
Uploading hooters and the new bikini now

I hate this crazy girl is gone from the scene - whether it's her fault or your fault, I don't really give 3 shits - she be gonzo.

So in honor of her, I've upped a steaming hot grab bag of goodness. Here's what's inside:
-A shitload of fotoegraughs
-Vidjas: Belly Play, Boyfriend made me fat, Secretary Feeding.

Looks like I got a dupe in there now that I listed, but fucking sort yourself out. It's all good in the hood.

What am I supposed to put in for skankarella?
What does that even mean?
Just remove it and the brackets, my special friend.
I am very special.
The special ed kind of special

No shit. Glad you got it though, now you shouldn't have any problems on the rest of the board.
I'm out of the loop for what I assume all transpired last night/today did she nuke her newest curvage account since she was posting on it as recent as yesterday?
Still saying it's fake. The new curvage account isn't actually her and it probably wasn't her in the thread yesterday either. Either way at least one of these is fake because the curvage account is still there, so either the person in the thread was just some sperg pretending to be her or the curvage account isn't actually hers.
she came on here and claimed yet again that we doxxed her, even though no one did. said she's done making new content. *eyeroll*
Except that's not true and someone posted a video of her appearing on an interview (not of a fetishy variety) where they reveal her *real fucking name.*
Anyone else getting a green screen for some of the videos?
No they didn't. There was no link to anything at all. This is the weirdest lie I've ever seen you faggots try to start. There was no doxxing. Three screenshots of a time when she was on tv isn't doxxing. If you go on tv of course people are going to see that you were on tv. People finding out you were pregnant isn't doxxing. Some sperg saying he knew you in highschool or some shit isn't doxxing and also probably wasn't even true. That's it, that's the oh so scary """doxxing""" that happened in the last thread. What a fucking tragedy. And the easiest way to prove that there was no doxxing is because this thread exists. When lmbb got her face posted or chubbychiquita got actually doxxed the mods went absolutely insane deleting anything that even mentioned them or that it happened at all. That's not happening for lauren because nothing actually happened.
Right I seen this chick on shit wayne bradys game show, And I had also seen her in a few clips4sale vids. Fetish though with no nudity but still, there was her name and such. If I cared enough id have remembered but I dont. Im just her for vids what they do out side of the magic box is their business lol.
(63 KB, 1078x306, _20210702_064057.JPG) (152 KB, 1080x581, _20210702_064108.JPG)
1. Look at the id's of these posts, this is not lauren.
2. Some guy came here pretending to be her.
4. A link was posted, which had her FULL NAME
5. her name is not common, first google results were where she lives.
I do talk to her and that was actually her who posted. She had a fit but is not going anywhere.
bitch had a baby and spends more time worrying about a chan board and on curvage 24/7 than caring for the poor thing lol
I cannot believe how many people claim they know her. The curvage IS NOT HERS and I bet some of these are the one that's running it, given that so many people claim to "know" her.
It's funny how many people on this small site in a niche fetish community claim to know this one particular model lol, I don't understand what the point is
The curvage account is almost certainly fake. The videos keep getting taken down and reuploaded at a higher price. A few days ago, the prices ranged from $6 to $12. Yesterday they were $15 each and had full titles. Right now, they're $20 each and seem to be hastily titled with just one word.

That said, I don't really care, I just want the videos. Here's 3 I bought yesterday (Teacher's Pet, Your Demanding Girlfriend, and Yoga Ball Comparison)

thank you good sir
i do believe the account is hers given the sites verification process but i do which the girl would make up her mind
If she's not making new content and her old content is unavalible for sale, why start a new thread?
is her new profile alrady gone
no it's there, but it's also 100% fake.
how do I make the videos not have such high contrast
gonzo again. I feel for her if she did actually liked making content. Whoever shared her is an utter fool, but I don’t think it would do as much damage as she thinks. I know her actual name now, it ain’t Lauren hehe, but I give zero fucks, she seemed super sweet in the video too. She was great at what she did and shouldn’t feel this uncomfortable by it, makes me think she didn’t truly enjoy it. The pregnancy thing was a little odd haha, she should have been straight with everyone, but no biggy she still gained
she's not "gone again." she's been gone and never came back. the new curvage profile is still there but it's never actually been her.
>try to shame people who share on a website specifically for file sharing
the only "fool" here is you, leave and don't come back.

Fair to say Curvage has officially jumped the shark to first sweep it under the rug then let that get by. I mean it’s been a clips business with a side forum for a while now but having fakes make it through their verification process while officially “closed” to new applicants the whole time means they’re just done being anything other than another clips4sale.
how do y'all know she gained after pregnancy? any pics that yall could share please?
Agree. This clips part has basically ruined the site. It’s basically a giant ad now. Hard to tell who’s actually into it and who’s just fat and role playing as a feedee. And don’t even get me started by the sheer amount of simps and white knights on there. Embarrassing
And as far as the “doxxing” allegations go. Maybe she did and that sucks. But I feel like a lot of people make doxxing claims and “scared/unsafe” as an excuse to quit the community abruptly and get sympathy instead of labeled as a scammer.

And for the ones that don’t, yeah that really sucks. But you willingly uploaded shit to the fucking internet, where it’s on there forever, and most get compensated for it pretty well so it’s kind of the risk you take.
is she done? it looks like she put a new photo up today
The lauren curvage has a new video, is it an old one?
Anyone recognize it?
it appears to be new but i refuse to buy it. she ghosted for a month again and now returns today clogging up the feed with her stupid ads.

I thought she said she was done making new content? make up your mind bitch
probably needs money for diapers
Anyone have her new stuff? Guess she’s back. Alert: fat girl in need of money. Her husband must be proud. Haha Looks pretty fat or is she prego again? :/ We’ll never know
(135 KB, 1071x1798, 38356AF6-6753-44F0-8CF8-979A85A732F0.jpeg.f5ef67125a259e8ae907c93163061379.jpeg) (123 KB, 1137x1712, 32238432-93B9-47CC-80CD-EDBAF9BBA6E4.jpeg.838b5b40f3cf9167f769288c98b25bec.jpeg) (154 KB, 1168x1803, CD81028F-DCBD-4AF7-8A17-E391C8A0D418.jpeg.61813d77c9f2a03492f2a2b7b59e14e9.jpeg) (90 KB, 1089x1255, D2DB6B80-A6DD-41DC-893E-5F392EE69B88.jpeg.67b824a7785f7fc97ee9e8cff7aaeb10.jpeg)
does anyone have this video? If its a money grab, fake account, etc. I don't fucking care she looks hot af
God damn she looks even bigger. Hell yeah.
Yeah we need this asap
i have it and the weigh in (304lbs) and can share them. retarded question but what is the best way to share these days?
wetransfer still works fine. but if its over 2gb you will have to use myairbridge
Hey this is LaurenLush!
Guys, if you have ever wanted a video of mine I have been more than willing to give it and I also try to price my content decently and give great ROGO deals.
I truly do not mind you all sharing my older content but it SUCKS that you are spreading my content that is less than a week old. 😭
Please, if you ever are curious about a video come to me instead.
If this continues then there isn’t any reason for me to continue making content anymore.
>> 58273
don't let the message above stop you from sharing bro, we'd all appreciate it.

>> 58276
entertaining the idea that this is the actual Lauren lush; Your vids are likely going to continue being shared. I cant speak for everyone, but if new content gets shared here or not I'm still not paying for anything. your not losing a customer with me and I'm sure that's the case for many here. You'll probably still have your supporters and I'd assume some money is better than no money, but hey if its not worth the effort and you decide to stop that's understandable. it was a good run.
Yeah that’s what these people don’t understand. You’re not losing money here. The only reason I would ever download your shit is if it’s free.

And conversely, if I do want to pay for a video, I just do it. I don’t bump BBW Chan threads asking for “wins” before dropping the cash. I just do it.

In short - your content being pirated here has a net zero effect on the money you can potentially make on that content. Now do some BRAP videos and I might subscribe. Thanks “Lauren”
this bitch just keeps getting more and more pathetic
what does ROGO even mean? is that like BOGO but different somehow?
Yeah, send us a DNA sample so we can confirm it's you.
OK Mr. Pathetic then just hold your hands over your eyes and peek between your fingers.
And now cue Lauren's threatening to leave the community AGAIN in 3..2...1...
Hi Lauren. weren't you already "done making new content" a few weeks ago when everyone found out about your pregnancy and you came on here saying the same thing?
yall are ruthless if this is actually her
Like 3/4 of people here are pretty sure this is all fake or releasing old stuff that was in the pipeline before the first disappearance so hurdle #1 is convincing people you're back in the first place before threatening to leave has any impact.

I gotta love the classic "threaten to leave" move whenever anyone tries it because it's just such a cut off your nose to spite your face solution.

What a way to guarantee that instead of losing some income (very debatable because most people wouldn't be paying instead, they'd just go without), there is 0 income at all. Can you imagine a store that says "we have a certain shrink rate, let's just solve that by going out of business altogether."

ive still never seen a convincing thing saying it IS her. she disappeared under shitty circumstances, and just appeared again without like laying out the details in a curvage thread. im not going to trust someone like that, even if their body is a 15 out of 10 on the fat girl scale.

unless im missing something, or she only explained the truth in a video that you had to pay to see, which would have been a stupid move
she did not admit to the truth in the video she posted... all she said was she needed a break and took a little hiatus due to personal reasons, despite the fact that is was confirmed by several sources that she had a baby boy and is engaged.

Either way, that's all irrelevant. People are going to share her content whether she likes it or not. If this is the real lauren commenting, she needs to grow a thicker skin. Shit is getting annyoing

yeah its from one of her videos
But if you quit, then there wont be anymore fat girl pr0n on the internet for me to jack my weenus to!

Seriously, go ahead and quit. You sound like you shouldnt be on the internet anyway (assuming this is the real you). No one will care.
bought todays hooters workout video (eh), hoping to get green lingerie in return if anyone has it
BRUUH. Thanks for that UPPPPP!

The only new thing I have is the New Hooters Video. I threw a couple more in there I had in the stash today.

Thanks bro. Here's everything I have of hers, including reups of what's been posted here and in the first thread

Even if it is her, the fact that there’s actually some small chance that somebody would pretend to be Lauren lush complaining on the Internet, for absolutely no reason…speaks volumes about humanity.
here's her latest video. her content quality has gotten so much worse since coming back but figured i'd share anyway
Oil rubbing:
Yea honestly she needs to go back to just fat roleplays lol
yikes. that is not a good look on her. please tell me that is a wig
Thanks man.
Here's her latest clip from today. I do agree the wig ruined it for me... will be my final purchase from her.
Best Friends Sister Roleplay
Are you seriously saying that the wig ruined it for you, she's hot af
Thanks for the up, anyway
Christ that was a fast takedown.
Please a re-up the links are already down

wow dang all these links instantly dead

actually wait, how did this link die in only 18minutes? wonder if wetransfer is targeting this thread or something?


these links all died suspiciously quickly and I don't have them, but since I'm curious why and how fast the links are dying, here's a random dump of my entire (19gb) folder onto myairbridge


and since i'm testing links:


reup of this (oil rubbing):




Thank you.

For what it is worth, all links are still alive.
has anyone got Best Friends Sister Roleplay
(20 KB, 287x273, Capture.JPG)
>I need this specific video

Well take the MAFKA then! Here have it!

It's like your wish is my commands

Encoded 2 times for safety and security.

Anyone have cheerleader video? Last video?
Looks hot in the cheerleading costume, but does anyone know if she shows her belly at all? I’m tempted to get it, but if there’s zero belly play I’ll pass

actually robots are better than us at math, what lazily created bots tend to suck at is natural language processing.... which was the actual point of that test (although it was a like 15gb myairbridge link so it died literally 9 days ago)

just replying here, because I too get kinda sick of the math problems in encoding. not because I hate math but because I can't imagine them fooling a bot that already regex's for {}()[]
Who has the come to bed with me series
Anyone got her outgrown clothes videos
There you go

(126 KB, 1054x2028, 1B5EFC36-24D8-4495-9DD8-6AE16EE650A2.jpeg.b24f53a158c42460fea94d63470f5a1e.jpeg) (128 KB, 1169x1981, 5BF3EDBE-EB08-4450-9A7D-0CF9AB2D4551.jpeg.cfc9c3d6f61e4516a021133f1b14922e.jpeg) (140 KB, 1169x2043, B65D98A2-0E56-4C19-8988-6C6FC43D0975.jpeg.b7985ee3ddd0ed44e5428b89df46b132.jpeg) (108 KB, 1112x1739, C0310155-1387-463D-A6F3-E1CC37099E78.jpeg.e9748360231fd1ccdf41e9927069389e.jpeg)
She looks really hot in the roleplay she just dropped, anyone have it?
Anyone got the maid video she did a couple months ago?
Definitely bump or the cheerleader POV if anyone has it. It’d be appreciated
Any re-up on roleplay or cheerleader video?

in return: aHR0cHM6Ly93ZXRyYW5zZmVyLmNvbS9kb3dubG9hZHMvZDRkYjUyMTgyYjlhNDViNjMzZjZhMjBkODQ3ZTNmYWYyMDIxMTAxNzE2MDgxNi9hZWNhNWQ=
Jesus Christ you posted the exact one I've been looking all over for
Does anyone have the teacher one?
Can someone reupload this please?
They are both expired any chance for a re-up?
Not even 12 hours. Knew I should've checked before work.
nah, literally doesn't do anything. she clearly watches her thread. check more often or keep crying faggot
(48 KB, 367x354, bit.png)
ya think she can't easily figure out how to access the link... it's not exactly even security through obscurity if there's a fucking decoder function embedded into each page

the only thing the base64 stops is automated crawlers, and even then only the simplest ones

this is the stupidest comment I've ever heard. encoding a link three times does nothing at all. anyone be they model or robot if they know how to decode a link once they can decode it twice.





take a link, encode it, edit the code to include a word search jumble, encode it again, post it here. OR don't bother encoding and expect that certain models in certain threads will nuke your link within hours rather than the normal days.

I've been testing this pretty extensively, if a link is dying in a couple hours the model is likely too busy to have done it themselves.

So far I've suspected during the past 12 months at various specific points in time that regex capable robot has been taking down wetransfer links in lauren lush's thread, katie cumming's thread and now goddess shar's thread.

no one should be using (){}[] type hints in their humanity tests because there's a simple regex any spider robot can adapt where it will filter out any text in between two non-alphanumeric characters. Even (} or |~ would be noticed by this sort of regex. human brains are pretty good at word jumbles though.

of course some links don't get taken down so easily, and if you don't want to bother with this code nonsense you need to branch out into some pretty obscure filehosters.

lauren lauren video's randomly reupped to some resistant filehosters so that anyone reading all this dribble is rewarded with a link :-p



Popstar IMG_4323.MOV

>entire essay nobody asked for
>siasky link at the end
every time
Alright I kept hearing that links don't need to be encoded anymore but that appear that's not the case, or at least not in this thread. I double encoded and put some math in there. Hopefully the bots haven't figured that out yet.
What do I do with that link? I just wanna watch Boyfriend made me fat but I don’t know how to access it with these links
wouldn't it be nice if there were answers to common questions in a stickied thread somewhere on every board
Can anyone reupload the teacher one or any of the linked that died over the weekend. I swear I get sick one weekend and miss everything. I'll appreciate it thanks in advance.
I figured it out, just the transfer link expired, does anyone have Boyfriend made me fat?
You think she's ever gonna show those tiddies? I'm totally not a tit guy, but those need to be released into the wild.
anyone knows how much she weights
Not as long as she's on curvage, it has some prudish nudity rules because of their payment provider
Anyone have the tutor video or the popstar?
Link was long time ago so probably expired. For anything like those texts use base64 and decode them go get the video link and download it from the links which are usually mab wt

Looks like she's been putting on some serious weight recently.
anyone got this???
Full nude videos?
I see only videos where she eat trash food

Yep ! Thks bro ! ;)
Did anyone download that video of her trying on lingerie and bouncing on an exercise ball from spankbamg? It was taken down so if someone could up it that’d be great
new weight is 312
uploading it now, don't waste the money on it. video sucks aside from getting the number
anyone got this???
Another new video
Anyonegot the vud
Can anyone re-up her other vids


this should hold longer, but you gotta look carefully to decode ;)

Uhhh yep just got to look at what you are doing.
Dose anyone have the first bikini comparison I need it to complete the trilogy
Any hero got a mega with all her content?
She be getting pretty fat - I never thought she would get this big to be honest. It's nifty tho.

I would LOVE it if someone re-upped that new Bikini video they had on here recently.....

Here is a care package of Passion's Latest Holigains video, and Lauren's Fat Volleyball Star videos - as well as another December bonus video thrown in there for good measure.

Nooo down already. re-up please..?
Any chance for a re-up of the teacher vid


Thanks bro,here it is

Damn, she must be on this stuff like flies on shit, it's gone so fast
yeesh yeah youre not kidding
I usually don't buy porn, but I paid for that clip because I couldn't stand it and I'm not even mad that I gave her that money because she's getting fucking big and she's one of the hottest out there. I just want her to keep gaining.

Speaking of that, does curvage encode with your bank card number like C4S does?
bro why did those links expire so quickly
i think she splits her time 50% stalking this page for takedowns and the other 50% spamming the curvage newsfeed with the same ad over and over
guess I just gotta keep a keener eye on this board so I can actually catch em when they go up
wetransfer seems to DMCA the links fast and she seems to have mastered it. is there anything else we can use?
Just use myairbridge, she can't do anything about it


Does anyone have the Teachers Pet , cheerleader got fat , or friends say I'm too fat video?



there is specifically a robot that can read bbw-chan decode base64codes which are done in a straightforward manner and instantly delete a wetransfer link, I've seen it work in a couple minutes.

so for all I know lauren doesn't give a shit about this thread, and using literally any other site whatsoever would buy a drastic increase in time, and make the links likely stay up for at least a day as a human would have to submit the submission to take the link down.

zz.ht is a dmca safe harbor and ufile.io is simple to use and at least doesn't process dmca claims in seconds like wetransfer can.

I did extensively test the robot a month or two ago across multiple threads and a word search or jumble or basic elementary school math problem could all defeat the robot as long as you don't use {}[]()

of course making a wetransfer link last 1or2 days instead of 1-60minutes isn't exactly what people are looking for which is why I have been trying out entirely alternate filehosters
Okay first time posting an actually link on this tread. This will be for the video she rubbed oil on herself a few months back. I'm posting this as in hope that a kind fellow will post Teachers Pet , cheerleader got fat , or friends say I'm too fat video.

The link last for a week and I put some words in there to help the link stay a little longer. All you have to do is remove and encode it again. You will only have to decode it twice if I remember correctly.

I will try to post more since I'm shamefully on this thread when I figure out how to transfer more vids to my computer.

Anyway I'm done talking. Here's the link to decode

>putting words in the code without brackets
Fuck you, just for this I'm not posting anything in return.
Dude.... I'ts easy. L2Read

fr you told him in the post it had wording in the decode. I am surprised the human race has made it this far. Everyone wants everything to be easy for them and common sense/critical thinking is diminishing at an exponential rate.

Dude I literally put them at the end of the encoded thing so it would be easy to spot it. It's literally OIL and LUSH.

Like I read the rules before I post so there would be no problems. I thought it would be better to add words since it keeps the links alive a little bit longer by what other people said. I didn't know that it was common thing to add brackets if your adding words.

At least I gave you a heads up in my op post. Like it's not that deep I promise. Chill we just a bunch of dudes or gals sharing vids of a girl we like don't flip a gasket over it.

a) it's obvious you were never going to post content anyway, since you're a moronic asshole

b) it's funny that you decided to post only to call yourself a moronic asshole
Okay here's another video. Its not even on her Curvage profile. Its a maid video where she raids the fridge the eats a few items and does a little belly play.

The more vids I get off my phone so I can put them on my computer the more I'll add them up all together. Cause this is tedious. Still looking for a kind fellow to post the Teachers Pet , cheerleader got fat , or friends say I'm too fat video.

Its encoded three times and I ADDED TWO WORDS at the end of the ENCODING to make the link last longer.


Holy shit last post had so many typing mistakes. Lmfao ignore them.
Link isn't working for me
Nevermind got it lol

Okay cool cause I was literally about to drop another one without the added words so you could get it.

Teacher's PET, etc.

If you are asking if they are the same video. It is. That's the only video I know of her rubbing oil on herself.

Thanks for posting the Teachers Pet vid!!

Still looking for a kind fellow to post the cheerleader got fat,friends say I'm too fat video, or anything that hasn't been posted to the thread before.

Down below is the come to bed series and three other videos. One is a hooters vid, the other is her in green lingerie, and the last one is her bouncing on a yoga ball with different outfits.

I encoded it twice and I added a word for it to last longer. Its at the end and its called BUNDLE. They are also compressed in a rar files.

(94 KB, 518x721, lush list.png)
Here are some videos I found scattered across the internet that haven't been posted afaik


pic related is everything I have. lmk if you want anything and I'll get around to it eventually
Damn already dead
Please re-up🙏🏻🙏🏻
> >can you upload them all to mab please?
I'll do it tomorrow. Here's the new one

the volleyball one at the bottom sounds interesting

thanks for being a homie btw

I guess I don't have to upload anymore of my stuff. Anyway thanks for being an absolute king. Much appreciated.

yeah, it seems sad to say but I think wetransfer is not viable in this thread


whereas in testing it seems like any other filehoster is viable
Does the video never play for anyone else? It just buffers and stalls out for me

Does the video not load for anyone else?

download video files from filehosts, attempting to buffer a video from a filehost that isn't setup for video streaming is a poor choice.

the video itself is 100% fine I've watched it.
If anyone has the 1 year gain before & after video I'd appreciate a share

i'll combine it with my collection to see what you don't have and upload it

give it a few days
>>72909 that preview just went up and you already have the vid in there you are something special, sir
here it is hero

'fat playboy auditions'
'help my bra is too tight'
'small clothes weigh in'
'workout fail'
'cupcake feed & belly rub'
'weight gain'

Anyone has the video with Casey & Bella? Looks really good
Anyone know how tall she is?
What was the weight?
she is 5'2 or 5'3
New video wasn’t that great. Kinda a let down. They barely did any damage to that tiny cake. It looked like they didn’t have much of a plan going in and just half assed the whole thing
Can you reupload it?
pls reupload
any reups?
can you make a file with EVERY file? I guess everybody will appreciate it
can you make a folder with every file in?* ^^
what is this? a curvage video or live stream
Curvage Video

Though they did a livestream together that weekend though on Casey's OF but she didn't archive it.
Can you share casey's stream lives? Pls
>but she didn't archive it.
Any lives stream, as there is not much of casey.
Does anyone have her “woke up fat” video.
Here's something new:


If anyone has her latest video and shared it here it would be appreciated :)
There you go, Woke Up Fat

Can someone please re-up the 1 year weight gain video? Or any newer videos? I stupidly deleted my folder and sincerely regret it now

I can upload whatever I have. It’s mostly previously shared vids up till last month. Lost everything from there. Teachers pet, 1 year gain, collab video etc
Here it is, One Year Gain video


Thank you very much. Teachers pet would also be appreciated if anyone has it. Thank you regardless

it did work, that is correct, that link was functional for a few moments.

wetransfer links being posted in this thread are being nuked rapidly because there's a robot that knows what {}[]() are and knows what base64 is and has access to remove files from wetransfer

so use a proper word search for wetransfer or just user literally any other filehoster on earth in this thread.

Wow tricky tutor is actually the one I was asking for a reup on. I apologize
(2.6 MB, 1152x1434, Screen Shot 2022-02-02 at 11.31.44 AM.png)
she isnow on onlyfans so we can get some nude content. i can do a pull of the content once there's more up.. its mostly just pics so far
What's her OF? I wasn't able to find it

Holy shit can't wait to see what she post. Your a king for pulling it
Does anyone have the new donut video? I'm busy this week but this weekend I can post what I have so y'all.
no prob brother. it's pretty dry right now but i'll download her page once there's more
Thinking of subbing.... how are her vids?
Big re-up of some of her new stuff


Thank you honestly
No problem man, sharing is caring
Re-up on the “woke up fat”?
Reuploading "Woke up fat" for you for a second and last time

What vid is this from
Any chance she starts doing porn on Onlyfans?
wtf? i’m not spending 9 dollars?

here boys
Is there any solid file sharing website like holy shit.

mega.nz and wetransfer are two of the fastest dmca response times on the entire internet

something like zz.ht doesn't accept dmca requests and something like ufile.io accepts them slower https://www.transfernow.net iirc only accepts dmca requests in french or some shiz

this thread in particular is being checked regularly by what I can only assume is a lawyer robot
Ahh that's interesting. Casue it used to take like a day or several hours for a post to go down but now it's instant. I was wondering if we would just make a whole new thread but the same thing could probably happen.

I've tested it repeatedly and provided the same answers most of the time.

the robot cannot defeat a real humanity test like a word search nor an elementary school math question written out as a sentence rather than symbols and numbers (even when using a wetransfer link)

I do think a human also checks the thread though, and in a test I did this past fall doing base64 the way I do it (not the way everyone else does it) bought a wetransfer link a day or two (a fairly worthless upgrade in time), but simply using a lesser known filehost like ufile.io or siasky.net bought about a week and using a filehost like zz.ht or lewd.se would buy a couple months of uptime on the link

the robot's speed record on a wetransfer take down is actually <1 second

the main take away people got from my rants was that myairbridge would last for a day when wetransfer would last for an hour, but both amounts of time are fairly terrible results, I've yet to find an alternate filehost that becomes popular with more than maybe 1 uploader maximum per 5 lengthy rants :-p
Already down holy shit hahaha
the link is dead...
it is her not a robot. she has said it's her before. she repotrts every link and gets it down instantly. there is no fucking bbwchan robot

it's both, there is 100% a robot that sometimes appears on bbw-chan (I've seen it in multiple different threads in 2021, I cannot confirm it's existence in 2022 though because I don't care to test it anymore if no one cares anyways). no human could've deleted a link I posted instantaneously.

additionally I believe that she knows what three times three is. whereas the robot did not. (Which is why a humanity test ensures the link stays up longer than a minute, but not longer than a day, a human can just have the link taken down)

I don't know why I bother arguing though, as it's just going to get all the posts deleted.
You are still posting this dumb shit.
>no human could've deleted a link I posted instantaneously
No robot could have either. No matter how fast someone gathers the info, someone at wetransfer still has to delete the file. So unless wetransfer sends a bot with full admin rights to fucking bbwchan then it didn't happen. And if they were doing that, then every other wetransfer link would disappear instantly too. You experienced some sort of error on wetransfers end, that's it. Schizo.

I mean I've tested dozens of links, and I know it's possible. You're right though, the odd part would be wetransfer giving youtube style access to someone.

Even if instant was a bug, there have been a half dozen links I made myself and another half dozen links I didn't that have died in <10minutes which makes manual human input unlikely.

Even if everything I said about the existence of such a robot was wrong, even though I know I could easily code such a regex myself, the tests I did comparing the hosts and encoding methods still indicated that base64 was useless unless it was used in the method compared in the examples.

even if wetransfer hasn't given a lawyer privledged reporting capabilities it still can process dmca claims in a couple minutes whereas most sites take roughly a day.

none of my conclusions require the robot to exist in order to be true :-/
here's some actual content. and when she takes it down, i will repost it because i'm tired of this argument and tired of her shit https://we.tl/t-1qV0lqW0ug

I've literally already done this a couple months ago, but here goes.
all these links contain reups of random lauren lush files as a test, each link should have entirely different files, so if you looking for something from 2021 or 2020 (only one or two from 2022) it might be worth checking them all:













zz.ht upload failed for some reason



this test performed in the fall of 2021 across roughly 5 threads convinced me a robot existed (it was actually katie cummings' thread that convinced me 100% for sure the robot existed not this thread), but hey, if the robot doesn't exist, that just means that the first two links will stay up for more than a few minutes.

meanwhile, this should also serve to test retention/bandwidth/dmcaspeed of a half dozen other filehosts I've heard of.

conclusion, absolutely no robot in this thread (my bad). I still stand by the fact one exists. although like I said it wasn't this thread which convinced me. and as a porn star with more mainstream hardcore experience kc was more likely to retain a lawyer that would operate such a robot.

either way enjoy the 20 or so reups that will last days or weeks or months who knows we'll see :-p
Thanks for the extensive contribution and testing. Interesting to see which links last longest.
He's been having this schizo episode for months, don't encourage him.

I mean I've found models tweeting promo's for their lawyer, the only wrinkle that is unproven in my claim is which thread the robot might have targeted when and if it can defeat a humanity test that's trivial to regex for as special characters.

I've been having the episode ever since I managed to snag a temporary ban from wetransfer in katie cummings thread, also like I said back in the fall dmca claims were much more aggressive and derailing. even if everything I've concluded is false, my observations are still true.

I really appreciate this contribution, but please, its not that deep man, I don't feel like doing some sherlock decoding and math just to masturbate.

the square root of 4 is 2 and
the word lush doesn't belong
other than that you need to know how to add or multiply two single digit numbers.

IMO any base64 code simpler than this, is not worth doing AT ALL, 99% of the base64 codes on the site have no function other than to waste time, that's why half the links in the above post are totally exposed and not encoded at all because part of the experiment is testing slash proving that the codes aren't needed.

in order to be a good test of if a code is needed though the codes had to be at least mildly complicated.

tl;dr these codes might be useless, but if these codes are useless, all codes are useless (i'm in favor of not using the codes anymore as I'm not convinced they do anything)
It wasn't his. I assume this is just a mod reposting since he deleted the ranting lunatic. Though it seems he didn't take the hint so the mod will probably be back again soon.

He wanted hints on the puzzles, I gave him hints on the puzzles :-/
I'm surprised how was the dude a ranting lunatic. He was just talking about the bots and if they existed and how he tried to prevent them.
This is the most autistic thing I've seen since I looked in the mirror this morning.
why the fuck are yall bitching so much about this? he just wanted to see what hosts he could get away with
(2.8 MB, 2304x1282, Screen Shot 2022-02-19 at 11.38.20 AM.png) (3.1 MB, 2390x1346, Screen Shot 2022-02-19 at 11.38.26 AM.png)
from her livestream on OF last night. kinda bummed because i used to actually like her. but now she's expanding off curvage and seems to be all money money money. tip me this, buy me this.. she was not like that before, or maybe i didn't notice. was a decent stream nonetheless. she didn't even save it though if you missed it you have to buy it

Is her onlyfans worth it. Does she even post any nude content..or is it just the same as curvage.
Yeah the normally happens with Sex Workers but it is what it is. Power to them.
no nudity. she has posted a few of her curvage videos on there.. nothing new tho. i'd let it grow a bit before spending $. very beggy. her curvage presence is better IMO
Thanks for informing me...that's what I figured. Onlyfans is like Russian roulette since some of them just post a few skimpy photos and 2 minutes videos for a 5-10 dollar paywall.
Honestly, the assumption should be that every sex worker just trying to make money, no matter what they say. They are simply selling you a fantasy. What you do with that information is up to you.

Absolute faxx..alot of people build these parasocial relationships with these pron stars and forget that they are doing this for money. It's especially werid when they get angered over the fact that the porn start stopped making content or stopped gaining. At the end of the day it's their body and their choice to do whatever they want with it. No matter how much money you spend to jack off to it.
"sex workers"

Can we stop calling them that? I'm not sure why in the fuck people started calling porn stars sex workers.

Sex worker = "fancy" name for prostitute

If it makes you feel better when you jerk off, do whatever you want. Sorry the words people use to describe themselves upsets you so much.
Holy shit dude you are an actual legend

I agree. On OF she comes off very money hungry and unlikeable. I think her ego is getting the best of her. She’s selling out now. Feel sorry for those guys tipping and buying her stuff thinking they have a real connection to her. Wonder what her current weight is too, doesn’t seem like she’s gained much the past 6 months, yet she acts like she’s still gaining

I mean this is the same for all guys everywhere tipping porn models.... :-/ not really unique.

if you're gonna call a porn model "greedy" point out high prices or scams or not delivering on customs. it's all a lie of a fantasy that part isn't news to anyone.
i agree this is happening. and i agree that it is to be expected of all porn models. call me a simp but she seemed different at first. now it's all just $$ and ads and a wishlist and tipping.
about her weight i'm not sure. she says she's gainiing.. we will see
can anyone get the vids with the 3 of them?
Anyone have the new office video? I’m on the fence. Looks like she’s the feeder :/ so I don’t feel like buying it myself. Haha But she looks good


Since you bought a couple vids would you mind posting any of the new ones..like the donut video or the roommate pt 1 and 2 vid if you have them
link already down. god damnit she really has nothing better to do with her life than lurk on here
Re-up please?
Her OF is basically paying to see her post advertisement for curvage
Anyone have her new weigh in?
A stu,ing young woman. Since I first saw her I was stunned. I couldn't help but wonder what it would be like to have a large and beautiful woman such as her as your baby momma. By your side whenever you get horny.
To have her body readily available every morning for a good spanking. A truly breath-taking woman of exceptional size and shape with beautiful hair and a fair face.
Ain't no way..a month and she finally post her titties and just that...lmfaoooo
Anybody have the cheerleader, tutor, and volleyball vid? Would appreciate it
She and Bella are fucking massive holy fuck
can't believe for a while people thought she was a bot
she spazed out and deleted her curvage account a long time ago. a new account with her name showed up a few weeks later hosting a handful of her old videos at ridiculous prices with the wrong titles and next to no description with spelling errors everywhere like they were written by an ESL. many people including myself assumed this was a fake account by some scammer and warned people not to fall for it. it wasn't fixed for quite a while.
Exist the video?
Any wins?
Found this not too long ago chaps. Download it while it's up. Probably won't be here for long. YUhSMGNITTZMeTl6Y0dGdWEySmhibWN1WTI5dEx6WnRORFI0TDNacFpHVnZMMnhoZFhKbGJnPT0=
Name of the middle woman?
Bella Abbondanza
Wins for the video or pool full pics set?

Thank you
I've got the HQ-version. Just wait a minute...
Thanks bro, you're the man
oh damn nvm, that wasn't the one i was talking about. I was talking about the one where she was brunette and a little smaller from that pic. Appreciate the effort regardless tho
Anyone got the gfs roomie pt 2?
Yes! that's the one, thanks man
Does anyone have 4x bikini haul? Or new floor creak video? Thank you in advanced/it’s appreciated
gf roomie part 2, anyone got it?
Possibly the most beautiful bbw on this board or in the US and she'll never even know I exist.
try to combine your prayers with the masturbation bro, the Lord may pass them to her and she may listen, worth giving a try
I was trying to be funny. You failed to make me laugh but go ahead and keep using the Lord's name in vain. I hope to be around only to see when it burns
Calm down, he doesn't belong to your cult so he doesn't have to play by your rules. Also, I'm sure God cares more about you tickling your ding-dong on a porn pirating site than that other dude right now.
Oh yeah, you certainly sound like you know God, alright. Thanks for the advice. Look dude I have no idea what a cult is, but I am well aware that you responded to my post out of nowhere trying to humiliate. All I did was point out that what you said wasn't even funny, and that you sounded like a shill out of many other things. I never told you to shut up or anything. I apologize if my original comment angered you but all I said was that she was beautiful minus the tattoos.
People still believe in God in 2022?
You're responding to two different people and using the word shill incorrectly. Check the definition.
Bumpety bump
Her OF is both good and bad a the same time..it's weird! She shows lots of bare nipples now, damn near every other post, but then she has these annoying pics where she pouts her lips which look hideous now after getting them filled..it's bizzare!
i would not say itsa lot of nipples. only a few and nothing to write home about
Any new vids?
Any 1 have lifeguard lush
can someone make a coomer site for her?

You're asking someone to pay full price for a subscription to her onlyfans site.

That's how coomer.party works, someone buys the content, and then allows it to appear on coomer.party.

If you're broke just admit you're begging, stop pretending coomer.party rips are made out of magic
it's honestly lackluster at best, if she posts anything worth sharing it's usually on curvage

the OF is pretty much just there to funnel you to buying curvage videos
She's filling out incredibly nicely
here is her latest video. can anyone share her nude content?
Can you repost, King? Would be much appreciated
Thanks mate!
Video quality isn't great but honestly - thank you very much!
Can you repost. Her links expire fast.
It's possible to reposte please, link is dead :/...
Re up please🙏🏻
You are a god ! 🙏🏻
Anyone got all those hooters vids?
Link to the wg denial fitness influencer vid:

If anyone could upload gf’s roomie PT 1 or other recent vids it would be much appreciated

I mentioned that to anyone lurking cause I dont want to hear any bitching about how I didnt say anything.

Anyway I have added two roommate videos. One from a year ago and one from jan or feb I think. I also added a hooters vid too.

If you have any new shit (like the donut vid) please share

One of them is in the link I just dropped. Ill add the second video I have later when I have time
Both links dead already, they're quick today
she stalks this thread
She doesn't it's probably a DCMA thing where certain file types are automatically flagged for copyright.
Gotta go fast
Can someone reup some older vids?
Any1 have the fat influencer denial?


Does she have nude vids?
What about the GFs Roomie Part 2 YOGA?
Many of these women are married. They enjoy making extra off you monkeysimps so they can buy dinner for their husbands!
Has she lost weight?
No she gained alot 💀
Could someone put her stuff on coomer?
I’m slightly disappointed with the look of her bare breast, not sure what it is...
It’s not what I expected. Her nude stuff is weird because you can tell she’s uncomfortable doing it. Her overall OF page is very disappointing
That's so werid like...no one's forcing her to go nude if she doesn't want to. I guess that's what money does to a mf..on that note anyone who has her of can y'all make a coomer. p@rty
Does anyone have her cheerleader vid?
I purchased her measurements video today. Looking for any nude videos in exchange

can someone put her stuff on coomer please
Re-up please🙏🏻
Also reupped since i'm sure she will have it down within an hour
its a website that archives models only fans regularly

man it seems like she's getting a little tired/disinterested in making content these days

Maybe she's had enough of the scene??
ive been wondering the same. obviously she gained weight but now it looks to me like she's slowly losing some. She said when she came back from her vacation that she was 323lbs but i think the photo was a screenshot from her weigh in from a long time ago. She looks smaller compared to then. maybe she's over it, but transparency would be cool

To be fair most of her weight came while she was supposedly pregnant so I don’t know if she’s ever been that into it. She never does any crazy stuffings and mostly only talks about stuffing her face, with an occasional pic or small clip here and there. She’s just an attractive fat girl trying to get what she can out of the fat fetish and feedism community. I don’t think anything’s wrong with that, but it’s clearly more of a business than actual pleasure for her. Girls like her either vanish, or disappear and keep coming back because of the $

I liked her at first because she had a good body and put on weight well, but her content is so one note I've lost interest
gluttony compilation (pissed i wasted money on this) and measurements video


looking for volleyball video
dear lauren please leave the vid up for at least an hour, thanks
i missed it. for anyone else uploading, use myairbridge. they don't respond to dmca so it's guaranteed to stay up for 48 hours (the site autodeletes all files after that,) perfect for heavily monitored threads like this one.
fuck, missed it. she is the fuckin worst. she's obsessed with this thread, too. we used to talk and she gets crazy about it
Can someone reup?

well she did disappear out of the blue that one time, not even a goodbye message, so she's always struck me as flaky about this whole thing
Reup of the new content posted plus some other stuff that I didnt see in the other dudes air bridge upload. uhhh post new shit that hasn't already been posted if you have it.

Thans you, but could someone put these in a mega file? I don’t have enough space.
Does anyone have "Lauren on Top"?
Any chance of reup?
God bless you all :)
God ? Is it you ? O_O
Re-up pls since you didn't mentioned what u uploaded or anyone who got the file
(1.1 MB, 1072x786, j982il.png)
from OF. Looking for gfs roomie 1 or 2.
That transfer went down stupidly fast
i got her new video and am looking for either volley ball or gf roomie

also wondering if OF is worth subbing? seem to be mixed reviews
Lately she is posted old curvage vids on onlyfans rather than new content. One pic at a time. Old shit. But I’ve already seen those. She deletes the nudes. It’s not something she seems to take seriously. Id stick to Curvage
Barely even a day later and that upload gets taken down as well ffs

yeah people need to not user wetransfer anymore in threads that are being hotly monitored for dmca notices, any other filehoster will last longer myairbridge gofile.io a dozen others probably
Do you know the weigh in dates?
As well as the weight. With the corresponding date ?
Re-up please
sharing her new expansion vido in good faith hope someone could send the hooter video.
Which Hooter's video? There's two I believe

Heres the hooter vids all three of them. I also added the Volleyball Vid someone was asking for a while back. I kept on forgetting to upload it.

Anyone has the donut video where see eats that big donut and the halloweem bunny vid?

Its encoded twice btw
Damn, kinda shocked how much better she looks with clothes on.
down already LUL
please post links to any filehoster out there that's not wetransfer (for this one thread at least), they respond to dmca claims too quickly and someone who submits dmca claims is reading this thread often

even myairbridge's 2 days is more than 0 days

alternatives I know exist ufile.io gofile.io pixeldrain anonfiles mixdrop.co racaty.net ... dozens of others exist
Does anyone have Casey's "Workout FAIL at Public Park w/ LaurenLush", "Fat Influencer Caught!" or any other of her colabs with Casey?

Any re-up of anything would be appreciated
That's right, so fast, so dead ...! ^^" :'(
Damn when people ask for stuff no one interacts but the minute a transfer ends everybody popping up on the thread (Im joking lol)

Ok everything I posted before plus the influencer, roommate videos, and one extra vid with Lauren and Casey. Now on @ir Bridge.

Asking for the Big Donut Vid and the Halloween Bunny vid btw.

Encoded Twice Btw
Is this thread bump locked. I'm testing to see if it is. If it doesn't pop up as a recent comment. I'll make a new thread.

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