
>>78433 (OP)
What few I have. I've been looking for most recent stuff, and considered subbing to her Patreon, but it seems expensive for the frequency she posts, especially vids.

re up pls ^_^
Thanks fellas!
Oh no I missed it
guys can anyone repost? please i really like her and I missed it
Reup pls?
Can someone please reupload? i love her videos
I'd also appreciate a reup
Anyone got more of her content? Would appreciate it
Reup pls?
All those links have expired. Can someone reupload please?
Links expired, pls reup
Any chance of a reupload?
When I was a curvage mod, I used to try to help her out a bit, tell her where things are, how to do things as I know a bit of Russian and she doesn’t seem to know any English. Sometimes she wouldn’t even promote her own clips until I had a chat with her. There was no pressure or anything, I just wanted to see her to succeed. But after I got banned, she hasn’t been around almost at all.
Have you tried contacting her thought DMs? Maybe that'll help her. She doesn't seem to be that active that much anymore. Also thanks for helping her out and other models in the past
Still has her patreon page. Questionable if worth it, though. Not that active, mostly "photosessions", but continues to be consistent with what frequency she does post.
Eh, I’m not that invested anymore now that I’m no longer a mod. Also I’m not super keen to help the admin there make more money. I was more offering a suggestion about a possible reason why she posts less. Her activity dropped off very quickly after I got banned from Curvage- could easily be a coincidence, for sure.
Also: I can’t send her DMs anyway because I’m literally banned from Curvage. My near-decade old account just sits there unused. I sent him a GDPR request but the bastard won’t even delete my account because he would lose a bunch of popular posts and comments with it.
Okay, I have to ask. Why did you get banned?

I pushed S77 too, and he asked me if I wanted him to ban me. After some back-n-forth we came to a mutual settlement and he doesn't seem like a bad dude, just very protective of his site.
I've subbed to her highest tier before and honestly it was not really worth that much money. But she does post the videos she has on curvage
any reups?

I’d only been moderator for around a year. The guy loves loyalty and he’s a massive control freak. Anyway some model shared a screenshot with him of another model, who he knows I chat to, saying something about getting help with being a model on Curvage. Didn’t say who from or what kind of help. So S77 decided she was talking about me and banned me on the spot. He’s always worried about shit getting out of his little secret “Illuminati” mod board. Funny thing is I’m banned but stuff still leaks out all the time. It’s almost like I wasn’t the leak… 🤔

something similar happened to me as well. although I actually convinced him to do a bunch of extra work moderating a thread that he'd decided was too much work to moderate and instead planned to just delete.
Any chance for a reup? >>78446
Actually they just updated her kemono party
Pls reup
Reup please

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