
(9 KB, 192x256, t_8de36e29383b13d5aa366aafd5ab6a94-imagejpeg.jpg)
I come bearing content that was not shared on the chan yet:

This is her second family reactions video. The first one was when she moved, the most recent one was at the end of her 1 year journey. This is the middle one, where she visited family for the holidays.

Seems like attempts to make a third thread were failing after the second one bump-locked. I'm hoping that was a mod deleting it simply because it didn't offer new content, so here's your new content.
>>51633 (OP)
>mods cracking down on her simp army posting here but never sharing anything
Fucking finally.
Lmao they also deleted the link I uploaded
Fucking morons
But does it have farts?

Can you share it again now that there is a new thread that isn't being deleted...?

If not then I have to assume you're bullshitting us here
She's over 50 bmi. This thread belongs in ssbbw.
How do i use this link?
put it in google translator english -> polish
She's 5'2", latest weigh-n ~330lbs. That puts her BMI at 60. She will hit BMI 100 at 550lbs.

Thanks for contributing to the thread, but the reason they were deleting threads you were trying to make is probably because your upload wasn't new to the chan. That file has made the rounds a few times, and at least one anti-simp mod would definitely delete your new thread out of spite on those grounds.

That's why I figured I had to share a file that I just found on spankbang last week that I know was never here (it was already deleted from spankbang, too). Because that guy probably wouldn't have it yet.
Or because the OP of the first three threads just said "more" like a troglodyte.
I didn't make the thread, just shared the link above in it.

The deleted OP just had a link to a free video of hers, so I kinda get why it was deleted but was still salty since I uploaded for nothing

Thanks for the vids!
Con someone re upload the family reactions video
Mochi you look absolutely enormous
>commenting nice things that are getting removed
cope. you are the only person who has posted in or cared about your thread for over a month now. I don't even understand how they let you get away with bumping your own thread with nothing but advertising and videos everybody has from months ago. At least when Reiinapop posted here she pretended to care about the board and the community.
you are mentally ill man, why complain about free content?

bro she's telling the truth lol, I commented about it on her pornhub as well but so many comments have been removed, which constantly pushes the thread back to later pages.

At least 3 of them were mine (I'm the OP, hi) but I've seen a half dozen comments removed from other IDs (I stalk this thread for any hint of new content lol)

Can confirm, I've also had 1 comment removed in the past couple weeks lol, I swear one mod just hates mochii. Kinda shocked the last two comments are even still up.
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>Anon posts a download link for someone else's old paid vids- perfectly fine
>Model posts a download link for her own old paid vids- unacceptable
Think it's more that the mods don't like the lack of file sharing by anons. It goes against the spirit of bbwchan to have a model practically "rule" over her own thread.

They only like advertising when it's paid :D
I dont get the mod hate, they need to chill or i will have to step in
mod(s) in general on /bbw/ are super bitches. they won't even let volas stay up

they probably mod on reddit too
Exactly. It's fucking retarded. You only have Mochii posting her own advertising shit and some simps complimenting her. This is a piracy site, not another advertising outlet...

Giving free content that is almost a year old is irrelevant: everyone cares about how she is now. She knows it, we know it, but fools like this retard don't: >>54367
Then post some recent content champ.
Everyone whines that this thread doesn't get any content but nobody DOES anything about it.
It’s not just advertising, but giving out free content gets loyal simps to try and take down anything pirated or encourage people to buy the new shit, and defend it since she posts free shit nobody cares about anymore.
As far as I'm concerned, content is content. The majority of bbw/ssbbw content that gets shared is on average a few years old, it's pretty rare that really relevant and sparkling new stuff gets posted these days. If someone other than Mochii was posting these videos on here, would you complain? No, you'd probably say the person sharing the content was, as the kids say, "based". Hey, Mochii here's a tip, maybe you should start just posting your free content anonymously so people won't complain. Because apparently the fact that you're sharing free stuff yourself is the problem,right?
Exactly - and why not go even further, just stop sharing the content if people get triggered. Shes not obligated to share anything.
Don’t understand why people are pissed that she’s doing this.Not common for a model of her popularity to be this open.I think it makes her seem more genuine,imo.
I sorta do. It's because they think her sharing of her old content discourages new content being shared. (BS, content would get shared anyway, get a grip)
Also they think she's purely advertising. they're partially correct. Doesn't mean that I agree with them
Full length videos, yo.

Full length fucking videos.

Is it advertising? Yes. But who else posts full length videos on a weekly basis? A lot of it is content that has never been posted here before.

The only problem you can have with it is that it builds good will and stops people from posting content.

Honestly, though, her videos are all high quality, high effort, interesting, and affordable. The only reason I post other girls' content here is when I feel ripped off by the model after overpaying for a shitty, low effort video or membership. Even if she didn't post the free videos, I would not post her videos.

Stop complaining that the hardest working model in this fetish is posting weekly free content. Before you say it, I'm not a simp and I don't report when her videos are posted here. I just have the critical thinking capability to understand that discouraging a model from sharing high-quality, full-length videos every week, regardless of intent, is counter productive.
The mods on this site have always been assholes on a power trip. They've been removing harmless posts for years. I understand deleting a post if it's just a bump, but these pricks will delete anything if they just don't like it.
It would be great if the videos weren't from 8 months ago
>these retards wont share content!
are YOU going to share any content?
>well no

every time
you actually think the site revolves around what specific free porn you want? stfu or keep bumping the thread faggot
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once every 4 months you two should buy something from curvage and upload it here. pirates arent going to take this sitting down!

you understand that "harmless" posts end up bumping threads with no new content, and these harmless posts can end up causing a thread to be deleted, because on a chan stale threads are deleted.

sometimes threads have been deleted that still had valid working links in them, because someone was posting harmlessly in another thread over and over and over.

this isn't a forum, it's a chan. and it's a chan that's nearly been destroyed by "harmless" waste of space posts. many of the mods have nearly given up trying to get things in order. far from deleting too many posts they delete too few because almost all posters are idiots who don't comprehend how a chan works.

in essence people see the mods as being fickle and cruel not because they delete posts, but because they delete posts inconsistently, but it is like I said, they're not unnecessarily deleting a dozen posts that weren't harming anyone. They're on their last legs and failing to delete 100s of harmless posts because they just don't have the energy to do it anymore.

(hopefully my rant is also deleted when this thread is next cleaned up)
well no shit faggot, beggars can't be choosers
but people come here to videos and pictures of fat chicks? people who know of this site probably most likely know the model already, n if they don't then you read the thread name...
also some people on here say piracy is free advertising all the time anyway and that they're basically helping the model out by pirating content. I'm really failing to see the bother.
Shut the fuck up, bootlicker. People have been having conversations of chans since they were formed, and they're sure as hell not going to stop because a few mods on a power trip want them to.
I've uploaded tons of content of other models. I'm not going to buy mochiis stuff
How much money do you think she makes? She's one of the most popular girls on curvage so I can't help but wonder.
>this isn't a forum, it's a chan
imageboard,you painthuffing troglodyte

With her gain and a body like that??? Bro, it's gotta be $50k a month, chick is ballin.

It's probably somewhere around 10k, realistically (hopefully after taxes, worst case would be that much before taxes). This fetish is not super mainstream (if it were, bbw-chan would be booming instead of dying). She's one of the greatest to ever do it so I do believe she's making some money. But not incredible money.
>if it were, bbw-chan would be booming instead of dying
Barclay makes so much off of ad revenue now that he doesn't even accept donations anymore. The site gets more traffic now than it ever has, newfag.
and less content than ever
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I've always been a very transparent person, it's not like I was trying to hide the fact that uploading a free video a week is a win win for both the community and myself

It allows new people to see my full length content that otherwise never would and of course it helps keep down piracy by building good will

But I also feel like I do a lot more to build good will besides just this...my content has always been high quality and priced below the average, my OF has all my videos and absolutely no PPV. I don't bullshit, I don't scam, what you see is what you get and then some!

I do all this because It's how I wish the community was when I was just lurking in it so I definitely will be continuing to post my free video a week and I hope you all keep enjoying them!

Speaking of, this week's free throwback video is linked below 😇


Ps. I don't make anywhere even close to 50K a month lol, Also a ton of what I make goes back into food/content AND is split with my feeder :)
I'll chime in just to say thanks! I appreciate the way you do content and interact with fans. I definitely prefer it over the way that others in the scene do.

I just recently graduated so I don't have an income at the moment, so I'm honestly just grateful for anything you provide.

I do plan on purchasing some content later down the line once I'm in a position to do so though. Keep it up!
The idea of a thin and younger Mochii lurking the feedee community wanting to stuff herself like the videos or pictures she sees sounds so hot.
I'm guessing 10k, I heard that's what goodgirlgrow makes
Even if it was 50k, she deserves every cent of it. Go and sub to her OF if you want content.
simp harder dude. She still wont fuck you
Simp harder dude. She still won't fuck you
Some video of mochii "Feed & Fuck", I lost the content that I had saved xp
can someone pls reupload?
Your penchant for gluttony is fucking hot.
Don't have this one, but
If anyone has the feed me fuck me or milkshake masturbate or any of the ones where she’s getting fucked that would be awesome

anything newly leaked in here or just reups of the stuff she's posted over the years?

That was a carbon copy of another mab.to that was uploaded about... maybe 3 weeks ago, and then linked on the volafile?

If you don't frequent volafile you may not have seen the "after stuffing soda bloat quickii", which is pretty great. But if you do then it's nothing new.
Bumping again for any sex content.
Is she still gaining? Seems like there hasn't been any updates in awhile
she looks bigger than ever in the clips4sale vid she posted yesterday ya donut
Needs more farts
neck yourself, gasfag

Sounds good. Just don't stop and never look back. You have great potential to expand you belly much much more.

So go for it and fight against the resistance of your belly. It have to expand much much more ... you can do it!! ;)

The recent pic is sooooo hot!!!

I just want some slob content. And Mochii is the only one delivering these days.

Best scenes are. she IS already full, but then starts shoveling another truckload of foot into the belly to make that finally get stretched out for good.

And best of all: so full, that she hardly can breath anymore. What can be better commitment tot he job than that? Don' know anyone capable to do that ;)!

I LOVE slob content, I try to do at least one really slobby video a month 😉(the cleanup is always awful though lol)
Now that Mochii qualifies for a free meal at the Heart Attack Grill, would be make for a nice video.

Right .. but NOT just only 1 normal meal ... when already there ake the chance and order 5 at once ;)! That belly must hurt terribly when leaving the restaurant ;))!
Maybe going there in a wheelchair is the best - at least when transporting that filled-up belly out of the restaurant ;))!
Damn simp harder bro
Anyone know her current weight?
pretty sure he's sure
t. Prof. of Numberology @ NASA

Never. In her posts she is still only fantasizing around to REACH 400 pounds (181,4 kg).

So right now, she is probably only somewhere in the 350 pounds region (157,8 kg)
I love watching Mochii and Chubby Chiquita almost race towards fatness. They're roughly the same size and growing at the same rate. Wonder who will get the biggest?
that's true but it seems like she lacks any self-control. She made plans to slow down at the last weigh-in and clearly she hasn't so its likely she may go past her goal of 400

I would even love to see her 500 pounds (226,8 kg). Her belly is so massive, that there is no movement at all to drop down ;).

She is pretty cool with the content of her clips. Totally love the nonsense she is sometimes doing there a lot ;)!
She was 329.8 lbs at the end of March
Looking cute, thanks for all your content and being a good sport.
Damn, even your face is getting so chunky.
what happened to her tumblr?

It’s still up, she must’ve blocked you
Jk it’s just renamed to mochifeedii now
You’re starting to enter into a whole new lev of fat. 😍
You know, that's a great idea--you've had many epic meals, and you should remake them. On their anniversary, preferably.
Looks like either it got taken down all of the sudden oooor... you underestimated the influx of people downloading

The latter, over 5,000 people tried to access it simultaneously 🙈

Working on a new method, it will be back up by tonight :)
Looking for Milkshake Masturbate, Pussy Play and Feed me fuck me. Anybody gottem?

Someone have the thanksgiving video btw?

Thanks for the freebie as always!

... and damn, you got a fuck machine? Hope we see more of that in the future
So uh… anyone got that new one with the fuck machine?
What's the point of this thread?, no one ever uploads new content
That's a fair observation. It's the paradox of this chan, the more popular a model is to her subs and the more reticent they are to share her content. You'll notice that a fair amount of paid material posted on this site comes from disgruntled customers and/or fed up with the model attitude.

Would be stupid to blame the lack of sharing in this thread on Mochii though, even if I can understand why some may find it a bother.

Yeah would be especially stupid when you consider that mochii herself is the one uploading freebies lol

I'm sorry, what? Look I'm not a fan of mochii content myself, but how is content defined for the chan? She literally uploads accessible videos on a regular basis, doesn't matter if it is old, because it is new from a public + high quality + non time capped (see MAB/WeTr) perspective. It only feels old coz she's gained significantly beyond that.

I see nothing overly wrong with the general direction of this thread, scat trolls or not. I wish we had this kind of activity on some of the other model threads.


Always uploading the same old stuff over and over again... Looks fantastic !!
(not !!)
a recent video got shared...means a free vid from last year is incoming to stop the wild behavior

That one worked, thanks!
Please for the love of god does anyone have the fuck machine one?
You just missed it, it was recently shared here 😂. But I don't have it, I'm not into that kinda stuff.

It completely wasn't, funneled & fucked is a much older video.
Mochii do you do customs?
(905 KB, 2049x2049, 4ECFC9B0-84BC-43BE-8685-F4479D72E64F.JPG)
This Monday's Free Throwback Video is available now!


(screenshot from my latest clip)


Nah I don't take custom requests currently. They tend to get way too specific for my tastes. However on my OF I have a monthly pinned post where you can give your video ideas and suggestions. I work hard to incorporate as many of those ideas as I can into my content!
well since your active in here, you could always take a poll and say something like if you were to take custom vids, what are some ideas you would want or some such. Gather the results. Put a $ on what your down to do and then thats you custom set with variance such as stuffing what, or slob play etc. That way the video would be more or less custom to the extent your comfortable. These monkeys will pay and you'll get to play. Win win.
Plus you can expand or contract what your willing to do as you go

>These monkeys will pay

You know we’re all here so we don’t have to pay, right?
You will if you want something bad eough lol. kindaa how life works. Since she wouldn't be doing this is dudes weren't buying here shit lol. kinda making money 101
I don't want any porn bad enough to pay and that's a promise brother
good thing you aren't indicitive of the market .Just because you wont doesn't mean people wont have you not been through some of these threads haha lol

What if she made a sumo video - training/eating montage, followed by wrestling progressively fatter opponents? Add some slow motion replays, it would be the greatest video ever. Then I bet you'd buy it.

That sounds cringe as fuck. There’s no way I’d pay for that. I just want to see this chick eat, gain weight, belch and fart. I don’t want her to be Rocky, motherfucker
Lmao this is why you don't do customs.
Cringy af, a ton of work and only a few people will actually like it. Not worth it at all
Bruh, sumo Mochii montage would be a cinematic masterpiece. Viral as fuck. No taste on this board.

Idk it just seems racist
This. Also she mentioned that she finds that association very uncomfortable, and I don't blame her
Unless it's one person padding themselves fatter each match this is a logistical nightmare. Where is she getting enough models who would want to do this, and how many people really want sumo play anyway? This is more proof against her doing customs if anything
kek mighty flexible for someone so fat tbh
You'd be surprised what you can muster with the internet and a couple hundred bucks. Let alone how many cross overs between models have we seen. I guarantee at the least other models are aware of her and if she went to their websites, went to contact, you work out a deal. Its business 101 lol. Assuming she wants to. From the sound and looks shes cool just making cheddar not building a empire.

>building an empire

I don't know man, you're literally the only person ITT who cares about this concept. One person buying a video for $14.99 is hardly building an empire.

Why are literally two of you so locked-on to this video idea? I'm even a weeb and this sounds fucking idiotic to organize and perform. She's a pornstar, not some kind of senior year film student.
I mean, she could rehash every fat girl video trope instead. It's been a hot minute since someone broke out the fucking machine.

That's actually pretty awesome, not gonna lie. But it's been done!

>But it's been done!

Why are you acting like her videos need to be original?? Literally circling back to my last comment, she's not a fucking film student.

How many porn scenes are truly original these days? Like... 0.01% of them? Who gives a single fuck? Making original content is so hard that she's literally just 1:1 remade three or four of her old videos already, at her larger size. And that's absolutely fine!

People who watch her content watch it for *her*. The original part of her videos is her *specific* body, and the exact way and rate it's growing. I'd much rather she keep churning out high-quality scenes than spend an agonizing time burning herself out on chasing a feature-length film school style porno.
Begging the mods to go back to deleting every non-video post in this thread.
So I caved and I subbed to her OF.

Fucking best $5 I ever spent.

Isn't it usually $10? Regardless... wanna share either fuck machine vid?
You just found out it's $5.00, and you're still asking for someone else to provide it?

Well I checked and it's not actually $5, it's $10 as I thought

Which isn't a crazy amount of money but I also don't even believe the previous person bought it
The problem is not the price, i dont wann to provide personal information like credit card etc… PaySafeCards are the way to go
her OF was on sale for 50% off recently. that's what >>60909 is talking about

anyway here's a new vid (not the cake one):

download it quick
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Happy Mochii Monday! I guess I should comment on a few of these things before I drop this week’s free throwback video 😅

In regards to custom videos:

As mentioned here, custom videos typically involve elaborate scenarios, acting, scripting and more editing work

And while some of them could be VERY lucrative for me (Blueberry, Vore etc.) I feel weird doing them because my feeder and I don’t personally have those kinks and I would feel fake and cringy pretending I did (even for a role-play)

My content is very much based in realism and bringing to life actual fantasies my partner and I have. In a way I’m only a “porn star” by its literal definition. I see myself more as a feedee that films her own fantasies

I’m not here to build an empire, I’m here to be active and express myself in a community I only lurked in for so long AND of course fund my increasingly hedonistic lifestyle 😊

In regards to sumo content:

Nothing against them or the kink, It’s just not my cup of tea and I don’t really enjoy being associated with it. So I will likely never make a video like that, sorry to disappoint 😮‍💨

In regards to content price:

I recently had a 50% off sale which is why my OF was $5. All 100 slots were bought though so it’s back to $10

Also for those of you that are wary about giving personal information that’s what my Patreon is for. It allows you to sub with PayPal and you can make your Patreon username whatever you want. 

Same exact content as OF and same price as well 😉

Alright on to the free video, hope you guys enjoy!


Fuck your social selling is good. If this porn star thing doesn't work out...

The bar is so low for sub-kink videos. Your production values could be genre defining. Literally break new ground in the fetish. Again. It'd be a hell of a contribution to the community.
I have always thought about this with regards to Mochii.

Why haven't more models actually put more effort into production and editing as Mochii has? It has been the same types of videos for years. A camera is set up on a tripod and a model will just eat whatever they can in one take and that's it. If I remember correctly from reading Mochii's Q&A, the videos take a while to make since she takes breaks and actually eats the entire meal. Also, the videos are shot from different angles thus giving a higher production value too.

Also one thing I noticed too is that because the videos are shot in multiple takes and throughout the day, it requires the videos to be edited in a certain way which is well done btw. I'll watch a video and there's an error and it will be left in. Like did anyone even watch this before it was even exported. I think models should hire an editor to prevent things like this from happening if they have the oversight to fix it.

What I'm trying to say is models should put more effort into their videos to put out a better final product. Thus making them more money. For a site like Big Cuties they certainly have the resources to make this happen but they make the most boring videos ever and they have been for years. A lot of models need to take a page from what Mochii is doing. Her and her feeder are killing it when it comes to making content. Not only because Mochii is eating a fuck ton of food and gaining a lot of weight, but because of the solid production value. I have a youtube channel where I make all of my videos myself. So from a creative standpoint it is kind of frustrating to watch the rest of the scene be lazy in that regard. The only other model that is in the same league as Mochii is Kittypiggy.
Wtf so much text, fucking autists ruining the board.
Are discussions not allowed?
at least post some actual content with your soapbox
Low key I will pay a couple hundos to watch a sumo bbw match. Like bruh could you imagine chloe and mochii fake wrestling… legitimately how could you not want to see that

It’s only a discussion if other people are involved. That right there? That’s autistic rambling.

Mochii's boyfriend (previously just "roommate") was already a professional-quality video editor. Most fat models are only good at eating and being fat at first, and only learn the tricks to video editing later (like Ivy/HotFattyGirl, got much better at camera work and editing later).

So, the answer isn't that they refuse to try, it's that they honestly can't. You're expecting too much of them.
at least post some actual content with your soapbox

I second that notion
New weigh in is on OF. Can anybody share the video/reveal her weight?
Beautiful Mochii, has been inspiration for my wife (Thai/ Filipino) to gain weight more rapidly.

I been encouraging her to do a OnlyFans or something similar as well but she is still quite shy.

We both enjoy seeing your content! :)

344.2lbs. Dunno why you guys are such sticklers for giving this out. And tbh for her size thats good and probably not gonna gain more.
Yeah she is far enough and shouldn't force herself to gain more. If it happens, great, but she's amazing as is and makes great content so she really doesn't need to
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Official number was 342.4 LBS

In the video I also take all my measurements and my gut maxes out my tape measure. Then I celebrate with more food 😏

Also, since the end of my "year of gluttony" I stopped 'actively' trying to gain weight. This growing appetite of mine is proving harder to control than I thought though 😅

I honestly wasn't gonna do another weigh in but I've been feeling much fatter lately and started to outgrow my 4XL clothes so I thought it was time to check in

At this point I am just eating what I want and enjoying being fat without worrying about packing on the pounds but they seem to come naturally regardless 😇

Yeah but, 400lbs tho 😏
Holy shit. you almost qualify for a free meal at heart attack grill.
Did you ever think you would go this far?
>Official number was 342.4 LBS

Mochii you are SO CLOSE to doubling your March 2020 weight, at the beginning of your public gaining career. Only 12 lbs away! I know you're not gaining intentionally, but since the gains just keep coming anyway, maybe you'll hit it by New Years? Or maybe in March again, at your 2-year anniversary.
you gotta do a full out pigstyle cake stuffing
Anyone got any morph pictures of her? Like she's incredible fat?
oops, completely forgot you did that! excited to know what this year’s birthday video will be though!
quite dissapointing number the weighin IMO, just 13 lbs in over 6 months... always happen the same. Girls like BBB919 gain at a high rate and then stop gaining o just let it happens without any effort taking years and years to gain 50 additional pounds. I think Mochii should try again to gain as fast as possible during another year, testing what happens when you gain like 150 lbs in a year when you're already overweight. That is actually a thing no bbw has tried before and not the "rapid gain from skinny to obese" that we already saw many times
You are literally insane shut the actual fuck up. She’s been very open about not pushing to gain and comments like yours are the real reason girls don’t gain “fast enough”, it’s never enough for some people. Mochii is a god tier model who gives back to the community, stop trying to shit where you eat you pissant
I guess you're unaware that she stated numerous times that she isn't intentionally trying to gain a rapid amount of weight due to her health problems. She's just gaining weight like regular people do.
Shut the fuck up weirdo
Boy, for a weight gain board y’all are pretty quick to jump on somebody suggesting that a model gain some weight. Calm down you fucking simps. She’s not going to fuck you.

Even the fart guys don’t get harassed that much.

Also looking for this video if anybody has it.
Fart guys together strong
>>62803 lol I think those messages are Mochii herself doing exactly what she has been sent: anonymous oppinions. Anyway I think what makes difference is gaining quickly in the range from 350 to 500. Nobody got it in less than 2-3 years... su yup, Mochii its just another rapid gainer from skinny to chubby and then nothing else. No matter the reason (health, laziness, getting bored...), just nothing else.
If you think she's just chubby then you severely need to get your eyes checked.
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>lol I think those messages are Mochii herself doing exactly what she has been sent: anonymous oppinions

why? people claim this in every thread and I just don't understand. do they seriously think every model cares enough to post sock puppet defences of themselves in anonymous bbwchan threads where people pirate their content?
Because nobody is ever going to do something just because some dude online begged for it. They’re going to gain or lose depending on their goals/lifestyle/apathy and no simp or critic is going to change it. It’s just cringey to ask describing “you should do my personal fantasy”. Hopefully the fickle mods clean up this dumb thread like how it always revolves into. And blah blah I know, this reply counts too

lol bro you have no idea how the ID system works here, huh. We can literally tell that you're the same person asking for that video twice. I'd actually post it if I had it, in part because I feel bad for you. But I don't.


It wasn't just that he hoped she gained weight lol. She's gotten so much "I hope your weight goes up even more uwu" both here and reddit and responds positively ("well I'm not gaining intentionally but I eat so much it just happens lol") but that person had literally the MOST incel way ever of trying to insist she gains weight for him.


You think she set up five different devices for this. Just to shit on an incel. You're almost as delusional as >>62760
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interrupting y'all's shit-flinging fest to post this terrible meme i just made
Has her 30,000 calorie stuffing been posted anywhere? Or is that too big of an ask?
acceptable interruption
This was very funny
That would just turn her on
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Wow this thread has spiraled again huh? lol

Obviously I know people are going to be disappointed I'm not gaining as rapidly as once was (I miss that time too) but I of course have to do what's best for me and my health and I've been nothing but transparent about it

This lifestyle and fetish turn me on IMMENSELY but eating and gaining like I did obviously had consequences that I deal with daily now. I don't regret it at all but that's just the reality of it

I do feel you can enjoy this fetish without it completely consuming your life, so while my rapid gain year was something I loved more than anything it's likely not something I'd ever do again for the sake of my general well being

That being said, I'm still out here over indulging, having fun making fetish content and enjoying my size! (That still continues to grow, albeit at a slower pace)

If you're into that, awesome! If not, I'm not gonna try to win you over with alt accounts, trust me 😅

ANYWAY speaking of the past, let's drop that free throwback of the week shall we? Hope you all have a good week!

(8 KB, 288x240, smug.jpg)
pfft, this is obviously a mochii alt to try and manipulate the conversation, you were really sloppy about hiding it too. I first grew suspicious when you used the name "Mochii Babii" to make your post (obviously slipped up due to the huge amount of alting you do here and you slipped up hard), and this being an alt was confirmed when you uploaded your "pirated" content from your own pornhub account!

FYI a *real* *anonymous* chad wouldn't speak as Mochii Babii in the first person either, but that could've just been a simple mistake. Most people aren't as good at grammatical persons as me
tl;dr it's the jews
And here I thought it was the jawns
(117 KB, 900x900, 6f43005ddb7c475dbb32326d5af0cee1e8fb266463150e1eba16e4cfe699aad1.jpg)
these damn models using alts to manipulate the conversation. look at mochii here trying to invalidate my sleuthing by implying I need to be medicated.

btw Mochii can you please do a Yo Mama roleplay set where your bf is brody foxx and you are the fat mama. it hasn't been done before because it's "high concept" but you have the production values to pull it off
This dude is simping hard for mochii. Acting like they’re part of some inside joke and trolling everyone else to stick up for her. Big cringe
sugar does have a lot of health consequences.
have you tried lowering sugar to a minimum and then eating a fuckload of fat? heavy cream by the gallon, sticks of butter, coconut oil, etc?
would you do an experiment gaining weight eating fat and not sugar?
what the fuck does it even matter
getting fat isn't healthy no matter what u consume to get fat
>noooo nooo you can't just be weird! you have to be normal like me!
She has posted no new content in 2+ weeks and her online presence has practically disappeared after a year and a bit of consistency

me thinks she may have had a health scare and is reevaluating this lifestyle.
I think she's just fat and lazy now.

Anyway, time to start posting vids.

Anyone have her doctor visit or family visit vids? What about the more recent fuck vid?
she just posted, prolly took a break.
they way y'all just be wrong loudly but you dont pay for content so you don't know
she's not gonna fuck you, pal
(620 KB, 1536x2048, F0D65E02-40DB-40A6-A179-4AC8A753D7F6.JPG)

I took a break lol, my feeder and I have been putting out multiple quality videos a week for 1.5 years consistently...it can be tiring even if you enjoy it and it's good to step back and refresh

I also communicated this break on every single one of my platforms in advance. We are both back on our normal content schedule as of this week ♥️

Also, enjoy this week's free throwback: It's still under review as of posting but it should be up soon!

trading is against the rules my friend. Either post your content or stay quiet.
Instead, how about I just post it in hopes of inspiring others to contribute? This thread has sucked since the last time content was shared anyways... I'll follow up with a comparison video later

Brunch Binge Comparison Remake
video file was corrupt
What a mensch. Thanks for this one, anon.
God damn, you were huge even then

Really amazing share, thanks
>to make it up to everyone I posted TWO videos
>the second one is just the last video to be shared in the thread
what a 'crazy' coincidence. you don't even bother to pretend this isn't just a blatant advertising thread anymore.
Does anyone have "Fucked in My Filth 30K Calorie Aftermath"? Thnx guys
you fucking retard, I shared that video before she posted it here, not her.

take your conspiracy shit elsewhere. and why don't YOU share something new if you are so bothered by the advertising?

self promotion isn't against the rules as long as you bring the goods. these aren't previews, it's full content. she delivers, and so she can do it.
Has anyone the video on wetransfer?
Does anyone have "Fucked in My Filth 30K Calorie Aftermath"?

Sorry, didn't noticed it! Huge thnx guys
ALL 4 30K calorie aftermath full version plus other stuff >>66535
never saw a file share that large before
oh I have a different id, weird; but yeah I was the guy who replied with 😳
There was a video on Pornhub about a week ago called something like "Fat Gut Crushes You" where she is with a guy POV style and she's talking about how heavy she is and he still wants her on top and feeds her more. Now I can't find it anymore.

Anyone have this? It's just about the most on-point roleplay for my fetish that I've ever seen. I like when girls are worried that they're too fat for you / being too much of a pig, and you reassure them that they look sexy as fuck and tempt them into eating even more.
Holy shit.I don’t think I’ve seen your stomach bigger than that before.
Can anyone get her princess video
What's her latest weigh-in?
She can't be less than 300 lbs at this point
She weighed 342lbs 2 months ago.
She could be 350 by year's end - if she isn't already
If she wanted to she probably could have been 400 by now. Eating for max calories like her first month instead of for the fun of gluttony and short mobility walks she does now.
looking forward to her hitting 400lbs, don’t know if she will ever make it to 500 given she is quite short but I can dream…
Ok guys to get this thread going again, imma drop this


It’s a link to an archive I made with a bunch of stuff

In return I would be EXTREMELY grateful if someone could post her most recent video, the thanksgiving whole turkey stuffing, or the nude cake stuffing video
First off thank you champ, second does anyone know where she’s been for the past month??
She’s ok vacation for the holidays going between her and her boyfriends families. She’ll be back after the new year
Why it doesn’t work?
Hopefully she filmed some reactions from family members of something
We need a fart compilation imo
Your opinion is shit imo

If you don’t like farts, don’t watch Mochii videos my dude. She rips ass often.
agreed, this guys a certified nigger

Huh no she doesn’t
Yeah, She doesn't do it often. Plus in her descriptions, she lists what the videos will include so she notes in which videos she does fart.

Cool. So the guys who don’t like farts don’t have to watch the fart videos. Where’s the problem?
To give you my thanks i uploaded the Thanksgiving one.
What a legend, thanks and happy new year
What a legend, thanks

She literally doesn't have "fart videos" you worthless moronic fuck. She has a few videos in which she farts one or two times because she can't help it.

And most of us aren't going out of our way to avoid it, we just don't seek them out like your autistic scat ass fucking shitbrain does.


Thanks man! The archive above only contained vids I have seen but I haven't seen this one uploaded :)
>She literally doesn't have "fart videos" you worthless moronic fuck. She has a few videos in which she farts one or two times because she can't help it.

Yes. And hence why I would like a compilation of all those moments. Learn to read, retard


And before you say it, yes it is weirder and worse than liking fat girls and feeding.
there's just no way you're on this feederism site judging someone who likes farts. fuck outta here
No like I said, farting is objectively worse. fuck off yourself scat loving freak
farting never gave anyone atherosclerosis though, did it? ask a random person, they'd say both are weird but farting is definitely not the more extreme
Now hold on, as someone who is actually into scat I would like to clarify that there is a difference between being into scat and farts.
Only my weird fetish is ok! Fuck you for being into any other weird shit you fucking degenerate!!! I should know cuz I'm super self aware!
Ik this is a mochi thread and all that but I wish I had a more socially acceptable fetish I’m embarrassed to tell anyone that I have this fetish. How do you guys cope with? Do some of us just keep this in the closet our whole lives? Were significant others ever turned off by this kink?
>mochii on vacation
>thread devolves to literal shit
About right.
I will just hide it, i dont have the urge to practice it or something, i mean maybe i do but i know i cant so, talking about feederism tho

just date fat girls, no one ever needs to know.
Im an incel anyway so nobody knows.
Bro. Just embrace it. Yeah, you'll be made fun of it from time to time. But in reality, nobody either cares or is just indifferent to it.
Turns out you can just date fat girls and you’ll be happy

You’re waaaay overthinking how much everyone else cares about who you date
Lol yeah, tell a fat girl you're sexually attracted to fat. See what happens 8/10 times.
It's not like dating fat girls is some obscure thing to do. There's loads of fat people out there and I've seen loads of fat girls in relationships.

As for myself, I met my ex on WooPlus and I was just up front about liking bigger girls.

Family and friends were supportive and I never had any bad remarks from anyone. Honestly, people won't care as much as you think.
the self-flagellating thread is in /gen
Wow, you were right. This thread is better with no moderation.

some girls do this weird thing where it's weird if you like them because they're fat, it's equality weird if you're willing to date them despite they are fat, and also complain about being fat, then spend hours whining about it instead of doing something productive like losing weight or rolling over me like a living waterbed.
Please can a super cool anon upload the princess video
Fat women like this are no fun, if you encounter one run the other direction.

Super cool! Gracias!
This thread has been getting decent lately. Does anybody have the All Fours Fucking Machine Cake Stufing/The Burger Bondage Try On Videos?

Heres a Quickii + some other stuff I have in return aHR0cHM6Ly9waG90b3MuYXBwLmdvby5nbC9xVlNQYzhaYmprdkVrTEZFOQ==
Bound and Bloated* Not Burger Bondage
I'll throw something here since to keep the giving going (though it's already been dropped here once) I'm personally looking for Netflix & Binge if anyone cares to share

seconded, holy shit. those look/sound amazing
dunno if mochii has abandoned us or not. but she will forever be one of the GOATs

shes gone my nigga
If you come out from under your rock and check where she posts actual updates she said she's on break. It's not even been a month yet, calm your tits
>it hasnt even been a month
>40 days since her last post
Yeah she really cares about her thread so much and doesn't just use it for free advertising at all.
Nigga this is a thread where we share clips relax
I think it's past time someone shared the Thanksgiving slob clip, don't you?
She said she was gunna be posting to her OF again around the 15th.
On curvage she said the first week of January. Maybe her parents put her in rehab for food addiction since I assume she's still on their insurance.
She announced a month ago that she was going to take a month off from making content, and come back in January. I know most coom brainers assume there is no effort involved in making good content, but honestly I wish more models would take a content-making break every so often instead of burning out 18 months in

Yeah, I do, too.

(97 KB, 622x830, IMG_2305.jpeg)

Thanks friend, having a pretty shitty January and you made my day.
How do I use the link I tried decoding it but it didn't work?
>Check where she posts actual updates
Her latest post on tumblr and curvage is December 13th. No creator with a brain makes this place a priority. Sorry you aren't given enough attention and never learned to read, I guess? I'd upload something to make it up to you but everything I have she's now made free
We got a new vid on OF

Have a look at the first result before you copy paste it.
How is it? (Please say fatter, please say fatter…)
Reup by chance?
She is absolutely insane and I love it
Any idea as to why whenever I play a video it pauses constantly?
Anyone got the sprite banana video?
This girl has had a legendary gain, it’s a shame she’s so underrated by so many people
Just found out and wanted to share that some off her stuff has been posted on coomer.party

Asking again for any of this stuff, specifically the all fours cake machine one

Also if anybody wants to post on her coomer.party that’d be awesome too
forget it, found a way
Share the knowledge brother

jdownloader2 handles it easily, presumably also some f12 based magic would work also
For any video online u can always hop into f12 and find the file under network
(164 KB, 500x376, 1449785532721.png)
>found the fix :)
>[Thread Closed]
why it is faster to get this fatter at skinny fat than fat fat? i have bitch's fatter but am not geting them fatter like this bitch got fatter but my bitch's started fatter than this bitch is fat now but this bitch fatter is not as fatter as it is now
does anyone have Too fat for jeans POV try on?
That is such a great angle
Oh my gawd.

I just wanna stuff her full of weight gainer and sausage.
Can someone upload this video? I have the 30k stuffing in exchange?

I think she posted that it was removed for NSFW policy breaches.
(673 KB, 1536x2049, IMG_2780.jpeg)

Yup, they banned me. As convenient as the site was, redoing it all again on a different platform is just not worth the hassle or cost 😥

The link below is now the easiest place to see everywhere I'm uploading ❤️

Has she actually gained weight since her break? She looks bigger in her latest two videos but I’m not sure.
Can someone upload that latest video

Fart compilation please
Is there a link to the Q+A she did anywhere? Not the video, just the typed out one.

I'll give you credit for releasing these free videos for people. Great work.
Does anyone have her belly button play video?
Please fucking no

Was a bunch of stuff just removed from your Pornhub account?
Any new stuff?
> Building good will

Honestly, I like the approach. I've been trying to figure out how to dip my toes into producing paid content and just haven't known how to do it.

What's your advice for someone new who already just posts for fun?
Quick notes from guides I've seen before. 1. Be regular in posting (once a week for example) especially when starting out so people don't forget you. 2.Have a good amount of content ready to start with. 3. Don't expect to become a well known name immediately, that rarely happens.
> have a good amount of content ready to start with

Ah, this is where I've been screwing up

For awhile I was trying to take a daily new pic and just burned myself out
anyone has the recent outgrown clothes try-on?
Woah, you are looking massive! It's amazing what you achieved in just 2 years, though a weigh in update would be nice too lol
Anyone got the new video? Can send stuff in return
Will there be a challenge like last year to eat 40,000 kcl? This time 50k?
Why not go for 100k?
she's not gaining anymore...
Learn to read fgt
Honestly even if she did, doesn't matter too much. Very cute, total sweetheart, plus once a girl gets fat it's very hard to hit reverse on that. Fighting biology at that point
I will trade layla videos in exchange for mochii’s new one.
How about I trade you a noose?
You do realize that she just dropped a new video?
anyone got this vid?
Sharing is caring:


For best viewing experience, I personally recommend watching one of the videos from her original 30 day stuffing challenge in March 2020 and then watching this new one. She has gotten absolutely immense.
Maybe it’s just cause I’m a fucking idiot but it’s not working for me
I know she's slowed down for health reasons, but since she's still slowly and steadily gaining, I think it would be so hot if she just decided to say fuck it and do a 'road to 400' series where she would just commit to gaining like she did in her past challenges. Even if she quit modelling right after to lose weight, that final video weighing in would be the perfect end to an already incredible journey.
It expired
Is this a reupload of the last transfer?
You didn't get this from me!

Anyone have the fucking machine vid?
bless u based anon
Any chance a brother can get a reup on that?
Is anyone going to update her coomer party?
For me it looks like she has lost some weight in her latest.
As sad as it is to say, I think her days of rapid gaining are over - content is slower to come out now, I think she will stay the same size or start to lose weight now.

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