
(153 KB, 1440x1800, Mar 17, 2022 3.jpg)
Seems we've lost the last thread, anyone have her newest videos? Here's a couple of her recent videos on Curvage for anyone who missed them, plus a little gem from the past.

Anyone have her St Patrick's day vid?
A kemono party update would be incredible if anyone has subscribed
kemono party is broken and doesnt' update patreon until they fix it.
Thank you OP. I didn't even realize she was back.
does she burp in any of her videos?
Her newest patreon vid


If anyone has her most recent curvage vids I'd be much obliged

Thank you stranger
Say, that sounds fair. Here's her most recent Curvage.


what website do I input that to
google base64 decoder.
I'll upload s' Patrick's video when I'm home from work
You guys are freaking awesome!

You are a top legend
Does anyone have her taco sprite banana clip it's a top tier but I just wanted to askšŸ˜…
you guys rule, I remember in the last thread everyone crying and shitting their pants as if no one would ever buy her content again, just goes to show this community ain't all bad when people are generous and look out for the common lurker

Nobody is going to drop content in a thread that's nothing but flamewars and shitposts.

Now that right there is sexy! thanks!

Wish we got to see her a few minutes later as the alcohol kicks in...
Well, she did drop her tier $10 to $35. Still too high, but she did listen to the feedback partly generated from here.
It could be dropped to $10, I just don't get the fascination to this chick. She hasn't gained any serious weight, her content is boring and she hasn't even shown a single titty

Bruh I fukd her
The fascination is that she's pretty much the only feedee with a gorgeous face that she actually shows. Wide hips, fat round ass, creamy soft thighs... But I agree, if you're into serious stuffing/gaining/belly stuff then she's not it.
Can someone update the coomer site please?
her patrons cut in half on 4/1 so she lowered her pricing LOL
>>80895 You do know not everyone resubs each month, right? Patron numbers always drop at the start of a month. Also she was considering lowering the price since like the first week of March.
$35 for one video a week is still crazy.
new doctor video anyone?
Anyone has the new curvage video?
Why isnā€™t her .party page not being updated?
Because it is not currently working for updates. Already mentioned above.
Hate to be that guy but reup?
Thank youuuuu legend
Instead of videos, does anyone have any photo sets?
Instead of photo sets, does anyone have any holograms?
Instead of holograms, does anyone have any cave art?
Supposedly the kemono importer has been potentially fixed and is working somewhat again
Does anyone know if she has talked about why she's into it in the first place?

Tbh I've always felt like she's not too excited about gaining. In her older weigh-ins she seemed concerned and unpleasantly surprised about the weight she had gained.
Let's see, 550+ patrons at a conservative $25 (tiers run from $5 to $125) plus her consistent top content seller status on curvage would allow for roughly $15,000 income per month. Could that be a motivator?
> In her older weigh-ins she seemed concerned
That's because she had a wedding coming up and didn't really plan out things with her gaining. She's back on the train now and seems really happy on her streams.
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it's too bad her streaming quality is such shit kek
a streamer girl getting fat is such a kino concept
Her bf/husband is into it so I guess she embraced it. Her husband has a DeviantArt page (Riddlecorps) with expansion content for more than 9 years.
That's why I think she is not totally full of shit, and that she genualy will gain some weight at the end, because even if I'm not sure she is into it, her husband really is for sure.
her regular streams aren't good but her just dance streams are gold
>her just dance streams are gold
100%. Cute chubby girl shaking her butt for an hour? The kind of quality content I didn't know I needed. I get twitch notifications for one reason!
Does anyone archive her just dance streams? Only seen the clips but there's some good stuff
Thanks! They're obviously not super lewd or whatever but I do think its a fun watch and probably worth the archiving.
I think she's about 165-170 lb now
Not enough!
Agree. She begins to get my interest & money at 200 lbs. Likely never see it.
my brother in christ we're on bbwchan you were never going to pay for anyones content
Not as cheap as you. Take for free what I can get. I'll pay for something top shelf.
Is there any chance that the kemono would be updated ,I'm unable to find her latest videos anywhere .
As much as I like Candii and want to see her gains, when a monthly sub is around the amount you could get for 3-6 months of other gaining models out there Iā€™m sitting on this and waiting to see if itā€™s worth dropping a single sub for a month maybe at the back end of the year if it looks like sheā€™s made some decent gains. Given the price, it seems like a false economy to invest in her Patreon this early both in terms of gain and new content.
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Agreed brother. I am a simp so I'll hang around in the $15 tier. If she keeps up the gain I'll buy in later for the backlog of videos.
I just wanna see her tits, I bet her nipples are big and pink
thanks for these. does anyone know if she has any videos where she actually burps? I was waiting for her to get drunk, laughing and belching.
she still doing fake fundraisers with her now husband?
Never fail to be amazed at how many gullible simps there are. Itā€™s clear as day she has never been into it and just felt pressured by her husband and the money aspect to do this. She then milks the tiniest gain by taking photos/videos from increasingly more tricky angles so she looks ā€œbiggerā€ and puffing out her belly. Not to mention the horse face thatā€™s very hard to overlook and a voice that is so incredibly grating, idk how anyone can stand to listen to it. Yet some people seriously act like sheā€™s the qUeEN of weight gain. Wouldnā€™t it be crazy if people who were supposedly into a fat fetish actually liked fat women?
Everyone is into different shapes and sizes in this fetish. She did gain 70lbs, so she is clearly into it. Not every gainer needs to be 400+lbs
ā€œShe gained 70+ lbsā€
Since she started ā€œgainingā€? Not by a long shot. Since her absolute thinnest years and years ago? Mayyybe. Most women will natural pack on some pounds since their college days and still wonā€™t look fat or even chubby after. Starting off very, very thin, no one irl would even bat an eyelash at a gain of 30-40 lbs over the years. She was average sized still. Since she was actively gaining, she put in maybe 20-30 lbs over 2 whole years. She was comfortable with that, as it could be easily lost. As evidenced by the fact that she quickly lost the weight for her wedding. And on that note, donā€™t you think someone who was truly ā€œinto itā€ and felt ā€œconfidentā€ in adding some weight to their frame would have to panic and quickly lose it all before any of her family/ friends would see her in a wedding dress? That in itself should say it all

ā€œShe is clearly into itā€
A small gain over 2 years by no means proves or even suggests that. Are you aware of how many of these women are in unhealthy relationships with feeders where they feel like they have to gain weight to sexually appease their partner? More often than you obviously think. And considering this guy has been editing photos of her to look like a 1000 lb blueberry and shot from day one, itā€™s not hard to see why she would feel she had to gain a bit to keep him satisfied. But any content Iā€™ve ever seen of her, sheā€™s forcing herself to eat the tiniest amounts of food and is palpably upset by her own small flab. If someone really was into gaining, itā€™s not hard to balloon up, especially over 2 years. But keep fooling yourself
Again everyone has different preferences, and there are thousands of other models out there. There will always be some that you may not like. I'm just saying there is no need getting all worked up about the ones you don't like. I hope that you can find a model that satisfies what you are looking for. I personally find Candii's body type and gain attractive. I also understand other people do not. You are better off finding someone who you do like instead of complaining about models you don't like. You will enjoy this community a lot more.
cram it, nerd
Her husband who is into blueberry and bbw stuff is the sole reason she ever did any of this. And knowing about him I don't think it's a mutual interest at all no matter how much he has tried to say it was in the past. Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if many of the things she writes online are actually him. Don't expect this to last. She will drop out sooner or later again but this is purely about money and that's it. She'll keep arching her back for years to come so long as there's some gullible folks.
They hated Jesus because he spoke the truth
Y'all need to start thinking of these models as cows and pigs on a ranch.

So you have your farm animals. The goal is to fatten them up so the pigs will give you lots of babies and the cows will give you lots of milk.

So what you guys do is you see like 20% of the farm animals and you see they give milk and make babies. So you keep feeding them and fattening them. They get fucking HUGE and produce a lot of babies and a lot of milk.

The problem is when a single cow or pig gets sick, is injured, or dies, you lose a HUGE amount of your production.

Meanwhile, 80% of your farm animals are malnourished. The cows barely produce milk, the pigs rarely have a single baby. You say "well these animals don't produce anything. I dont want to waste my resources on them when the other 20% is a proven return on my resources"

The mistake is you're not investing in that 80% so they can make more. There are so many models who have genuine feedism fetishes. Who are genuinely turned on by posting their bodies. Those models are often ignored in favor of that 20%.

This website should be about identifying the top 20% of models and sharing their content because they make a fuck ton of money already. It should be about sharing previews and encouraging each other to spend on that middle 60% of models. Share a spare video now and again to promote them. Then finally there's the bottom 20% the ones who are not genuine, who take advantage, who are genuinely toxic to users and models, etc. This is where we should go to warn each other about those models and share their content if it is particularly bad so others can be warned or particularly expensive so that hopefully the piracy will incentivize the model to lower prices.

You guys could be cooming to several girls that look like this broad but are 400 pounds, 300 pounds, etc. but because you pay attention to the fakers and the *lazy* generic white american women you get stuck with fakers and generic lazy white women.
im glad to see someone say not every model needs to be 400 pounds but youre being naiive if you think this model is into gaining just because she put on weight. 70 pounds on a skinny person is literally going from being skinny to barely fat. she goes on a diet for two months and shes in the average weight range again just a little thick lol

She's not into this fetish, she's just doing this for the money. Multiple feedist models will tell you that. Her boyfriends a cuck who's trying to pimp her out online for his fetish. It's not that she has a feedism fetish its that she loves someone who is kind of a dick. lol
100% nailed it with this. I donā€™t give a shit if you donā€™t want every model to become an ssbbw, frankly 400 lb women donā€™t appeal to me either, just as a personal preference. But itā€™s one thing to support smaller models and watch their content, and another thing to glorify a basic bitch (average in literally every way) with a horse face who gets absolutely nothing out of this fetish, sexually speaking. While I donā€™t agree with the people who claim women have to make themselves immobile or anywhere close to ā€œproveā€ theyā€™re actually into this stuff, it should be a bare minimum requirement that they actually enjoy gaining some actual weight, and find it pleasurable. I donā€™t know how dumb or naive youā€™d have to be to not see that this girl has zero personal interest in gaining weight, and will never gain any substantial amount at all. Itā€™s pretty obvious to anyone with half a brain that she does it for the money and, perhaps most importantly, because of her toxic relationship with a dude who knows how insecure she is about being anything but super thin, yet still encourages her to do this shit for his own selfish satisfaction. Why she even got as popular as she did to begin with is truly an enigma to me. I see some dudes acting like she was looking like a damn Victoriaā€™s Secret model when she was thinner and then became a huge gluttonous fatty. But the thing is, she was average at best from a societal standpoint even when thin. So who even gives a damn if she put on 30 lbs to keep her asshat of a husband happy? Itā€™s so cringe that she gets away with this crap. I have literally even seen suckers believing her when she said she has double G cup boobs or some shit like that, when any guy who has been with big tittles women in their life can tell you Candii is a C cup at most. I would say ā€œwhy even lie about something so obvious?ā€ but then I see how gullible her following is and remember how much she gets away with somehow

My brother in christ if you watch a video youā€™ll see her actually measure herself but all you do is bitch on BBWchan about free content you donā€™t even pay for
Working my way way through all this mostly drivel, I must say that you've hit the true mark and said it best.

Trying to make the highlights w/o all the repetition - it is about the money and her husband, They have found that they can easily haul in over $10 grand a month with this gaining charade. Where it all ends? No telling, but likely to last until the naive & gullible stop throwing their good money at this con couple.
Itā€™ll change depending who you ask. Sheā€™ll tell you itā€™s because her husband likes it and she enjoys it to an extent. People on here will tell you itā€™s because sheā€™s only actually gained 5 pounds and bleeds people for money despite the fact that thereā€™s far worse ā€œcreatorsā€ in this community. Iā€™ll tell you I donā€™t give a shit what her motivator is because I can see sheā€™s getting fat again. As long as she gets fat and my porn gets posted for free, I really donā€™t give a fuck how slow or fast she gains. Reina, Katie Cummings, Casey all took years and breaks before getting to their sizes. If I get bored, Iā€™ll stop giving her money.
didn't expect so much stamina from a lardass. Impressing.
it's really funny how comments are constantly being deleted under this. Her husband hates bbwchan by the way and calls you all trash repeatedly on REPORT MY POST.
seems you're not allowed to type the word d* i s c *o r d

our threads keeping removed because people like this keep turning it into a personal vendetta over some mean words on the internet from over a year ago? Gimme a fucking break. Go speak to a real human
Sept 2021 is over a year ago? Did you figure out how long a year is yet?
They hate to see us winning. if their definition of a shit hole involves a site where you can get dope ass content for free then I question if they really are into this kind of stuff. Takes dedication to come out here and ask others to give me content. Dedication they clearly donā€™t have
Nah, this IS a shithole. I'm able to accept that.

people used to use the word dcord as part of the actions of a spambot so the mods had to get rid of it to save themselves the headache.

also bbwchan DID die, this is not bbwchan the site that ran for nearly two decades, and that's GREAT this is the new and improved bbwchan that doesn't honor the DMCA, the old one actually did honor DMCA.

and speaking of honoring dmca, since bbwchan doesn't honor dmca, threads aren't being removed over content, they're being removed for being boring shitty and trash threads, flamewars aren't content, and I hope my post is deleted by a mod because it's just as boring as yours.

if you wanna argue about shit and be petty and silly and don't want your comments deleted? just go to https://bbw-chan.nl/gen

/bbw/ is for bbw porn
Could you send a video of that if you can
you are a lovely person
The patreon importer on kemono party is working again
You could be nice about it. Perhaps they don't have a sub, but do know it is working again. I appreciate the possibility of free stuff whenever I can.
that was cute. I liked her little burps towards the end. did she get the hiccups? she should do a burping video because it seemed like she ended it just when the video was getting good.

why is it so hard to get these ladies to do burping videos?
>why is it so hard to get these ladies to do burping videos?
because you have an even more specific niche than just regular feeding videos. you might as well ask why they're not doing cakesitting or smoking videos. that's not what most of us are here for. i'm glad you've discovered what makes you happy, but your specific fetish is not what feeders/gainers cater to.
Thanks for the heads up
its interesting you say that because layla seems to be doing very well for herself and she has a ton of videos with burping. in fact, have you checked youtube? how many burping compilations are up? some feeders/gainers don't like it. I agree. I'm neither a feeder nor a gainer. I just like bbws and if she's burping thats even better. all of us have our own likes. it wouldn't hurt her to try and appeal to all sorts of other fetishes as well if she's really trying to make some money here. ask jessie minx how her burping videos sell. in fact, thick-fil-a 2 was nothing but nonstop belching and her trying to weigh herself. burping videos do sell. cake sitting, maybe not so much. smoking? I'm not into it but I've seen many people request it online so I know that sells as well. some of the best clips4sale models cater to just about every fetish they can think of. she cut the video right before she started burping which is lost money for her. if she had a follow up with her belching id have bought it the moment after I saw that video. thats her loss.
dude no one cares
anyone got her public burger stuffing video from curvage? would be much appreciated
buy a custom and just shut the fuck up. youā€™re on what is basically a piracy board, take what you can get or stop complaining
so fucking pay for it and stop telling us about it!
I can't find any such vid on her curvage thread. She's got a couple In-n-Out videos that are older, but I don't see any "in public" videos.
tell me where and how. does she offer them?
You can only be so stupid

You have to pay for her highest tier on patreon. So if you're mad enough to do that id be all for seeing her chugging coke and burping
Maybe I'm too late but I've got Panty Party video. I can send it here if someone wants it.
Anyone manage to save this stream?
I never would have guessed that. not only is it the highest tier but also all of them are taken. I would have thought I had to reach out to her via curvage, reddit, twitter or maybe even an email not a patreon.

here's what i have saved
Unless you're willing to pay for the highest tier there's no other way

You can message her on almost any platform for customs, her patreon highest tier just includes a monthly custom along with the rest of her content.

Source: I messaged her on Reddit for a custom
Hope she puts her belly piercing back in
Has she actually gained? Looks like she's doing the usual breathing out and arching her back
Latest weigh in video has her at 160lbs. Right when she came back at the end of February she weighed in at 154lbs. So only a 6lb gain over these past two months.
it isn't a matter of being willing to pay. $125 isn't too much to ask for a 10min custom. the tier isn't available. if I had known earlier id have been signed up

thanks for that. I messaged her on another site but I may try reddit as well.

and if I get the change I'm surely commissioning this outfit.

did y'all see this?

I mean sheā€™s been pretty open that sheā€™s pacing herself this time so she doesnā€™t burn out again. You cant expect every gainer to blow up like Mochiibabii
Oh I definitely don't want her to completely blimp up like Mochii. A slow and steady gain is perfect, just like Candii's last gain. I just thought she would gain back the initial weight a little bit faster this time around, until she got back up to her biggest.
It will be interesting if/when she passes former peak 180. It appears that this new weight regain has already found itself distributed slightly differently - more hip and thigh.
Has anyone noticed that a lot of her pics since she has come back have been a little muddy and low in quality? There are still some hq pics, but others don't look quite right. At least not as high quality as before. I've been putting off reaching out to her in hopes it just gets fixed, but maybe I will have to ask her about it.
anyone have her new star wars video?? it looks great
Ya I noticed and reached out. She agreed. Somethings off
Thanks but why is there no sound for some of these?
I too reached out. She posted the sets twice today on different hosting platforms. Both Imgur and Dropbox seemed fine. Seems she fixed it.
that's how Twitch is with the videos sometimes if they have licensed music in them, like those dance games often do. nothing you can do about it unfortunately
As a thank you to the king that uploaded to kemono

Does anyone have her early curvage vids that they can share please? Some have been removed from sale it appears
she's about to team up with reiinapop. this ought to be good.

About to? It's over a month away....
Anyone have any of her customs they'd be willing to share/sell? Especially from when she was around her biggest
(61 KB, 589x1100, ck1.jpg)
does anyone have this video?
Anyone update kemono?
That ass looks sooo fat in the picture, just imagine how fat it is in person
she takes quite a bit of pride in her behind. she actually twerked for maybe three seconds in her recent workout video and that was by far the best part of the video. that and her slapping it saying that the weight she's gaining is going to her belly and booty and its in a competition to see which one will get bigger.
Any of the new video re-ups would be MUCH appreciated - thank you!
Can someone update kemono please
What the fuck are you talking about you desperate fuck? Maybe for a blurry frame you can kinda see where the nip would be. Yes, even in the higher quality on Kemono.
Jesus calm down hero
>>81444 have anyone this video?
what is your REPORT MY POST for the princess Leila video?
Do you know the weigh in dates?
As well as the weight. With the corresponding date ?
Can anybody update her kemono? Her gain is great!!!
The last few videos, especially the weigh in, on kemono were great - can anybody update it? She somehow seems close to her current high weight already, even if the scale doesnā€™t show it
Anyone have any of her new videos?
To whoever just updated the kemono, you are an absolute legend.
Guys ,Even her curvage videos are so good .
Does anyone have those
Agreed, thank you
Has she made a new weigh in?

I love when porn turns idiots into angry know-it-all assholes with ridiculously high standards :)
Ayup, got it right here
oh my fucking god.

Hottest video I've seen on this site in a long time, thanks for the link king
Curvage is full of simps, clamoring for the scraps she drops to them. She doesn't look like she's gained an ounce in months
I can somewhat agree with that. she really doesn't look like she's gained. but she does have a huge behind and an overall beautiful figure.
Or she just uses good angles. She's 170 lbs wet, how big can her ass and belly actually
Tubeoffline is fucked now I guess. How can I download age-restricted videos on Youtube now? I want to archive these before they are gone.
this. camera angle from below can make you look bigger


or combo with open video downloader
This link does not work. It opens directly at 32% doiwnload status and does not do anything
Star wars vid?
Thanks to whoever updated kemono.party
Doesnā€™t work
Mfs out here really saying copy paste is hard. Can't imagine being that dumb
Does she deadass stream on Twitch with her gut out?
She has one magnificent bubble butt
One of the rules is literally no trading.
Don't be a dick about it if someone has that vid they will post it too. šŸ¤”
It really cracks me up how there are people who are genuinely tricked into thinking she actually has a big ass. Has no one but me seemed to noticed that every single photo of her butt involves her practically breaking her back to arch it out farther and then taking the photo from an absurdly low angle? You guys do realize that even someone with a completely flat ass would look ā€œthiccā€ after all the smoke and mirrors she pulls, right? It takes some real mental gymnastics to be able to get off to her alleged ā€œweight gainā€ when any fool with eyes can see sheā€™s milking it for every tiny gain of 1 pound per 6 months and will for sure disappear again very soon once no one is buying the tricks anymore and she hates herself enough again for re-gaining 10 pounds. But then again, I guess a lot of people have already deluded themselves into thinking such a horse face is ā€œattractiveā€ to begin with. Just look at that nose from the side. Oofffff. If thereā€™s one large body part that stands out on her, itā€™s definitely her nose and not her ā€œassā€ or ā€œbellyā€
(436 KB, 1125x982, 09CA7AA6-AA98-41C5-9139-57C6C2BD5D53.jpeg)
Case and point. Id say I can overlook quite a few facial flaws for the sake of a good fap if the woman is actually gaining. But sheā€™s not and goddamn, that nose has its own zip code
She should either accept it and actually gain (Why marry a crazy deviantart feeder then be so wishy washy about gaining like 15 pounds?) or gtfo to a normie guy and be done with it
This exactly. Like the dude literally gets off to morphing her into a 1000 lb or whatever blueberry blob and imagining sheā€™s an ssbbw. She obviously felt she had to start ā€œgainingā€ to keep his interest, which is pretty sad imo. Sheā€™s obviously miserable about it in all of her content too. I will never understand why she became so popular when she 1.hates gaining weight 2.will never actually gain more than a tiny bit and 3. Has an ugly face anyways. Meanwhile, I will be giving my money to feedees who are actually attractive to start with and genuinely enjoy the weight gain fetish. There are plenty out there who started out thin and turned into full on fat girl status

Yo you good dog?

You do know the person who does the Candi Kayn morphs *is* her boyfriend (/husband?), right?
Umm yes? That was literally the point of my comment- that her husband wants her ssbbw sized when she obviously already hates herself after gaining like 10 pounds. I think you need to re-read my dude
Iā€™m very good, thanks. Just donā€™t get why people would waste money on a horse faced scammer who wonā€™t even get big and hates the fetish. To me (and many others from what Iā€™ve seen), she could not be more overrated. But you do you dude
Holy fuck talk about a personal hate boner. Donā€™t like it? Just leave. Probably same dude that gets every thread shut down
Can someone help me out? I seen a video way back in 2020 of Candii chugging from a 2 litre Coke on PH, and after 10 minutes of being posted it got taken down. Is there a hero out there that has the video, or any other videos of her chugging Coke/Pepsi they could share?
I've only got a mountain dew chugging vid, sorry, I've got nothing coke/ Pepsi orientated so can't help you there
I mean that would help too. Any sort of soda chugging vid I'd be after but Coke/Pepsi ones are the main ones I'm after
What ā€œgutā€? Lmaoooo. Thatā€™s the most average sized woman Iā€™ve ever seen. Well technically not even ā€œaverageā€ since most people these days are actually overweight
Does anyone have her Catwoman and Leia videos
Does anyone know what's her current weight?
I think about 175-180 lb now. Last time in April was 165 lb
Before I download this, is it worth it though? Any belly play, jiggle, stuffing, e.g.?
jfc,she's cooking something to eat - not playing exhibitionist for your pleasure! It's a free download and just delete it if it doesn't arouse you adequately.

Itā€™s a fucking publicly available Twitch stream, you donā€™t need to download shit
(524 KB, 1600x1553, b7lxkQBjuW4.jpg) (461 KB, 1200x1600, nGkwhbadhe8.jpg)
How can I decode it on Base64 I don't think it's complete.
remove the (slave leia) in parentheses after you decode for the first time. after you remove (slave leia) including the parantheses, decode again.

aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC{Slave Leia}90LUdXWkNSeWU5QTA=

delete {SlaveLeia}

Re-run new code.

Should get https://we.tl/t-GWZCRye9A0
cute outfit shes wearing.
arent they pulled offline after a certain period of time?
Yes. Download if you want to keep.
where do you open the links at? i copy and paste them and nothing turns up. can someone help me?
where do open the links to get videos at? can someone help me?
Read the message just a few above yours you mental retard
nothing comes up when i search the links do they expire after a certain period of time?
Not to get everyone over hyped but she has on OF now. Only downside is it seems like it's only photos
Pay $10 a month for photos? !!! She's nuts.
whatā€™s her OF @ ?
If its nudes then it's not as bad (still a scam) but if it just regular photos then she's lost it
Hopefully she focuses more on OF over time and starts using it to stream or at least does video clips
>>90760 it's candii.kayn

ā€œEven if itā€™s nudity sheā€™s still scamming everyone,ā€ thatā€™s the one of dumbest fucking entitled takes Iā€™ve ever seen on BBWchan
Ye, if it's just pics. Would still be great to see her naked but for $10 a month for 2 photo sets, nude or not, is not worth it
She's uploaded one photo set (3 photos) so far and there's no nudity in them. Shows her ass in bikini and one photo of her upper-body with she holding her tits. Nothing more exclusive than some of the Patreon-content IMO so the price is way too high for 2 photo sets like this per month. Not that I expected a dildo anal session but still underwhelmed by the content, I must say
im a huge candii fan. the minute i saw she had an of i jumped on it. i saw that price and heard that it was only pics and immediately lost interest.

im not entirely sure that she knows what all shes doing. is she a twitch streamer? curvage gainer? gainer modeling with reiinapop? or is she doing her own of? im wondering because id gladly join her of if she offered customs. i have plenty of ideas for customs. right now id gladly pay her for a work out video.

a workout video like this with her wearing the outfit she wore in her last stream.

this one.

or even these sweats with plenty of dancing and twerking. id gladly pay for that and i know that wouldnt be too much work on her part but the problem is theres no way to contact her. if i could join of and request such things id join immediately but since that isnt an option and shes only offering pic sets ill keep my money.
Wow, itā€™s almost as ifā€¦ sheā€™s a scammer just trying to milk every tiny pound she gains in the course of like a year for as much as she possibly can while simultaneously hating weight gain and avoiding it at all costs. And when she uploads 3 clothed pics a month for $10 some of yā€™all still fell for it lmao šŸ˜‚ she definitely attracts the bright ones
seems like it got taken down, any other way to see it?
Does she have a coomer?
As of rn no she doesn't.
Shes on kemono tho
I'm sure she'll end up on there eventually šŸ˜Š

Latest weight is 170. Anyone know how tall she is?
5' 4" according to her curvage
Anyone got new videos from her?

she's gained like 30 lbs this year, is it too early to start assuming she's going all the way this time?
Still not sure I buy it, but also I donā€™t know much about her lore lmao. Whatā€™s her deal is she actually into it or is this at the request of her husband?
Quite unlikely, originally she went into gaining to get curvier. If she goes higher than 200 that would be a surprise, unless she really needs the money.
Couldn't believe I'm saying this, but thank Christ we're in the beginning of a recession
I really wish shed do some curvage videos in simple outfits like this. clearly that shirt is too small and her behind is about to burst out of those shorts. she needs to do more vids like that. how do you rip these vids though?

have the videos from this team up dropped yet?
I`m download video from twitch by using https://untwitch.com
and change aspect ratio by using application XMedia Recode
Holy shit! That twitch downloader really works. Thanks for the tip.
She looks bigger in this twitch clip from last week than in her most recent website posts (likely recorded earlier), There can be optimism that she may actually reach 200 this time, perhaps beyond.
I'm confused how she's even on this site when she doesn't qualify as a BBW yet. Thought women needed to be 200 pounds minimum to be considered a BBW?
Not necessarily. Plus not everyone likes shapeless blobs here, believe it or not
The number in pounds is less important than the body mass count. Shorter gals (Candii is 5'4") are going to look a lot fatter at 200 lbs than someone close or at 6 feet, who will barely look overweight.

which twitch clips are worthwhile? link some? I have no trouble downloading them, but most twitch content from her is super super boring and I don't want to sift through it if someone in this thread already has some favorites
All the cooking (kitchen) & the "Just Dance" clips. Skip all the gaming ones.>>92319
>Plus not everyone likes shapeless blobs here
That's very assuming of you because I don't either. USBBWs (600+ pounds) aren't my thing.
If she's that short and still looks just chubby, then she has a long road still. The average height for adult women is 5'6", and I have 200-210 pound family members at that height who look much wider then her.
Latest weigh-in is 170 lbs, so she has a ways to go before reaching the 200-210 range you're speaking of. She'll look quite fat at those weights at 5'4" (assuming she ever gets there)..
Totally agree on this. She barely even qualifies as chubby and yet sheā€™s been at it for literal years and still gets so much credit for being a ā€œGOATā€. So many simps here seem like theyā€™d be willing to chop their own dick off if itā€™d get her attention. Iā€™ve never understood. Since itā€™s clearly not that sheā€™s actually fat, is it how she has the face of someoneā€™s ugly Italian father thatā€™s appealing? Orrr? šŸ˜‚ her nose literally hangs over her upper lip lol
It's not just her belly that has gotten bigger
Her ass and thighs have some much cellulite come to before she got married
The thing that makes me the most disappointed in Candii is how she claims to be this huge blueberry inflation enthusiast, but releases like 2 sets a year where she wears something blue and thatā€™s about it. Almost no effort really feels like itā€™s being put in, which is nuts because I would pay for her blueberry content exclusively. And then thereā€™s the mythic suit which is supposedly on its way, but when it arrives how much of it will we ever see?

I'm still waiting for another work out or dance video in these nice outfits she wears on twitch. I don't know that she's done that new video with retina yet but I'm really looking forward to those.
She's on Coomer now.
What a useless page.

If sheā€™s not even gonna pop a titty or anything why not just keep posting on Patreon? The content looks practically identical anyway
Who the fuck jerks off to someone pretending to be a blueberry? What the fuck is wrong with you? I thought that set was just like a joke to do with Willy Wonka, I had no idea there were people out there with a weird fruit fetishes.
you must be new to bbw-chan

not to mention her whole reason why people know who she is in the first place is because of the blueberry inflation niche
>being this new
reddit is down the hall and to the left
Retard alert, leave and never come back
Hey fuck stick, fetishes exist...that's why you're here.
Can someone pls update Candiiā€™s coomer ? Thereā€™s a new try on clip šŸ¤¤
Oops I meant kemono šŸ¤¦ā€ā™‚ļø
Anyone got her Watermelon vid?
Who tf wants to watch her struggle to eat the worlds tiniest watermelon? Clearly sheā€™s ā€œTryingā€ to get ā€œfatā€ lmao
fAkE gAiNeR gIrL!!!!!!!
she streamed last night? I thought she was filming with reiina?
aight idk if its those pants but her hips look glorious
it could be. she frustrates me so much with this. she looks better in her twitch videos then in any of her curvage videos or of pics. yet again I would easily buy a video of her wearing this outfit. something this simple yet she makes it so hot.
Yeah, as someone has mentioned, she looks different (bigger) in her twitch streams than in her paid content. Strange, and I am mystified as to why. Could it be her camera and setup she uses on twitch? Perhaps a wider angle lens? But then you expect some distortion, which I don't see. In any case, against my prediction, she might actually get to 200 lbs (perhaps above) and is looking pretty good getting there.
there wouldnt really be any way to have a wider angle filter track her ass either. her hips look just as wide to me in the normal paid stuff ive seen but if its not then maybe its some content she recorded months ago and has the releases spaced out
thats what annoys me about her. its bad enough that one cannot get a hold of her for customs but thats her decision. I understand that. but what I'm seeing is that it appears her best outfits are on twitch.

I would gladly pay for videos of her wearing these clothes. I keep saying this over and over because she looks her biggest and best in the free content and I dont understand why. id like to see her doing something as simple as working out and twerking in them, show that big booty off some more, and it seems like thats entirely too much to ask. some of these ladies could make a ton of money by doing some things differently but they never seem to do it and I don't know why. can't even email her to suggest it. maybe I could join her onlyfans and pay to send a message but I'm really not interested in the pics.
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If some kind feller could update kemono, I'd be much obliged
thats a pretty cute outfit. glad she showed off her behind towards the end.
Someone pleaseeeeee update Kemono ffs. Itā€™s been over two weeks. Goodness me
update it yourself you retarded cheapskate, before you start demanding anything from anyone
Damn that funnel vid is hot. I've missed her funnelling vids so hopefully now she's got a new funnel she'll be doing them regularly again
Calm down. Never known a "please" was a demand. There are much bigger dolts on this site than this dude.

nah guys i'm serious, idk what her reason for pulling back and losing weight was, but i think she's for real this time
she's losing weight again?
I think anon means she's fr gaining this time
She is using an extra wide angle lens in some of her twitch streams. You can clearly see its effects in her latest "Just Dance" stream.
Late to the party lads, does anyone still have this one?
it's not even that it's wide angled...it's just stretched to make her look fatter. Or could be unintentional
Pretty sure itā€™s unintentional considering she shoots her regular videos in a different quality. Itā€™s probably a webcam vs whatever she uses to actually make content
why did she film this in black shorts? I know women know that black is slimming. I thought she wanted to show off all of her curves?
seriously? her wearing black has to have some kind of meaning behind it?

was just about to comment the same thing lol
maybe I'm wrong but the majority of time women wear black they are trying to cover up their weight. they know that black and other dark colors are slimming and so thats what they wear.
this is true, though her shorts in the video arent a particularly slimming shade (compare them to the bra). what im curious about is why people care so much what she wears for one video like its a conspiracy or something
Her tits are sensational
>>93817 if it was a black dress or sweatshirt, yeah, but itā€™s a form fitting outfit, no matter the color, it ainā€™t going to hide much

Maybe she just likes the color black ? sometimes its just a simple answer not the illuminati
Has candii ever done any immobility or extreme weight gain fantasy stuff?
Need a kemono update so bad
did she do her videos with reiina yet? I thought that was supposed to be months ago. I see reiina is doing videos with everyone else but candii isn't in them.
(130 KB, 3099x302, Capture.PNG)
They unfortunately had to cancel the planned colab because Candii caught covid.
However, Candii said on reddit that they're "rescheduling soonā„¢ļø"
hey, thanks for that. I've been wondering for months.
God damn thatā€™s hot
Finally. I hope she gets fucking huge.
Doubt it, don't get your hopes up
She look great at this weight and I hope she stay close to this weight. because I personally don't like seeing hot chubby girls turning into big fat whales
You dont belong here
I hope she balloons, as long as none of it goes to her face/neck. I'd love to see her being fat enough to break furniture and still have that gorgeous skinny chick face while doing it
I want her to blow past that 200 goal and be at least 300. I bet sheā€™d look good upwards of there too
looks like most of the weight is going to her ass this time round. She's approaching her highest weight I guess, but the figure is definitely different this time round. Hope she keeps going and gets a hanging, fat belly again too. Face is looking nice and fat already
Kys you cringe blob fetishist
Can some King update kemono please
Can anyone repost this??
I wouldnā€™t be too devastated if I were you anon if no one reups tbh. I mean who the hell stuffs watermelon with the intention of gaining?.. Candii does know watermelons are funnily enough mostly water right?

Honestly I wonder with that woman sometimes. She is insanely hot and everyone loves her; and she knows it. But her intentions to gain are insincere. She is obviously here for just the money and to please her debaucherous deranged husband.

Not only that but she has the most pathetic content, charges daylight robbery and uploads three times a week if youā€™re lucky. Her content is filmed with subpar media equipment that is not appropriate unless youā€™re filming a Charlie Chaplain skitā€¦

Isnā€™t she a full time feedee ? I dunno why she only posts three times a week. The work she does do would take 3 hours a week at best. Yet she has 800+ patrons, all paying 40US a month. You do the maths, but it is a stinking lot of money for being obscenely lazy even relative to a feedee lifestyleā€¦ end of rant.>>94210
Does anyone have any of the latest 30 min stuffings?
So I fucked up and accidentally deleted a bunch of Candii's newer content that I had downloaded. I still have alot of content from before she left that I can start sharing. In return, I'm hoping for re-ups of any/all her 2022 Curvage videos as well as her baking and dance Twitch streams. Also, I'm really hoping to get a reup of a leaked custom video where she gets her belly button licked. Any other previously unshared custom vids would be sick too.

(37 KB, 429x649, ezgif.com-gif-maker.jpg)

Ah yes, I have checked the archives and I believe to have found the rare video you were searching for. I am also missing some of the custom content. I can offer more to share from the library in return.

Wins for more beach pics and videos please?
Bit of a longshot here but seeing as people are asking for custom content does anyone have a vid of her chugging from a 2 litre bottle of Coke? Seen it once on PH in 2020 right before the purge and it was deleted within minutes
What about her blueberry inflation content?
I have one video
Thanks for the shower video

I agree,post beach pics and videos please
(719 KB, 884x1265, Untitled3.png)

You're going to want to google "Kemono" and search for candii there
Don't post the links you stupid fuck.
Whatā€™s the issue with posting the links?
it makes easy targets for the copyright jannies that patrol the internet for any free content
dont be an asshole, theres no evidence that kemono responds to dmca claims and candii herself is on stufferdb
Those sites are public and easily traceable, just type the name in the search engines, and if they are still open it means that they are regular, when copyright is violated the sites are reported and closed, and in any case it is a problem of the administrators of those sites, not ours.


Let me repeat a little slower for you dimwits.

Don't. post. the. links. you. stupid. fucks.
feel free to keep yelling at the wall but it literally does not matter
Anything new lately?
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Anything news? You like Huey Lewis and the News? Their early work was a little too new wave for my taste. But when Sports came out in '83, I think they really came into their own, commercially and artistically. The whole album has a clear, crisp sound, and a new sheen of consummate professionalism that really gives the songs a big boost. He's been compared to Elvis Costello, but I think Huey has a far more bitter, cynical sense of humor.
Iā€™m more of a Phil Collins guy
Sports is a solid album, my man
They're just too black sounding for me
Lol wow imagine being this guy
Most boring content of all time
she recently posted a custom on curvage. someone asked her if she did customs and how they could get one. she hasn't responded. my guess is that someone dmed her and she just liked the idea.
pretty sure she does customs for her top-tier patreon subs, but it's $125 a month for one 5 minute vid.
it's an American Psycho reference
now that I take a second look at that custom its only 4min long. wow. $125 for a 5min custom that she will go on to sell on curvage? man she's really bringing in the money here.
How is she a bbw
Are you blind or stupid?
Cunts probably both šŸ¤£
Does anyone have the latest video of her on the bend? and could you please repost the video where the husband licks her belly button. I would be grateful
she should be, thick as fuck

her belly looks unfathomably soft
Does anyone feel sheā€™s gaining like REALLY REALLY slowly? Like Iā€™m talking about one pound a month. I rarely see any diffrence!
For other girls (less atractive) I want them to gain fast and become 350lbs over the night so I can jerk over to the pig they have become. However, this case seems special. Candii is so fucking perfect and good looking that I prefer her gaining slowly, so I can appreciate all the stages she goes through her gain. Enjoy her gain, you never know when a girl as beautiful as her (and as skinny as she was) will get into this uncommon feederism world of us.

bruh, she's gained like 30lbs this year
She's not a bbw if she isn't at least 200 pounds. That's how it goes.
Yā€™all, who the fuck cares?! Sheā€™s hot!
Kemono gods bless us
Learn patience. Reality is no one will gain as fast as you fantasize.

I pray the gods give you monkey pox all over your dick.
Does some one know her current weight?
Wow amazing wisdom. Fuckin loser
Why do you say that? Seems his post was ok. Impatient fuckers and beggars fill this place with stupidity
She's not though, she needs to be at least 200 pounds to be considered one cause that's how it goes, and last I heard she's about 170-180. Third time I'm saying this because some child can't handle the truth.
You can say it a 4th, 5th, ... time -- you're still a naive dolt. Weight must be tied to ones' height. A 6 footer at 200lbs is barely chubby. A 5 foot gal is morbidly obese. Candii at 5'4"is in the obese range. I'll call that fat, and your definition of a bbw is irrelevant to anyone but yourself.
where are those first 3 pictures from?
Someone posted on her thread on curvage, i think itā€™s from her patro!n

i mean, maybe sooome camera trickery? she is approaching her highest weight so maybe not as much as you think.
also ngl she seemed kinda depressed in that patreon q&aā€”especially when she talked about the negative comments she gets from family members. she also seems reluctant to call herself "fat". sort of going back to being unsure if she's really into this, even though i was saying she was def fr this time based on how fast she was gaining back what she lost
She looks so swollen, so sexy.
Thank you kind friend

I've found that a lot of bbws don't really like their body. it doesn't surprise me in the least. I have interfaced with some models whom won't show their belly, talk about it or anything despite having huge sexy bellies. some of them don't even like their bellies. I can't understand how women get jobs as models with such serious body issues. I mean, she's gaining weight. clearly people love her new curves. we know she's proud of her behind but she barely shows that. shes always trying to flaunt her belly. she needs to work on her confidence if she's going to keep this up but it also proves what you're saying. she may not like this at all and she's doing it for the money. if thats the case who knows how long shell be around? a lot of models are like that. some can fake it better than others.

Not that new with tons of pop ups.
>>96184 She was answering a question about negative things people said about her weight gain while she gained, I donā€™t think anyone is going to sound happy and enthused when theyā€™re talking about shitty people saying shitty things about them
Its bbw-chan.

No one ever beats the fake gainer girl allegations.
I didn't see it so I'm just responding with what ive noticed from other gainers. what was she saying?
I don't know if anyone has said this but these uploads are really appreciated. I never get to catch her online so thank you.
>>96402 Some one from the old school remember Brooke? She is like her brunette daugther!! don't you think?
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What makes her really hot to me is that she seems like a sweet, innocent normie girl with conventional sexual interests who is just very eager to please her man. She seems reluctant to be openly horny and sexual on camera, there's always a bit of restraint and modesty. I don't think she's "Doing it for the money" like some other anons here say, because those girls can usually dissociate to the point of not caring when they're on camera, and you can tell by the vacant stares in their eyes. I think she definitely enjoys it, but her sexuality is the traditional feminine role of serving and pleasing, so her desires are more elastic depending on what her husband wants.

Don't get me wrong - I do love me some natural nymphos who will chug heavy cream while fucking themselves into a trance like Reiina and Tiana, but there's something unique to be appreciated about Candi's more subdued brand of content.
have you seen enchantress? she looked like she was trying to masturbate in her latest belly sloshing video but she had jeans on. she's looks like it turns her on a lot as well from the moans, feeling herself up and grabbing her area down there.
sry i had to report this post for making my cummies hurt too much
dare I ask what a "cummie" is?

pretty straightforward

If you talk like a cringey toddler maybe
weird vernacular that people use to infantilize their porn because their borderline pedos
The least virginal chan user
Anyone manged to contact her re custom vids lately, and if so how? Some conflicting info on this thread
from her latest video. She is looking absolutely MASSIVE. if she was 180 at the end of her last journey she's probably pushing 190 here aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZHJvcGJveC5jb20vcy93NmY4OWIzdWRmYWt3NnYvU3RhcmJ1Y2tzQ2FyU3R1ZmZpbmcubXA0
its such a shame her content is boring as fuck
Itā€™s not boring itā€™s just she never changes I feel sheā€™s looked the same for the past like 5-6 months
dont post her actual dropbox links, reupload to wetransfer or smth. sheā€™s gonna see this one vid get 100+ more views than all the others and know that ppl are leaking shit. and that could make her change her distribution method to make it harder for us
>>98031 here I uploaded it to wetransfer

Thanks for the share mate
Anyone have any of her recent curvage content?
how do you download link? wetransfer.com/wetransfer
aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LUFnSTFuUURtWDM= leads to a broken link for me, cheers
anyone has the catwoman video?
> can this be re upped on we transfer or another sire? some reason it says its too big to download

bro what, she's gotten noticeably bigger since then
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wonder how many outfits she has this year?
Tell her to turn around
Sure thing bucko, I'll be in contact with her shortly and personally tell her to turn in the opposite direction. Dickbrain.
she's way less boring as a blonde imo
I'm just wondering if theres an actual vid. but I doubt shed turn around just as I seriously doubt well ever get a video of her dancing and showing off that booty. well just see it in pics here and there.
She been really getting a guy now
im pretty sure she's married.
i think he typo'd gut
The video is pretty mid don't bother
Someone up the video it's not on kemono
I hate to be that guy but all of her videos are. they're really just her sitting there eating or talking. some women can make that interesting. hers aren't. I was so mad when she actually started dancing in the work out video and that lasted for all of three seconds. literally the best part of the 10min video was three seconds of her goofing off. she needs to goof off more.
My brother in christ 90% of these women make videos that are them sitting, eating, and talking. Candii at least has a personality that comes through when she does take the videos less seriously.
nah vids b\oring asf this vidwhore is literally just banking off her personality with no QUALITY content

>>My brother in christ 90% of these women make videos that are them sitting, eating, and talking.

What the fuck do you think Candii's been doing? Ever since she came back, all of her videos is just her sitting on her ass eating in different clothes or costumes.

She's not doing anything new besides "hurr durr I'm giddy and bubbly, so give me money guys".
thats what I'm saying. its like she takes the videos too seriously but once in awhile that personality slips out. thats those three seconds of her twerking during the work out video. I don't take too kindly to paying for three seconds of quality content and its downright infuriating that she never does videos in her best outfits such as almost anything she wears on her twitch streams. customs just are not an option with her without jumping through a bunch of hoops and from what I saw before her only fans is even worse.
Anyone happen to have the, Yennefer Grows Her Curves! clip from her curvage?
just waiting for that new weigh-in she said she was gonna do, tbh

Sorry you are not in a position to complain that your free porn isn't the content you like - there are lots of views on what someone does and dosent like - and your opinion is unlikely to carry much weight with the model if your not even paying for it - suggest you pipe down and be grateful for the scraps that are thrown to you
actually I have paid which is why I'm complaining. I paid for a couple of her videos and found them all to be subpar. I've reached out to personally request something but she has not responded so I, as a paying customer, should have the right to say what I like about what I paid for but go off king / queen.
if you think about it that mf def had a hard on while typing that.
sad part is, I get what they were saying. I have actually reached out to models with custom ideas without purchasing some before. I was cursed out. they didn't care what I had to say until I bought something. but what I don't get is if I'm saying "I would love to purchase something but nothing you have interests me", cursing me out and demanding I buy something isn't going to make me want to buy something. in this particular case Ive bought from a lot of these models on curvage and every single time I find they produce terrible quality content. I'm personally into the burping fetish so I love burping videos. these ladies like to advertise videos as having "TONS OF BURPS" to sell a 15min video but then you buy it and find out there are about four very tiny burps. I'm sick of dealing with that. Ive personally reached out to them just with ideas and I'm sure they can see I have purchased content. they don't care. they ignore me. and no I don't come with complaints. I just say "hey, I have a couple ideas for you if youd like". nothing insulting. I get ignored. so I think that as a paying customer I have a right to complain, especially after personally reaching out to them.
Thatā€™s because many, not all but a large percent of the models who make content perceive themselves so highly. You got those girls who always put shit on their instagram stories like ā€œsex work IS real workā€ and other bullshit like that. They expect an outrageous pay scale for minimal effort. Sure itā€™s supply and demand. But asking a 400 pound girl to eat a cake or walk up and down a flight of stairs doesnā€™t warrant $80. A 10-20 minute actual video, maybe an hours worth of setup and filming and bare minimal edits. To me absolutely no porn video is worth upwards of maybe $2 a minute. After that the price is so inflated it becomes not worth it, even if the content is entertaining.
>After that the price is so inflated it becomes not worth it, even if the content is entertaining.

Just because you value porn at $2 a minute or less doesn't mean everyone else should. Who's to say that the person's request doesn't warrant a higher price? Not all requests are eating or walking up and down stairs.

Also, it's not like most of these models already have good paying jobs to warrant lower prices. If they did, then you'd be complaining about XYZ barely being active and stopped gaining.

Yeah, how dare these models try to make a living. I want my porn to be $10 or less and expect them to earn worse than minimum wage for my entertainment.
you know, I don't know a nice way to say this. I understand what you're saying but that doesn't come anywhere near warranting what they charge. an overweight woman talking about $20/min for an outgrown clothing video that she films on her cell phone is just stupid. period. and I have known many models to raise their prices depending on the fetish or what the person is asking. if that isn't bad enough they dare take not one week but close to a month if you even get it. I've interfaced with many pregnant models who will charge all this money, take it and either waste time until they go into labor so they can't do the video or just plain ghost.
where do you even get this from? a woman can make a living off of this if she does it right. the problem is the same with models as it is with artists. they really don't want to do the work. models want to do one half hour video of them changing clothes or even eating for $800 and chill the rest of the week. that isn't right and there is no justifying it.
look at the info weve seen on here. candii may do your custom if you're a $100 patron. who cares what else she gives. if you're there dropping $100 you want a custom. you get a 5min custom. who do you know that makes $20/min? what do they do? doubt its anything anywhere near as easy as what candii has been asked to do. I don't think anyone has some to her asking for any hardcore videos. people just want to see more belly, definitely more booty and maybe some burps. she can't even be bothered to try burping lessons. ive read on enchantress' page that she has actually practiced and watched burping training videos. voreacious has videos of her practicing and teaching others. candii can't be bothered. you get what you get and you, paying customer, will cope and seethe. y'all wonder how models get like that? this is how they get like that. and then we end up with models like lovelylilith who drops whatever whenever and you suck if you don't buy it. people really need to stop standing up for these models. if you don't like what they sell thats fine. it doesn't matter if you make any purchases or not. maybe you stumbled across a video on spankbang or something. how do we know? fact is the person has seen the videos and isn't impressed. we should be allowed to say "I don't like her content" without being yelled at. no wonder most porn sucks. people are too busy defending instead of asking why the videos are trash.

Not reading that Declaration of Independence
why bother posting then? I get that its a lot but were having a conversation here right?
good lord. get a hobby or something man, nobody should be this goddamn attatched
I see no one is reading. so tl;dr, complaints about subpar quality videos. attacked for not paying for videos. says I have paid for videos and they suck. attacked for saying they suck. comment in response. told "I'm not reading all that" and "get a life". got it. no wonder these models keep producing trash.
serious amounts of brain rot black mold is forming in the thread

>>an overweight woman talking about $20/min for an outgrown clothing video that she films on her cell phone is just stupid.

Name one woman who's done this. You don't need to exaggerate just to get your point across.
id rather not name names of some of the lesser known models but ill speak of some you all will know. jessieminx charged $20/min when she was pregnant towards the end of her pregnancy. 36wks and above was $20/min. didn't matter what you asked for. thats why I didn't buy a video from her. if you go on sarah raes manyvids she used to be $20/min to start. look at some of these models custom video rates before you start jumping down peoples throats. the rates are ridiculous and thats fine if you're getting the video in like a week but these models are talking a month then another $100 extra to get it done in a week. weve just established candii is $100 patron for a five minute custom. I lurk on r/camgirls and I've read cam girls on there getting mad that people have harassed them for the video that very day. thats a bit much. I get it. but once its past a week theres no excusing it. if you can't get the video done within a week you shouldn't be taking the request. and if I'm kicking out $20/min which is already $100 cash for five minutes of their time then there is no reason why I can't have it done in a week.
Imo some valid points are made here but youā€™re arguing with simps.

What Iā€™m hearing are grievances about what models ā€œdeserveā€ and ā€œfair payā€ and ā€œvalue of laborā€. This is market capitalism folks, thatā€™s now how this works. Youā€™re thinking about it all wrong.

A model can charge whatever people will pay.

If Candii has 5 custom slots at $100 a month for a 5 min custom, and 5 simps pay it every month, why should she lower the price? She charging the market rate. That simple.

The only way the prices are lowered is if simps stop paying high prices. Period.
im not entirely sure that most models get that rate. I have seen some models try to charge this money, vanish for months and then come back to complain about how "no one supports bbw porn stars". what I don't understand is why people continue to pay this. anyone whoever dares speak against it is told something like "don't like it don't buy it", "it isn't her fault you're broke" or "she has every right to charge whatever she wants". how is anything supposed to change when the cycle repeats itself with every single model?
I dont understand how anyone can simp for her. she's cute but my gosh her content is lacking big time.

>>I dont understand how anyone can simp for her.

That's because nobody is. The people who say otherwise are retarded and think anyone who doesn't agree with them are simps.
can anyone reup whatever they have please. big ask i know but i always miss the transfer links. would be very much appreciated
New weigh-in is out
Guys who can share the last weighing?
Pain in here eyes
Dollar store psychologist.

The clown can't even spell.
Haven't followed her for a long time. I thought I had stopped filming. and now he came in and she got so fat quickly
Guys who can share her latest video? There's a weigh-in. Please!
Is she posting somewhere other than Curvage? I don't see a weigh-in
Patreon and OF (forget OF). However, you'll have to sub to the $35 tier on Patreon to get the weigh-in.
This doesnā€™t Decode into anything
You need to decode it twice.
Her weight is 178.
What was her highest weight last time around? She seems fatter this timeā€¦

pretty sure she peaked somewhere around 178 originally, yeah? I don't remember her hitting 180.

i don't know how accurate this is, but some were saying your weight can be distributed differently if you lose and regain. maybe that's what we're seeing? either way, i agree. kinda disappointed by that number because she looks fatter than that.
Link does not work
The highest weight that was recorded on video 171.
I feel like she should be higherā€¦? In July I think her weight was 170 even and sheā€™s been looking much bigger lately. 8 pounds is 8 pounds but still it would not have surprised me if the scale said 185+

oops, i stand corrected. from her "retirement" announcement in April 2021:

"This was filmed back in February at my heaviest weight of 180 pounds šŸ· That brought my overall gain to a total of 75 pounds that I put on during my entire journey!"
Decode it once, remove (candii), and decode again
What a non event that was. She's still technically not a BBW.
I dont get it
They both have heavy features reminiscent of people from the Mediterranean?
I have theory that the first time around she had some more muscle built up. She looks WAY fatter now than at her peak last time around. Her stomach looks like a tire and her butt looked like it has doubled in size. I think this team she has packed on pure fat. Incredibly sexy. That being said she seems like she is putting on slowly. 8 pounds in almost 3 months worries me.
Yā€™all got any old videos or anything to reup? Could be anything cuz I lost my folder. I only have a few recently shared vids now. Would appreciate.

I feel as if it's a combination of factors, muscle being one of them. But as someone else mentioned before, regaining weight can lead it looking like it weighs on heavier. With how much bigger she looked, it was genuinely shocking to see that she was only 178
(1.2 MB, 1674x999, 1.png)

Here's a cool site for you. Also checkout kemono.party

Spankbang's the best porn site atm. Cherrish it now while we still have it.
(1.7 MB, 2038x1212, ba.png) (833 KB, 1144x865, ba2.png)

In my experience, she looks chubbier mainly because her weight is settling. This is pretty common when people gain, lose, and gain again, and it's really noticeable after you gain weight quickly. You can see this most in her stomach, which looked much rounder at the end of her first gain imo. Also her belly button, which is more squished now. Since the fat has settled more at her waist and hips, now she has this kind of spare tire now that she didn't have before. She's probably wider in the hips and butt too, and I'd bet her boobs are a lot heavier now (more boob pics on onlyfans candii dear god pls). I think all this makes her look bigger this time, despite her not weighing more.


There's an upside to her gaining slower. If she still plans to stop at 200, she still has a ways to go >:)
Anyone have tinder date night?
thisvid tops it imo. More vids on it
you know all those videos are gonna be taken down
Does anybody have her first weigh in video? The kemono link for her early stuff doesnā€™t work. Also, I couldnā€™t find her last weigh in video before her hiatus - Dora anybody have that? Iā€™m curious if this last weigh in was her highestā€¦

Go to March of 2020 in her Kemono. She posted a massive Dropbox file dump with all her old videos, including here early weigh ins

So be smart and use of the several dozen video downloaders.
Rip 300lbs gang
From her last Q&A her limit is at 200lbs
Probably she will start doing the same goddess shar bullshit...
Pretty sure this had been known for a while. Makes sense given how slow she's gaining. All we can do is hope and pray it goes just a but beyond that.
what do you mean by goddess shar bullshit?
Hi all ! Is anyone still have the link to the huge dropbox with everything in it ? would be amazing :-)
(25 KB, 250x530, noApril2021.JPG)
Am I missing something? I remember seeing the post you're talking about, but now it doesn't show any posts from April 2021?
Her last month of content before her break was March 2021, not April
what vid is this from?
(970 KB, 911x934, CK004.PNG)
i'm telling you, she is for reeeeeaaaaal, booooys
She is getting really big. I hope she reconsiders her 200lb limit because she would be legendary even fatter
Does anyone have the blueberry set where sheā€™s in the suit?

Or just let her be happy at 200. Some of you act like anyone under the threshold is unfuckable.
Thereā€™s no set, they just shared some photos of their progress on it. Supposedly theyā€™ll finally use it for something in November/December

I wouldn't worry about a 200lb limit because she's not married to you, and secondly she loves this lifestyle too much. Not saying she will be 400 pounds one day, but it's a slippery slope, especially when you enjoy it.
all of them swear they enjoy it until one day they don't. just enjoy what you get, make some requests for customs if you can and leave the rest alone.
i know man, sheesh, she's really starting to get blubbery lately
Could anyone be soo kind as to upload, Yennefer Grows Her Curves. I have the rest of her recent curvage clips if you want something in return.

I'll buy it and upload it if you post some of the clips you have
Thank you. Anything you got would be appreciated.
god hearing her do an accent is hilarious,
she's gotta be one of the dumbest bbws

just bc she does bad accents? that's an interesting take
It's the take of an aspie.
Itā€™s probably the same guy that demands his free porn is exactly the way he wants it

Or the same guy who keeps bitching that Candii isn't a real BBW because she isn't 200lbs yet.
Damn I missed it. Could I get a reup please?
This is really hot. What video is it from?
itā€™s from her most recent try on video
Are videos no longer working on her kemono page for anyone else?
where do you get it from bro?
Working fine for me
Checkout the site kemono.party that was just mentioned
Yeah it works on my PC, for some reason my Firefox on mobile doesn't work. I get a "no video found with supported format or Mime type"
fuck you for uploading in virus infected dood
yā€™all we really need to get some bitches šŸ’€
shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up
sadly you're right but half of us are social rejects that can't even say hi to person irl
Kwmownwwo party isn't working properly fick
update kemono
Kemono update?
tremendous A+ grade faggot
Idiots like you are the reason we don't have good things
Kemono says you can go eat a dick. There's your update
Nah, heā€™s right. Yā€™all canā€™t act like she isnā€™t obviously missing more than a few brain cells. But that seems to be the main appeal for most of her followers
Kemono does not seem to keep up with her Patreon anymore
RIP Kemono
(295 KB, 1536x2048, 20221104_6.jpeg) (223 KB, 1536x2048, 20221109_3.jpeg)

Jesus christ you neanderthals there's nothing wrong with kemono, it's not some magic genie that automatically uploads porn whenever you need to jack it. Someone who's paying for the patreon has to update it manually. So be patient.

Here's some pics to keep your last two brain cells from going cold while you're waiting
Yeah, the hero who has been uploading is at the $75 a month tier. Relax, CHILL OUT, and be thankful for what you've already captured.
Unnecessary. There is absolutely nothing of value on her OF.
Of course it's impossible, but I'd really like to see her reach 300 pounds. pipe dreams
Me too but she said she wonā€™t go to 300. Sheā€™ll stop before that
Was unaware kemono worked like that which is why I mentioned it. Thanks for explaining
How tf is her hair always this GREASY? Looks like she bathes in oil
>>102374 You must have dry hair. Do you wash your hairy everyday? Normal hair may seem like greasy hair to people with dry hair. Greasy hair has no volume because it's more silky and weighed down (by the oil). There are also the hair types prominent in asia which are also dry. Her hair has volume which means it's not greasy and she probably washes it often to give it that shine you speak of.
Nah dude, it looks straight up greasy to the point of being wet almost. Itā€™s also super frizzy usually. She always looks like she just rolled out of bed
ā€œMy free porn isnā€™t exactly how I want it so Iā€™ll start making personal attacksā€
A kemono party update would be incredible if anyone has subscribed
easily put on 5-10lbs since her mid october weigh in at 178lbs
anyone got any of her newer videos?
Damn nothing yet on Kamana party?
She just posted so many videosšŸ˜©we need a praying circle lolšŸ™šŸ»
How did the person get ā€œshe a total hogā€ get that pic?
Posted a couple old CK videos in the begging thread along with content from a bunch of other models
heā€™s probably subbed to her patreon
fr itā€™s been a month since a kemono update
Sharing is caringšŸ™„
Could someone create a topic for her Sunsiteee
desperately need that kemono update :D
she looks huge in that vid omg
Subbed to her $35 tier. What a joke. Half ass pictures. Terrible vids of the same shit over and over.
Yea no offense dawg but paying $35 to beat ur meat is crazy
So whoā€™s gonna do it and post the content on Kamono? Or should we all pitch and so the cost be like 5$ for everyone?
kemono has finally been updated
does anyone have the video of her showing her belly laying on her bed ? would be fantastic :-)
Damn a month for those lame videos. But still, thank you for uploader uploading them
Thanks to whoever posted the newest ones but we gotta get chipotle and Panera stuffing on kamono. Who got that 75$ sub? Be the hero
When we gonna get all the videosšŸ˜©

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