
Is she still doing videos? I haven't heard anything from her since 2020.
What’s her Instagram?
Got any more you can share??
Got anymore to share?
Jesus is that even fucking real?
Any idea what kind of c4s content we gonna be getting from her?
>> 79017
It's was from her Patreon, it was a free pic, found on 4/21/2020.
Does someone have her new videos?
don't bump without having anything to add, trying to get off not check an empty thread.
Could you reup please? 😊
She looks interesting, but are her videos any good?
She's not really my type, but she did a video once where she was struggling with and gave in to her inner fat girl voice that made me diamonds. I wish she'd slather on the weight, but that's kinda what this fetish does to people.
anybody got some of her newer stuff?
Mods been deleting post from this thread. Something is up for sure.
Any new vids ??
Hey would you mind reuploading?
any chance of a re-up please
Did anyone saved this and could re-up?
When did THIS happen?! Damn she looks amazing
Does anyone have any of her older vids? I remember she had a YouTube channel but all the videos were taken off of it.
reup again pls
Any chance of reup?
Anyone have any of her new vids?
I know its like beating a dead horse but could I get a reup?
Anyone have her bimbo vid?
Anyone have her recent stuffing vids?
Anyone have this vid?
pics 1, 4 and 6 are the hottest thing; goddamn. real strongfat vibes
Are there even real life strongfat models? I know of exactly zero.
>>86260 Damn, I also missed it
begging for a re-up 🙏
Same^ reup please 🙏
reup the videos please!
ill re up all of the vids if someone posts one of her new ones
I do recall there being some 'body positive' (e.g. fat, as in they had a noticeable paunch) weightlifters on Instagram but I can't recall any of them right now.

Agreed with this. I have some other videos of hers and will post them if anyone posts any of her new content, or her hungry bimbo clip
the thread will stay dead if nobody wants to actually contribute lol

So contribute or let the thread die. Don't necro.

Was she in an accident or something? Her arm is all cut up.
not sure but SOMEONE PLEASE

>>89481 she fell off her bike I think judging by her instagram stories
Holy shit bumping this, took a look and the production value in the new previews has in fact gone up it seems, but $18.99 a video is insane. She might as well make an Onlyfans at this point

Fuck that. I rather buy her videos than spend money for a bunch of photos and shitty 5 second phone clips. OF is trash and lazy women have taken advantage of it.
There’s nothing insane about her video pricing, it’s all rather fair for the length of clips.
re-up pls?
I'd be more than happy too if you contribute
I get the sentiment, but that’s not how the site works. No withholding content till someone else uploads. Either upload or don’t.

I've seen people upload videos as soon as someone else holds up their side of the bargin frequently here.
Some vids
I'll upload a video tonight
Some of your links seems to not work anymore
Only got the first one to work…That one that did work is old

anything new?
Apparently she started an onlyfans. Anyone know if it’s any good?

She hasn't logged in since April and only has 35 photos. Wanna waste $11?
does anyone know how to decode the links ? is it hard ? Thanks.
Thank you Dude I was really confused GOAT
ur welcome!! it is true that thats inforrmation thats available if you read more but we've all been there before and if i was going to post anyway so why not help out <3
does anyone happen to the office Stuffing video? thanks
Photos are new and great. The videos are all old short and she is thin in them. If the videos were like the photos then these posts would be legend.
nobody wants to buy her new vids and probably never will lol
boom baby, also any new vids will equal another one posted.

can you upload more of the newer ones too? please and thank you u the goat
Can we get a reup on some of the older shit in this thread?
reup on some of the previous vids?
Are there anymore videos all the we transfer links are expired?
bumping this, dont let this flame die out

No, fuck off if you're bumping without adding content.
>>95326 can we get a re-up of this?
Possible reupload?
could someone re upload this
Shit, it must've expired right as I got to it. If you re-upload I can trade for the inconvenience.
Do you happen to have her hungry bimbo vid?
I have no idea if gaming challenge has been uploaded but I bought it awhile ago, is currently being uploaded, give it an hour or so, heres the link https://mab.to/ItBInExH0
any chance we get some reuploads?
Anyone have any of her older stuff? I tried looking online and can only ever find like 2 videos.
can someone reup
Reup would be great
Reup pls?
it says the page doesn't exist
Does anyone have popping 20 balloons? I thought i had it in my collection but i cant find i now. If some were to post it I would be very greatful.
99 luft balloons?
Honestly gonna have to second this bro. Missed out on the 9 gb drop.
I swear i get off the thread for a few weeks after it being dry and there’s a 9GB drop. anyone who has it, please reup
please reup the 9gb
It was a 2.9 gb drop. Not a 9 gb. The dumbfuck used a >> and made it confusing Still massive tho
bumping this
I know you probably DL'd the file. So if you reup, I'll def be taking back what I said.
Did anyone else see that she was on fucking Vice Netherlands
anyone have any of her new videos.
upload seems to be buggered.

seems to be stuck at 7% uploaded to the site.
can you send it again?
can you send it again please?
Any buhls got reups??
i beg for any reup. any kind soul, please
(8 KB, 192x256, maria.jpg)
does any one have a new stuffing or farting video??as this
Someone can re-upload the videos with we transfer please?
the last reup was in september… could someone please be the hero of this thread and reup it
i’m begging for a reup please
GOAT of this thread thank you bro
"Getting flushed POV"
Christ, why do the good videos have such a hefty toll of being ruined by what follows
any chance of a reup of this, i came like a day late
did they even post anything we haven't seen cycled through this thread before?
If there’s that much, maybe someone should make a mega folder for her. I missed this when it was posted.
She filmed 2 videos during the vice interview. Where can you buy those? Haven't seen them advertised anywhere...
I'm pretty sure she said that they were custom vids.

any chance for a reup? thanks
Anyone know if she’s alive? Nothings been posted on her socials in a month. No news of a hiatus either

Without sugarcoating it, I don't think she is exactly 100% mentally sound going by some of her.... "interesting" instagram posts the last year or so.

Could very well be related to the radio silence. She said she had videos to post in the near year last christmas, but that never materialized as well.

>>Anyone know if she’s alive?

Well duh, it is her last name after all. But seriously, she does have an outside life and is in college. The latter is way more important than some silly little fetish.

what kinda posts did she make? like what was interesting about them

Yeah I mean that’s true, but ain’t gonna lie I’m one of the simps who actually paid for her OF. There’s having outside obligations and then there’s not uploading anything new for a month without warning your subscribers, especially after promising new content.

On top of all that, OF shows when the creator is online, and she’s been pretty active. Hell, she was on it yesterday. If nothing shows up in the next month, I’m cancelling the subscription lmao. I suggest for anyone here who’s thinking of paying for her OF: don’t. You simply don’t even get what you paid for at the moment lmao
Well for starters there was few where she claimed she was being stalked by some people.

And then there were posts where she was spurting out so new age hippie shite.

It was odd.
New one for (some of you)

Her more recent gamer girl one.

Single encode, 3 day limit.


Would love to see what everyone else has they are willing to share too.
can someone update her coomer?
I'm on here every day yet this specific thread always goes unseen until the transfer is expired. It just wasn't meant to be.
I think there is no need to update anything. She has not posted for months, lost weight which will take quite some time to recover according to herself.
Where'd she announce this? I'm not familiar with her social media presence.
(28 KB, 1157x164, clip.PNG)
Her "Certain popular social media app which name starts with D and you cant say on this site".
This link looks sketchy as hell
I think it is sketchy as hell, goes to some weird russian site
Right, thanks. I generally steer clear of anypublic social media, so I hadn't heard she had a server of her own.
Can we get a reup on her stuff?
Alrighty. Here is a few vids:

Includes the gam3rgirl, dark souls challenge, bondage inflation, and sugar/spice vids.

Would love if anyone could post the Hungry Hungry Bimbo, office pig stuffing, or Cheesecake stuffing vids.
It says that no files exist :(
Been waiting for Hungry Hungry Bimbo for years. The only video I haven't ever seen uploaded ever. I wonder why?

It's not original (found it on some website) but I hope you enjoy!


Got it to work, thanks!
how did you get it to work??
base64, remove the word in brackets (brackets inclusive) from the output before decoding again

much obliged, friend
I missed Hungry Bimbo, can anyone re-up?
Does anyone know how to contact her? other than her OF
She has been inactive on her social media
Any hungry bimbo reup? Please
Reup? Thanks
Reup please?
(2.3 MB, 1186x658, maria kinda based.png) (2.9 MB, 1192x817, maria kinda based 2.png)
Just gotta say I saw these posts by her on her you know what server, and honestly she is kinda based.

Also have a reup of the double chug vid.

I didn't even know Carmen La Fox attempted or did collabs with anyone. What happened to her anyway?
Fucking hell she's based af
the carmen sex thing is weird. Why is she trying to pimp girls out? And whatever happened to her BF?

As far as reiina goes, it's not like she hides that she does drugs frequently. but I'm not surprised she's a mess.

>>What happened to her anyway?

Disappeared during Covid. Took her C4S store down and is making a living reuploading old content to her OF. It's been well over two years since anyone's seen her.


She's not really a saint to be throwing stones. Didn't she go on some show and blabbed how how she's scamming this community?


>>the carmen sex thing is weird. Why is she trying to pimp girls out?

If/when more models come out with similar experiences, I'm taking everything Maria says with a grain of salt. Especially when she doesn't provide proof like screenshots of old messages an whatnot.

>>but I'm not surprised she's a mess.

You mean like every model in this fetish?
Yeah that's the thing, if you're not making the assumption that being a fetish model is a red flag in at the very least they're nice but significantly off or at the worst they're hostile, unhinged scammers then I have a bridge in Brooklyn to sell you
Nice to see some form of those messages cause she apparently was saying the same thing on stufferdb under anonymous and I quote "didn't want to start drama" when said she said reina was bad

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