
I find it remarkable that her clips are the top selling on Curvage along w/Goddess Shar.

Women who start out posting free vids on YT always become hugely popular (Dee, CGV, Natty and LMBB). It's like the best free marketing out there for gainers.
Could you try reupload the code, it doesn’t work anymore.

And they end up being the first ones bitching and moaning about content being shared and threaten to "close up shop".

And in Natty's case, she was "allegedly" forced to gain for her boyfriend and hated being fat.

Either than girl's in it for the money and threatens to leave as soon as her content's leaked, or she's a legit gainer with a mental issue.
Curvage models whose clips reach the #5 spot in the "Top Downloads" of the Week are earning at least $500 a day (according to BloatedBarbie, who said she made that much in 24 hours when her clip was also in the #5 spot)
How would I go about opening files formatted like this in Mega.NZ?
That’s about right. One hopes to have several days like that a year.
Can't this number also fluctuate though? Like in a particularly slow week it just takes $300 a day to make it to number 5. If it's truly $500 a day just to make it to number 5, then Goddess Shar rakes in money, which I don't really understand why. All of her videos get pirated pretty quickly and I haven't bought a single one. There must be some dedicated Goddess Shar heads in that case.

She has over 4,500 followers, people who straight up buy her content without subscribing, and charges anywhere from $5.99 to $21.99 per video. Depending on how much the video is that week, she'd only need literally a handful of people to buy her videos to reach $500 in a day.
The fact that Shar is aware that other women are making six figures posting only 20 minutes of video footage a month means she's making way more money on Curvage
I absolutely adore Dee's gain. She legitimately looks sexier now. So excited to see how much farther she takes it
this question makes literally no sense.
no files exist
if they did they'd be the regular format
and mega.nz doesn't open files of any kind.
(131 KB, 842x765, dee.jpg)
Anyone know how much weight she's gained since joining Curvage? She was 206 lbs in October. Has she done another weigh in since?
im pretty sure she was only around 150 when she started back on youtube. She originally only wanted to get to like 160 or something, but keeps pushing her goal
What was her weight when she joined Curvage?
She genuinely is better looking now versus before.
around 170 maybe?
(153 KB, 635x857, dee.jpg)
She only gained 20 lbs the entire time she was posting vids on YT? I thought she had her YT channel for a few years

She wasn't taken her WG seriously when she was just doing YT. It was only until she switched to Curvage was when she started packing on the pounds.
But her whole YT channel was centered entirely on her gaining lol that's so funny
(60 KB, 960x720, Untitled drawing (1).jpg)
For reference; one of her earlier curvage vids vs. one of her more recent vids
She joined Curvage at the end of Jan 2019 so if she was 170 then, that means she gained 36 lbs in a year and nine months (1.7 lbs a month)

Even still, she was barely gaining anything compared to when she joined curvage.
Nice one
Thanks fam
I can say that unlike a lot of gainers, the weight has went to her belly, boobs, and especially her ass. Usually one of those areas get neglected.
epic pose really shows off her gain
Is there a link to the bikini video?
what's the official title of this one? I want to rename the filename. I hate these generic filenames it makes downloading and uploading of re-ups a nightmare (as is evidenced by how often someone will post a re-up with 3 identical copies of the same video in it)
anyone got this video?
what's the proper title for this video?

I highly doubt it's "Dee Stuffs Belly (no sound)" given that there is in fact sound and that's a highly generic name :-/
wrong thread bro
She's one of the slowest weight gainers I've seen in a long time.
(12 KB, 61x80, mjlol.png)
Food is expensive due to inflation/pandemic and you are pirating content, so how can the woman pay for food to get bigger?

She's been gaining for more than 2 years. The pandemic started in March. Use your brain for once instead of wasting it posting memes.
I think her biggest issue is she is pretty tall in comparison to other gainers so it doesn't show much. On youtube she wasn't totally bought in to gaining, and after she got on curvage she started gaining quicker. I don't think her gain is too slow and her physique has changed a lot since she started.
anyone have her most recent video?? Apparently she is uploading another out grown clothes video later this week
(227 KB, 1920x1080, Img_8325-1.m4v_snapshot_00.32_[2020.06.30_02.05.33].jpg) (181 KB, 1920x1080, Img_8325-1.m4v_snapshot_01.14_[2020.06.30_02.05.55].jpg) (208 KB, 1920x1080, Img_8325-1.m4v_snapshot_01.24_[2020.06.30_02.06.03].jpg) (182 KB, 1920x1080, Img_8325-1.m4v_snapshot_03.41_[2020.06.30_02.06.16].jpg)

I do. It's a bit underwhelming, and only does 2 outfits. Kinda wish I would've waited for her upcoming video instead of wasting $5.50 on this one.
Can u share the vid?
I would also greatly appreciate you sharing the video
Meh. Better videos for the price. Just have to look a little harder.

Only one file, but it’s a good one and took a hell of a lot of effort to get uploaded. If anybody has the newest video or anything else more recent to contribute it would be much appreciated.
(94 KB, 825x1100, dee.jpeg)
Finally, an outline of a titty. Anyways, how much you wanna bet her "illness" was Covid? Why else would she be MIA for over a month?

It says she broke her foot or something
she broke both of her ankles or something

She shattered both of her metatarsals or something

She broke something or something

Unless she's on medication that halts her weight gain, I don't see this as a good reason

Last time I checked, you don't need your legs to gain weight. She's already sitting on her ass all day. Just record something and upload it you lazy broad.
anyone reup this, pls? mab links only last 2 days :(
She food
more big
On god that’s how my brain be oogaboogaing
She's just begging to get knocked up. Everything on her would get massive.
Dude.....she has multiple kids...

So? She needs to go the Jessi Minx route and balloon up with another one.
Her problem is that she's not as passionate to gain if it doesn't benefit her revenue. She's been in the gaining scene since 2016, she should be bigger if she was 100% committed to gaining. It doesn't make sense how women like Carmen Lafox, GGG, Shar, and Nadya surpass her eons ago despite showing up way later.
Does anyone have either of her new videos?
I think she is into it, she just doesn't want to let on to the non FA people about her fetish.
Anyone have the new videos? She’s looking really massive lately.

Her videos are literally $5-$6. Support her and buy them. Otherwise, take your begging to the other thread.
>>33412 it appears you're on the wrong site...

More like in the wrong thread. This page gets more begging than anything.
yeah someone upload her newest video

That's a good idea. How about you act on that.
Anyone have screenshots from her last 2 videos? Thinking about buying 1. Does she really eat 5000 cals in that video?

No. She does more talking than anything else in the clip.
if you have it, why not share it?

Because I don't like 99% of you fucking moochers. And fuck off with "well why do you come here in the first place then"

I show up here to get info/updates on a model that I'm interested in. I'm not a charity nor do I ask for handouts or beg.

Everyone who visits this site has the ability to obtain disposable income. If you do less begging and more supporting, maybe these models won't come here and bitch, moan, and threaten to quit over pirated content.
>>33775 'I show up here to get info/updates on a model that I'm interested in' so, um, use Twitter or just follow them on their respective platforms instead? Instead of getting angry over a platform entirely based around pirating

If you have it and you don't share it, fuck you.
Hey buddy, fuck you.
Waao she has gotten really big
shut up nigger, you a simp
If someone is friends with arnold_masturbator on pornhub they can record the newest deesweightgain video that he posted on his account and then they can re-post the deesweightgain video so everyone can see it somewhere
that arnold_masturbator guy is a prickd790c1
Anyone else noticing her prices are getting higher? She went from $5.50 to $8.50 per video within a couple months.
Three dollars? Preposterous
when will someone upload videos of her

You're talking to cheapskates. The fuck were you expecting when most of these bottomfeeders haven't paid a penny for porn in their entire lives?
sir, i am not in fat fetish porn video piracy site to PAY FOR FAT FETISH PORNOGRAPHY. Do you understand?
Her first page of videos is less than $8, at that point why not buy a few videos with a $20 budget? It’s better and faster to just to cough up $5 for her latest video over begging for it in an imageboard.

I understand that you're no better than these other ungrateful bastards. All you people do is beg and beg and wonder why models end up disappearing. If they're not dying from heart attacks or being doxxed, they're getting pissed off by moochers pirating their content.
how do you expect people to get the vid in the first place? ill get right on it if you solve that riddle

So much entitlement. "I'm on a fetish board, so I shouldn't be paying for content".

How about piss off and buy the video.
rough ass face looks like she's related to sarah jay
How about fuck you?
All gainers raise their prices as they gain. Their market value increases the fatter they get. The money starts rolling in once they reach 200+

Not true. Shar's prices have been stagnant for years now.

would be great yeah
Pretty bummed she hasn't posted the weigh in video she said she was going to

She's always been sporadic with her uploads. She keeps a pretty good pace for a couple months, promises something big, then disappears for a couple months.

I get she has personal issues as do everyone, but for fucks sake don't promise to do a follow up video then disappear for a month and not give your fans an update.
Here's her second most recent one, wasn't really worth $6 imo.


She's becoming a lost cause. Silent for almost an entire month, has fans on her Curvage begging and asking where she's at (she even logs in almost every day) and still doesn't say anything, not to mention never follows up on her promises and puts out mediocre content.
What did she say about why she hasn't been posting as much lately?

Idk, but I'm not paying $7 just to hear her excuses.
a whole bunch of stuff got uploaded on vola
Where exactly? Can you send a link?
aren't those default stufferdb filenames? aka you could just grab it there anytime
Yeah there are bunch of pictures for some reason, but if you scroll down further there are videos that are exclusively on her curvage.
Reading through the comments of her newest video, apparently she had Covid (again).
I don't think she had covid, someone in her family did.

If someone in her family had it, then there's a strong chance she had it too, especially if it was one of her kids or SO.
If anyone has seen her newest video, is it worth getting? Her sitting down videos are easily her least interesting

Just wait until someone either leaks it here or on StufferDB. Although by then, newer videos would be out.
No but I'm gonna stroke my cock and pretend like I'm gonna buy it, even fill the order out and click the button and then pull the plug from the wall as I cum. It's about 50/50 if it goes through or not

It ain't worth it. That ass shot of her is literally in the last 20 seconds of the video.

If you've seen any video of her from the past 5 months, then you've seen this one.
tbf i care more about her belly than her ass. If you've got it, post it
glad it got posted because that video was definitely a dissapointment

Didn't I JUST tell you it wasn't worth it? I swear, some of you are straight up knuckleheads.
Can someone post it in vola again please
Butterface but I make her come and we both fatter, she would big food and we bigger

Hopefully she does more than just stand there and occasionally shake her belly.
did she get rabbit veneers?

Her and Eatee share them choppers.

I think they're cute tho
at least eatee's are her teeth, dee she get a refund from whatever she had done jfc
Is the new video on vola
Is the new video up in vola
Does anyone have Dee in a tiny shirt and can they put it in vola
Some of her videos have been posted to Spankbang

It's all her old videos that were already shared here.
Can someone please post up some of deesweightgain videos on vola please
Does someone have her video where she wears green and is outside and burping a lot?
Thanks a lot!!!
Anyone get her most recent video in the white tshirt?

She just released an actual stuffing video, so nope.
Can someone please post dee stuffs til she feels sick! please I don’t have enough money to get her latest video thanks
her more recent videos have definitely been more expensive than her typical quality is worth

1. It's a request video, of course it's going to cost more than usual.

2. Her recent videos aren't more expensive than her old ones. Her vids have always been between $5.50-$8.00
Wish she would explain how to request a video. Seems like half the time people suggest video ideas they fall on deaf ears
Anyone get her newest video yet?
Yo can someone put one of dees most recent videos on vola or something
Can someone post one of her five most recent videos up
New belly play vid😁
Hey can some post up Dee in a tiny shirt please
i been trying for over a year to request Dee to make a burping video she never responded. So i just started going to walmart and picking my own girls.

The girl doesn't work for free. Instead of those cheap tricks at Wally World, throw a couple of Jacksons at Dee and she'll bite.
Any update on this vid?

It's barely been a day since she posted it. Give it some time dude.
I was talking about the other vid
Nobody is posting the vids bro :(
Heres some videos I have her if you have more pls share


She doesn't do enough to warrant people to spend $10 on her videos. She just stands there in her usual spot and shakes her belly for a few seconds.

There's plenty of hot women out there who do more than just stand there and wear the same outfits over and over again. This is the 5th video where she's wearing that mustard colored dress.
Anyone got any vids ?
I don’t but there not new
(38 KB, 1315x319, Capture.JPG)

According to the top rating, her newest video is garbage
Can someone please upload some of her videos up like her recent ones

Once she starts putting out decent content again, then I'll buy and share.
The only video that has gotten bad reviews was the bathtub one. All her other recent vids look pretty good.
Can someone post right small dresses

And the messy meal. Also only the bootlickers put up the 5 star reviews and will claim that anything that she does looks pretty.

In reality, her content is NOT worth the money that she charges.
She's got a hot body, that all I care about

Her looks alone aren't cutting out it when nearly each video she's standing in the same spot in her bathroom, staring at the camera while saying "God I look pregnant" every two minutes.
Wow, she looks nice and plump!
Thank you, I don't see enough of her posted
anyone got her newest video?
Shes the GOAT im calling it

How can she be the GOAT if she's looked the same for the past year?
What big is her pounds? Jw

Well I did predict that she'd disappear by the end of the year. It's a month and a half since she's uploaded a video.

lol, let's see if she'll reappear the week before Christmas to try and get some shopping money.
tbf she has an actual job and kids to take care of

That didn't stop her before from gaining. She's always been lazy while putting out half-ass videos.

It's only damage control after some guy called her out for logging in but not saying a word for 2+ months.
be honest, were you that guy?

Hell no. You'd think I would leave a comment on that site? If there was a way to browse content there without an account, then I'd be the first to hop on board.

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