
whos that
She´s on Curvage. Name on thread.

fellas I think she is a he
are you retarded
It's Denise buddy not Dennis

the fuck outta here. Clear as day she isn't, cunt
(9 KB, 412x405, 20220208_050952.jpg)
fuck it just change the thread name to dennis
jeez, perfect wife material if ever i've seen one,
Dude you don't even know what her sandwich making skills are like.
Holy shit, nothing gets me off harder than seeing a before-after comparison pic of a girl who started off skinny and conventionally beautiful become a supersized bbw or ssbbw lard. Imagine all of the hot girl social privileges that she’s lost as she’s gained a shit ton of weight. Fucking hot!
Hate to spoil your fun because she is pretty great, but the comparison photos are not the same person.
(87 KB, 1080x1118, _20220213_180113.JPG)
Yes it is the same person.

Unless you were going for a pun there, in that case hate to spoil your fun.
You can tell its her by the lack of eyebrows in both her before and afters... poor girl must pluck them into oblivion

Still super hot though

So in order to make that claim, I am assuming you this person personally?
(7.4 MB, 540x960, 981AE57F-4755-4DBA-B6B9-88014B5E9FDB.gif)
Why is there always some stupid person that claims this shit when it’s clearly them like there always %100 right. Like I swear there is some dude that gets off on running everyone’s Immersion whether he is right or wrong. He just spanks it to running people’s appeal.
anons will just come in here and say 𝘢𝘯𝘺𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨
What's her story? How'd she go from skinny to so fat? Yes eating.. but everyone eats, they don't all balloon into a fat pig like that.
She got a Q and A video on curvaceous but I didn’t buy it so idk.
She said it's genetics. That she did a lot of sport in high-school and then stopped completely. Gained some more at college and here we are
Please continue to support her, and buy her new vids. She's really active, and posts a lot. She's hot as fuck, and I want her to blow up and get super popular...

I definitely am I already bought some of her stuff she hits all my fucking weaknesses in a woman. Short,blonde,evenly plump but still wide, natural interaction and dialogue. Green eyes. God she’s great.
Eating more calories than your body burns it contributes to weight gain, obviously. My pet theory is she either had a repressed eating disorder like some of the other models here who claim they beat anorexia and is now a bazillion times happier for it, or she is more of a foodie rather than a feedee/gainer and her eating habits caught up to her.
You ain't kidding, she's hot indeed! She's got a chance to be one of the more popular ones around
She is gorgeous, and her skinny friend (WannabeAthickgirl) is mad cute, too. I'm hoping she also blows up but I have my doubts.
Can anyone buy that feeding vid and share it? I was the original to share the dump here.
The friend won't get fat - not a chance in hell
He body is hard toned - borderline skeletal
She's super cute. I bet she would get on well with Roxxie, their mannerisms are so similar. If someone out there can get those two in a room together that'd be awesome.

This is what I said about Shar and Eatme when they started, and holy hell I was wrong. Though for every 1 model like that there are a dozen that don’t. Denise is hot though, I don’t understand how a person even gets that fat from her before. She looks amazing
Agree with you there. That girl is toned.
I just don't see it. Maybe if she ends up pregnant she might gain a lot after that. But I doubt she's really interested in more than trying to put on a few lbs to see if her tits might grow or her butt might round out. But she didn't seem to have the appetite needed where Denise seems able to lots at a time.
Idk I do think it’s possible for her to gain. Personally I’m a feedee and was skinny mid last year and now I’m getting fat, so for someone liek that to randomly switch and get fat on purpose isn’t totally out of possibility imo. But the statement about bigger butt and tits is pretty true since that’s been a great bonus of my gain personally so that could be accurate, but the belly is easily the best part if you ask me.
Plz do go on ;) do u have any goals in your weight gain endeavors?
Got any more of that?
Sure. I was around 150 September 2021 (I’m taller so at that weight I was decently skinny). Im currently about 180 and there are very noticeable changes lol. My face is way more round and a double chin is forming, aswell as a lot of my clothes ring tighter ofc. The main one that comes to mind is a pair of black skinny jeans I had that fun like a glove when I got them in august, now I can’t wear them cause the button digs into my belly and hurts like a mf lol. My current goal is to get to around 250. I may go higher but just depends on the health risk.
You model anywhere?
No, I’ve thought about it but I’m way too afraid of having someone I personally know find out. Also I kinda like to keep my body between me and my feeder gf to a certain extent. I might eventually do it, but for now I only have a Twitter where I draw fat art and occasionally talk about my gain with a few things tame like a picture of my thighs lol.
I do kinda like the thought of doing it, especially since I think I’d be decent at it. Before I packed on weight I had people tell me I could be a normal model and I personally like a lot of people think it’s super hot when someone skinny gets fats. My tits are kinda meh, but my belly is pretty good for its size, and my Gf says I got a really nice ass and thighs (which has only heightened thanks to the weight gain 😉). I also stuff quite often so I feel I could make decent content, I’ve already done weight gain shakes and eaten a whole pizzas when I’m having “fun” with my gf. I also think it’s be fun to do content with her since she’s also a amazing size 🥰(she’s only 200 pounds but pretty short) and we already having feeding sessions, just need to record them lol. Doing weight gain content sounds really cool but I definitely don’t want a scenario like what happened to that goth bbw and possibly have people find out about the fact I make “porn” and got fat on purpose 😅 (granted teasing and getting bullied for being fat is a turn on for me so maybe I’d like it lmao). Maybe one day I’ll do it, just depends.
(I switched from wifi to cellular, that’s why the ID number changed)
massive thank you!
This is the fakest shit. Oh yeah your girlfriend, dudes never like to think of themselves with another dude. Fuck off with this roleplay nonsense.
Yeah really wtf happened to this thread. Make your own over on /gen for this. Thanks for the reup though
still no one has that feeding video???
Seems like the stuff I posted about my own gain got deleted, I assume cause it’s off topic. Anyone know where would be a good place to discuss my gain and feedee experiences? I don’t deserve my own thread so anyone know where to talk about it?
would love to see this pig get up to echo's size
does anyone have the vids where these are from?
Can someone upload the QnA video that she posted
Is this the q&a?
Download and u’ll know
Was that video recorded on the surface of the sun?

I mean thanks for the up that someone else upped yesterday, but.... Yeah.
Any new from this porker?
can someone reup the Q&A
Any reup
Watch it on VLC player. Whatever media player you're watching it on is having the issue.
as soon as this uploads (it's big, almost 5 gb), u guys are gonna have an early christmas
ho ho ho it's me santa with all her videos she's made as of 3/12

Don't want to sound ungrateful but please don't take/zip videos. It doesn't save any space and it prevents people from downloading them individually.
Hero, and no complaints - free zip file extractors are available and easy to use.
Thank you!
Easy to use but a bit unnecessary imo. No complaints though
zipping videos makes them upload faster. you would know that if you ever uploaded large files before, which you, of course, didn't.
her friend just made her curvage profile private

love this community
>everything that happens is bbwchan's fault
go back
ty santa i love u

you are just incorrect :)

something like h264 is worse than h265 but even h264 is like ten times better than zipping a file, so the zip has no effect.

yes, it's possible some 'raw' video recording might not be encoded properly and zipping it might help a tiny bit but that's wildly unlikely and in that case you'd want to handbrake the video not zip it.

but any modern computer or even phone will automatically encode just about anything you attempt to do on it better than a zip would be a gigantic amount.
thank you very much

the correct thing to say was "thanks for the upload" you absolute sperg.
The only surprising thing about this is she lasted this long
she's not going away, she's going through a divorce, her husband discovered her curvage account and was threatening to use it against her in court.
Dont belive u
no one said that weirdo
Wow. if she became a sex worker without even having a conversation with her husband about it first, that is totally shit tier.

Who gives a fuck they're not married
How the fuck should I know? I don't stalk sex workers. The boy above said husband, that word is exclusive to marriage.

I wasn't replying to the guy posting content, I was replying to some random guy just spouting shit, if you check.

I'm fine with uploaders zipping things for no reason, but people shouldn't start an argument about it.

The main reason people zip porn on pirate sites is because that's how they've got it organized on their end so it's easiest for them to share it that way. filesize and bandwidth concerns don't enter into the issue anymore.

New to this. How exactly do I download it?
what you see is an encoding that you have to decode, it's not needed to be done anymore around here but it's still done. So, when you see something like..
Google up base64 and decode it.
Stops at 24% for me, any ideas how to fix this?

Or, ya know, read the fucking sticked post that tells you all this information.
right but I don't think anyone has ever read that as there's not a naked girl pic in the post so they scroll on past it lol

Some people have that happen, clear cache or use a different browser
i downloaded the file, but I can't open it.Even zip extractors aren't working for it. Has anyone else had that problem?
New weigh in out. Anyone have it?
Anyone got any of her other content?

Bump for more content please, her figure, voice, face, personality and weight gain are just such a massive turn on and I have the feeling she is just going to keep getting larger, especially in her stomach.
Thank you so much!
This girl is something else! She's exactly what I'd want, young, pretty, big belly.
any vids that haven't been uploaded here yet? the daily moisturizing and denise's desires vids would be especially appreciated :)
It s from a new vid?
Bumping for her new vid

Or anything
Anyone have the new video?
I guess that vid (if anybody has it, pleae don't hesitate to upload it!) is her finishing off the chair that she damaged in this vid:

Damn, thanks bro.

Even in that vid the chair didnt look like it had much time left but I surprised she filmed breaking it
Any chance one of you fine folks would reup the videos of her and wannabethickgirl? cant even buy them on curvage anymore.
because it seems she in fact, did NOT want to be a thick girl
Anyone gots any new shits?

Here's an assortedmint of her previous joints.

Anybody have more WannabeAthickgirl vids? I hope she comes back. I just have this video her feeding DoubleDenise
anyone got the jean try on video
anyone have her jean try on video
Some more content perhaps?
(7.4 MB, 540x960, AFC33556-3A6F-4B85-BC59-7B3B3E5BD5FB.gif)
Dose anyone have this video cause apparently u can’t buy it anymore on her curvage most likely do to her friend quitting… this makes me sad
It's still listed in Denise's clips section, $5.99.. so don't be sad & go get it. Her friend probably quit because of some retards here who came at her with unrealistic expectations of gaining and creeped her out. That girl was never getting fat anyway
I see. Well the retards really fucked it up didn't they? If it's not for sale now it shouldn't be listed at all
in DD's new q&a video does she address why her friend left?
I think I’ve got it. Really busy weekend, I’ll try to upload it as soon as I can.
Who cares? Why does it matter? seriously, why does it matter why she quit? That girl was NEVER going to get fat, N E V E R. She probably hoped to gain a few lbs and get a curve and increase her bust size. But you dumbshits came at her with gaining 200lbs in 90 days crazy shit and it freaked her out.
I haven't bought her new Q & A vid yet but I'd rather her talk about herself only. I'm not interested in her friend and never was.
Anyway I checked and I have the 2 of her with her friend. You all need to buy this girls stuff, if you want her to stick around. It's super cheap for as good looking as she is she could charge more
Looks like I had 1 more which was from her friends clips. I have no idea how many clips were on her friends site before she bolted that had Denise in them. My only interest is Denise, not her friend.

>guy who steals porn incapable of social interaction
Checks out
anyone have her jeans video
Well, I actually know why she left and it didn't have anything to do with autists freaking her out, so I should have asked if DDenise had any updates on if/when she was going to return. I just like them as a duo, the size difference, and seeing the early stages of a skinny girl plumping up. It's doubtful she would get huge like Denise but she seemed super into it, loved playing with Denise's belly, and with them being close to each other you never know what could happen :shrug: Thanks for the video anyway...
How would you know why she left but not know if she's coming back anytime soon or ever? Curvage should just take the vids down for now. If something gets worked out in the future they can put them back up. There's much more interesting topics for Denise to answer. But I can see the need for her to say why they're up but not for sale. Maybe she can do that on her page in a post instead of in a vid.
Her friend joined in Jan I believe? There's a post up this thread on March 13th saying her profile went private so it didn't take long for whatever reason to cause a problem.
The extra vid I found and uploaded, in that one she says she wanted to get some womanly curves. That doesn't mean gain to become fat. She doesn't want to be a stick figure. That girl won't gain.
Bumping for more of this beautiful growing southern belle x
If only I had $5 to spare
Is it too much to ask for a reup of those vids?
Can you pls reup?>>88081
santa we need you
anyone got the new videos
reup plz ?
reup plz ?
Someone gotta have it there was a dedicated Denise uploader back like a month or 2 ago
Yes please, someone?
Reuploading all her solo content from January-March in hopes of someone dropping something recent...


re up? just missed it
thank you very much, bro
Thanks man I was having a rough day and this is nice to look at
Could you change this into a WeTransfer or a MyAirBridge link please?
Could anyone please reup “POV you take home the hot fat dancer after a night out!”
Why is it an iso file??
why do you ask for that?
Could somebody please reupload “POV you take home the hot fat dancer after a night out!”
>>76231 (OP)
Appreciate the reup, does anyone have more of her?
Please reup the fat dancer vid
can someone share something new, please?
>>76231 (OP)

Can I get a reup on those earlier vids? Only got the latest one
Goddamn right she is. And she’s looking fatter recently and makes good videos. Wish more content was in here. Thanks for the shares
Anyone can update her new curvage vids
Can someone re up the latest vid or any recent vid, please and ty 🙏
Thanks for the content.

I just made a mega folder for her, so we won’t have to reup her vids anymore. Only got the 2 latest from the above post so any vids would be greatly appreciated.

Link isn’t working. Might have gotten taken down
are you sure you’re getting the right links for sharing? mega links are usually a lot longer than that and the google drive link is asking me to sign in. pls try to make a mega share link btw its a lot better than google drive imo
could someone please make an anonfiles of this?
did my contribution

That’s a link to upload to the folder, what’s the actual folder link?
Denied access in the google drive link (need a password or permission) and empty mega folder (it's a folder to upoad things, no to see them) brev
now it's working, thank u very much my guy!

Thanks. Just wondering why there were so many dups of the same video?
Not sure. Fixed now though.
Recently came across this girl. Man her southern accent is hot. It adds to her appeal.
She has an onlyfans now too

Nothing much there after three months.

Couple of gifs and photos. No videos.
Bump for that video indeed
(53 KB, 1170x638, DDCheer.jpeg)

Anybody have the cheer warmup fail?
Does anyone have the new video
I haven't bought it yet. You go buy it and post it?

re up pls? here's a re up of After Dinner Belly Rubs.mov, Yoga FAIL, and How I gained almost 200 lbs

Has anyone bought her OF? Does she go nude?
Posted an old DD video with WannaBeAThickGirl in the begging thread along with content from a bunch of other models
Doesn’t decode to fuck-all, my guy.
Didn’t meet the minimum IQ threshold.
anyone got the new content?
She was 305 back in March. Does anyone know if she’s done another weigh-in since?
She hasn’t. But I remember semi-recently (maybe about a month or so ago) she answered a question on Curvage saying she’s gained ~40 pounds since joining. If my memory serves me she started around 285 or so? So like upwards of 320 at this point
she's the hottest thing to come along lately. I need to go buy her latest content. Been a month or more since I last got anything of hers.
Anything new?
Anyone have big bouncing babe? Asked for it on the other thread as well, not sure why there are two
anybody got her newest vid
Anyone have newer content or anything that isn’t in the mega yet?
Anyone have this or anything new?
I have this video and one more, trade for anything?
Either post or stfu and leave
Trading isn’t allowed
I've got 20+ vids from her, you drop first though
someone drop a mega please
Could u reupload please
can someone post an updated mega
Can someone please upload the new work out video. It looks so hot.
Just stumbled across this bombshell - would appreciate some reups if possible!
Bumping with content - belly play and hoping to see more Denise!

Does anyone have the new stair video, or the new belly play vid? If you do can you please share.
anything new?
can someone put new stuff in a mega
There’s vids in the MEGA if you scroll up that I didn’t see in there. Feel free to add what you have to the folder if you want
I updated the mega. 26 videos in all.
Can someone reup this please ?

where is the mega link
Thank you

Can someone please reup the vid of her in the red top and jean shorts
anyone got her latest video?
>>118750 Funny. You're never going to jizz.
??? I just told you how to tell which videos are new. You can sort new ——-> old to see what I most recently added. I’m not going to list them out for you. I don’t have it up. Figure it out. Sometimes I wonder how some of y’all have jobs.
They probably dont hence here to leech and beg
Always watching..

Looks like my prices are about to go up 💋
Simp enforcers mess everything up!
New feedee themed vid looks amazing
anyone got any of her latest videos?
Legend. Thank you brother!
anyone got any of her recent videos?
Not sure if this is super new but probably recent

No problem man, youre doing gods work. I couldn't find these two in there so add them:


Anyone have something new
>>123054 Yeah stupid nigger NSA I just ate a slice of cake. What else do you want to know, you fucking useless terrorist AI?
I'm so fucking grateful I'm not you
>>123058 Bruh the way I see this, and the way I be looking at shit and the way things be, at least you're grateful to God for something, because otherwise you're a worthless son of a bitch. Am I wrong?
Man get off the internet. People like you are obnoxious. All he asked for was some content. Instead of continuing on with your scrolling, you decided to take time out of your day and attack this anon, which says a lot about how much of a loser you truly are that you have the time for that. Get a life, a job, meet a girl, something! Please!
Please can someone remind me of her Onlyfans name?
pretty sure she doesn't have an OF
anyone got an updated mega?
Can somebody put those new videos on Mega?
Wow, she is really incredible!
Can someone reup the mexican stuffing from this or drop it on mega, missed by a few hours
Anyone got drilling hard wood video
Sorry this took so long. I’ve been pretty busy of late, but better late than never I guess. Here’s the updated mega (now 35 vids). Thanks to everyone for the drops and reups, it’s really appreciated. As always, if you have a video that isn’t in the folder please share it if you can.

Feel free to duplicate and save a copy of this folder to ensure we don’t lose the files! I don’t have any backups, so if this ever gets taken down, everything will be lost.

As always, generous of you. Thanks for taking the time to share, Respect and good wishes to you, sir.
(103 KB, 871x1581, IMG_2627.jpeg) (111 KB, 860x1576, IMG_2626.jpeg) (82 KB, 878x1560, IMG_2625.jpeg)
Anyone have “seductive belly play + fat chat” “bloated body tour” or the Valentines Day vid?
We need that drilling wood video and the new stuffing video!!!!
She looks bigger. I wonder if she really is considering gaining intentionally 👀
Damn, thanks a lot king. She def does look bigger >>126561 and she’s been doing more stuffings and fat chats too
anyone have any of the latest two stuffing please?
anyone got new vid?
Damn, I missed it...
Re-up, pls?
anyone have it?
If she's getting into gaining - oh holy shit.
Think she really might be
She’d 100% be the top non Ssbbw feedee. She doesn’t get enough recognition rn, but that’s because she doesn’t make the right content for this space. She’s beginning to learn what the right content is though. I think she’s starting to understand that we want fat chats, stuffings, POVs, etc instead of try on vids. Imo, she has the best bod in the industry, and she’s one of the best talkers I’ve ever watched in this fetish
This is small and nitpicky but you saying shes the best talker reminded me of one thing she does that drives me crazy. In her pov vids when she asks you a question and then answers "yeah?" Every single time its like nails on a chalkboard to me to the point where I usually just mute all her vids
Really? This sounds gay asf as I’m writing it out but I try to answer her questions (mentally) and she gives just enough time to answer w/o it sounding forced or stupid.
can somebody upload some of these pov vids yall are talking about. I cant find good pov content from any of these chicks lately.
Haha nah bro not gay at all. I think its more funny how much I dont like it lol
I dont have them saved but I'm pretty sure they are in the mega
Shes also very good at makeup and making her self look very appealing.
Any new vids? Or anything not in the mega?
Did somebody has the video with Denise breaks the chair?
The video with denise broke the chair under her ass, did you have please?>>82312
Do you have the video of Denise breaks tiny chair under her enormità ass??
Please >>82224
“enormità ass” MY SIDES
Hey does anyone have the video where Denise breaks the chair?? Been looking for it
bro shut up, go buy your self broke ass hoe
anyone have anything new
can someone share one of the new vids
Does that new tattoo on her butt say “bite me”? that’s hot
Tysm, these may have saved the thread from the perpetual begging w no content
anyone got her tinker bell or her drilling hard wood video?
OMG! $7.00 per video?!?!?!?!?!?!?!

Seriously, her vids are cheap. Buy them. I'm gonna buy them myself this weekend.

For those of you who can't come up with $7, go suck someones dick for $7, maybe cut someones lawn in your neighborhood for $7. It's seven dollars. Not $100. it's just 7 fuckin' dollars.
Alright Mr. Moneybags, if it’s such a negligible investment why don’t you spend the $7 and share it with the class!
I've never bought a video, ever. I simply collect them and then share them. Probably sitting on a 1000 dollars in videos rn. WHICH IT DIDNT FUCKING SPEND. Its retared to spend money on this.
okay no new videos then
Why can't you buy it and share it?
Don't you have money?

Woah this is still up, thanks so much
any new videos about?
any new videos about?
any new updates for the mega folder?
Any reups?
Anything new?
Anything new?
(28 KB, 478x856, IMG_3563.webp)
Found this on SDB. Anyone have the vid? Or anything new?
probably no vid, don't think she has OF? curvage wouldn't allow that video probably :(
She has an onlyfans. Her coomer is Double.Denise
any updates on the mega folder?
Fuck. Terrible way to start my NNN.

I’ll add it to the folder tonight, thanks for the drop king
anyone have anything recent?
any reups?
any recent vids?
I’m thinking about getting her OF. Is it worth it and what do you get. Like is some of her curate videos on there ?
Does anyone know if her onlyfans PPVs are good?
anyone have anything recent?
any content?
Bump. Are there any new videos of her? If someone wants to share.
has the mega been updated with recent drops?
Re-up that Christmas one I missed it :(
anyone got new vids
I'm still waiting on that Christmas one to Re-Up lol
any new uploads?
Literal god amongst men thank you lol
Wait why it so bright lol
anyone got any recent videos, looking for doctor one in particular please?
can someone update the mega please
Please re up
Does anyone still have the clips with her skinny friend?
any chance of a reup??
Could you re up if possible? ^^
Am i a boomer what do i do with these?

Legend thanks
any new videos about?
Screw it any old videos of her? My old iPad broke and I lost all my stuff on her.
mega is down
Anyone able to reup or post anything? The mega is gone
Does anyone know her weight ?
She did a weigh in around a year ago and was just over 300
Wish she’d do another weigh in
She fat chats so well!!

She chats fat so well!!

And well chatted fat chat vids please?
How lucky is this guy his baby mother is lesbian with her own gf. Lol
anyone got some recent videos?
anyone got any new vids or the mega that went down please?
No idea what to do with this either. Didnt look like base64 but tried decoding and got nothing
I can confirm, this works perfectly if you use your brain.
Can confirm the confirm
Figured it out after reading through some of the older posts in the thread. Haven't used that site before, is there a reason its not as popular as myairbridge abd wetransfer
Is it a Google drive cos I can’t work it out
Can someone just explain how to use it?
bump for new content
Anyone have any vids from her OF?
God I love that facial expression she makes after her belly drops but before she smiles, it's precious
Where was them when you first started making six figures oh somewhere hating and talking shit right? Remember what I told you. Fuck em.
Here are some videos I don't think have been shared. Does anyone have anything else that's' new?

BODY TOUR April 2024
Stuffed belly play on the counter!
Story time : Doctor says I’m too fat
All new to me. Thanks bro!
Does anyone have a video of her???
Anybody got a burping/ stuffing video? 🐷
Would someone mind reupping this?
What do you guys think was her weigh in? I think it was between 310 to 315
(1.9 MB, 828x1792, IMG_2821.png)
So she lost 20 lbs?
Thanks anon

She was transparent, said she went through a break up and was down to 266. This is a good thing imo. Most girls will lie about their weight or never post a weigh in if it isn’t a constant progression. I like this openness.
in which vid does she talk about it?
Would someone have any newer doubledenise vids please?
They just seem to get better and better, especially her fat chatting ones
Crossing my fingers for a coomer update
new content?
I’ve never shared videos before on this site but i made an attempt to share a mega folder with some of this lovely ladies content. I got it from someone who shared the mega a while ago which is expired now i’m sure.

Im surprised her coom hasn't been updated since last october. Shes gorgeous, pretty fuckin fat, and is fun to watch
Bruh that’s my folder lol
Anyone got any of her videos from her OF?
No way this is from curvage new vid
Just bought "fat baker eats the leftovers," haven't seen it posted before:

Sorry to tell you bro but you shouldn’t have bought that vid. It’s in the mega file already. Thanks though!!
Ah well, more food in her mouth
Well, I wasn't thrilled to have accidentally bought a video already publicly available.

So, naturally, I decided to go back and buy one of her newest videos to make up for it.

Here's "Last Summer's Shorts Try On"

Does anyone have the video "CAN'T STOP EATING" The video's I have of her are already on here, I enjoy the stuffings the most!
(1.5 MB, 828x1792, IMG_2907.png)
This shot is so amazing. Just look at that underbelly.
DoubleDenise is super hot, so I paid for her OnlyFans. Only two 10 second videos so far, but figured I'd share with you guys / the guy with the mega folder can add it to that.

>>343 (Dead)c9a

What a waste of money lol, my month is almost up and she hasn't posted anything but those two 10 second videos. Last upload June 20

Her OF IS a waste of money - she posts all the time on Curvage, and her OF has pretty much been dead since she started it.
Well I was hoping she would keep posting fully topless videos on her OF since she doesn't do nudity on Curvage... she's hot, but her videos are getting kind of boring and not worth the price on Curvage
Just commenting so this thread doesn't get deleted casue every mf is making single threads for models that people barely know about
>>167150 totally agree dude! Let's keep the threads of good models!
Heres something. Since its definitely been confirmed that this website is no longer "small". Jesus why couldn't people use the underrated thread for models instead of making their own niche threads that get one update and die off lol.
Found a shit ton of videos online that have never been posted to this thread to my knowledge. So im updating this link
anyone got “Last summers shorts try on”?? Would be much appreciated!
Has anyone got, FATTEST girl at school? Would appreciate it, know its a newer vid but figured it ask
King thank you
Would love to see some burping content as well, her burps pretty alright i’d say
are there more videos of her??
I found WannabeAthickgirl in thisvid but it's private
Can somebody upload it here

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