
(167 KB, 800x1191, 109skylar_all.jpg) (177 KB, 864x1152, 110skylar_uncensored.jpg) (302 KB, 800x1191, 111skylar_uncensored.jpg)
The old thread died so I started this one.
I'm curious if anyone has her newest stuff that hasn't been posted yet.

These three videos in particular.
I have every video of her up til these so if anyone wants specific reuploads I can do that.
>>67204 (OP)
Do you have her latest 4th of July video?
I do.

Slowest gain ever but she is insanely hot
Been looking for the double weigh in videos and the "waist trainer fail" video. Thanks
She’s admitted from the get go she’s not trying to intentionally gain, but doesn’t mind if she does in the process of making fat content.

Disappointing but at least up front about it

she said that years ago when she first started & has gained 80 pounds since & wants to be 300 pounds at least

I'd also like to see 100lbs later
Included some extra new stuff.

It seems expired for me. May I kindy to upload it once more please? Thanks guys!
**.It seems expired for me. May I kindly ask to upload it once more again? Thanks guys!
Is anyone else having trouble with the links?

For example aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS(kylar)50bC90LUc0WU5tRUZuUnE= is the result I get when decoding. Why is this and can't the actual link be posted instead? Thanks :)
It's double-wrapped. Delete the "(kylar)" (and for future reference anything in parentheses) and decode with base64 again.
You are amazing! Thank you so much!
and you are a dumb piece of shit
>>67204 (OP)
>>67204 (OP)

Do you have "Mc Weigh in" and "plaid with your heart". Thanks for the uploads already btw
Thanks a lot for all these uploads.
I would like if it's possible that the pictures of the sets (especially the comparison ones) are also posted.
Otherwise the videos I miss are: 85 to 88, 90 to 92 and 104.

it's actually a somewhat tough decode, because a proper humanity test would be to delete S(kylar) and not just (kylar).

a robot is better at deleting (kylar) than a human but a human is MASSIVELY better at realizing that in a skylar thread you might be being asked to delete S(kylar)

as a result there really was no purpose in using this encoding method. of course making me solve the puzzle twice is likely a lot easier than getting 50 anon's asking what's wrong with the link :)

great link though, the newest video is really hot


I have 85 and 92 here:

No, you're just dumb. He clearly saw the "S" in the link, and decided he'd be a bit cheeky by double encoding it with the "(kyler)" afterwards. Any retard could figure out to just delete the (kyler).

Christ, between you, and the guys in the Bigcutie Lisalou thread who couldn't figure out that Belly, Butt, and Boobs all start with "B" in an encoded link, I think this site is populated with nothing but retards who lack any critical thinking ability.

you misunderstand my point entirely, I'm not saying the puzzle is too hard, I'm saying it's too easy, it's too easy to the point that a spider robot can decode it easily, and so it serves no purpose.

it's somewhat of an ironic shame because his "cheeky" maneuver was actually the sort of humanity test that might actually prevent a robot from decoding the link automatically.
Here you go. A few others that were requested are included. I lack 103. 103 is a video featuring a girl besides Skylar.

Does anyone have the last 3 updates?
Also Squat Struggle, Jiggly and Juicy, Longgone footlong, boho babe, little black bikini, does my butt look big.

Any of them would be amazing if anyone has them?
anybody has picsets?
Ngl this thread taught me how to use the links

It's a shame that after all of this years we haven't seen down there.
(As far as i know)
Take your foot fetish somewhere else ya weirdo
I'm preeetty sure big cuties doesn't allow that, she'd have to branch out and put out content elsewhere for that.
Does anyone have Squat Struggle? I had it ages ago but lost it - one of the best imo
I got it.

Is it just me, or is she getting prettier the fatter she gets? Anyone has both the collab vids she did w sadie?
Yeah most really obese women turn into ugly fat blobs, but Skylar's still gorgeous
>>67891 nice drop man, thanks!
Anyone have any of the last 3 updates or "undersized underwear"? I don't mega beg unlike some ;)
Anyone got the bunnygirl outfit vid?
There's a new set out - Rahpsody in blue. Does anyone currently suscribed able to send a link out
Stop talking about my girlfriend like that
>>68279 (Dead)
I got like 20 vids of Chloe if you want. I can only put 2 or 1 vid at the same time. But enjoy & if you can sent the skylar vid it would be great !

Do you have "BBW CHLOE: Belly Button fun" of Manyvids?
Well, here's what you doosen't need bruh. Just wanted to make an UPPPPP today.

Does anyone have any of her latest vids? Are they any good?
I was a big part of her last thread because I would occasionally spend the $20-$25 dollars for a monthly and get a lot of her newer videos. I did that again. Here's her latest five:

You sir are an absolute god. Full salute!
A tad disappointed to learn that she's not gained any more weight still at 280 which is what she was at the last weigh in 6 months ago, I was really hoping shed hit 300. I know these things aren't linear but was still a tad sad
is there a before pic in the pic set for "100lbs later"? If so, do you think you could post it?
All my attempts to download the files together or individually stopping at 99%. And I have a paid plan on MAB. Any clues?? Thanks in advance
Worked fine for me
Anyway the only thing that sucks is that it takes a lifetime for her to gain like 5 pounds
Can anyone share the last 5 videos using we transfer link?, mab can't download
>I Can't Airbridge

I can't Airbridge in a private window. You used "normal" browser windows? Maybe this will halp.
It starts the download and freezes at 33%
If you're using Firefox, delete history/ cache and try downloading again. See if that helps.

use chrome it's the only browser that can save to a location on myairbridge

other browsers save to your OS's temporary directory then after the download copy the file to a location you choose. I'm wildly guessing that at 33% or so you run out of space on your temporary location (or potentially even ram).... either way even if that isn't your problem the only browser that fully supports myairbridge is chrome
Does anyone have "Undersized Underwear" or "Wrapped in red"? Somehow managed to have most vids but not those
Would love to get some picsets!!!!
She's got a new vid out! Anyone with membership able to share with us all?
Does anyone have her 2 latest vids?
Yeah. That would be insane if someone could share
Here's the deal: if somebody else gets us the Skylar/Sadie video on Sadie's site (or some acceptable equivalent), I will come through with these recent sets.

Let me know if there's any questions.
not really how it works around here


found it on the sadie thread like a month ago
Cool, thanks a bunch! (does not include current)

Anyone has the "even bigger in my bikini" video?
I think you need to take off the kyler part iirc
lmao she ate less than a quarter of that pie and called it a day. Sorry but this content is getting so lazy
Someone reup pls?
Already down due to "high traffic" can we get a re-up?
^ no thanks, I already stuck my neck out once. Maybe it can be found from someone that downloaded it (because they did get it)

It's bigcuties what do you expect?
Did anyone get this drop and is willing to reup? Me and several others (>>72437, >>72548) couldn't download bc the fileholder suspended the drop due to some "high traffic" bs. Would appreciate a reup
Get it while it's hot:

reup anyone? pls? I wish mab lasted longer than 2 days

heck it even says 3days on their site but when i come back 3 days later it's always dead, feels like it's 2.0000001 days not 3.
2 petition to reup
A small drop (delete spaces in link) https://www.mya irbrid ge.com/en/#!/link/dzUB ksLPO

Looking for sets 92, 101 and especially 106 (both vids and pics). Cheers!
does anyone have the new video?
dear god I need this
here is all the skylar I have
She has a new vid out! Sweeter and juicier. Anyone with a suscription want to be a legend and share?!
>>67204 (OP)

Video 117 and 118 ;)

You sir are MPV!
Not to be "that guy", but does someone have Set 116?

I'll share anything really as appreciation.
I seem to be missing 109 110 111 112 113 too :(

I could reup anything else if anyone needed

ok can you re-up 116? I can help if so
(552 KB, 778x470, 114.png) (1.4 MB, 774x946, 115.png) (1.2 MB, 596x1004, 116.png)
Sets #114 / #115 / #116 anybody?
This girl is so hot, but GOD her content is just so boring. Thanks for the upload though.

sorry I thought the fact i was missing 116 was implied by the fact it was stated missing in the post directly above mine :)
Anyone have the one of Skylar as a nurse?

yes I do, but I need 116 first
extortion is not cool
I have Tight Shirt and gaining shake from Goddess Shar but that's it.
Does anyone have the video from OP's first pic?

yes. what do you have to offer?
I have every Skylar video up to 108. Can someone please send all videos from 109 to 116?
BigCuties pattern. Girl looks great but content is dull as fuck. Happens with pretty much all the girls on that site.
Hey moron: BC content is some of the highest-demanded shit on this site. If it wasn't hot, people wouldn't jerk off to it so much. Just because YOU don't understand the appeal doesn't mean everyone else doesn't either. Not every model has to be pounded by an NBA athlete with 12 foot cock just to have sex appeal. I'm so fucking sick and tired of "BC sucks" talk. Yeah it's kinda expensive, but you get access to all of the model's videos. Dude just STFU and leave the fetish to those who really understand it.
She’s not gonna fuck you mate
I am able to reward whoever has Set 116 to share
Considering we aren’t allowed to trade content, I can only presume this reward is sexual in nature?
Nobody needs your reward dink
(107 KB, 1280x825, nIWlett.jpeg)
gosh, thank you! Although I'm not OP, as reward my friend here is a very very rare pepe
Nice Motorola 💀😭
She looks amazing
115 please
Does anyone have the sets from 109 to 113, would you be kind to pass them on please
She has a new video out!! Anyone able to share?
I'm the OP, this is your reward. available to all.

That's not Skylar 😂, wrong video

I never specified what kind of reward :P

It seems that everything is up-to-date in this thread now.
Still missing the latest though? My membership expired so can't get a new one right now
Has there ever been a picset of Skylar around here...?
Would appreciate a lot
(her vids are usually quite boring and big file size but she's great to look at)

Ahh shit there is a new one... I'm not sub'd right now to her :/ but will get it in a few weeks. Someone will probably share it by then anyway.
Top man thank you
Thanks for the upload man. But is it just me or is she boring as fuck! Like can you do any sort of POV or skit or anything besides just posing in lingerie and jiggling your belly? The level of laziness just blows my mind since even a little bit of extra work could make her a TON more money.
>>76079 Has there ever been a vids of Athena blaze's newest vids around here...? Would appreciate a lot!!
It's a fixed subscription base of a finite audience. There is NOT anymore to be made, hence why the content is "boring". It's very softcore and I'm here for it.
Please reup the vids and pics sets Skylar 🙏🙏🙏
Can someone share her new vid that came out today?
She has to be over 300 by now
>>67204 (OP) does anyone got set 120 and or set 113?
(167 KB, 758x960, skylarbelly.JPG)
Guys, this girl is extremely hot. She is absolutely massive now!
Does anyone have this latest video??
>>77322 There's no watermark...it's got to be a morph, right?

IDK man - if it's morphed it's not by much. She's getting big, looking at that preview set I was surprised myself. It's happening.

Awesome, thank you!
Do you have the full picset?

(There are no pics of her around, such a shame..!)
Yes, thank you for sharing. Any picset or videos would be much appreciated!
I have Skylar access, is there any other awesome content out there that can be dropped for it?
Shar for skylar is fair?
Go fuck yourself take the vid as is. If you want rules go read a legal restatement you lonely faggot
I have Skylar, who has another BC ??
I have Skylar! (mods, quit deleting my damn posts)
Alright then, release the Skylar
If not just share it for everyone man
I have Skylar content.
She has a new weigh in video!! This needs sharing if any legend has it?
Oh my god -finally
here we go for today's number

10 balls, numbers 1 thru 10

swiiiirl the numbers

pick a number
I figured she wouldn’t do one until she hit 300 but I guess not.. she does look a bit bigger though since this is more recent (she films sets in chunks)
I’m guessing 294, she’s tall so 300 shouldn’t be that big on her but she also doesn’t seem quite there yet….
You’re very very close
It looks like we're going to be enjoying beautiful blue skies and golden sunshine all along the way.
Unless covered by clouds of drifting nuclear fallout.
That fat belly! :O
Does anyone have this?
How the hell does she gain so slow? What was her last weigh in, like almost 50 sets ago and she was 283? Jesus
It's called the "successful milking the bucks from the naive". We would she want to speed things up? It would just shorten the period of time she has available to soak up maximum dollars before she quits.
Could someone please pass his new weigh-in? :)
These big cuties chicks are sometimes teases..they could make so much money if they decided to do full on porn on their onlyfans.
I think it was taken earlier and released now. Her hair is always confusing me. Btw she is great, I like her weight gain journey.
>eh-yo deez white girls needs to spread dem buttcheeks SMH
Thanks for your input Tyrone
>girls instead of gurls
You had one job...
Sorry I only took Bix Nood language classes until grade 10
Has anyone got the last 2 videos they can share?
Anyone got her new vid?
I'm shocked we havent been able to unearth the elusive weighin
What happens is, she steps on the scale fully-clothed and she's 291 pre-stuffing. Then she goes to a sushi restaurant, comes back, she strips naked and reads 297. There...you've seen it now.
all that sushi is converting itself into fat then distributing itself on her hips, ass & thighs. More and more piling on day after day. Eat Skylar, keep eating and eating to make yourself fatter & fatter!
Her hair is always confusing me

She wears wigs.

When she originally signed up to faebie she had that on her profile. Now that was years ago, enough time for long hair to grow out. But it could have been some medical problem that caused her to wear wigs that's still there. I don't know.
guys, could somebody please upload all the content that has been saved over the past months. I recently did something stupid with my harddrive. Which cost me a huge amount of my saved files. So I lost almost all the sykalr vids I had saved. I would really appreciate it,

AFAIK it's just a style thing, she said somewhere she works with wigs or something as a beauty technician (or at least she did).
Can anyone share the lastest 3 updates please?
Has there ever been a burp comp for her?
I made one… just wait a few minutes for my upload
Anything new??? :(
get it while it’s hot
Macsnob strikes again, great video and good to see you still hanging around man. im the guy who made the thicccollegegirl one
>>78759 nice to see u again. I'm glad u liked it ^^
I've got another burp comp of Miss MacNCheese and an updated version of my Mal comp ready…
I might upload them next week
Anyone have her recent weigh in?

No, but I have something better. You haven't seen this one yet, enjoy!

B-b-based and Chad Pilled my good sir, its always a pleasure to see a good compilation
Still wish we had the weigh in
Anyone got the last 4 or 5 updates?
To the person asking about recent sets, yes I have them
Any chance you could post them ?

There is no motivation for me to atm

That should last you a while. (not the anon that shared) Maybe more will turn up in the future.
Thank you! Her ass has gotten enormous as have her tits. I hope she she keeps expanding her firgure for a long, long time.
Which file is the newest vid?
Any king in here that would post the most recent bikini vid? that belly is looking ripe
Does anyone have the last 4 updates?
plz reup 1-10
Everything is expired😭
I will siterip the picture sets as soon as someone can tell me the best way how

I am lazy and don't want to do it manually
and my subscription runs out tomorrow so I'll bump this

I'll drop the latest vids as well just tell me how
Had you asked earlier how to do it? You should have. Don't know why BCuties doesn't have a zip file option for sets. There's supposed to be some Chrome browser extension that will do a site rip. Go google that up. With vids you can always do the right click save link as. But if your sub expires tomorrow. You won't have enough time to figure it out probably
I still got all day today and tomorrow which is plenty of time, just need some tech support

I have all the vids downloaded I just don't want to save all of the pictures one by one
Ok, well go google up what I said, get chrome browser and go figure it out. I've never done it so I can't help any further
Way I've used was to use the videodownloadhelper extension on Firefox. After downloading it, hit shift-alt-g while you're on one of the set pages. It'll grab all of the images from the set and let you download them in one go.
Guessing she's past 300 now. She looks really big hopefully continues getting bigger

Lucky for us, she posted this latest update the same day I get the email that my subscription is about to expire. The pictures and the video are in the set. And good news, guys... SPOILER ALERT: She's broken 300.
Thanks so much! Could you please also upload the vids for updates 120-123 before your sub runs out?

Oh, I took care of that a week ago, got all the ones I missed from during the last time I got the subscription and the more recent vids. You know what, here's 116-123. These are all the ones I missed during that period, which I didn't hesitate to download once I got the new sub. Here's to whatever she might have next time I get the sub (I do it every other month to manage my funds).

appreciate you king
Does her weigh in seem sketch when the scale was at 291 and then quickly bumped up to 304? seemed like someone was pushing on it to make her seem heavier than she actually is.
Nah just seemed like normal scale fluctuation

The hog fit almost 7 pounds of food in her gut later in that same video, I could see her doing similar for the 304 lol

hot af
I wonder when she will leave big cuties like the rest
Does anyone have "airplane seatbelt fail"?

I do. Here ya go:
In most of the Skylar drops it’s tradition to sneak her name somewhere in the code by any means necessary. It’s what separates us from the other BC fans
Can I please get a re up on 122-123 and any pic sets if there were any posted?
It's just stupid. The encoding needs to stop. All models know how to decode it if they want to have the link taken down. So you're not making it hard for them or protecting your link from quick removal.

sneaking the name in without any special characters like () would be an attempt at a regex robot defeating humanity test.

but if you're not making a puzzle then encoding is indeed not useful, and if you are making a puzzle there's a low chance it will be useful, and tons of people will flame you, although I have tested dozens of puzzle variations and found them to add non-zero resiliency to links, I won't even bother to explain because no one but me cares, and people just get upset whenever I try to point it out.

hiding the model's name in () is WILDLY popular in other threads so it's not even something traditional for skylar, it's just a misunderstanding of how to attempt to defeat a regex (which can easily filter for special characters)
Any encoding isn't going to do much at all. If a different kind is used it'll have to be explained in every thread and all the models have to do is read the instructions and then they know how it's done. It's all completely pointless.
I agree the encoding is entirely pointless - it's designed to defeat internet spiders scanning the web to find links to illegal content the encoding makes the links not look like links. But the reality is no model has tech scanning the net for their content it's simply not realistic - perhaps if you are a movie studio you might scan for your content illegally shared online but they don't even so that .... So back to the point made above - encryption is completely pointless - double and triple encoded stuff with puzzles and names to remove is equally pointless - if you have a link to we transfer - post it, it will not be removed any faster than triple encoded links full of puzzles
Can someone reup the latest vid plz!
Can someone reup that vid of her eating 7 pounds of food!
There's still posts with questions of how to decode base64, which has been used for a couple of years now. Imagine trying something else? Majority of the posts in a thread will be all about the new way. It's a waste of time and effort. Just post the links. Those who know of this site just pay more attention and grab it quickly. I can only think of a couple models who are quick to have links taken down and we know all these girls know this place exists. This site isn't hidden.
>>81621 Anyway, didn't mean to get into base64 encoding nonsense talk so here's a non encoded link for videos 122 & 123, I've no picsets for them.


You're exaggerating slightly. People have written spiders for bbw-chan, regex specializes at recognizing special characters, and puzzles do usually buy links an increased amount of time, but at most the increased time is going from 1hour to 1 day. Only useful in a thread that is being heavily reported, and in that case you're better off using an alternate filehost entirely rather than using the encoding.

I've tested 100s of links across dozens of puzzle types and filehosts. (And I agree you're 95% correct.)

The encoding also was NOT created to fight off spiders, not at all. It was created to prevent link referrals, which are always being used and far more effective than spiders. The encoding without a puzzle actually had ZERO impact on spiders {even jdownloader will treat base64 encoded links without a puzzle as normal plaintext links} so it couldn't've been implemented for that reason. Originally when barclay recreated this site the code was setup so that links on the site could be clicked, and when clicking a hyperlink a referral is given to the target site stating where the user came from.

Years ago though you stopped being able to click links on bbw-chan and you had to copy/paste them. That is the point at which the encoding was rendered "pointless" although personally I'd only go so far as to say effectively pointless.
Wondering if anymore you guys had the one of nurse Skylar. Its a really hot clip
Would highly appreciate the most recent vid if anyone got their subscription renewed recently
Anyone got one of her burping videos?
does anyone know how tall she is?
I don't know where this 5 11 meme came from but I think it's..... not funny.

Judging by her petite upper body I would say she is 5'2". The only places where they record your height accurately is some doctors offices but even they mostly stopped doing it years ago, probably because they thought it was a waste of time. All other places don't measure they just ask you your height.
Anyone have the video of her drinking beer and burping?
bump, who has some Skylar?
Trust me i know she is a slow gainer. But what are the odds that she hits 320? I could see it I feel like once these models hit 300 they are a sure in to gain another 20 without much thought. Idk though.
anyone has the newest vid?
I'm looking for set 124 does anyone have it (the no-weigh weigh in)
Does anyone have the last 3 updates? I need to get a subscription again soon!
Anyone have the video of her drinking beer and burping? I believe she was in a black bra?
Mega folder please ?
Thank you kind sir
Does anyone have "no weigh" number 124 ?
Any reups of the weigh in?
Has anyone got her latest video? Looks hot af!
Are the latest vids any good?
Anyone have reup?
Are the latest Skylar vids good?
Re upload of most recent videos plz?
Bump. Does anyone have the latest set? willing to trade (of course)
re upload?
Does anyone have her new video?
She looks massive in her latest update! Does anyone have it?
(164 KB, 800x1191, 129skylar_all.jpg)
Yeah, she's slowly been getting bigger.

Almost been tempted to sign up, but I really shouldn't waste money on my degen habits..
Any chance of someone posting a mega folder of BC Skylar that includes her latest set (where she looks fucking huge)?

It's only fan art, you can see the original photo on stufferdb.com . She doesn't have hair: in the original, she's wearing a bikini bottom. Why is art being posted in this chan?
People sleep on Skylar because she started out (well before BigCuties) a 5'11 thin girl. but all great things take time! a girl that enjoys busting out of tight clothes, she's enjoying herself at a steady pace, which was actually the case with Chloe, however she's 5'3.

we as fetishists demand an immediate 200 lb gain overnight from these models, which is extremely unrealistic. The ones taking it slower & steady end up sticking around much longer. A sculpture on a pottery wheel takes great care to achieve the best shape/frame. Afterall, not everyone wants to fill their bellies with garbage food to get a dumpster body. We all have a lot to learn from every model about what maximize aesthetic beauty, so Skylar is one of my faves with very good-quality, even if the rest of BC seems to be struggling atm.
Yeah totally agree, just who’s she had a little more variety to her content, also if the “fat talk” didn’t sound so generic and boring.
Y’all got any content or what
She's boring re: fat talk because she's not a fat fetishist.

The only models who're consistently good about it are the ones who are somewhat into it.

She talked about this in one vid, it was something along the lines of - she had a hard time controlling her weight, and when she learned that this thing of ours exist, she just decided to say 'fuck it' and be fat.
Skylar put in the work she's about a hundred pounds heavier than when she first started and all people want to do is bitch because she couldn't turn into a parade float in an instant. Skylar has a great face and great fat distribution yet all people want to do is bitch.
And that’s cool, it’s just the forced nature of it sounds phony when she talks about how she wants to get bigger and fatter. It’s the insincerity that takes me out of it.

But I’m not hating, I think she’s great and grown amazing, just her content creativity is a little meh.
There's really no depth this place won't sink to

Aliss is about to gain 200 pounds and they're still cynical. It's just mental illness.
Can we get some content?

Imagine listening to the audio of softcore porn for the phone sex aspect 😂

I honestly don't give a flying fuck if fetish talk is remotely sincere or not. If there continues to be specific increase in weight. that's all I need to know. That's all I'm seeking from it.
can some lovely soul share more of this set?
That’s what porn addiction does
can we get a re-up of 'every step you shake'?
Anyone got the latest video?
Same here. I find the obvious insincerity off-putting. Or at least it takes me “out of it” like you say.
bump for the new stuff
Any chad with a recent sub available to drop the few newer hits?
god damm she looks huge
I want her to eat me
Is there a Mega if her stuff anywhere?
(218 KB, 934x1400, IMG_9392.jpg) (261 KB, 934x1400, IMG_1233.JPG)
Anyone feel like she's a got tall version of Passion's body?
But Skylar is far more prettier

sort of, i can see it.

now if she can get as big as passion (weight wise), holy fuck...
How tall is Skylar?
Guys focus. You can fantasize about her getting something from the top shelf for you later. Right now we need to put all of our energy on constructing a BC Skylar MegaThread
>You can fantasize about her getting something from the top shelf for you later
I want to eat her ass
Wow amazing, thanks.

If some hero can add the new vore video then we're all sorted
Many thanks hero
the last six updates as well
You are someone who knows that new videos you can’t find anywhere else is what we like. You didn’t put up an old video that is so close it only shows one butt cheek. You did good.
Great post!!! Does anybody have any really early pics of vids of her before bigcuties? She’s posted one or two comparison pics on bc that are in stufferdb, but it’d be great to see something in better quality…
You have good taste. She is by far one of the most shapely models
Are any of you sub'd to other BigCuties models?
>>87975 she's cute no doubt but that's a square-shaped ass.

KittyPiggy and UdderlyAdorable have the best figures in the midsized range, IMO.

Not invalidating your opinion though- she's a hot piece.
>near 400 pound women

make it make sense
That’s what I was thinking lowkey, these are some big ass mfs we’re talking about
I find her ass generally better shaped than KittyPiggy and her entire body more attractive than either of those you listed.

You spend enough time on here and you begin to realize how warped people's sense of size are. To even be fat you have to be some 800 pound lumbering mound of lard. In reality Skylar at 6 feet near 300 pounds is fatter than I'd say 80% of women you'd meet IRL, but to people on here she's "small" even though she'd tower over most people here and be twice as wide
>you begin to realize how warped people's sense of size are

True as fuck, when I was a kid I used to view 200 lbs as small and only liked ssbbw blobs, now I prefer more shapely BBWs like Skylar and curvy women with a little bit of pudge
You do realise she is 7 inches taller and nearly 100lbs lighter than kittypiggy. You can barely compare the 2, KP is huge

Nikka my dikk is 7 inchs longer then urs lmao
bro she’s not that big
Nah I'm with him; 6ft 300lbs she's built like a tank. I would not want her falling on me lol
You’re right she’s not big, she’s colossal, borderline Amazonian
Personally I prefer short and incredibly wide, like Marilyn at her peak. It just takes so much more effort for the pounds to show on taller women. The Amazonian aesthetic Skylar is rocking is pretty hot though.
>>88367 If she has a Wonder Woman set, I'd legit cream my pants!! w/o stroking

re last sentence: yes, skylar is most def contributing to my newfound thing for tall women
weird ass comment
Does anyone have any of the last 5 sets?
>>67204 (OP)
Do you have the last 6 updates by any chance? There's a new one out today!

She leans back in the chair, belly & boobs on total display: very cum-inducing . just kinda a short video
Whatever you do, don’t share it

alright! we want to keep her very well-fed.

if anybody's got some shit to share, feel free

Maybe. just saying: this is the best Skylar vid yet
Any chance we could get a reup?
A burp compilation from when she started gaining to now would be awesome.
Re-up please?
I could make one if somebody provides the clips
Reup pls?
re-up pretty please?
Does anyone have her new set?
Repost? I missed it.
I'd love to get some picsets!

I always prefer pics, less space on the harddrive and better resolution of the fatties' details

Te latest pic set is really hot, imo
Anyone got her new vid?
It's not working anymore unfortunately
anyone have the new vid. It looks hot af
Does anyone.. anyone have the Skylar pic sets?
I have pic sets. The latest set only has 3 pictures

I would be so happy if you upload all what you have!
>>90226 do you also have the latest video and could you please share that if you do?

aaaaand a 19-min stuffing *wink wink*

Pics will upload much faster *wink wink*
>>90243 You're a guy
new vid looks great any wins?
Anyone have the new set?
anyone can reupload the 110 video?

have a new mega link?
New set looks hot. Is anyone able to share it please?

share that stuffing video tho, pls
if anyone could share set 110 that would be awesome

and no upload?
or does anyone have a Mega link for her yet?
Incredible thank you! My balls were about to explode haha
I do wish her tits were bigger and grew in proportion, but her amazing sexy face and huge perfect belly more than compensate
Idk what's going on but she has a new vid out.

Why pretending stuff and never delivering?
I missed out on the mega link. Can we get a reup?
Alexa, play "Beggin'" by Måneskin
She looks succulent
Does anyone have any of the last 3 updates?
Finger licking good looks so hot
her face is really pretty
Agreed, she is a rare case of gaining a lot of weight ans actually staying pretty

does a thread really need a bump after one day without comments?
Anyone have the vids that haven't been shared
uhh no bc they haven’t been shared yet?
Is there still a MEGA of her stuff?
here's her content: skylar.bigcuties.com

very much worth the sub. not the most recent set, but the one before it, is the best one recently.
She's gained so much weight wow
Anything New?
(159 KB, 864x1152, 136skylar_all.jpg)
This video looks so good, does anyone have an active subscription?
currently uploading an assortment of relatively recent(?) skylar vids because i'm desperate for those four newest sets lol
Rejoice fellas! I bring recent updates!
Thanks, you are a hero!!!

Do you also have the pictures from these sets?
I've never seen her full body in a shot at eye level.
Excuse me, where do it put that code?
Look up “decoder” on safari or whatever you use and click on base64 decode. Paste the jibberish into the first text box, hit decode, and scroll down to get the link, from the second text box. If you ever do that and get more jibberish instead of a link, it’s called a double enocode. Just paste the new jibberish into the decode text box. If there are ever parentheses like (example) delete the parentheses and everything inside them, then decode again. Hope this helps, welcome to Bbwchan.
Thank you. Is anyone else having issues with video 136? The other files work, but that one will not download completely.
I really appreciate the upload man. And thank you for uploading it in mab form it really helps.
Can someone post this?
Many thanks fam!

nice. do she got fart?
Would you mind making a weight gain compilation if you ever have the time, i think people have forgotten just how "skinny" she was when she started, now she has a full on doubel chin
Is it possible to have a reup?
Many thanks !
Thanks a lot !!
Please reup
Does anyone have the new set?
that backfat and lovehandle play was one of the hottest things ive ever seen. nobody gives them any attention and this just made up for all of that singlehandedly
mab re up please?
Is her mega still active?
I missed videos 134, 135 and 136, can someone repost them please?
We're missing 129, 130, 133, and 134.

I'm particularly interested in 133.
does anyone have the stripey dress vid from OP's pic?
Would someone mind reuploading 130? Would be a massive favour.
How much does she weigh now?
I think she lost weight since her 300 pound weigh
In 2 months ago. She definitely didn’t gain.
I think that is cap... probably plateauing a bit
She's that big? How tall is she?
Anyone got any either of the latest two vids that look insanely hot (for bigcuties stuff...)
Does anyone have her last 3 videos?
She looks 10 pounds lighter than her 300 pound weigh in 3.5 month ago.
can we get a reup of the recent video where she is sittin on top of her feeder and squeezin her fat belly?
Seconding this humble request
God i love her gain that new update looks amazing
(1.5 MB, 974x938, sky2.PNG)
sorry, nothing new here, but just look at this shit
I would have tears of joy if she was on top of me like that dear god
Does anyone know if she does custom vids?
If she did what would you request?
Am I the only one who finds some of videos kind of boring don't me wrong I love here growing curves but she needs to spicy up her videos bro
Don't get me wrong love her and her growing curves but some of her videos are way too boring
fair, goes for basically everyone in bigcuties i think. i think skylar has a ton of potential for incredible content but being on bigcuties just kneecaps all that. chloes content is 10x better outside of bigcuties for example
Probably belly noises
Considering how slow the weight gain of most BCs are, Syklar got really huge over the last few years
How good are the last 2 updates?
4th picture is so hot
Dude i need this for my burp comp so hard
Any reups?
could anyone reup anything recent of hers please? only just found out she had a page on here and the links are expired. would really appreciate it

and share them new vids while they're at it
Someone got her new vid? I would like to include it in my burp comp of her :D
reup of this please?
god i can only imagine what she'll look like at 400 lbs, if she gets to there. sooooo much fat jiggly belly and fat chunky ass for her man to squeeze
She would be a gassy mess if she ever got to 400lbs
this guy is just saying that because that what he hopes for
(686 KB, 750x1450, BA2B5B10-FF44-4327-B7D4-1EB162DB5252.jpeg)
Friendly reminder to follow her Instagram @skylarisabigcutie because some of the stuff she posts on her story is better than what we see from her BC vids
Does anyone have a video/photos of her where she has big stretch marks? :))
Look at the size of that gut
Tricky camera angles. Additionally she's sitting with her back arched which makes her look much fatter. Yeah she's fat as fuck, but she didn't just suddenly gain 40 pounds.
any king in here willing to share the few latest uploads?

much appreciated in advance

ys pls am beggn
100% all camera, she is not even 300 pounds anymore. If she was 310 we would a weigh in.
I second that. Anyone care to share that video 👀
i did to messenge her to get to ssbbw so many times for over 5 years but she only is bbw and is getting fatter so much slowly
we must combine our efforts and have a rally like a trump rally but a SKYLER GET SSBBW rally
whose ready?
Are you retarded?
Clearly they are, just a another over enthusiastic weirdo in this community thinking it's their tastes or the highway, trying to run/ scare another attractive model off and ruin it for the rest of us. Seen this so often over the years, the simps gotta get a life.
I thought this bbwchan was a safe place for fat lovers like me not a place like the real world filled with fatphobiacs
If you dont like fat girls why are you even here you are not welcomed lol
Are you talking to me? ILOVE BBWS and even SSBBWS but demanding a woman changes to you fit your tastes over a 5 year period is sick as fuck, I'm sorry.

I've already seen models leave this community over a lot less over a 10-15 year period. Those of us in for the long haul will understand what I'm saying.

I am not here to shame anyone for the same tastes I have, but I do not feel a need to push those needs on women who do not even know you or I exist outside of the internet, it's simply not stable or sane.

Anyone who's been around for a serious period of time knows exactly what I'm talking about, we have seen it before with older/ other models.

I understand if you feel a model is not feeling your needs, but move the fuck on. There are so many women even in this day that feel more liberated in showing us what we and to see, don't harp on the ones you like because they are not growing fast enough. That's what gives this community a bad name.

You simply have to understand the fact that this fetish is a spectrum and saying cringy pushy shit to models already woth the program is setting them up for not wanting to be apart of this community any longer.

You say you been here for 5 years, you should know better, you have seen it for yourself.

Just going re iterate real quick. We arnt talking about 1 year. We arnt talking about 2 years, we arnt talking about 3 years, we arnt talking about 4 years, we are talking about iver a 5+ year period. Models have been sacred off by us for alot less
Are you fucking stupid?
ok ok ok im sorry already
i reallylike her shes so pretty and sexy and started chubby but now is truly bbw
i dont want to scare her away i have seen it happen i just obsess because its sooooo hot to see skinny to chubby to bbw to ssbbw to ussbbw and i think only one that started skinny to become ussbbw is godess patty because adelaine and echo were bbw to begin
i really love her and if you are reading this skylar im sorry i do want you so much fatter but not at the price of you hating our community to the point of leaving and you are amazingly pretty and its ok you take so long to get ssbbw i just really really hope you get there in say another 5 years, maybe 450+ pounds
so no rally from us. truth is i hate trump too duh but i am rallying for you to gain to ssbbw soon in my heart but not forced because we the comunity love you so much (especially me you are my favorite in looks at bbw size while mochibabi was my favorite in eating and geting fatter faster until now on her haiatus) and want to keep here here happy and fat a YOUR pace
and btw god patty was so fuggo but skyler is MBF (most beautiful female) hence why i would be insatiated forever with her even ssbbw but moreso ussbbw
Step away for awhile...
Does anyone have the new sets please pass them on
She looks big fat and bloated... any wins?

try asking again when another 10 days have passed lol
Need the mega please
She hasn’t gained anything in a year. If anything she is at 290 from 305. She would done a weigh in if she was at 310 in the last 8 months.
damn we need this two new stuffings
we need that one saint who dropped all the sets a month or two ago to share like the last 6 updates lmao
Need the Skylar vids to start my NNN
waiting anxiously for this
Does anyone have the video where she is being fed in a cage?

thought these might've been the new sets for a sec :L
We are so close guys
we need a hero D:
Still the same old zephyr
Hi, could you give me the names of the videos with their numbers, a screen is enough for me. :)
Oh it's ok ! ^^"
On the official website, when you click on the image, there is marked the number in the link bar.
But do you have the dates ?
Hi, can you reupload your skylar collection? Many thanks.
did she actually get fat? I can never tell and I've never seen a side by side comparison. Not trying to provoke anything, I am genuinely interested.

She has gained quite a bit. There's some comparos on her preview page. Might be faster than waiting on someone to upload something here.

lol wut she's gained at least like 70 pounds in her time w BC
Ya 70 pounds in 10 years lol
10 years? Dude she’s been on there since like 2017
she's an ultraslow gainer but you guys like that sh!t!
very nice! we need a full set gentlemen
Anybody have the vid this is from?
bruuuuuh i know this is hypocritical but don't even bother commenting unless you're sharing them new sets man lol
Is that a morph?

peep the distorted bedframe
any chance of a reup?
any chance we can get new content
Her face looks so full and bloated
Does subscribing to bigcuties grant access to her videos or do you still have to buy them individually?
Yes it does
Get yourself a website ripping app and you can download all the content rather easily
You’re such a legend!!! Any chance you can share set #139 too
Thank you you’re a legend!!!! Would you mind reupping set 136 plz
It’s on StufferDB, but for some reason my phone won’t let me download it
She is such a fat bloated pig that burps so much
Woooow, absolutely great belly. There we can definitely expect another great development.
Got to be due a 300lb weigh in soon
She's hot and nice to look at. Too bad her material is super boring
I know! I don’t even need dildos and getting fucked. But it’s just the whole presentation. It’s so bland. There is zero spice to it.
Has she ever done funnel feeding with a mixture of heavy cream, ice cream and weight gain powder?

Are you looking for a recipe or something? If they forgot one of those ingredients, would it be impossible for you to get off?
Holy shit she’s getting huge!
Fresh and steaming hot for your pleasure.
She's perfect. ...now all we need is more of her.
Thank you king. I just hope I live long enough to see that big fat ass get pounded one day
If it's part of God's plans then you can bet on it.
How do i decode the vid above
Thanks man. Do you also have set 144?
Thank You very much for that heroic post!
Always looking for her Picsets... Do you have some more of them?
Does anyone have video 144?
Could someone re-up the video of set 137?
It's where she gets on top of a guy.

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