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Thanks to all of you who post gems consistently. Here's an underrated goddess.

She's one of the hottest women (milf) I've ever seen, but she stopped posting on OF. Wondering if any of you commissioned a custom from her at some point? She used to have a snapchat but would ban you if you screenshotted (you have to view their story, put your phone on airplane mode, turn on screen record, view their story again, then close the app, then turn airplane off, otherwise it notifies them). I can find some of the screen recordings I have later.

the rest
what is the password for the first link the one with 51 files tells me I need to have the password to watch the videos
I downloaded and watched without a password, shouldn't need a password
idk man, I used wetransfer free so I couldn't even set a password. Try a different browser or something maybe
reup if you can thanks!
reup if you can thanks!
was unfortunately also too late, would greatly appreciate a re up for the late ones
reup if you can thanks!
any one got anymore shes crazyy hot but i talked to her trying to get a call with her and she said $100 for 10 minutes, smh
Who on Earth would be money just to talk to a woman?

That has got to be maximum simp-ness
Can we get another trip in here?
The wet link expired can we get a reup ??
Hey, any chance you guys could reup the links? Thank you
Any chance you guys could reup the links? Thank you sm
reup plz?
I second this
Reup for the people !!
Please could you reup? thanks
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I asked if she had a content list told me to send a email to her assistant I then proceeded to say “oh wow you’re doing pretty well to have an assistant” and she sends this…chicks a fucking asshole who wonders why her content is being shared up here lmao. I’ve never seen a model hate working so much.
>>82755 once I can get on OF I got you
dude expected her to suck his dick through the phone
Not sure but it seems like you are the "fucking asshole" in this scenario. Quit expecting them to suck your dick right off the get go incel.
dude they are selling something to you, they aren't your friend. you're just being annoying kek

You see if it was me being an entitled asshole constantly messaging her? Yes fuck me. In context. I asked for a content sheet she said talk to her assistant I said nice that you’re doing well enough for an assistant and left it at that. Y’all can dick ride her but she hates all of us and thinks of us as incels for using this board and sharing her porn. Y’all can hate me but this makes my mission to share her shit even stronger lmao. Guess I’m a piece of shit but I’ll still hook it up for y’all.
Chicks with attitudes like hers don’t deserve shit. Only in it for the money (yes I’m a complaining incel I just hate chicks like this)
Thank you for your service my good man
i’ve had many experiences like this. it seems girls in this community get fat and lose all their manners. i’d say just leave it at that.
bruh in this case she's actively avoiding selling shit to this guy by being a bitch
How do you correlate those two? More like after a few years of people being absolute dimwits it leaves you jaded.

Almost like she has an assistant specifically because she doesn't want to interact with customers. You guys can seethe and cope but at the end of the day you're the one posting on an anon forum because this model... told you to just message her assistant and stop bothering her.

Maybe get a life? I love porn but if you're this invested you should pick up a hobby that doesnt involve cooming
How is your reading comprehension this affected? At no point did she refuse to sell him anything. She's asking him to message her assistant to buy content.

She's not being a bitch she's just greyrocking him. She gets paid for giving dudes attention. Plenty of guys will be annoying on purpose just to get the attention of being told to chill in a nice cute way.

My fellow coomers. I love yall but this thread is creeping me out. You gotta keep the porn from your personal lives seperated. When someone rips someone off or is a genuine cunt, then we can shit on them here.

Someone greyrocking isnt being a bitch. The absence of warmth isnt being a bitch. If a model insults one of us, like, calls us a nasty name or makes fun of our insecurities, or is mocking their clients for spending money on them, THAT is being a bitch.

Yall we get some really prime models and Im not saying theyre perfect people but you put them on a pedestal and then rage when it turns out they have bad days, or even whole bad traits.

There's plenty of fish in the sea. If shes not scamming or being a weird abuser (some women like to reel men in and make them hurt themselves for their attention) then just save your money and move on.

You can only spank it to so many models and I promise its just a matter of finding the ones you like not forcing others to conform. If shes greyrocking and that turns you off just buy from someone who is more sociable. Its weird to punish specific models by leaking their shit. Kind of acknowledges you guys know doing this is wrong. You say it helps the models by sharing their content but if that was true why would you use it as a punishment?

I promise none of you have the time to pursue vendettas against BBW fetish models on snapchat. You're all worth more than that. Beat your meat in peace if she turns you off youre not broken and neither is she just move on. I promise you'll enjoy coomering and porn way more that way. Fuck the nofappers porn doesnt have to be degen all it takes is not behaving like one.
Hey guys, it’s indica. Firstly, I’d like to thank you guys for showing appreciation however this isn’t the way you do it. Leaking content that’s been paid for is really unethical. & for William, aka the guy I told to message my assistant… he was literally baiting me just to have something to post. I posted saying all content is privatized because of the leaks on bbwchan.. he messaged me right after asking about Snapchat, I gave him the price and he ignored it, he asked about custom content I referred him to my assistant. He messaged me back with that corny ass joke, like 10 mins after but my assistant never received an email. As he has said, he’s just mad and on a mission to post any content he can because I called him an incel. I do not hate any of you, I just really really don’t appreciate my paid content being shared without my knowledge or permission…. I have a “shitty” attitude because this is literally my job, you wouldn’t create an entire scheme to steal free goods from a store. You wouldn’t harass the clerk after she tells you she can’t have personal conversations while on the clock. This is no different than being out in public. If you cannot conduct yourself the way you normally would maybe you should put your dick down and get off the internet and get some fresh air. With that being said I’m now retiring from making content all together. & to the person 2ca0a8 thanks so much for defending me my love. Please message me on one of my profiles
Oh boy so much to unpack here.

First thing's first. Demanding anyone here to not share your content is not going to work. If anything it's going to make it more likely to have your stuff pirated to spite you. And you can quit if you want, but that still won't stop the sharing. "you wouldn’t create an entire scheme to steal free goods from a store," yes we would if we could get away with it. Privatizing your content isn't going to stop piracy either, it just makes it harder for legit customers to buy your stuff AND costs you more time, which means you make less money.

It's also not your "job" to forceably interact with everyone who has a passing interest with you. If you just put your content on a store like a normal person, you wouldn't have to worry about juggling tons of requests to buy your content. Then you could pick and choose who you interact with, or not interact with anyone at all.

You're like the 100th model to come here bitching about your content being shared, you're not special. Some quit because of it (and their content gets shared even more because they're not around to DMCA it anymore), some stick around and either actively fight it with constant DMCA requests or ignore it, some lean into it and even share content themselves. You choose which one you want to do, but you're not going to stop the piracy.

Do you like getting fat and making money from it? If yes, just keep riding the gravy train and stop worrying about shit. Do musicians quit because their music gets pirated? No, they accept that it happens and work around it. Why not do the same yourself? Or quit and we can share your stuff without worry. Either one works. Your content will be spread everywhere and everyone will move on to the next model. Bye.
How did you get from 1 asshole being annoying to quitting? I have seen nor downloaded any of your content but I'm a little surprised that you came to that conclusion.
Hey, I’m seeing too many messages and not enough links I don’t come here to watch people argue who’s right in an altercation between an overweight woman and a man who beats his fucking cock to overweight women. If you don’t intend to drop a wetransfer, my air bridge, drop box, mega file, fucking google drive goddamn messenger pigeon whatever bullshit it is then either make a separate thread to argue over a screenshot of a conversation that lasted three lines and believe the mf that claims to be the model is actually the model or just go about your day…
Saw that the reply count went from like 25 to 32 thinking “alright sweet someone dropped the link and everyone is talking about how awesome it is” just to see this bs.
be the change you want to see
bro shut the fuck up already
Don’t kinkshame me, it’s ironic
You know what I’m about to ask for
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I've been nothing but kind and this is what I get for it. I literally paid 20 dollars for a 10 min vid and got a old vid that I didn't even ask for and a 23 sec that I didn't ask for. Now, she thinks I'm harassing her because I asked for her to send the rest of the 10 min vid. Here's the convo.
Send the link to it my boii
I would send but I lowkey want to see if she gonna respond since I bout here; she can't deny it now. I'm not going to send because she thinks everyone here is incels, but I'm not. I just want her to own up to her own bullshit and give me what she owes me like a professional.
Besides, the hibachi video that she so "generously" sent me is old anyway. The actual video I bought from her was a 10 min vid of her topless with her oiling herself. It was originally uploaded to her fans account, but she deleted it before I saw it. I bought a month of her premium snap for 25 and then I bought the 10 min vid for 20. Aight so boom she tells me that she has to send it in parts because it's still "uploading" as she claims; so cool I give her a whole day to text me back to tell me if it's done. I don't hear a single word from her so I ask her whats going on multiple times and next thing I know she says I'm harassing her. It's been two days now going on three and still no video has been sent. So basically, I got scammed.
If you want more info on what happened or want to talk about similar experiences then hit me up at jharris2851@gmail.com
nobody fucking cares.
send the link or fuck off
What my friend here meant to say is: your predicament is quite interesting. However, we would greatly appreciate it if you shared the content you have of hers with us :D
Someone Reup anything
Can we get a reup of everything that was shared before? Thanks in advance
Hey I got her stuff. I'm willing to trade for it if you got some curvybaby or hungrylilkitty
bro just post it
No maidens, no deal
I agree with the other guy just do me this one solid pleeeeeeasse
reup? hard to find her stuff anywhere else
Quit being a fucking asshole and deleting the messages here
i know. if the mods where on top off all the other threads like they are on this one we would actually get content from these bitches lol
bump for hope

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