
And if will she lost weight again?
Anyone able to get the latest livestream off coomer.party. Won’t load for me
I tried too. It did load but constant buffering and when I tried to DL it kept timing out with crappy speed.

I'll try later and hope things clear up
bruh gut girls wearing tight dresses is the hottest thing. there's no hiding that ball belly; why try, right? might as well flaunt it

12+ hours with careful monitoring as it kept timing out.


Love reiina,but for some reason her wearing a bunch of makeup is a turnoff for me.Imo,she looks so much better with a completely bare face
thank you for your humility (L)
Her face isn't bare anymore, it's mostly silicone
Should’ve specified what I meant.The facial enhancements aren’t my issue.The makeup is.Her face without Is much more preferable to me
I honestly love it when she's caked up (in more ways than one).
I somewhat agree. for me what messes it up is the wigs and various cosplay. maybe she just hasn't cosplayed as the right woman yet. has she done Harley Quinn? I'm sure she could make bursting out of that top and booty shorts hot.
can't stop cumming to her pondering her orb
Yeah because it's only of the only images where she isn't making some sort of garish anime face
She tweeted a couple days ago she going to be adding vids to clips4sale again and said she posted one. I don't see it does anyone see it?
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And she's been in a car wreck. She has a nasty gash on her forhead (she posted it on her OF) and her car is totaled, but she's fine otherwise.
Totally illegal to be on your phone when driving anywhere in the world i'm sure, but people are so self centred and selfish to still do it. Be careful out there, most people are NPCs.

>>most people are NPCs

We're not in GTA dude.
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But here's something prior to the crash. And some ass shots since those never get posted.
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She should definitely post more ass pics, that's one heffin chonky rear
I'm sexting your mother while driving right now. What are your dialog options now, NPC boy
Bro being a gta npc means you can drive properly

While getting shot at and blown up by an opressor mk 2. I'll take distracted drivers over living in Los Santos.
my favourite part about these video screen caps vs the pics she posts on social media is that she's trying so hard to hide her double chin. gets me diamonds bro
getting off to strangers laughing at your peanut dick is nothing to brag about
Bump please

Recent? I could've sworn her and GGG stopped doing videos together months ago.
It's the newest video on her page so....

Newest curvage vid I’m guessing, the actual vid is an older one in terms of when it was filmed based on RPs size.

Bitch, that video is from October. GGG hasn't uploaded a single new clip since November.

GGG and RP primarily only use OF now, hasn’t GGG even migrated all her curvage content to OF too?

this is like the opposite of true from what i can tell.

they both use onlyfans more than curvage by a lot, but their best curvage only clips haven't been posted on onlyfans as far as i can tell

Reiina mostly uploads small clips and her streams to OF. Honestly isn't worth a sub unless she discounts it. Even then her feeder ruins the entire stream whenever he's on.

Honestly if she puts out actual videos instead of relying on hour long streams, I'd consider subscribing for more than one discounted month at a time.
I’m honestly very impressed by this girl's weight gain over the past year or so now. I always got the sense she was content remaining skinny and just bloating her gut, maybe gaining a tiny bit. But to go from that to full on obese with no signs of slowing down is great, I may even finally start buying her content
Nothing to be impressed of, she went from one ED to the other with "some" external help.

Yes, I'm a jaded fucker. Still I wish there was more girls in the fetish legitimately enjoying being fat and less being there because of various issues. But I guess these one don't quite reach the obese status so often, so they're less noticeable in the community.
I fucking hate her feeder, man literally knows one word “yowzers” he’s genuinely cringe
Ew he talks/ shows his face? Dude should just shut up and wear a mask in the background i dont need to think of his gangly ass while jerkin off
(76 KB, 516x849, tes.JPG)

The rat faced fucker basically ruins every stream he's in.
I pretty much ignore any of the streams he's in and just stick to her solo ones.
I hate the guy too. whenever a chick refers to her boyfriend as her "partner", you know she has no respect for him and he's a pushover.
Can't believe shes fucking some vorefag. Whatever keeps the food in her stomach I guess.
it’s everything i’ve ever wanted

Found her feeder lol.


240 isn't shit. 300 is the magic number around here. We only celebrate the huge milestones.
Yeah I wouldn't jump to conclusions like that but something is DEFINITELY off.
Tho the rat face could literally be that the only people willing to admit they're into this, well, look like him
Her BMI is 44 which is the equivalent of 275 lbs on someone who is 5'6"
I think they look cute together.
Weight gain from vore is niche; the mouth / tongue play stuff is sexy.
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And where there's WG and Vore, GTS content usually follows. If there's anyone who can pull off RP vids and not look unintentionally goofy as hell, it'd probably be Reiina. She's posted a couple size difference photos with the guy on twitter before too.

If the scale doesn't read 300, then fuck off
Does she ever show her fupa? She's hot but after watching one vid and she farted throughout, I can't look at her the same way again
The autism is just oozing out of this comment. Get a grip, dude.

How about gripping this dick instead? Come up with a new insult instead of relying on autism you unoriginal fuck.
bmi is a way better indicator of fatness than “hurr durr 300 pounds” lmao, some girls are 300+ and don’t even look BBW size because of how tall they are. a shortstack like reina will probably have the proportions of a 300 pound 5”5 - 5”8 tall girl at 250 pounds. she’s said she wants to gain past that and talks about hitting 300 a lot, but I don’t see why y’all shit on short girls for having a lower weight when they LOOK fatter than other heavier but taller gainers
Aww is the sperg mad? Boo fucking hoo.
Yes her fupa is very plump. Looked great in her recent shower vid
jacking anon’s chub while wubbing his tummy…
Wait which vid lol? I saw one vid where she farts but only once
Regarding her bf. As long as he keeps feeding her and she feels supported to keep gaining, which is something he is doing pretty well, I've no complaints.
If having him on the background of some videos is the pay for having Reiina getting to 300lbs then it's definitely a bargain...
Now, can someone share some real content?
>Now can someone share some real content?

Lol the condescension. You first dude
Is that padding, or has her gut actually gotten that big? I genuinely can't tell.
Her gut is just that big
Real stomach.She’s gained a lot of weight in a short period.

have you seen her face and arms? she clearly ballooned

I'm surprised there's still people who can't tell the difference between a pregnant stomach and a fat one.
Food babies and actual babies are kinda similar

According to who? You must be either blind or retarded if you think a pregnant stomach looks the same as some chick who stuffed herself at Burger King.
(189 KB, 1616x1080, FK0AMlfXsAAQKpu.jfif)
looking truly fucking huge in her most recent tweet
how come coomer hasnt updated yet
is the weird face part of another fetish?
Girl can have whatever face she wants as long as her fat ass keeps gaining weight and getting my load off.

in order for coomer.party someone who is paying for a subscription to reinnapop's onlyfans has to go to coomer.party manually and enter something via copy/paste and then click a button and then it happens from there automatically.

so yeah, it might be "free" for you, but someone somewhere is paying for it and clicking a button on purpose to make it happen (if your question was genuine you'll never have to ask it again, if you were just trying to disguise begging someone to do it, oh well, I wasted my breathe)

I thought this was common knowledge. You can't tell me people thought that some small website had the power to rip paid content for free.
The rate at which she's eaten herself from a twig to a morbidly obese bombshell is astounding
even more astounding when you think that she's always been a little reluctant to gain in the past, as her metabolism is very fast and she needed huge amounts of food, time and money to gain just a little, so she must be eating like a fucking maniac

She literally chugs those Boost VHC one after the other. 530 cal a pop and they’re like 8 oz. She is all in this time and it’s amazing to watch.
I find her rather boring this time around. I enjoyed her content much more during her first gain. And it’s too bad that I can’t really fap to pictures, but her videos are just short and I don’t find her streams very entertaining either. I can’t deny she looks hot as fuck, but idk, just find her to be boring is all.
What else do you think about stuff
the only thing that sucks about her getting bigger is that her content has become much lazier since switching to the onlyfans and really blowing up.
Watching her go from way underweight to obese in such a short time is amazing
Yeah, in her last stream she mentioned she was out of breath just from shaking her fat ass
Suffering from success
This. Her latest stream she just kinda sat around doing fuck all

> want women to stuff themselves and gain tons of wait
> get mad when they're lazy
I haven't watched her latest but I'm surprised she got up and shook her behind.

last time I saw a stream all she did was sit around, eat and talk. later in she started changing into different dresses but overall it was kinda boring. it makes me sad because I want to like her. I think she's cute and I love the gain. she seems like such an awesome person overall but those outfits are a turn off. I never liked all of the makeup, various wigs or cosplay. I don't mind it once in awhile but she's always wearing a new outfit and most of them aren't cute to me. then I'm tuning in for burps and her burps are always so tiny. I prefer the loud ones. in many ways she's like the ideal bbw model and id gladly subscribe to her OF but I just can't justify it when I'm sure I won't like most of the content.

id love to see a stream of her in plain clothing working out though.

So speak up and tell her. She can't read minds, so how is she going to change up her routine if you're doing all of your bitching here and not on her OF page?
I think starving herself before made it a lot easier to gain this time around tbh. My girlfriend had an ED in the past and it screwed up her metabolism.
most of my gripes are who she is. I seriously doubt she's going to change. her makeup and cosplaying isn't going to stop. I don't know that she will take the time to learn how to belch loudly as opposed to tiny burps. I may get that plain clothes workout video but you know what I've found happens when you ask for that? a lot of the women refuse to do something hardcore like Zumba or something like that and instead try to do random things like running in place, jumping jacks and just looking lost. I requested one workout video from a woman and she literally spent most of the video trying to do random exercises and saying that she had no idea what exercises to do. would it have hurt to ask me beforehand or look at youtube video? I'm not joining reiinas OF, paying to send her a message then paying more for a custom to risk all of that all over again. after awhile you get sick of dealing with the same mess, you know what I mean? I may be in the minority but I've found the more I reach out to these ladies and make my requests known, the less I actually ask for, the more of a pain in the neck it becomes and it really gets me wondering why I bother with any of this to begin with. I've done I don't know how many customs over the years, easily losing thousands of dollars, and only a handful were worth the time and effort that I put into them. the models mostly just phone it in doing the bare minimum and take the cash. they don't care if you're a satisfied customer or not. I'm tired of it overall.

so im not bitching here. I'm just stating my opinion based on how so many other interactions have gone over the years.

I had a lengthy conversation with someone once to explain to them how to install python so they could use an automatic onlyfans ripping tool off github, and they thought it was a tool for ripping content from accounts they hadn't paid to subscribe to, not a standard robot that siterips sites you have paid for.

bbw-chan's userbase has gotten a lot dumber since the iphone was invented
lol you guys excel at finding something to complain about
heading over to the fetish porn imageboard to update my diary for the day.
You're a queer. Use a vpn and go to yahoo.com so this stupid bitch can play that stupid yahoo song she loves to try to scare you. She's a scary witch I'm surprised she's alive and well wirh all the things she's into. She can't read minds but I can assure you her peoples are plenty powerly. It's too bad too how such a gorgeous woman can belong to the dark side. I guess maybe canada might be a good place for filth to hide
you mind sharing your knowledge again? or at least point me in the right direction. just subscribed to an onlyfans and looking to rip everything.

this is what i use, i last used it today, it requires you have python 3.10 installed, you also have to know how to hit f12 network tab type ini view headers copy paste cookies user agent x-bc


yes it's a bit tougher to run than a browser extension, but once it's on, it can just rip an entire onlyfans perfectly (as in all pictures videos and metadata, text descriptions of video posts are stored in an sqlite databse) automatically while you're afk

it's likely quite similar to what coomer.party uses on their server although the way the files and folders get structured is different slightly

other people probably have other preferences, there are competing tools

to be clear, the reason you/me/anyone wants to use a ripping tool is that yes it might take you a couple minutes how to figure out how to install it or run it or turn it on, but after that it can download 10,000 files while you're afk, whereas the f12 trick absolutely works, and it only takes a few seconds to use, that's PER file you wish to download, meaning it would take you eons to download all the content on most onlyfans pages.
Does anybody got any button popping content that reiina has done?
alright I think I got it mostly figured out, I'm just getting an authloop now. it keeps saying username = username instead of my actual username, not sure if that's an issue. Don't know where else to ask about this so any help would be appreciated

username is irrelevent, that's like an old setting or whatever.

what matters is the full cookie, the user agent, and the x-bc

to be clear my username is still "default" in the profile auth.json file, everything else is default or blank

"auth": {
"username": "default",
"cookie": "YOURS GOES HERE",
"x_bc": "YOURS GOES HERE",
"user_agent": "YOURS GOES HERE",
"email": "",
"password": "",
"hashed": false,
"support_2fa": true,
"active": true

oh also, it doesn't last forever. you have to login, get these copy pasted, then use it. it'll eventually expire and you'll have to copy paste these elements again (like if chrome updates or whatever for example your user agent will update and trigger the others to update as well)
aHR0cHM6Ly93ZXRyYW5zZmVyLmNvbS9kb3dubG9hZHMvN2RlYjk3OTlmYjZhZjRmM2YwMWZkM2I1OGY0NWI3MmMyMDIyMDIxNTA0MTkxOC9jMTdiZDU= carpeta con 10 videos seleccionados por mi, osea 10/10 perros qls
Al pique enrique ty
Can anybody update the coomer site? Thanks!
God damn she's so fat but her belly and shit is still so perky
She is too big already so even if she did, she's going to be jiggly as hell
She's too big already so even if she did she's going to be jiggly as hell
Cause she stuffs herself constantly, its why she has the best big,round belly
How do I contribute to her getting bigger and stuffing herself more? Never donated but I finally have the means to give alot, and I wana give it to that thickening thot
Check her socials i think she has almost every money app. Remember to dm her that You sent her money or smth
Explain her allure & appeal? With all due respect, she’s got some of the worst tattoos (especially the one on her chest that looks like a Kodak camera) & her facial “work” looks horrendous 🥴
>>77434 explain why you thought anyone gave a shit about your opinion?
>Explain her allure & appeal?
Plastic bimbo stuffed herself fat, lost weight to focus on college then rebounded with enthusiasm not long afterwards. She's one of the few BBWs out there with multiple cosmetic surgeries: breast implants, rhinoplasty, lip injections—and they all look great with the added weight (not so much when she was going for that 'tits on a stick' look). Her tattoos are abstract enough that they actually accentuate her expanding form, most notably the ones on her belly and hips. When I think about the intersection of fat fetishism and body positivity, she's practically the first person who comes to mind: fat, but shapely; has a love for the kink and isn't afraid to flaunt her stuff (especially that belly of hers). She's a rarity as far as I'm concerned and I'd hate to see her go; even after all this time.
If only there were hundreds of other threads on the site you could have gone to instead of being faggot.
can you post that info again?
re up on the high resolution material
Do you Have maybe her some newest movie she is so hot
Them thighs my fucking gosh

Use her belly as a pillow and squish my head in her thighs
God bless you man, thanks for sharing
Anyone knows why commer reiina's is not updated?
Remember when she said her metabolism was too fast for her to maintain any weight gain? I guess it caught up to her, huh

It's almost as if (wait for it) people age and their body changes.

Because the account that contributed to coomer didn't renew. Someone new has to bite the bullet and sub to keep it updated.
Pretty sure she’s just downing Boost shakes left and right. Metabolism doesn’t change that much, people just use it as an excuse. Pretty sure she is just pigging out constantly and has a lifestyle that can afford it now and a bf that’s actually into it. It’s insane how fast she blew up and it’s fucking hot
Here's her latest stream. She looks huge despite her annoying weasel bf hanging around through the whole thing.


>> Metabolism doesn’t change that much, people just use it as an excuse.

Says the armchair nutritionist.
He's right you sperg.
MrRepzion is a lucky motherfucker

No he's not spaz. If he was, then nobody would've gained weight during the lockdowns.

This is one of the most retarded things I ever read. It proves the point, people gained in lockdowns because they got lazy, ate out of boredom, sat on their ass working at home, and gyms closed. Not because the government closing things affected their metabolisms lmao.

“Armchair nutritionist”. It is literally common knowledge that anyone relatively into fitness or lifting knows. Sorry to derail the thread, people are just retarded
(301 KB, 680x518, bd8.png)
Thanks for the upload but what a fucking goober
Is her OF worth it? I'd rather buy longer clips with a preview than pay for a month's worth of short videos, but she doesn't seem to upload to c4s anymore
i hate this guy. like i get wanting to spend time with your boyfriend but holy shit don't let him talk on your fucking cum bait streams.
man her plastic surgery is not playing well with the new fat on her face
its really really funny

I only resub when she has a sale. Her OF mostly consists of 1 minute or less videos, pictures, an occasional 5-6 minute video and her hit or miss hour long streams.
Ist there an easy editing software for vids? This shitbag has to be edited out
yeah honestly the way those cheeks go with the double chin, the eye make up ontop is making her look like a mid 40s trailer trash ho.

There's easily dozens of them to pick for almost every machine.

I just avoid any stream he's in since she's fully aware of how many people hate him and warns her subs in advance on if she's doing a solo or feeder stream.
She looks like a Morrowind NPC in this picture. I can practically hear her screaming “You N’wah!”
(60 KB, 751x751, 1.JPG) (54 KB, 750x752, 2.JPG) (69 KB, 749x751, 3.JPG)
The fatter her face gets the more beautiful she becomes imo. She's fucking gorgeous. Thin-to-fat gainers only come around once every 3+ years if we're lucky, and hardly any feedees are willing to gain at the pace Reiina has been gaining. She's a rare gem
She looks so much better with light/no makeup. Her making her face so caked up with makeup almost every stream is a complete turn off for me.
Can someone share your free content of OF, it would be easier for me if you can provide it to me through a link, thanks
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Funny you say that, she just put out a poll asking if people like her goth makeup or natural look.

So far, natural look is winning by a landslide
She looks like shit. Ruined her nice skin with stretch marks ugh.

Stretch marks are a result of getting fat genius. That's not some shit you can help.
We found ourselves a retard, I hope they say more un-self aware shit.
As long as it's her I really don't care how she does her makeup or any of that. She's gorgeous and gets mine. Off faster than any other girl
(46 KB, 743x431, 6.JPG) (57 KB, 750x709, 7.JPG)
Yep....wasn't even close. At least now we know she has at least 500 subs and brings in well over 9 grand a month
10k a month is average for most of the popular feedees (and anyone in the top 1% of OF). The ones that have over 100k followers make way more than that. Kayla said she made 2k a day on Curvage, from a single video (while Casey said that's what she makes weekly there from one video she posts).
holy fuck she is huge now.
Can someone download and post these? I'm not making an account on there

I would, but my internet is shit and I don't feel like keeping only one tab open for a day. Just wait unitl Coomer gets updated.
does she wear a wig?
plus all the money people donate during live streams is ridicules

eh, the average popular twitch streamer (see any of the ASMR girls) make ridiculously more in tips for doing WAY less. for interacting with everyone’s comments and doing shit like belly inflation and stuffing that is hard for the average person it’s fair. pic from her curvage thread >>77879

The blue/purple hair is her real hair. Everything else is a wig.

Looks like Mavis and Jonathan from Hotel Transylvania.

God I hated that movie.
>>78097 holy shit, she's so out of this scrawny weasel's league that its a joke. men must be throwing themselves at her and she chose this one??

Must be sad for you
Lmao beats me why she wouldn't be with an alpha chad like you
With all due respects, my man looks like a goddamn rodent
god damn, it's really mostly visceral fat. she's gonna have the preggo look going for a long time but I'm drooling just imagining the day when the crease really starts to set in, before it starts hanging.
I would love to be seen in public with her. fucking hell dude.
It already has some pretty significant hang, it’s just most of the stuff posted here is when she’s maxed out her capacity stuffing.
Which one of her more recent vids where she looked the most stuffed?

Her Saturday night/Sunday stream. I haven't watched it yet, but apparently she does inflation, chugging, tight clothes try on, farting, and cums at the end.

She usually only does one or two per stream
Daaamn. Any more photos and clips that come with that? That before and after has me kneeling

Nope. That's all she posted from her OF.
lmao seethe virgin

It's just the dress that's making her look pregnant. She has belly hang in literally every other photo of her.
Y'all do you think she did that whole skinny-ass bimbo look to fuck up her metabolism so she could gain faster?

That'd be some crazy 4d chess shit

No. She thought she would be happier weighing 110lbs and having giant implants. Once she found out being fat paid a lot more, she went back to gaining.
(35 KB, 612x612, original.jpg)
hold up, I haven't been in the loop in a while but when the fuck did scrungo manage to bag reiina? on one hand I want to feel happy for the dude but on the other hand I'm pissed because now he'll just self insert himself onto the coomer streams. trust me when i say he's not playing it up either, I shared a REPORT MY POST server with him at one point and his house is as bad as his fashion sense. skeletons and random shit hanged up everywhere.

>>his house is as bad as his fashion sense. skeletons and random shit hanged up everywhere.

You mean like she has strange shit hanging in her house while dressing like a goth?

Don't think too hard.
The amount of salt this thread has for the guy is pretty funny. Yeah this weird guy that I bet anyone on here can beat in a fight gets more laid than you lol.
Yeah I dont remember if there is a specific name for it, but this is a thing. The deeper you are into a certain style/aesthetic the more attractive you become to those also into it, while becoming equally more unattractive to vanilla people and those not into it. Really easy to see with people into gothic, tattoos, piercings, etc.

You don’t have to think he’s a chad, but the sheer hate is just people salty and jealous lmao. Her gain and shape is unreal, def a lucky bastard
Nigga you just made that up. And it sounds like garbage
It took her that long to take off a pair of shorts?
I saw a livestream where she mentioned wanting to have kids.

shed put a hurting on everyone if she got pregnant. shed have the preggo lovers and bbw lovers throwing money at her for nine months straight.
she certainly has a type, the last bf looked very similar to this one.

pretty much this, she copped endless shit form all directions when she lost weight and tried to go full bimbo. She's clearly still into that aesthetic to an extent but knows it's not going to be as lucrative. It also happened after the end of her last relationship which no doubt had some influence.

I really hope it's her current feeder who eventually knocks her up. If people are spazzing over him now, it'll be a fucking field day here when she posts a pregnancy test.
You dont have to be an alpha chad to point out this dude is a goblin and she clearly has a type but its a depressing type. Turns out very few professional bimbos actually have good mental health. They exist but like this gal isnt one of them.
at that point people just stop seeing her as a person because they know shes a retard lol
la cucarcha
Someone should post the rest of this content I can only imagine seeing her at a buffet, or update coomer.party finally

The before and after pictures is all that she posted from the buffet.

Unless you want someone to upload random plates of food she also uploaded.
If she got pregnant, the Porn War would take place
I'm normally opposed to clowning on camwhores partners but the dude chooses to be in every stream so he deserves this.
(27 KB, 758x144, solo.JPG) (23 KB, 736x132, wpartner.JPG)

>> but the dude chooses to be in every stream

lol,liar. She specifically says if she's doing a solo/feeder stream beforehand.

Know what you're talking about before bitching
Any have that video?
I would really like to see some more pics of her stuffed after this night at the buffet
Like fucking Christ imagine seeing her walk into a buffet and walk out looking like that
updating coomer.party right now
Add to the fun. Especially if she gains back even more afterwards,maybe she packs on muscle?

Why do you want to ruin her body with muscle? She needs to be hitting more buffets, not hitting the gym.
Fckin goat. Thanks bro
Thanks, but I was wondering, there is a hole in february, did she maude a pause or is it a bug in coomer?
nah, there's content... not really sure why coomer is just skipping over it

i'll try again
Can someone post the coomer party link? For some reason can’t find her page…

so, coomer.party works just like kemono.party but the files on coomer.party are larger. so large files like videos don't always come through due to timeout and bandwidth concerns, but they do usually show up eventually, and using the appropriate ripping software you can get the correct dates on files that appear on coomer.party's servers in an alternate order.

tl;dr if coomer.party downloads a jpeg and a 1gb 2hour stream at the same time the jpeg appears right away and the giant file sometimes takes a day or more to appear.

also to clarify, coomer.party downloads the NEWEST files from onlyfans FIRST. so as a coomer.party robot is ripping onlyfans the first files to appear are the brand new ones, and the last ones to appear are the oldest files since the last rip (also taking into account what I said about delays on large files in the prior message)

All of the buffet pics have been uploaded already. Do you want the pictures of the food on her plate or something?
(127 KB, 745x758, sdfgh.JPG)
That's everything from the buffet folks. Nothing more.
I don't see them on coomer
But thank you for this it is appreciated you are a sir
Were there more pics of when she went home and ate more later that night or have they all been posted here already?
(5.7 MB, 2265x1866, Reiinapop Feb 2021 to March 2022.png)
She looks tiny in the first and that's from Feb 2021 hard to believe she was 100lbs in September 2020, second photo is March 2022

The latter. The next thing that she posted after the buffet was with the Pizza Gut shirt.
(70 KB, 675x903, 44.JPG) (54 KB, 750x752, 45.JPG)
My sub to her is expiring soon anyways. I only resub when she has her monthly discount period.
(40 KB, 752x309, 46.JPG)
Rather pay $8 than to wait on slow ass Coomer.
(101 KB, 802x742, 56.JPG)
And last one for the night. There's plenty more where that came from.
Nobody have a video
Notice how much bigger her tattoos are

She hasn't been able to do any videos in a while besides her IG Livestream which you can go watch for free.

She was planning a solo a Livestream, but the site kept crashing.
Could someone update coomer?
(68 KB, 747x620, Vore.JPG)
I don't have a VR headset and couldn't rip the video before my sub expired, but if anyone wanted to be eaten by her....well you got your wish.
updated coomer
Any reup please?
Does anyone have the VR Hot Dog video yet
its on coomer buddy, you’re welcome
Does anyone have the cream/kitchen countertop video with GGG?

I have these two, apparently

Why has this thread gone so quiet?

prolly because we're irrelevant now? coomer.party is just better than us
Heheh I just now realized what coomer means cummer... Top Kek
Dude I'm going to hit the hay but please let me know when the coom party turns into an all-female big boob orgy or like a p party or something that is actually good
her clip OF is dead. She said you had so much videos to post for sell and been a month since last post. 10 videos, that's it.
When is the first pic from? I realize the filename is "2021", but I'm curious what month.
it’s from mid june

Looks the same size as she has for a while. Last notable gain was late Jan-early Feb.
Who's that other girl?
She was 240 Jan 29th and is now 250
(51 KB, 401x565, rt.JPG)
Buisness must be really slow for her. This is the 3rd time this month she's done a discount on her OF.

That means Coomer's doing a good job

A 10 pound difference isn't noticable anymore once you hit past 200lbs.
I like seeing how big her belly and ass are getting with those small fake tits starting gain weight.

Interesting. And hot.
said her new goal is 270 last stream

reiinapop x voreacious
$8 isn't bad. is it worth signing up? does she have content with just subscribing or is she the kind of model that floods dms with paid pics and vids and doesn't post much of anything on the main page?
Depends on how much you like her I guess. I found her OF really underwhelming when I was subbed. It's a lot of pictures at crappy resolutions and livestreams plus maybe the odd short video.

I say yes just for her back catalog alone, which for $8 is a steal. Spend an afternoon ripping her OF, and you'd definetly get your money's worth.

I personally don't resub until she makes enough videos for me to go back and rip the ones I don't have yet.
thanks fren, I appreciate ya

her onlyfans is jam packed with tons of content, BUT it's all been ripped and put on coomer.party for free, but if you wanted you could go support her anyways because she actually has a decent onlyfans that's not just lazy nor is it paywalls within paywalls
Well, she JUST opened a ppv paywall of
except she posts PPV all the time she just hasnt in a bit

i guess if you hate the livestreams it sucks, maybe? but a rip of her of is what? 130-145gb? which is like ten times the average (when average models have horrible of's that aren't worth it.)

of course, again, why pay for the content? just get it from coomer instead and then subscribe if you desire to after you've seen what's on offer.

like i'm literally not recommending it, but, ya know, just in terms of hours of footage contained in the subscription price she's killing it to an outrageous degree (livestreams though might be bloating these stats in some people's opinions though).

The Livestreams are hit and miss since most people hate her feeder. So at most you're gonna get one or two solo streams per month, a < 5 minute clip and a bunch of pictures.

Which in hindsight is a shit deal for her regular price. Even when it's $8.
livestreams are ok and range in quality like everyone’s already stated. if i were you, i’d just subscribe for the photosets. they’re easily the best part of her OF
I admit, I'm new on this thread, but how do you get a video from that? Do I have to put that somewhere?
Does anyone here have any of her clips4sale videos or is that not okay to share here?
How much did they charge for this shit? Its literally just them sitting around talking.
I was thinking the same. thanks to the poster but seriously if this is the kinda junk that is on her of ill do a hard pass. I wouldnt even pay $8 for that.

And it's starting to show. 4th time this month she's done a discount on her OF.

I'm waiting for her to make an announcment about it or make a poll asking for new ideas.
how is it that these ladies need new ideas? it ought to be common sense what people want. people are there for the body, right? she already knows people love burps. why does she not have a burping video? people love her in tight clothes. why not an outgrown clothing video? enough with all the silly cosplay. lets see natural reiina in the morning putting on some clothes. role play she has a corporate job or something. and this isn't mentioning the obvious workout video.

it seems to be the same with every single model. they want all the money and they don't want to do the work. or they want all the money and they want to charge crazy money for a custom. id commission those videos but her burps are tiny. I like the loud nasty disgusting ones like what brittany venti does mid-sentence. she just belches and keeps on talking. thats sexy. this stuff isn't. I also don't want to commission them because I get tired of throwing out hundreds of dollars for a subpar product. a custom video is nothing but money for them so if I'm dropping $500 I should have my video in a week at the very most. I've had women try to charge me $400 and say it'll take a month. why? you're not updating your onlyfans nor are you camming. your twitter is you just sitting around all day. why is my video not done? and another reason why I don't want to bother is that its nothing but money for them. I take the time to plot out the story, write a script and all of that, she charges me to act it out and then she makes a bunch of money selling it on her site. I get sick of doing that so I'm not bothering with it. she can take the ideas or she can leave them. she's the one not making money. my money will stay in my pocket until she does something worth watching.
who would pay 400 dollars for a video. theres better dumb things to spend money on.
exactly my point. thats how much they charge. some charge $20/min. one woman was charging $300 for ten minutes. they want to charge all this money then they complain when no one buys any videos. Imo they shouldn't be above $5/min for the main fact that they're going right to the models page and sold immediately after they give it to the one who commissioned it. if the person wants it between them and the model maybe $10/min because they won't make any more money. that is it. I mean seriously, where do they even get the idea that this is acceptable? this is why I'm not bothering to sign up for her of. its the same mess with every single model these days and its getting frustrating.
This is gonna sound super sexist but it's the reason why you don't see many successful female self made millionaires. The most successful pornstars/cam girls are managed by men who plan everything out for them. These men plan their videos and even pose as the model on the forums in order to gain intel on what people want. Men are driven harder by money than women are. Just how the world works.
ye I wonder who makes more money, Kim or Kanye, well done you incel cuck. Behind every self-made man is a woman taking care of the normal schedules of life, behind every succesful woman is a man helping her out because you can't do everything on your own. - greetings some dweeb
> this is gonna sound super sexist

If you feel the need to make this acknowledgement before you write something, probably a good indicator that what you’re writing is incorrect. Brainless take
>Behind every self-made man is a woman taking care of the normal schedules of life, behind every succesful woman is a man helping her out because you can't do everything on your own

that's a giant false equivalency anyone with common sense can tell that the sexes aren't dependent on each other to the same degree, and the statistics don't lie, the amount of male entrepreneurs absolutely dwarfs the female contingent. men are addicted to sex, and women are addicted to relationshits, so men have to partner up at one point.

because of a lack of wit women use sex to provoke and rebel against society and without a pimp from whatever gender they flake i.e KittyPiggy.
Kim: rich daddy and famous for taking dick on camera.
Kanye: reinvented music a few times.

Ok shithead, way to make women look like lazy untalented whores using men’s money.

lol, calm down dude. It's just porn. This shit isn't life or death.

Nah, Kanye's more famous for being a mental patient with a lot of money.
Not saying women can't do well on their own. Shar is an example of a chick who puts out pretty good videos. I'm saying if a woman wants to make the serious money as a camgirl/only fans model, she'll do a lot better with a dude managing her schedule, her finances, her travel, expenses, etc.

Kim Kardashian has done well for herself but I'd bet the majority of her support staff, legal team, agents, etc. are men. Same with kanye. Men crave BUILDING wealth a lot more than women. Women simply love to SPEND money rather than make money ;)
The only reason an Onlyfans model or any porn industry type chick needs a man is because she wants a stable relationship and not go crazy, plus it's nice to enjoy the money and wealth it brings together. I think it's bull because the majority of men-managed stars are cardbox personalities.
based schizo post, I unironically agree that most bbw onlyfans videos completely suck and none of them give anyone what they want.

At least for me I am a simple man, I only want the girl showing their face and full body in the image (have the video be longer than one minue) and show them playing with their belly/tits just a bit, they don't even need some crazy skit or kino-level filming. 99% of videos are some shitty zoomed in angle that shows nothing, I get a lot of full OF on EMP and I all the videos are unwatchable.
A lot of these models are just interested in bare fucking minimum. For example i just saw this "force feeding" video done by enchantress and sugarplumpfairy and her gf and it was so tame and milktoast. Only funneled like one shake split between the two of them. Minimal belly play. Like come the fuck on at least tie someone up.
nigga wrote a whole anime monologue 💀💀💀
I'd be able to argue that the fat "fetish" industry has been infiltrated by non fat fetishists trying to make a quick buck. Sure, there will always be the serious gainers but with the rise of OF the last 3 or so years it allows the market to be saturated with normal chubby and fat girls who were gonna eat cookies and ice cream anyways and just decided to film it for an OF to make a couple hundred on the side. Just 5 or so years ago the main media outlets were places like BigCuties and C4S, now anyone can make a $8 OF, promote it on reddit as fat fetish content when they really aren't in it for that. And that's the reason there's so much vanilla lackluster content creators who have no ideas on what actually is entertaining
Anyone have her new video on curvage?
Her recent video on curvage is 50 cents cheaper on her free only fans page where she puts all her ppv content. It's 7.50 there instead of 8 bucks on curvage.

This fetish is a double edge sword. The fatter that someone gets, the lazier their content is.

She used to do BJs, shower enemas, and anal fucks back when she was skinny. Now she just sits there like a log and does the same routine over and over again.
maybe we should suggest (nicely) that she try new things?

You are right, she used to do a variety of videos, and often at high quality with a camera man. All that's gone it seems.
im not sure thats the reason at all. we can't go blaming the weight for the lack of content. the truth is they just plain don't want to do it.

you can try. just expect to hear it can be done as a custom and to pay a large amount of money for it.

the streams are basically bonus content that she didn't used to make before. she still does good production shit just like back in the day, it's just sold separately and not part of her onlyfans so it's not as easily "obtained"
what exactly is "good production shit just like back in the day"? where can I see and purchase it if I were interested?
Even her PPV stuff is way lower quality in almost every way
It's almost hot in a way...but still definitely disappointing

Her PH and Only fans if you go all the way back.

Or just do some googling and you'll find her older pre-boob job videos on various sites.
she needs to get a belly harness and grow so much she breaks it and her belly slaps her thighs
she's starting to look bigger than the other girls she's been collaborating with
I’m just waiting for her to inevitably go back to slimming down again, she pulled that scam the first go around after all.
there was no scam, she had an eating disorder that caused her to lose a ton of weight and 84124 is a salty bitch about it
>>84135 (Dead)

it did happen before, and it might happen again, but calling it a "scam" is just overstepping, reality isn't a scam, a scam requires intention to defraud/cheat someone.

call it something like a switchup or something that doesn't imply she's guilty of something bad.
Any updates?
new high weight!!! woke up at 253
Damn I love her weight gain progress next weigh in hopefully it's 280 or more
More likely mid 260s first
at risk of sounding like a complete fuckin mark, how do i even buy clips from her clips of? some of the previews looked pretty enticing and the few that have been shared on here have been okay
Can someone update her coomer? She just posted a new vid recently.

The video is of her fucking her partner while eating a pizza. Hard pass for anything with him involved/

Her clips OF is free (link in her Twitter bio) - you make a free OF account and subscribe to it, then you can pay the set price to unlock any clip you want. there’s a handful of recent clips 240+ on there that are pretty good

he doesn’t talk in that video lol I thought it was hot. she’s been uploading more clips on her of recently tho, it’s just $8 to subscribe if you’ve ever joined before. she’s posted sometimes she spends $100 or more on food some days so I think if we want her to keep gaining enthusiastically as fat as she can, we should sub from time to time (if you can). people here seem to hate her bf but he’s said on stream he has no limit in mind for reina’s weight and she’s getting bigger than any limit she previously had before him, he seems to make her happy and fat and that’s all I could want lul

anyway those are the gifs she put on Twitter from the pizza video

I pay money to see her, not watch him sit behind her and play hand puppets. And I'm not the only one who thinks that, nor will pay for half-ass content from her. Compared to when she was skinny, she has gotten lazier and lazier with the uploads.

If she does less collabs and feeder streams and more enemas, masturbation content then i'll consider resubbing. Unil then I'll use that $8 towards gas money.
Lmao I think it’s harsh to say her content it half assed, but each to their own!
Who cares, why don't you shove the $8 up your full ass
Maybe it's a stupid question, but why did she swallow these balls? It is not dangerous?
minus the dude, I like her current content, but I don’t enjoy the highly produced, edited stuff from any of the models. 🤷‍♂️
Damn, her fat distribution is amazing. It's rare for someone to gain an equal amount in their belly, ass and hips like that

I'll get more out it than watching her current videos.

And at least I have $8 you bum. What's your status in the bank?
some1 update her coomer w the pizza vid

Face be looking fat as fuck here
this guy is spitting hard facts
you guys don't understand that the roadside weasel looking fella is one of us. Without him keeping her stuffed and encouraging her she wouldn't be gaining nearly as fast. its rare to witness such gain and we ought to support our feeder who's doing the work too. as long as he shut's the fuck up on stream that is.

You act like she can't find another dude to stuff her. This guy's currently her 3rd feeder. The first one actually porked her while the second one didn't last more than a couple months.
why is she going through feeders like this? what happened to the first two? is the first one having sex with her bad? I'm kinda thinking they are in a relationship so I would hope she is having sex with him. and the second, why'd he dip on her?

where the fuck are you getting this information HAHA. Reina dated the same guy from her early YouTube and tumblr days (she posted videos with him when her tumblr was still called guro-kun) and he was not a feeder nor was he into weight gain - she said so on her tumblr. that guy is the same one who was in her YouTube videos from her first gain and he appeared in some of her C4S stuff up until last summer so they were together for 7 or 8 years?? that’s a long relationship. She posted this month on Twitter and retweeted her current boyfriends posts saying they’ve been together for 1 year now and he’s the first male feeder she’s EVER dated. and they’re engaged now apparently so he may be the first and the last, she seems to really be enjoying herself judging by her latest onlyfans posts. i think she was poly for a couple months and dated her 7 year ex and current bf for a brief overlap but I haven’t seen the other guy in any of her pictures or content so I’m pretty sure they broke up, either way I’ve only ever seen her in 2 relationships over her whole career and never single

and on your assumption that “her first feeder actually porked her” - she was open on tumblr about how hard gaining the first time was WITH NO FEEDER, repeatedly said she was doing it for herself and her own horny because her bf at the time was not into weight gain or stuffing. now for the last year she’s for the first time seeing someone who IS actually into it all and getting constant support and being fed by hand every day so she can get fatter than ever.
Sometimes I feel like models themselves post here, there's no way a dude would take all this information in about boyfies

just a longtime follower. she doesnt have a history of being super open about her personal life, but she’s talked about it before in livestreams and ask messages on tumblr and twitter so it’s all accessible. i woulda remembered if she said she had a feeder the first time she gained, I sent her fast food money one time during that haha. the first stream she ever did with her new bf they answered a lot of questions about this stuff
Notice how she keeps referring to him as her “partner” and “they”? Is he trans or something or is she just accustomed to gender neutral terms
She literally was smaller when this thread started, the absolute gains on display here are mindblowing.

yea never thought she had the potential to get this big ima be honest i gave up on her but holy **** shes massive now
Oh ye of little faith. We though it was literally over come the bimbo arc. But it has just gotten started.
She should just get a facial lipo,move the fat to her gut and then she would be perfect.
Does she have any new fucking or sucking content?

She hasn't sucked or fucked since she was skinny. Most you'll get now is her playing with lovense or whatever that tiny vibrator is called.
her content is phenomenal but I wish her pricing was a little more consistent. if it was a consistent $10 I'd stay subbed without thinking but it fluctuates so wildly from $8 to $20.
What i wouldn't do to stuff her absolutely bursting and then swallow my cum to top of that well fed full belly
Imagine if she inflated herself at her current size like she used to do

she was only 256 fully stuffed a week ago how is she 260 already?

someone pointed me here - hi! 260 was my weight fully stuffed, I am now fluctuating around 254-256 on an empty stomach most mornings (AFTER takin the piss lol).

idk if the mods of this thread will permit this message, but I’m down to answer any questions! I’m also aware of my content being shared on coomer - i don’t think there’s anything I can do about it so I’ve been making more of an effort on my daily posts & streams to show gratitude for everyone who’s been subscribing to my onlyfans, helping me eat so excessively and travel often to meet & work with other feedees. anyways here’s wonderwall and I’m happy to clear up any speculation y’all may have about my gaining goals/plans/history.

- reiina
Ok so if you are the real reiina, I have a honest question. Most of your content when you first started was centered around belly inflation while you were thin. Now you have added WG to this to become huge within the last year. How has this shift from beginning to now affected you?
nice question retard
this isn't her. "someone pointed me here" implies she didnt know about the site or the thread which isn't true, she used to regularly post on bbwchan back during her first run. she even managed to convince people not to share her content by posting free videos herself occasionally. she has no reason to pretend to not know what bbwchan is. feel free to post a picture or yourself with a timestamp to prove me wrong but i doubt it.

I’m not really sure what you’re asking.. like how I’ve been affected by going from mostly making inflation content to becoming a gainer? There were some lifestyle adjustments for sure.. when I was doing mostly inflation and vore during my last 2 years of college (around when I was skinny) I was very physically active, since I’ve been gaining and no longer in school I’ve become a lot more sedentary and I’ve had more time for my interests outside of work like playing video games, art, making music (I play piano but I’m wanting to get back into mixing/dj again). However I have no physical prowess anymore and I get winded going up a flight of stairs :^) I’m still semi-good at beat saber but I can only go for 3 or 4 expert + songs before I get too sweaty and need a snack.. sex is basically the only real exercise I get nowadays. It was easier for me to do inflation frequently when I was thin because I didn’t eat very much and I did intermittent fasting so it was spread out more. Now I’m always full of food so I have to plan strategically for inflation haha

yeah I remember - that was YEARS and years ago. My threads from my first gain were deleted/went dead and i kinda forgot this existed and I didn’t know I had a new thread until recently!
Ha at least I got a response.
Were you the dude who stabbed Jesus on the cross in a previous life?…
Hi Reiina

Do you have a "realistic" goal weight right now ? What are you shooting for ? Also do you post content for sale to places other than OF which is an awful place to buy from because they basically leave a description on your bank statement of OnlyFans - my wife would not be impressed

my realistic goal weight is to hit 300 pounds this year! my intermediate goal weight for the next month or so is 270 pounds. As far as other sites go, I have uploaded a couple videos to curvage this year but they are particular about the file size and they don’t permit nudity. If you’re wanting all the content on my onlyfans the best alternative way would be to use a prepaid visa (the kind you can reload) or you could also send me an Amazon card for the amount of months you want and I can send you a “free trial” for it! I try to be pretty flexible but there’s just too much content on my OF for me to try and reupload it - the full length videos however I was wanting to get on C4S at some point.
Would would Reiina go by anon on her replies instead of her name like every other BBW who comments here?
Maybe, if she didn't give a fuck whether idiot mouthbreathers believed who she was or no

says the idiot mouthbreather. Keep believing in the dude who's pretending to be her.

wow lmao! ye of little faith :p I have a hard time believing someone is capable of impersonating me to this extent.. I’ve only ever seen people do it badly! i don’t know who would have the clear motive to pretend to be me and answer personal questions about my goals and my business, sociopathic behavior haha. it’s true I don’t really feel like I have anything to prove, nobody actually summoned me here hahaha. anyway, in a couple minutes I’m gonna post 2 nudes on Twitter
Hey Reiina. Why do you insist on shoving your hideous boyfriend into your content all the time? I guarantee you that absolutely no one in your audience ever wants to see him.

I’m actually not sorry seeing my fiancé upsets you - a lot of people actually really enjoy & request content of us. I think we’ve only live-streamed twice maybe all year out of 10+ total streams (we streamed together more frequently last year), but I really don’t need to justify that to you. If that kind of content isn’t your cup of tea, there’s not much of it in the first place - just scroll by. :) I’m not sure how you’re trying to make me feel by talking down on how they look, I find them immensely attractive on SO many levels (I adore them and every second we spend together). When we stream together I have even more fun and I feel motivated to eat even more than I can sometimes alone. It’s a little sad to me that some people will hyperfixate on other’s looks as if there isn’t a plethora of other dimensions to them, seems a bit shallow. If you’ve ever personally been cast aside or made to feel bad about your looks, that never should have happened and who ever did that to you is a piece of shit - getting bullied like that can make you feel like looks are everything, but I promise they matter a lot less than you think. Being a funny, loving and supportive person tends to make people think you are cute as well! I will continue to focus on mainly solo content & content w/ other feedees regardless :)
Did you cut his nuts off?
Not cool. Not cool at all.

no lmao!!!! gotta have that NUT :p btw, “he” is fine too, either are acceptable
People would probably like him more if he contributed more than the word “yowza” just saying

that’s valid! i love the catchphrases tbh I think it’s really cute, but I guess I get why you may think that. In the end it’s my job to be likable and entertaining for people in my content, and not my fiancés. I feel like it would be assholey of me to ask them to tone down their personality to be more likable to a bunch of people they never directly interact with, especially when it’s a quality I happen to love. I always concern myself with how I can make better content and be more cute and engaging but I don’t think it’s right to extend that to anyone i’m in a relationship with - not everyone is gonna appreciate everyone and that’s ok. I make a big effort to deliver on my solo streams and don’t do the couple stream INSTEAD of a solo, just as an addition so it’s not taking anything away from those who prefer solo. whenever I do stream with my fiancé it’s kinda just a fun extension of what we already do together all the time off camera - I love them as they are and I have no desire to put pressure on them like that. We’ll probably do one together every month or 2 and I’ll stick to my 3 solo streams a month :)
>>85518 I will be doing another 1v1 collab with GGG soon - June 14th! can’t wait. to be honest I would rather people not bring up bbwchan in my onlyfans chat when I’m live-streaming because my content is often leaked here and I am running a business after all ^^; (I recently got an LLC at the behest of my accountant so I can be a better tax paying citizen). if it comes up in conversation I won’t be upset and I’m happy to verify my participation here, I’d just prefer if people respect my wishes.
This writing is 100 someone pretending to be a real person.
It's ok to think the dude is hideous but better not to say it.

It's even more sad people are playing along.

I like how you keep calling him your fiance, yet you've never announced any engagment or even wear a ring. You two don't even live together, let alone in the same area and possibly state.
They absolutely announced their engagement. It was a few weeks ago on Twitter. This person may be rp-ing as RP, but that part is true.

I made a tweet about it and my fiancé has our engagement pictures pinned to their Twitter and they wear their ring every day. I don’t have one yet because they’re saving up for the right one (even though I told them I don’t want anything expensive). ^^;

We are technically in a long distance relationship but I visit them in their home state for a month or 2 at a time - we’re moving in together officially at the end of the year. I’m so excited! Saving up for future kids college funds and the hospital bills associated with pregnancy already - I’ve read some horror stories about how just giving birth in a hospital can cost upwards of 50k especially if there are any complications, being an obese lady raises the likelihood of that. Even if I do get down to closer to a “healthy weight” before I conceive, I don’t ever want to be skinny again!
At the risk of getting flamed, I'm genuinely happy for you both and wish you luck with starting a family.

I take it you plan to keep gaining as you prep for the move/wedding?

Also, if you take suggestions, would you ever try to make another "rapid gain" RP clip like that candy shop one you did on C4S?
May God have mercy on the child.

thank you so much!! I’m going to continue to gain even after I reach my big goals, I’m honestly so in love with my growing body and I can’t get enough of getting fatter. i can easily see myself surpassing 300, it’s hard to say how that will feel considering I am only 5’2” but the last 20 pounds I gained between mid April and now felt amazing and besides some ouch oof knee pain (not caused by my weight gain directly, but my intense exercise habits when I was skinny) i feel like I have only ever been positively affected by my gains and I’m wanting a LOT more.

As far as the future goes - I’ve read that for obese women trying to conceive, losing only 10 - 20% of starting body mass greatly increases the chances of getting pregnant. I’ve done a lot of research so I won’t get into it, but to avoid the potential risk to my future kid (as well as risks to myself) I don’t want to start my pregnancy at a super high weight knowing I’ll probably gain 100 pounds during it :’) and yes, I do plan on making ALL the pregnancy weight gain & role play content. More than just from a fetish angle, I am legitimately so excited to be a mom someday because I have TOO MUCH love to give but for now I’m just focusing on gaining as much as I can while staying happy and healthy.

Why do you say that? Coming from a “normal” family, my parents didn’t pay for ANY of my schooling or provide any kind of financial support when I moved out at 17. I’m saving and planning to be able to take care of my future kids and help provide for them while they’re in college so they can focus on school and not have to work a back breaking job like I did to pay for my housing.. no wonder my college GPA sucked so bad at first. I want to give my future kids more opportunities than I had - I’m hoping to retire when the oldest is 6 or 7 so I can focus on raising and loving them and be financially set enough to give them nice presents every year, handle any possible medical issues and someday send them to a good school. My dream is to help my fiancé open a barcade sometime after we get married so we can still have a solid income when I’m not working and a “normal job” my kids can be proud to talk about. When they are old enough of course I will be honest about my work history and I have faith they will be able to see the value of it and continue to have love & respect for me.

Go sit in the corner child.

I think a rapid weight gain video would be super fun, I could even film part of it now w/ sucking in my stomach and film the second part after gaining 30 or 40 pounds in the same outfit with the same wig (since I change my hair sometimes, I’d want it to be consistent). Good idea though!!

Don't believe it. And I certainly don't believe anons who comment here either.
LOL cope and seethe you loser.

Right, now that we know its confirmed to be the real thing, I gotta ask, and this is coming from someone who has loved your content from the beginning:

Are you taking it a bit too far with the weight at this point?
How could you be healthy or a good role model for kids when you gain weight for money?

Define “too far”! I feel like I am on the low end of the weight spectrum for BBWs, I feel like every true GainerGirl(tm) is destined to become a BBW if that is their dream. My body is mine to enjoy, and in the end what I choose to do with it is up to me. I eat pretty balanced (what y’all see me eat/post is only a small bit of my diet, the “fun stuff”) and I’m working in a little bit of exercise here and there so my muscles can support my fat. I’m actually about to go sweat like a pig doing some beat saber before I get in the shower! It is possible to be fat and have a good quality of life - I’m not gonna use the word “healthy” because that triggers a lot of people lmao. If I’m respecting my limits, monitoring my well-being and feeling confident and happy doing something of my own free will, I don’t think that it is “going too far”.
>>85597 Stfu and go back home, nigger. You only ever say the same memes repeatedly and as I've stated before I never understood them. You are a f braindead chimp. You have yet to realize exactly how little I give a f about you or what you think. I may have to do something to demonstrate in a meaningful way just how much I loathe you, your lack of respect for yourself, and your mob mentality niggerisms. Now go back to California, or New York, or whereever the f you came from if you want to worship a gay black old lady, f nappy head and wrinkles everywhere.

Canadians are usually evil hackers or ugly transgenders. This stupid poke-whore is a nobody covered in tats. She is cute and she looks better fat... So what? She has a nice shaped stomach and boobs. She means nothing to me. If I saw her on the street she wouldn't look at me and neither would I look at her. She looks like a witch who never sucked a pussy before and who doesn't know how to suck penis right. Now get the f out of my town!

I fail to see where “gaining weight for money” has anything to do with it. I look up to both my parents as role models, I love and respect them a lot and the reasons for that have nothing to do with their career choice. For example, my dad always showed a strong work ethic, he worked long hours but he still took time to take me and my siblings hiking, show us cool stuff and his hard work was able to give us a good childhood. My family started out lower middle class, would be considered poor nowadays because rent in California was still high back then in the Bay Area. At one point i shared a room with both my siblings and we have big age gaps. By the time I was in middle school my dad’s hard work helped us get out of California and I watched him design the pool in our backyard from scratch because architecture was a hobby of his. His work ethic continues to inspire me, as well as giving me an appreciation for nature and curiosity for science. He works in finance now and is pretty successful, coming from a poor family as an only child (he was adopted). My mom has always done a lot of volunteering, driving around with her as a kid she always had protein bars and water bottles to give to any homeless people we passed by. She showed me how important it is to be kind, she always encouraged me to pursue art and music as well and had me take gymnastics, piano, and also put me in therapy when I was struggling with depression in high school - I really needed that support. She was a stay at home mom aside from volunteering.

I don’t see how “gaining weight for a living” would prevent me from modeling important values for my kids, inspiring them to be their best selves and giving them love and emotional support. When I’m a parent it’s a goal of mine to model healthy eating habits for them - eating balanced meals and snacks with them and teaching them about nutrition. I would never ever overeat in front of my future kids - better to keep that to the bedroom since feederism is a part of mine and my fiancés sex life. Tbh my mom had a restrictive eating disorder and I picked up on that growing up, it definitely was an influencing factor when I developed mine my freshman year of high school (even though I was a weird eater long before that). I never want my kids to have any bad feelings towards their bodies or towards food, so I want to be the best model for that I can possibly be. I personally think that no child should have to grow up overweight - despite how positive we feel about it as adults, considering the way it affects your health and how mean kids can be.. I think it should weight gain should ideally be the result of adult choices, not choices someone makes/has made for them before they’re old enough to have responsibility.

my brother in christ, who hurt you?! racism is NOT a good look, hate that. big fat nope.

and thanks I guess?? the witchy aesthetic is 100% intentional, gotta say I LOVE suckin’ pussy, and I didn’t know someone could *look* like they don’t know how to give head - learn something new every day!
>>85611 Brother? I don't think you know what you're talking about, unfortunately, same as so many other fake Christians don't. I doubt you've been born again either. Now you're learning, but don't listen to me. I didn't mean to rain on your party, and by the way, I wasn't talking to you in my previoud comment. I was responding to anon.

And please don't take the way I spoke to heart. This is just the way I talk. Especially towards evil Americans and Canadians. Oh, and Communist or asian Chinese aswell. I can't stand evil. It doesn't mean I am hateful, but when I am presented with evil I sometimes can not contain the words I use to express my extreme amounts of disgust. Not at your body, mind you. You're beautiful. Nice chat. Off I go.
“my brother in christ” is just a silly Twitter meme saying, I don’t follow any organized religion. very interesting to say that you “can’t stand evil” yet you put Americans, Canadians, “Asians” together as being evil… that is literally 64.5% of the global human population. either this is a painfully unfunny trolling attempt or ??? anyway in my humble opinion it’s “evil” to make such an assumption about such a colossal and diverse group of humans. that’s just… racism, I suppose maybe you can’t control thinking something racist but I promise you can control the “words you use” and choose not to be That Way. I am not a fan of my content being found in the same place as that language, hard r is never ok
this is getting too real and too weird. i just wanna beat my dick off.
>>85617 Yeah..... I think most people would figure it was a meme. I was feigning ignorace and playing along so as not to die of boredom, bae. Do you mind if I call you bae? I don't think you should all things considered. In case you missed the first post I don't care about any of your opinions, but I have to say that they are all wrong. Forgive me, and it also leads me to conclude that you're probably wrong about a great deal of many other things aswell so... fuck me?

I think most people wouldn't believe you even if you told them that you were religious, and who could blame them. Evil is what evil does and I don't recall ever saying that I was a racist, bae. I find your accusations insultive. Whether I can or can not control the language I use is not up to you to decide, and it's a good thing that it isn't up to you to decide, bae. You seem..... somewhat intelligent, but could you ever love me? Could you hold me down? Can I trust you to make content that doesn't suck? Could you ever be my everything? Or will you just suck on a dildo for 5 min then take a break? Go on then! Roll around your entire house naked. I don't care. Just stay the fuck away from me.

Ah, my first guess of “painfully unfunny attempt at trolling” was correct. In case you misconstrued my last reply to you, I don’t care about your opinions because they are wrong.. which leads me to believe you must be wrong about an awful lot. wow, it’s almost as if racists don’t go around proclaiming “I’m a racist!” and if I gave even a fraction of a fuck about insulting you poor uwu anon, I wouldn’t have bothered to call you on your stupidity. you seem like you are probably literate, but could you ever ratio me? Could you not be a little bitch? Can I trust you to not kill the vibes of this entire thread? Could you be just someone who likes my content? Or will you just cuck yourself into oblivion while I take a break? Go on then! Squeeze a few drops of watery cum into your hand. I don’t care. Just stay the fuck away from me~
damn wtf based
anyways i love how thick your calves are. often overlooked, but I can't get enough of curvy legs like that
copypasta material

a man of culture haha! my legs do be thick as fuck, I’m so happy I went as big as I did with my boobies because my gain is so very much Hips Ass Thighs this go around and I gotta say I’m into it.

content attached is a bloated belly video in my striped red dress (about 3 minutes?) from several months ago ^.^ more content to be found You Know Where! $__$ I still have that dress too, would be fun to do a little comparison
You’re honking the inspect element
lol this thot is talking to us like we pay for her stuff
because some of us do. It’s smart for a model to embrace the fact that pirating does serve as advertising to an extent, and not treat it like it needs to be 100% done away with, as if it’s possible. It may not always be the best idea to come in here and see what some of the shitfucks, especially people like you who always gotta tote that you don’t pay for content, have to say about them if their too sensitive. But if they are willing to engage on here with some of us who aren’t totally assholes, then good on them.
(76 KB, 680x776, 93F32BAF-F8C5-4598-B21E-683AC376B2FA.jpeg)
If you’re true and honest and you are planing to start a family,I suggest changing your name and moving to Alaska. even with both parents around I’m afraid you kid may get bullied your past actions.

by the time my future kids are of bullying age, I’ll be retired and I have a feeling that there will be bigger things for us to worry about socially than someone’s mom having done porn before. I also make content for a very specific niche fetish - it’s not something people easily just stumble upon by accident unless they’re into it and actively seeking it out. :) I don’t see the reason for a name change because I have never used my legal name for anything online that’s not a government service haha ^^ I have no online presence besides work! my close friends just text me. And besides that, I was aggressively bullied all the way until 9th grade and a little bit my senior year and it had nothing to do with my family. I was just a weird kid lmao. i feel like if my kids are cool and know how to stand up for themselves they probably won’t get bullied. valid concern tho!

last comment was me too, I’m just now seeing the ‘name’ field (I’m on mobile lmao). I know people here buy content otherwise how would y’all be updating coomer and even have it in the first place to leak? not everyone can afford to buy porn and that’s fine. it’s like if there’s a small privately owned store that makes really cool shit and enough people shop there, they can afford to stay open even if a few people shoplift. If they end up growing as a business and turning a profit they can make better shit, sure some people might shoplift it but as long as the business generally prospers it will stay open. If too many people shoplift and nobody wants to buy from the business anymore because shoplifters are giving their products away to anyone, they close up shop. It’s all about balance - instead of being angry at shoplifters who shoplift from everywhere and will continue to do so, a better business strat would be to focus on rewards and incentives to keep the existing customers coming back and bring in more customers, focusing on quality.
Some of the (leaked) OF vids I've seen are good enough to sell individually, why not put them up on the storefronts too? Regardless, glad you're putting stuff up on crvge/c4s/free-OF-clips-page again

CURSED MOVIE! especially the deleted sperm scene lmaoooo I unfortunately am aware of it but we both prefer the original Masque

just updated curvage and the free OF! the main reason is simply that the clips4sale upload page is super inconvenient to do from a phone and when I travel I work from my iPhone. They also require I upload a separate 10-30 second video preview, and none of the file names can be duplicates. When I edit content in iMovie it spits everything out with the same file name and I’m sure there’s a back-asswards way to edit file names on an iPhone but I know you can’t do it from iPhoto.

For videos longer than 10 minutes I do like to edit a video preview (which isn’t accepted on curvage, but for the free OF I can upload the preview to Twitter and link it in the description of the video). Clips4sale generates a “minimum price” for everything, and the shorter the video is the higher the minimum price is, and now because of credit card processor issues everything I upload there goes into an “approval queue” that is partially automated so something in my video that looks like a face (for example, this has happened to other creators) will get flagged and they’ll automatically request identity verification for an “additional performer”

Basically it’s kind of a clusterfuck now, OF is the most streamlined in terms of content being able to be priced however I want, being available right away, AND also not having to make my friends send me their IDs and scan paperwork for them because if they are already OF models, they will be on file already and I just tag them! Curvage is easy too but there is an approval queue (a mod has to scan the video for inappropriate content and manually approve it) and there’s no nudity on curvage - a lot of my clips have nudity.

just updated curvage and the free OF! the main reason is simply that the clips4sale upload page is super inconvenient to do from a phone and when I travel I work from my iPhone. They also require I upload a separate 10-30 second video preview, and none of the file names can be duplicates. When I edit content in iMovie it spits everything out with the same file name and I’m sure there’s a back-asswards way to edit file names on an iPhone but I know you can’t do it from iPhoto.

For videos longer than 10 minutes I do like to edit a video preview (which isn’t accepted on curvage, but for the free OF I can upload the preview to Twitter and link it in the description of the video). Clips4sale generates a “minimum price” for everything, and the shorter the video is the higher the minimum price is, and now because of credit card processor issues everything I upload there goes into an “approval queue” that is partially automated so something in my video that looks like a face (for example, this has happened to other creators) will get flagged and they’ll automatically request identity verification for an “additional performer”

Basically it’s kind of a clusterfuck now, OF is the most streamlined in terms of content being able to be priced however I want, being available right away, AND also not having to make my friends send me their IDs and scan paperwork for them because if they are already OF models, they will be on file already and I just tag them! Curvage is easy too but there is an approval queue (a mod has to scan the video for inappropriate content and manually approve it) and there’s no nudity on curvage - a lot of my clips have nudity.
kind of an alpha move from reiina desu

idk if this is asking too much, but when y’all leak stuff on here could ya say what content you’re leaking? not only would it be POG for everyone trying to download it (ie, not downloading 5gb of content they might already have or not be into) but it would be helpful to me to see what’s “made the cut” to be illegally distributed LOL - if it’s well received I can make more of it for my paying subscribers and eventually it will probably trickle down to y’all haha
You know the site has post ID's right? This is really embarrassing. So you were in here pretending to be anonymous and shilling yourself months ago and now someone "just pointed you here" and you didn't know you had a thread huh? Yikes.

I fail to see what’s embarrassing? I never interacted here “months ago” or posted any of my links, nor have I told anyone to buy my content - other people have now that I look back on it and I think that’s very based of them haha. I post all my previews etc on Twitter, sometimes in my subreddit or Instagram. Seems like it would be kinda fruitless for me to “shill” here LOL. happy to answer questions though & will take any suggestions to mind ^^;
>>85730 lol, that is really embarrassing. shilling wasnt working so she had to go full pick-me for the pirates

I still fail to see what’s embarrassing lmao!! maybe while I was stoned I posted some pictures here with my weight a long time ago? does that upset you? awwww. I haven’t been 240 in a HOT MINUTE. I post on many sites throughout the week and post daily, I can see how that would have slipped my mind. :)
Wait I’m too drunk to sort this out.
Why are we made at reiina? Cause she shilled herself? What feedee content creator doesn’t? At least reiina shows results
>get called out
>pretend it's not real
>get proof posted
>back pedal instantly
>unironically try "u mad?" and do your little condescending bullshit
>i forgot
You really should have just pretended someone was impersonating you here when you had the chance. Take >>85736 your boyfriend with you on the way out.

would you mind explaining what you’re so upset about? for everyone just now reading - this guy said I posted here months ago and I didn’t know what he was talking about, he posts a screenshot of a post with just 2 pictures and “she is 240 pounds” as the caption, I say oh yeah I guess I apparently did - can’t argue with that!

so, where is the problem? in the post you cited that I forgot I shared, nothing about it was “shilling” or suggesting anyone spend money. just 2 pictures haha.

I haven’t seen my fiancé pick up their phone for the last hour we’ve been hanging out but wishful thinking I suppose!

thanks ^^; I’ll keep the advertising to the platforms that encourage that. excited to keep gaining and maybe double my first gain high weight :O i don’t think anyone is “mad at me” - I guess this guy thought it would get a rise out of me that I forgot I posted once here a couple months ago, and I guess to him that makes me bad? I’ve never had the intention to be any sort of ‘way’ lmao
Gonna say this is peak drama I mean holy shit let’s a step back realize why we are getting our panties in a twist, shall we?
AHAHAHAHAHA Jesus fucking christ
reiina, i've been a mod of this site for quite a long time now and i've seen this exact scenario play out many times so i really hope you'll listen when i say you should stop posting. no amount of posts or fake lmaos and smiley faces or changing IPs to talk to yourself is gonna stop "the drama" now. if anything responding like this just makes you seem childish because you can't let anything go and just ignore it. just close the tab.
Not only does this bitch ruin her health for money, talks about having babies with some rando that gives her attention for a year and is clearly just a horny fuck. She continues to spiral into fucking mental capacity lower then any conscient species, just keep smoking... manipulation and lying doesn't suit you Reiina, have fun with your fakery. I'll just continue to enjoy your gut and the every expanding doodles on it.

I’ve never “changed IPs to talk to myself” in my life. It’s funny how any time anyone here says anything even remotely nice towards me, someone immediately says that person is me or someone I know. If none of you liked my content, would this thread even exist?

I’m sorry you guys care THIS MUCH about something that seemed so insignificant to me - I was happy to answer questions because I take my content creation seriously and I enjoy talking with the people that consume it.

If someone comes at me with rudeness and aggression, I won’t cross any lines but don’t be offended if I give a little attitude back. It sucks that your first instinct is to bite the head off of any content creator in this community who interacts here just because “like you’ve seen so many times before” other models have reacted in a way you didn’t like. I’m not here to tell anyone to stop what they’re doing or convince anyone to buy my content even if they like what I do.

I am perfectly happy to let you all continue to speculate, share your funny theories about me and my leaked content in peace. It’s fine to enjoy my content and want nothing to do with me as a person. My bad I guess for taking the time to try and understand why some of y’all feel the way you do and talk about myself/my porn
Wow great tactic, best is to just own up to your bs that you've posted here before and don't act ignorant. No need to act cool, people here have been welcoming of models before. I guess manipulation has worked wonders at home.

sigh. I said that I’ve posted here before, apparently right when I hit 240. I forgot, and apologized for insisting that I didn’t post. why is that important?

I’m sorry you feel that way though, if people have been welcoming to models here before I would love to know the circumstances so I can learn whatever I did wrong.
>mod tries to warn you
>double down
It's the GGG thread all over again.
This still a larp thread?
You faggots need to sort out your deep seated issues

I’m not “doubling down” - I don’t believe in “tactics” and I mean everything I said in my previous messages.

Before I stop posting here, I would like to make sure it’s known that everyone who treated me like a person was responded to with honesty, kindness and respect. I even answered a couple questions that were phrased rudely with a genuine answer. That doesn’t mean that I won’t stand up for myself, like I’m sure any one of you would if a stranger on the internet was trying to insult you. I was never wanted to start drama in any way. I actually try very hard to communicate clearly, but it seems like no matter what I say people will project their own meaning and intentions onto my words. I would love to hear from the mods especially how models have successfully been active in their own threads, as I do care what people think about the content I make - it’s my livelihood. I can be reached on Twitter (@reiinabae) if anyone wants to talk but I’ll be taking my leave! Enjoy your larp I guess if that’s what you’re calling it, and sorry if I ruffled anyones feathers, that’s not at all what I came here to do.
>>rarely checks bbw
>> sees reiina thread, recognizes her tattoos
>>know absolutely nothing about her other than she’s a small fat
>>reads some messages for less than a minute
>>realizes this is the most toxic thread on the entire chan
That’s enough /bbw for today
hey reiina, big fan. a couple of things I wanted to suggest and had no idea how to contact you. a workout video like tae-bo or hiit or something. a dancing video, especially if you can twerk. an outgrown clothing video. not like cosplay and makeup but just regular crop tops, dresses and the like without makup. this could be a real "I woke up like this" kinda thing to switch it up. and now, since you're teaming up with one of my favorites, candii kayne, can you do something like a burping / belching competition? id love to see vore-acious teaching you two to do those loud ones she does. seriously id buy that the second it dropped. candii already does dancing videos so maybe all of you can do just dance together and compete? and if she does, please get her to twerk. she did it in that workout video for like three seconds and it was the best three seconds of the video. we gotta see more of that. thanks!
oh, also an idea, please make individual burping videos or even burping compilations. id love to see a video of you just belching loudly, giggling and rubbing your belly or slapping it. Ive actually tuned in to streams hoping to see it but man, 45min for three or four burps is a bit much. id buy a compilation though.
Dunno if she's gonna be back after that welcome (yikes) but I'll 2nd this, surprised more fetish models don't make compilations, easy way to make a video w/o filming anything new
idgaf about any of this drama, thanks for the free content and nice porter tat
>came to wank
> wot is happanan
who gives a FUCK I want to WANK
>gets told to go away after samefagging with her rat face mf
>shits out 20 extra paragraphs
Never change

why even bother coming here to stir the pot and shill when we’re already impressed by how much she’s blimping
Just go to fucking coomer, all her stuff is up there already. Her OF sucks anyway because she never posts videos.

Honestly I’m willing to bet she or someone she knows are using at least 2-3 different IPs because it’s clear she’s trying to show off under the guise of an anonymous poster. Some of these posts with pictures are just written like a horny teenager.
lol she’s been hyping herself up here for a while

hey reiina, what sort of content should we expect from your upcoming collabs? I hope it's more like the above video- high production, good quality, maybe even a cameraman. streams and spontaneous videos are fine, but I hope you got some high quality stuff planned too with interesting ideas (again like the above vid).
I hope she comes back. I had some other ideas I forgot to write down and I'm sure the others have ideas they could throw her way. I'm wondering if she takes scripts and does customs. how much does she charge? how much would one with candii kayn and vore-acious cost? id think maybe something high like $25-30/min. even if each woman was nice enough to do it at $5/min thats $15/min. does she have ready access to candii and vore-acious? of course most of these could be asked via email but I already said i have no idea how to contact her. I'm not joining of and payingg to send a message that she may get around to answering every other day as I know she's very busy nor am I joining a patreon. none of her content has interested me so far so I'm trying to get some made that does.
This is prob super autistic but i feel like reiina is like pushing hard on making the stuffing feedee kink more like mainstream porn in that it’s a “buisness” and honestly its really fucking lame. Idk to me a horny girl posting online because shes just that horny to get fatter will always be 1000x more hot than just posting because its their “job”. The more lowkey stuff feels more sincere and thatll always be more attractive.

Also the e-thot cult of personality shit is a boner killer
no one is stopping you from fucking your hand

its always the ones that don't share that complain the hardest about a few letters
I've joined most feedee's OF and Reiina's is by far my fave for the simple fact that she focuses on weight gain content, frequently weighs herself and stuffs consistently. It's sadly extremely rare to be able to watch someone go from thin to obese in such a short period of time.
have you seen enchantress? in that sprite bloat clip she was all but masturbating as she burst out of her clothing. seriously that was one of the hottest videos I've seen in a long time.

reiina, please team up with enchantress too if you can.
agreed. I also believe that fast food workers genuinely want to give me my order, and it really ruined my appetite the other day when I went to get a Whopper and it felt like the Burger King cashier was only there to get paid
>enchantress sprite bloat clip
do you have it?
you can stop now
this thread really degenerated huh
rats. I should have read this. reiina isn't coming back.
DM’d to confirm. She’s actually quite nice. Though it might be a Gus Fring thing. She’s surprisingly down to earth and humble.
Duuuude she’s looking huge!!

dang did that get taken down in 20 fricken minutes? cheers for the upload regardless
Any updates?
it was a rick roll. not even a funny one
Any update?
Where are the goods though? Her coomer gets updated but those clips are choppy Webcam framerate quality at best.

That site is a Godsend, it's saved me so much money.
hey reiina! i think you have the best content bar none, im in a crappy job and finacial situation, but otherwise i was a pretty consistent subscriber.

thanks for being with people who rely on freebies and pirate sometimes, if i made decent money again i would subscribe to all the awesome feedee ladies and buy them ALL the food, but im not in that place right now.

Im kind of asexual, and weight gain content is really the only thing I like, so you models who make that content are really special, cool and awesome to me.

Im sorry people on these sites can be such assholes, seriously fuck them.
*being cool with
Anyone have that stream from yesterday? Tons of pizza in 2l of coke
I wish more people knew about cooomer party so this whole onlyfans e-hoor industry would collapse, leaving just the genuine women who are into it. This chick wouldn't be getting fat if it wasnt making her the most money. Reading this thread left me with a strong distaste for what it is doing to society. I wish it wasn't so hard to find real women who didn't already have tattoos, kids or had done porn.
You have to be a retard to not be disgusted by the world at this point. Still nice girls out there but it's increasing pozzed
You know, if you really find the world that unbearable you could always kill yourself.
the world will never get any better if all the people who see how dogshit it is kill themselves
Anyone who has any new/little new videos?
It's like a shitty sfm/morph but IRL so it's ID'd
That's the gayest comeback you could've thought up and you should feel bad.
>Incel is when you don't watch porn.
I usually don't get involved in these kinds of arguments, but a quick Google search wouldn't kill you once in a while.
Can someone share the 3 min clip she sent out to those whth rebill turned on? I always have it turned off :(
did she get plastic surgery? i remembered her being hot...

is there a video of this?

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