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So I don't know what's hotter, the fact I turned my wife into a lazy, spoiled pig, or the fact that she's leaning into it so hard shes trying to be a feedee model
I'll take "things that never happend" for 200, Alex
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One of the hottest changes to her body has diefinitely been her face, like god damn. Her general demeanor too, she really has become lazy and spoiled as fuck. She knows it too, and laughs about it. Her gradual change has been so sexy to watch.
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Part of what has really accelerated her gain is that I introduced her to delta 8. She's fallen completely in love with it. She's at the point now where she gets completely stoned every night and just eats like an elephant.

Her ass is growing too.
Hell yea post more content of ur fat
Hot wife
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Shes comitted to blowing up which is great, shes a curvage model now and everything. Shes actually had a pretty good initial response! Sent me this last night
Imagine posting photos of your wife on a chan site for the validation of strangers...
And she’s ugly anyway bro
I don’t envy you, she is ugly.
Kinda weird people are jumping to call her ugly, she's better looking than half the women on this board. Good on you for fattening her up, Anon. Looking forward to seeing more progress.
Looks beautiful and fat to me. Lemme know when she hits save status 👍
You know what? I take back what I said. You guys and hackers deserve eachother. Have fun.
Wtf fuck is happening to my dick right now I’ve never been so fucking rock hard. Please her curvage name!?!
>>69728 (OP)

best thread ever, this is what bbw-chan was all about like 10-15 years ago before reddit stole all our amateurs :)
Absolutely beautiful to me, don't listen to the envious guys ... Would love to see more
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Lol it actually turns me on more, but im a degenerate so

I like to take pictures of her at her greediest and unflattering moments because I have a hedonism and spoiled fetish. Her turning from a skinny sweet girl into a lazy demanding pig makes me diamonds

I think shes beautiful regardless but if anons want to call her names while jacking off on a chan for fat women they can go for it.

As long as some of you are enjoying it ill keep posting. I just wanted to show some content i figured you all would like
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Shes been enjoying all the attention and weve made a few videos already. Its definitely contributed to her blowing up the past few months.
whats her height/weight?
5'6" and 262 pounds. Though that was 3 weeks ago and shes been eating like a monster so i feel like shes gonna zero in on 270 soon
Question did she know you were a feeder before you were married and how did you suggest this idea to her?
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I told her my kink one day. Thats really it, she didnt mind really. Her parents gave her shit about it, but when we got married she stopped.

I encouraged her and bought her tons of junk food for her college dorm room behind her parents back. When we got married? She started ballooning. I told her id do all the chores and anything she needs if shell just sit in the recliner we bought, eat alot, and be lazy. She said ok!

At first shed still look for chores to do and would get restless and go do other things. But the more and more she got used to it, the lazier she got.

Now shes laying around all the time stuffing her face. Introducing her to smoking made her even lazier and eat even more. She always said shed be stoned all the time if she could. Now she is, she wasnt lying. The idea that i introduced it to her and have totally transformed her into a fat bossy pothead is just.. unf.
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*they stopped not her. She definitely didnt lol
Alright so wich video should I buy first I’m into the whole spoiling thing you are into and also like a good belly view and butt view at some point in the video.
An evening with celeste has a little of everything. She eats for a while being a bitch to me then waddles upstairs and shakes her ass
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But yea i dont know how many people are into it but id love her to make more. We thought about that being her niche maybe.

Ive got a video we made of her in a crown and gold jewelry on our queen sized bed out of her mind high just showing food into her mouth and demanding (with her mouth full) that I rub her feet. Always wanted to remake that one.
So I bought her first y’all’s first vid and I gotta say I love how natural she is like she’s not awkward at all and actually looks like she’s enjoying herself these are great pluses!
Extremely cute, my man. Do you have any more pics of her puffing her cheeks up like that?
Ok now this is based
Love it. Read her thread on curvage too. The crown is a nice touch. Can you describe more how she has changed i love the same stuff you do. Just how bossy is she now? Has she become demanding and more authoritative?
would love to see a masturbation video or amateur porn with the two of you
You are quite literally, living the fucking dream. Finding a chill girl and helping her get fat.
Great pics and thread man.

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