
>>68905 (OP)
This woman is unreasonable. I love how fat she's getting. Thanks for the share.
she's still around? she's still gaining? I thought she pulled a Kristi maxxx and started losing weight.
she's losing weight for sure.
Yea you all know I'm not into black girls like that but this is one that I've always kept an eye on. Pity that she's so unpopular that I've never even seen her throat down a dildo (apperantly her specialty). This could be due to her ubsurdly overpriced videos, her sassy personality or maybe the content sucks, I will never know.
I know she's tight with Kristi maxx which is why I brought her up. Kristi got really big and charges a lot for her weigh in videos even though I think all of us know she's losing weight now.

Im very sure she see-throats dildos when she gets on cam and she was on cam a week or so ago. I was surprised to see her. but yes, she charges too much, her content sucks and she has a bad attitude. another thing that bothers me is those nails. I see them and immediately lose all interest in her. how can she do anything with such long nails?
Ohhh ughhhhhhhh I fucking love those nails. lmao. Am I turning normie?
What's better than her and a dildo?

Love y'all

You're fine with her being fat as fuck but stiletto nails are where you draw the line? Come on, man. In undergrad I was friends with a chubby latina who also had nails like that and when I asked her the same question, she said what you'd normally expect: "very carefully"
>>68905 (OP)
Thank you so much; she looks much better with the additional weight, lol
Oh wow I didn't know she did work for grapplinggirls; there should be a separate thread for that
thank you

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