
(263 KB, 1600x1600, 7ct4afdroicdcptjlni0letyrdyly44k1639175492.jpg)
Marry Christmas! I will be dropping a few dumps on this thread.

Dump #1: BBW Kitty


In return, I would love to have the new Passion Weigh-In https://www.clips4sale.com/studio/79337/25688987/holi-gains


and of the new BBW Cookie Clips
thanks king
>>70420 (OP)
brother I can hook you up with both and then some. My uploading speed is shit and I will have to set them up before I hit the sack, so expect them tomorrow.

Appreciate you both! Next dump will be ready soon!
Heres Passion: YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWihwYXMpUyhpb24pNTBiQzkwTFcxMFdVRkdUWEkzUWpBPQ==
and here's Cookie: YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDKG9va2llKTkwTFc0MldFOVVOVXhOU0d3PQ==

I'll drop some more Cookie when I get a chance

Holy shit you're the fucking MVP.

Happy Kwanzaa bruh.
Wow Thanks so much Bro
(3.1 MB, 2756x1961, adl.png)

Dump #3-Bonus: SSBBW Adeline Brand New Video

(167 KB, 1116x1116, 1116x1116_8f0a0ff272abb2a6aafc3f5b12cc517d.jpg)
Dump #4: BBW Fluffy Barbie


Does anyone have:

Any new Lauren Lush, Chole, Carmen Lafox, or Cherries videos?

Any Bigcutie Auroara/becomingmads

Or any newer content from any of the BigCuties?
the spirit of the season is alive and well on bbw-chan. who knew!
>>70482 So the first video is weirdly cut off for some reason, and the second file presents as a video but then downloads as a weird 4kb JPG. Luckily my computer wouldn't auto-open and I deleted it, but sketchy AF.
That’s odd. I’ll reup tonight.
Link appears to be down, perhaps it went down when you were downloading and that caused the error. But as I said, I’ll reup.
Thank you man!
links down already
pls how do I use these numbers

Ah, you fucking muppet. But, because it’s Christmas, I’m not just going to take the рiss…

Copy and paste them here…


Decode, and then delete anything in brackets, including the brackets, then decode it again until you get a link.
reup + another vid: YUhSMGNITTZMeTl0WShwYmIpV0l1ZEc4dmR6STFkVkZDV2xONg==
learn 2 read the board rules, stop wasting trips, and lurk moar
Any nagito kowaru?
Thanks King!
Can u drop the other cookie vids u have?
Not to be that guy but is there another way you can upload these? MAB has been having a buffering problem for videos recently

mab sucks, but your statement is nonsense, you shouldn't be buffering anything from mab you download files from mab...

if you're literally trying to buffer a video on mab, then that's your problem, don't do it that way.
can we get a reup of Adelines new video
>>70420 (OP)
any chloe vids? Specifically looking for the my pov and naughty body ones
Don't be such an impatient fucker. He said he'd do it when he gets the chance. How about you do a content dump? Or are you a selfish bastard?

Random fatties vids...
It downloads at snail speed and every device I use the video previews buffer (which never happened before)
I don't know about you but I like using MAB's previews to see if I'm about to download something I already have or not.
>Any new Carmen Lafox?
Could you share your knowledge of mab? Mine buffers and I see no option for previews The only options I could find are for language (english) and email. Email clearly will not work for GB files. Are you guys using the paid option?
Buffering happens here too. No idea why
patience is key here, I did have to actually download more content before uploading it. I'll have some presents to drop later and I'll reup as well.
Exactly, patience. Something that guy doesn't have. You said when you get a chance. It had been maybe 2 days and it wasn't fast enough for him so there he is posting about part 2. These guys just won't read and they won't upload and share content themselves. They just take. It's cool of you to share what you are sharing.

Are you serious? Skip lunch one day and buy it yourself.

Ok, here's a link with random vids of random girls.
Cookie pt1:
uploading newest to oldest of what I've downloaded, so 2 of these are a reup + an xmas vid
thank you so much
Could you please send me this video for my birthday? I would kill to watch it please send it and make my day

A video I found, it's one of her newest:
I will try to upload my collection in the coming days

I know this sounds like begging but I can't buy this right now, so do me a favour.
it is begging. you've been linking the same two videos in like 4 different threads trying to beg for shit all week.

Anyone kind enough to re-up?

Dude, quit fuckin begging! Nobody knows you and will buy you a vid. Now that xmas is over you're claiming you have a birthday. Prove it, prove it's your birthday. You can't just say it's Dec 30th, you need to prove it, drivers license, soc security number, birth certificate.
Why can't you upload your collection now instead of sometime in the coming days? You're able to post in multiple threads begging.

Thank you
I second this, would really appreciate a re-upload

Thank you king

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