
Do you have something else?
>>76011 ungrateful piece of shit didn't even thank the person
Seriously. Godamn leeches
Does she have an of?
Yes and it has all the curvage vids. Pretty worth it tbh.
>>76105 any nude content?
She has nudes on her Twitter so her of definitely has them
anyone got her new immobility clip? and her eat to escape would be nice.
sharing her latest, "Eat to escape"

Sharing mainly because i found it disappearing. Her content has become very.. staged. The faces she eats while eating are very forced. None of her recent "weigh ins" have actually involved a scale, so its hard to confirm if she's telling the truth. Curious if anyone else feels this way
The no scale thing is a red flag, wonder what her justification for that is. I don’t know if they’re staged so much as they’re rp and she’s purposefully being over the top. It’d be one thing if it didn’t look like she was gaining but she’s gotten fucking massive
Thanks much! She's mentioned on her tumblr that she's in film school, so perhaps her video style has to do with that.

How much does she claim to weigh now?
I dont think u need a scale to see that she has really gotten very fat. Also it doesnt help her to overinflate her weight since in the future if she does an actual weigh in, it will look like she lost weight/didnt gain much
Past 300, but i got no precise number
anyone got her new immobile vid?
>>73628 (OP)
Some new stuff
The link doesn't translate.

translate is an interesting choice of words here because it absolutely does translate those special symbols are the standard for url encoding, they probably appeared because he googled his own link or something then copied the link from the google search address rather than the actual link

so it's not that the slashes and colons were "missing" those random letters and numbers are how the internet interperts slashes and colons


in case somehow someone reads this, then sees this problem again in the future, then remembers this
Bump for blueberry vids

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