, have you seen how old she is and what she puts into/ has done to her body? Clearly not here for a long time-- just a good time.
You don't sit on your ass for a year+ in hopes of longevity.
I agree that she's the weight she claims to be. re: legs, I think she just has a very apple-shaped distribution and not much fat went to her ass and legs.
Yeahh remember she's a smoker and a drinker too.

Granted it hasn't been updated in almost 5 years, so the list is most likely bigger now.
Jesus that's just sad. Like don't get me wrong I obviously have a fetish over this shit...but I have limits..like holy shit 1,200 pounds is not it..hell I didn't even know of the term USSBBW. Oh well it is what it is
I like big girls too,but there’s most definitely such a thing as “too much”. I can never be attracted to women anywhere near that big

Worst part is most of these women die either broke or forgotten by the BBW community, and are swept aside and are hardly brought up again.

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