
(29 KB, 1920x960, 8-team-tournament-bracket-championship-template-flat-style-design-illustration-vector.jpg)
Posting over from /gen/ for some visibility... Let's get a bracket going and see who we like best, definitively. I'm also separating divisions between BBW and SSBBW, so when one side gets crushed by the other they will at least have bragging rights of being the top of their respective league.


Base64 (in case the link above gets filtered)

Y'all can out yourselves on Reddit and post this there for more exposure. I know I already did with a throwaway account. And don't feel compelled to answer both - they're optional so you can answer one or the other. I'll be seeding based on how many nominations a girl gets.

I'll be accepting submissions until April 1st, 12:00 PM EST. Have fun.
this is the clingiest shit ive ever seen on this board.
>>79904 (OP)
Who on earth would participate in this?
I just come here to masturbate dude.
Idk man, I was bored during work and decided to do this. I've gotten 50 serious answers so far. May as well go ahead with it.

I'll keep the updates in /gen/, I just wanted some perspective from you guys. I like my girls bigger.
As if this place isn't already bad with tribalism. The last thing this site needs is more flamewars from people who feel the need to justify their waifus.
bro got no life
Absolutely maidenless behavior

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