
keep gaining, no OF. Build a real following first
>>77146 (OP)
Nah. Go and find God. Seek out a loving man. Start a family. Look within yourself and find what you truly have to offer the world. Start a career that allows you to participate in your community. Live in peace.
He's right. don't do it. this shit sucks your soul out. there's plenty of dumb people out there to keep the fetish/porn industry going for a long time. Contribute to society and don't look back.
I would first start posting on Curvage, make sure to include all your "before pics". After you gain popularity there, start an OF. You will make at least 10k a month if you have documentation of your gain from thin to fat but the key is to build up a following first on Curvage.
If you're not 100% committed into doubling your body weight or even more, then no. Quit now while you're ahead.

There's too many women in this community who started out gaining and backed out after a few years.
Pretty much this, fetish aside its not worth it especially if she's only doing it for money and doesn't truly enjoy the fetish. She should just find some nice guy around her age and then look to live somewhere rural where she could be self sufficient with her family incase of any major economic downturn
Despite how great your body is, unless you're 100% committed to wanting to gain, and doing some pretty crazy stuff by request of your fans, I don't think it's worth it. In saying that though... Fuck yeah I'd like to see you gain weight. Just be sure that YOU do before jumping into anything.
>>77146 (OP)
this is the last place you should ask for real advice

And you suppose there's a better site for her to ask this question? People on Curvage will pressure her into gaining and StufferDB will treat her like a troll.

At least here, everyone is at least giving constructive advice.
Based. Listen to this man OP. You are worth so much more than pornography
What's God got to do with anything?
This and also i'll be said loving man
>>77146 (OP)
Hell yeah, do it!
If that's what you really want to do.
Otherwise, do this >>77156

A lot of people based their daily lives around a religion. How's that hard to understand?
These guys are fags. You should get really fat and give me a call.
Kanye is that you?
>>77146 (OP)
i say hell yea go for it lol we need more cute chubby latinas on the scene haha
Thanks for the input guys. I really want to do it I just don't know where to start. My husband is my feeder and has always told me I look better with each pound. I was thinking doubling my weight might be a little much for my frame (I'm 5'0") but hey for $10k/month we'll see what happens;) I think I'll start on curvage but I do need to get some followers first:)
Double your current or starting weight? So 250 for 340?
I would say 250 is a possibility, at 340 I'd be close toor already immobile and that's not what I'm after lol. And yes that's me!
>>77146 (OP)

might as well drop your ig/twitter/reddit etc

$10K a month is best case, part of the "Top 5 best models on Curvage/BBW Community"

Literally a handful lucky models achieve that. Everyone else on curvage either breaks even or does for a little pocket change.
>>77146 (OP)
I would lean towards, yeah, you should gain weight. I mean it’s not like you ended up here by accident, right? Nah, the only reason you even know this site exists is because, on some level, you want be a big girl, don’t you? You like the thought of being wide, plump, curvy. You wanna be this soft, plush, cute teddybear that doesn’t have to worry about working out or eating less.

You’re probably a little intimidated by the thought of letting go, but excited by what might happen if you do. Why not just…give in? Fat girls are the sexiest girls in the world.
>>77146 (OP)
If your husband likes it and you look hot, which you do, then go for it!
There's a ton of body positivity out there and good food is good. Making money helps, too! Try it out for a year if you're unsure.
You could try gaining for a little while and see where it takes you. Personally speaking, if I found out getting fatter meant making my ass and hips even larger than what you already have, I'd do it in a heartbeat.

Also please post a profile to follow, I need to see those thighs get h u g e.
agreed thick thighs save lives
i want your gaining fatter to 1000 ponds pls!!!
I know damn well everyone who's telling her to go for with will be the first ones in line pirating her content when/if it drops here or on coomer.
If we can get a sample of your content here with a sex/masturbation video showing off your body that would be awesome, and I'd definitely be interested in following an OF if you update it regularly.

IDK why people are recommending curvage, that site is such a waste. What the hell is the point of a porn site that bans nudity?
Is there a link for that?
Bumpity Bump!
Yeah pray for peace! Pray God calls Putin and his orange lap dog home for a tune-up.

Because it's easier to rip people off on OF than it is on curvage. At least on the latter, you can see the videos before choosing to buy it. OF is a straight up crapshoot with newer models.

She's not like Nadya, Carmen or Reiina where it's guarentee that I'm not going to be wasting my money by subbing to them.

Once she gets a better rep, then she can go to OF.
Good luck with the 10k a month. You said it yourself you’re in it for the money. Not nearly hot enough or started small enough to make that. Greedy ho
All of them are in it for money dipshit

Why else would they be?

Because some of them actually like being fat? Why do you think all of the ones who aren't making a living off of this continue to gain weight?
10k a month?! Someone is lying to you with that number
>My husband is my feeder and has always told me I look better with each pound
Your husband is right.

Reiina has about 500+ subs and charges $15 a month. That's well over 10k a month.

Yet it took her years to build up that fanbase.
Yo I realized the 10k comes from this lad. BBWchan never fails when it comes to bad knowledge
of course they have the fetish, but think about why would they upload themselves online for everyone to see

do you think hooter waitresses are flirting with you?

>>but think about why would they upload themselves online for everyone to see

To get paid more than most people by sitting their ass at home and stuff their face. Why do you think the literal first comment is her asking if she should start an OF?

>>do you think hooter waitresses are flirting with you?

They'd be working someplace else if they didn't want to flirt with the customers.

Also, Hooters is shit. Buffalo Wild Wings is where it's at dude.
>Also, Hooters is shit. Buffalo Wild Wings is where it's at dude.
> They'd be working someplace else if they didn't want to flirt with the customers.

Holy shit you're a retard

The pot calling the kettle black.
No, it's absolutely impossible that they could be doing something they don't care much about to get paid. Accountants also lust after crunching numbers
Are you cis-gendered female?

500 x 15 is 7500, and that's before OF takes their cut.

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