
(1.0 MB, 615x771, fat_reiina.PNG)
Does Anyone have some new video of her?
She starter to become very soft and chubby.


In return a vieo of GGG
All that new Ero-Hime stuff would be great, alas
i wish she didnt get so much plastic surgery
Her ass is definitely getting nice and rounder
Her old stuffing session from 2 years ago was amazing, but now she looks like a totally different person. Her face isn't attractive anymore.
well if anyone has any of her newer vids, here's '2 Enemas and Deep Anal Practice' from earlier this month
fucks sake here it is YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MGJDOTBMV1ZxYWt4U1IyUnRWVTA9
i'd like to see her gaining goals

Its crazy how she can go up and down in weight.
i think she blamed her fast weight gain because she fucked up her metabolism
let's if she commits and keeps gaining while keeping it on
does anyone have her latest content
she's been back at it for at least half a year
Slow mo jiggle with ero-hime (not actual slow-mo though, just slowed down regular video)
Body dysmorphia and eating disorder. Sucks for her but I'll still fap to her body, cause I'm a soulless bastard. Besides there's no contest she's healthier now than she was at 80 pounds.

She gained more in 6 months than GGG in her whole career. Gotta give it to her, when she's commited she can pack.
any new stuff?
Is she gone again? she hasn't posted anything since may
She posts all the time on OF.
was thinking that myself, glad to be wrong if she's posting daily. From the looks of it, she hasn't given up, hoping she surpasses her highest weight and keeps going

I do believe as of right now she has surpassed her previous high point.

Think she is just above 180 now.
fuck she's looking good. she got OF?
Yup, I'm pretty sure she streams on there, I'd probably invest into it
yea I found it 2 seconds after asking, totally worth it. She is already past 180 and looks amazing🤤, especially stuffed full
If her OF is regular price and you don't want to pay that just wait cuz she's always doing 50% off deals
Any good soul willing to post a weigh in?
I don’t have anything all that new and over half of it is her old stuff but It’s stuff for anyone looking.

Double wrapped

Thanks! How recent is this?
(1.3 MB, 1450x943, reiinapop.png)
Yeah she stuffed from 186 to 196 in a day like last week or something
(85 KB, 506x939, reiina.JPG)
Here's before and after overlay I did of her for the past 10 month weight gain
I just can’t do this shit again lol I just can’t
anyone do any customs with her? $150 is a bit much with no idea how long they are or anything like that.

some serial killer type shit
Bit the bullet and her onlyfans is def worth it. Tons of content with like hundreds of videos of her. Most are from the last few months when she really started packing it on.
Please upload something, I’m really poor at the moment

Back of the line pal, most people here are poor and or just cheap.
Does anybody know a way to see only fans without an account or stuff like that?
goddamn her face looks so much better when she’s this heavy
Could be her lipstick but looks like her lips fillers are wearing off. I'm not complaining.
Oh fuck that leg shake at 9:06, she's turned on by her gain. Hot.
can you use those download codes on mobile? how?
Holly fucking shit SHE IS AMAZING!
anyone got any of her live streams

where is she posting this stuff?
OF, she posts fairly often too

Yep, and her OF is worth it.
Sorry, im a bit late. Could i please get a reup of one of those video files?

Here is one of my best videos (Laura fatty force feed) in return.


(Its still currently uploading, so give it time please.)
Sorry, I'm a bit late. Could I please get a re-up? In return, here is one of my best videos (Laura Fatty Force Feeding)


(It's still uploading so please give it time.)

Sorry for the duplicate, my wifi adapter is bugging out lmao
Anyone have her vid with Erohime, normal speed?
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oh.....someone have new OF or live stream?
Pretty sure this chick is pregnant and not 'packing it on'. Her pubic area near her lower stomach is thickening up.
I don't think she is pregnant, just bloated
Did you think this area was going to stay thin as she gained weight...? I'm confused...its a normal part to fatten up.
Wish I hadn't clicked on this thread. This is going to give me nightmares.
she's been fucking creepy ever since she got that treatment to look like a bimbo
Seriously, you never heard about a fupa?
She's not knocked up. Her nipples would be dark as fuck if she were. She's just a belly stuffer who hasn't hit the my fats to fat to not sag yet so she rocks the pot belly look.

I fapped so much to Reiina before she got really popular and had all the surgeries and shit. She took a running jump into the uncanny valley imo
if she were actually pregnant id subscribe immediately because I'm sure her pregnancy would be amazing.
Her OF any good? She's running a sale at the moment
Idk how about you sub so something actually gets posted in this thread?

She seems like the one to disappear before she gets big.
you're probably right. it seems most of the models do that these days.

she should totally do some videos pretending a pregnancy with some loud burping. does she do customs?
She was running one, it must have ended after I made that post because she was charging $10 for 30 days.

Hard disks nearly full, didn't know where to put this one

Dude there is a GGG thread. I got baited -_-
Where? Seems to have been nuked.
Where? It seems to be gone :(
is she still gaining? Still waiting for her to way noticeably surpass her peak weight

She’s still gaining and has passed her peak from last time.
Anyone have some force feeding vids of her
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fuck force feeding, how about we get some actual current vids?
reup pls? it's not working?
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Her OF is the only one I think is worth it just because of how often she uploads. Her gain has really slowed down as she’s getting closer to 200 but her stuffing videos are hot as fuck.
You have any vids?
I completely agree, her OF is well worth it. It seems like she live streams every other day.

Every time it is brought up she claims her goal weight is 200 lbs, but she's at 200 lbs... so I guess she is done gaining? Tragic if that is the case. I was hoping for 250 or 300 lbs. She is still hot AF though.
If she keeps stuffing her face she will still gain even without a goal, if slower. I would be curious to see her at 250, but higher not really. In my opinion it's a waste for girls with good proportions to turn into complete slobs. Completely subjective opinion of course.

She talked a bit about her eating disorder on her tumblr, would be interested in knowing how was her mental state while she was going back and forth between it and her fetish.
Alright, I took the plunge for all my fellow freeloaders and suscribed to Reiinapop OnlyFans for 1 month. Here is my detailed review.

Let's start with OnlyFans:
Interface is garbage, it's more or less a copypaste of Twitter. Clearly designed for phones. The search function is ass, and having to constantly scroll down to get to the old content is a dreadful experience. Also their servers are awfully slow when it comes to read videos (weirdly enough they're not at all when it comes to scrapping). Reiina herself commented on how bad they are, as some of her streams vanished into thin air because of them.

Now about Reiina:
For all the grumpy anons who like me were complaining about how plastic her face looked, there are good news. She calmed down on the lips filler in the recent months, although it's still there. Also since her face got rounder it looks more natural. All in all I'd say at this point it's not detrimental to fappability except for all natural obsessed freaks (and she has breasts implants anyway so it's not like this would change anything for them).
At 200 pounds her body is smoking, she has one of the best weight repartitions I saw in the community. Slimmer upper body, round belly and lots of thighs and ass. And of course nice tits, but they're fake so it goes without saying. Now I'm not a huge fan of ink, crazy hair colors and makeup, but I easily ignored it with her curves.

As for the content:
I get now why so little is shared. She has excellent material in there, but it's almost exclusively 1-2 hours livestreams. Most of the time she does a huge stuffing naked and then she masturbates. Now a lot of that stuff is going to immediately enter in my top 10 favorites, but uploading them would be an absolute pain in the ass. Most of the remaining posts are either pics (not bad but eh) or 10 seconds teasers. There are fetishs I didn't really care about in the videos like inflation, vore, burping or whatever exotic thing you can think of, but it's a decent mix so I just skipped what I wasn't interested in.

It's not all perfect though, don't go thinking I'm going full simp.
First it's a weird critic to have, but her body is too hot for collabs. Everytime I watched one of her collab videos the other girl was just distracting me from fapping. I ended scrapping none of them. If Candi Kayne was still in the bizz she would probably be the perfect fit for her (not that she would ever do one), but at the moment I don't see a ton of other girls who have curves nice enough to measure. I know some people in there mostly care about the fat though, so for them it's probably all good.
Then the second point of contention is consistency. February, March and April, snatched a bunch of content. May and June, nothing. July, grabbed stuff again. I suspect she did a lot of collabs in May and June and that's why I ended with zero videos downloaded from these months, but I'm too lazy to check (because of OnlyFans garbage interface again). Still it may be a bit concerning?

Anyway my verdict:
If you never suscribed to her, it's definitively worth coughing out a month worth of subscription to scrap all the livestreams. Is it worth a 6 months subscription though? If she keeps the same quality than in the recent weeks, definitively; it's not a guarantee though. Caveat emptor.

Now don't go full rage mode after reading my excruciatingly long essay, there are a few shorter videos in the bunch that are worth sharing. I'm not done scrapping and renaming everything though, so you'll have to wait a few days (or a few hours if I find the time tomorrow) for an upload link.

Also for all the people complaining about her previously quitting the community, she had a long bout of anorexia (anyone with half a brain already figured that one out), so don't be a dick. And if you like her content, send some cash her way. Food ain't cheap.

And yeah, I'm one of these morons who pirate videogames and buy them when they like them. Big fucking deal.
Was about to tell you that no-one cared what you had to say once I saw that you dropped a full novel into the thread, but this is actually really useful. I'll think about getting her OF, thanks man :D

Formerly subscribed to her, strong agree on all of this, especially the lip part; now that she's sitting around 200 her lips look way better IMO.
reina asked for video ideas on her onlyfans last week - what kind of content should she make more of?
I'm subbed to her OF and yeah it's worth it I'd say. Her ass is definitely getting more bigger and better especially as of recent
Can someone please post some of her recent stuff?
I wasted enough space in the thread by myself, don't waste more on top you dilmwit.

I found two videos worth sharing. Not much but I'm picky, and most of her shorts date from her crazy lips filler time at the beginning of the year. Probably wouldn't hurt sharing one of her livestreams too but I'm feeling in a simping mood right now, so maybe later. Ended keeping eight of them 1-2 hours long each, a good deal for twenty bucks. Would have been much more if I had any interest in her collabs.

you should've waited for it to go on sale, but ye still worth it
Don't worry fellow anon, I got it on the last day of the sale :P
When I say it's a good deal for twenty bucks, it's for the people going after me.
>There are fetishs I didn't really care about in the videos like inflation, vore, burping or whatever exotic thing you can think of, but it's a decent mix so I just skipped what I wasn't interested in.
Would you mind uploading some of her vore stuff?

can we get like 5 more? :)

I don't get what is so hard about uploading 1or2 hour livestream content, I do it all the time (other threads). Yeah, no one fucking likes it. they don't appreciate it at all (because 90% of the video is boring).... but ....

A) it's easy for me to do

B) haven't people on this chan heard of seeking to the good part of the video before? I guess not!
Enjoy it while it lasts, if it's anything like last time she'll lose it all in a matter of months. I suspect she started on the gainz again because her OF popularity was declining after she went way too overboard with the plastic surgery / lip fillers / bimbo nonsense
I think I'll share the rest when she gets out of the fetish again. Seems fair enough for her and the community. Balanced approach and all.

I have asymmetric dl/ul, so uploading a 2go file takes a while and when it crashes I have to start all over again. And as previously mentioned, I'm lazy.
Also I don't know for other girls but her livestreams are more 80% good than 80% boring. She quickly gets naked and she's not exactly nibbling on the food, so it's nice content. Of course when it comes to pure gluttony she's no match to Mochii, but not many girls are, if any.

Nah, it's the kickback from her anorexia that pushed her back into the whole weight gain thing. In the first livestreams of her rebound it was obvious, she was crazy obsessed with stuffing her face (which was incredibly hot for a pervert like me and would be somewhat disturbing for a normie). When it eventually calms down she'll lose back to mildly chubby or athletic (if she's lucky) or skinny (if her ED comes back). I had mild anorexia so I know from experience, she's just having a much more extreme form than I did. The chances that like Mochii she would commit to the fetish long term are pretty slim.
The whole bimbo thing is because of her body image issues. Always especially annoying when it hits hot girls who have no reason to have them, but what can you do.

Less than 2 minutes but better than nothing. This one is fine, but the rest of the vore content has too much lips filler. I can't grab more that's against my porn ethics :P
For me the more stuffing the best really, and masturbation while she's pigging out is the cherry on top.
The inflation stuff could be posted on the inflation board of hers.
Sorry mate, I'm not going to download material I'm not interested in. I did an exception for these vore shorts cause I really liked her redhead look. I have to use the inspector to get all these videos (not on chrome so no onlyfans add-on), and it's really fucking tedious.
how do you use that????? D:
im assuming this is only to download everything off of an onlyfans that your already subscribed to?
I made a comment in a thread in /gen/, post number is >6896 it details how to install the scraper and how to use it.

Correction, it downloads everything from a model you’re currently subscribed to. As long as you have access you can download it.
Knew about that one but I suck at reading code and I'm paranoid, so I'm not installing anything using my login informations.
We've been rambling about her facial surgery for months, you're beating a dead horse. Fillers aren't permanent, can only hope she stops using them.
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Now I don't mean to be a dick to the other girl (even if I'm still going to be), but these pictures are good examples of why I don't like her collabs. I mean, whose body do you think I would rather fap to? And they're all like that. Wish there was more bbw with great curves in the biz for her to collab with.
She seems to like doing them though, so good for her I guess.
(200 KB, 1200x930, hacking noises.JPG)
Ah, I see. Well if you want to tediously download stuff from OnlyFans be my guest but know you cannot complain about it since you knowingly ignore the efficient method.

For anyone interested here is what the scraper does:
The scraper is a bot, a bot designed to download content in bulk on your behalf. The bot does this by using your username, session cookie, and user agent so it pretend to be you while accessing OnlyFans. We all know what usernames are but what are session cookies? A temporary file created by your web browser, it is stored on your computer it is used (in this case) as a form of credential for OnlyFans so it knows who you are while your browsing the website. Good yo know, now what is a user agent? Software that helps a user browse the internet, the most prominent examples of a user agent is a web browser.
With all that said when you run the scraper here is what happens:
OnlyFans: “Who are you?”
Bot: “I am ‘dicklorde128’”
OnlyFans: “Proof?”
Bot: “Here is my session cookie and user agent.”
OnlyFans: “Okay.”
Bot: “I would like to download all images and videos from luxurynoir.”
OnlyFans: “Okay.”
The IT staff at OnlyFans aren’t dumb they know you’re running a bot (because the bot is requesting stuff really fast – far faster than what a human is capable of doing), downloading content isn’t illegal but OnlyFans doesn’t condone it either so they’re in an arms race against the programmers at GitHub to make it difficult to use bots. Though I am not a programmer helping with the project I do want to spread the word of this project because it’s easy to use, the most amount of work you’ll have to do is to update your session cookie and user agent every once in a while (otherwise the bot cannot access OnlyFans). If you don’t want to use it because command-line command UI looks spooky and/or you’re paranoid then be my guest. Just know I’ll laugh at you as you tediously download files individually.
Cool, now I know how it works. I still won't use it though, and I'll keep ranting, because:
1. it's a manageable inconvenience, like taking the stairs rather than the elevator.
2. I like to rant, it gives me an excuse to write more shit. If you read my 1 million words review I posted earlier in the thread, good chances you figured that one.
3. I'm still paranoid, I'm still no good at code, and to me you're just a shady anon on a fetish chan. Risk may be 0.001%, but why take any at all? (See point 1 and 2).

All my blessings to anyone else willing to use it though.
based reviewanon this was a good read
Anon, I know you’re technologically illiterate, it’s okay. I cannot convince you because feelings > facts and that is a battle I cannot win.
Based autistic anon
Hol up

>aversion to code
>paragraphs upon paragraphs of eloquent text

Marfan is that you?
Personally, I think she needs more content with a dick in her. Here's an old one I like very much.

The fucking master !!!!!

Or more realistically, the porn section of your favorite chan.

Marfan like the marfan syndrome? Seems completely unrelated, so I assume no.
I don't know any marfan.

That's from today, for anyone curious about her current figure.

There's a funny contrast between here where we have anons complaining reiina isn't willing to gain enough, and in GGG thread where anons rant the girl overpromised. Gonna give it to reiina, at least she's not bullshitting anyone on her target goal. Admitedly with such a thick ass, she can probably afford to be more forthright than other girls.

are you me?

although kudos if you wrote a better guide than me that anyone actually wants to read :) Also my guide is SLIGHTLY outdated (the tool is only easier to use though)

it doesn't use your login information. it uses your login cookie information. so it acts as if you logged in, but without being told your password. it instead uses the information the website feeds back to you after you would've given the website your password normally.

it gives the tool exactly as much control over your onlyfans account, but it doesn't risk your password being stolen for cross dictionary purposes. (if somehow that was your only concern)...

my settings file quote:

"email": "",
"password": "",

because it asks instead only for your cookie information.

sorry if I seem to be piling on, I'm writing this nonsense for the benefit of random anon12439 who might be interested in an onlyfans scrapper, and also of course, because the other guy making this argument... I can't actually find his guide, and if it's better than mine, i'll start linking to his guide instead of mine in other random threads too.
>Actual useful informations

Thank you, now that's more convincing. Of course I already scraped all I was interested in so I'm not going to use it on her OF, but that will be useful for other potential subscriptions.
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It's actually a comment in that thread, just scroll down, you'll see it, same post number >6896. I made my guide to be as detailed as possible, a part of me wanted to remake the guide in a form of an image since some people need visual aid to understand what to do.

Well to be more accurate when you give the scraper uses your session cookie to "sign in" it has access to the same information as you would when you sign in, it can see that you have a card saved to your OnlyFans account but it can only see the last 4 digits, it cannot see the whole card number and security number, when you sign into OnlyFans you cannot see it either. It can see your email address because you can too, it could change your email address then change your password but again as far as I can tell there is nothing in the source code that indicates that it will do that.

>actual useful information
I fucking hate people, I explain a concept to people and they sit there not understanding a single damn thing I said but when someone else explains the same concept in a different manner and it just clicks with them. I don't even know why I'm in IT when this shit keeps happening.
You explain like a teacher giving third year classes to first year students. When someone doesn't know anything about a subject, you start teaching them the basics.

Glad you enjoyed the read.

On a side not I ended keeping a few more teasers. Usually I don't grab stuff less than two minutes long but I did a few exceptions.


As I mentioned earlier I'll share the longer content when she retires of the fetish. If she was doing garbage I wouldn't mind sharing everything but I was pleasantly surprised with her material, so I'd rather not poison the well.
Now that's just my personal practical ethics, I'm not judging whatever others do.
Sorry mate, looks like no one is sharing the heavy stuff for now. You'll have to be patient.

Alright, I said I would hold off but that one is really short and from last year, so a last one for the road.

it’d be so hot if they redid this pic in a few years with them all at or near SSBBW status
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Her feeder has been doing a solid job.
America really is beautiful
America really is beautiful
Any new OF content?
I will be extremely disappointed if she doesn't do a vore video at her current weight
that might happen for kayla. I seriously doubt it'll happen for reiina. aren't people swearing she's going to quit any time now?
Old and new.

That subscription is leaving a sour taste in my mouth. She's becoming enormous and her body is fantastic, but saying she's in a bad place is an understatement. It's the first time in my life I felt guilty fapping to fat porn, and god knows I watched my fair share of girls with issues. I hope she turns things around. Still worth joining, if for the old material alone.
I thought she was going to, but her feeder is a pred. I hope for her she does quit, because if she don't things are going to turn real ugly for her.
what do yall mean? she seems happy in her pictures.
Fuck the gossiping in this community is outrageous. Unless you know these girls personally, just stfu. Y'all know better than to take some third hand shit you read on Feabie as gospel.
called it - even if the simps on this thread constantly deny it 🙄

Make the most of it guys, 6 months time she'll be 100lbs lighter and sperging out on the bimbo shit again
what are you guys talking about? you're talking all this bad stuff about her feeder and that she's going to quit soon, where are you getting this? she seems legitimately happy in most pics and videos I have seen.
Just sub to her and compare her livestreams from 5-6 months ago to the last two months and come back to tell me how fucking happy she is now.

How the fuck do you think I know dimwit, I talked to the girl. In case you didn't figure it out yet that chan is full of preds. I'll let you do the maths. She went through so much shit though, in her case I legit feel sorry for her.

A good oldie
im not about to drop $20 to compare attitudes. sorry. I'm dropping money to fap not be depressed. thats why I was asking you since you know. you said you talked to her, please spill. all I see is what she posts. and what is this about her being with a pred? I seriously doubt ill get that info even if I sub.
She seems happy in her videos too, this guy is just talking out of his ass.
My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with a girl who saw Harold D. Reiinapop pass-out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious.
No idea what this guy is going on about, I’ve subbed for awhile and she’s happy in her streams and saying she loves the weight and still feels great in messages. Says her feeder wants her to go for 300.
Derail more please.

Bah I'll spill it since I'm on my way out anyway. She got gaslighted. She's all "my feeder loves my curves and makes me loved" and shit. She's not gaining for herself, she's gaining for him.

>>Says her feeder wants her to go for 300.
You don't notice ANYTHING bizarre here? ANYTHING?

Now we see the legit simps. She's powering through on weed and wine. If you don't see it you're fucking blind. Even her acting got atrocious. Her solo livestreams quality went from a 9 to a 2. Perhaps if you weren't so busy fapping at her fat you'd see it. She's not happy, she's numb as fuck.

And forget what I said before, if you're responsible customers don't sub. I don't care if she's seen shit, it's her work. She has enough money for a therapist.
look bish I'm here to fap, I could care less about all this drama. I seriously feel like there should should be a separate sub for off topic discussion so it doesn't pollute the main thread
Fuck my ethics though, if she reaches 300 pounds I'll fap to her. Honestly I'm really tempted to commission her to chug 3 liters of boost. Maybe we should just do a funding and push her to 300 in the year.
Fair enough, maybe the mods could split the thread between here and /gen?
Stop all the mindless speculating. None of these claims about Reiina having a substance problem have zero evidence, I’ve seen most of her livestreams and she usually just drinks Pepsi and occasionally hits a nicotine vape. If you scroll back to see the pictures she posts when she travels to see her partner, she’s glowing with happiness in all of them and it’s obvious how in love they are. I used to be in a REPORT MY POST server with both reiina and her partner, he’s a good person and if I’m not mistaken I think the first time they met in person Reiina was the one to ask him out, and she was gaining independently of him long before they started dating. Stop believing the random lies people make up about models to start drama. Now would actually be a good time to sub to her OnlyFans because she’s visiting her partner in a couple days (found out from OnlyFans messages) and he’s going to be non stop feeding her, to her delight :p
Holy shit you guys are weird as fuck. Why are you so emotionally invested in some random girl online you’ll never meet. It’s pathetic
Lol it's a chan, why are you surprised about trolling and drama? All that shit is going to be sacked before long anyway, chill.
the conversation will die the minute it gets moved there.
Just saw on twitter Ivy Davenport is going to working with her next month.
does she do customs on her of? if so how much are they and how long do they take?
I've commissioned a bunch of vids from her before, but for the most recent (P5 Kawakami burger stuffing, ~20 mins) it cost $150, not including the cosplay getup at extra expense. She sometimes offers shorter, 3-5 minute long customs for about 30 bucks a pop. B/G content is an extra $50 or so, I believe.

Time can be variable, usually it takes 4-8 weeks but that last commission took closer to 12. Seems to mostly depend on her schedule, I'm guessing the last few months have been pretty busy for her.
You ever done a custom with multiple models?
(Thinking bout commissioning a wrestling vid)
Yeah, one with GGG - think it came to about $250 in total, I had to pay GGG her share through her own OF.
how are whipped cream inflations done? orally or anally?
Anally. Not really my thing, but I guess she prefers it.
Shes so wide, she's got the build to go for SSBBW

You’re kidding yourself. She’ll just yoyo until she gets too old for anybody to care. There’s no way she’s hitting SSBBW
How is her OF? I'm thinking about subscribing. I'm not super into eating or inflating. Modeling, tight cloths, embarrassment, step on the scale is mostly my thing
She does nice cosplay photosets, but the streams and the longer videos are generally eating/bloating/inflating, with some vore here and there. Still, she's with a new feeder now so maybe there'll be more weigh-ins and outgrown clothes videos in the near future.

Speaking of the new feeder, anyone know what's the deal there? I've been out of the loop on her personal life.
Anyone who has her vids with GGG?
Here's five. Two might be dupes, but hopefully not!

>>62507 3rd and 5th vid are the same. Just FYI for anybody else! (Thanks for the uploads too)
Can you share the clip
Let's just hope she keeps the weight and doesn't go for that horrible heroin addict bimbo look..
She looks pretty strung out and gross as it is
where are you getting this? she looks pretty happy to me. I admit some of her cosplay is a tragic miss but otherwise she looks happy and in good health.

agreed, I'm absolutely a critic of her work in this scene but have to admit she's totally looking better than she did even the last time she gained prior to her bimbofication obsession.

Still don't think it'll last though, but make the most of it while she's this into it! :3
dude kayla looks huge here omds
(1.4 MB, 1280x5190, 1632774564962.jpg)
>tfw I will never feel Reiina's growing ass cheeks crash against my dick each time fuller than the last time I stuck it there
Why even live?
where can i buy this video?
She's surprisingly more jiggly than I expected.
>pay to sub to onlyfans
>pay even more to watch the video
I hate this bullshit. Why the fuck does porn have DLC now
How can you download vids from onlyfans? I got two chrome extensions but they don't work.
Ive never been able to find anything that works. I just screen record with OBS for anything with stream only content like onlyfans or manyvids.
Use the Aloha Browser App on your phone, it downloads everything (Not youtube and vk.com, but OF and Pornsites tho)
Please drop new videos, I want to see how big she is now.
I think I know the answer to that. kinda.

I was following a model who had dlc downloads, as you put it. her onlyfans was free and you had to pay for whatever you wanted to see. that was fine by me because most of her content was seriously lacking. she changed her onlyfans to a paid onlyfans at like $20/mnth. no one was trying to pay that crap when they barely liked her content to begin with. she switched over and did a 'free' promo. all of that dlc content she had was then unlocked for free downloads for anyone who knew how. I think that promo lasted a day or so and then she shut it down. now she sends her content via dm which isn't affected by any of this.

my guess is that when a paid onlyfans runs a free promo everything on their page becomes free. they send things via dm not only to be greedy but also to avoid having their content become free at any point in time.

I can't stand it. if I'm paying $10/mnth for an onlyfans I should have something to show for it not a bunch of dms with "content" for even more money. these models are getting way too greedy but thats fine. sooner or later people are going to get sick of this and then the models won't have anything. I have seen models jack their rates from free to $20 to $5 to free again within a months time. one model had two different onlyfans. one was free and one was paid. she tried to charge for the free one when it was clearly named "free onlyfans". that lasted about a week before she had to change it back. people don't and won't tolerate this mess for long. when a model decides to raise the rates on me I immediately unsubscribe. were in a recession and I can think of so many better things to do with my money then pay for an onlyfans.

this is also why I haven't signed up for reiina. I want to but she charges entirely too much and if she's doing that stupid dlc content ill keep my money and save myself the trouble.
Same thing is happening to one of the more popular OF's I joined - started off great but then she stopped posting full length videos and now charges (PPV) for them while only posting the occasional 1 minute clip
for real there are some greedy as models, but there are a couple with no ppv

Reiina’s onlyfans has never been free. Have you noticed she stopped uploading to her clips4sale? On C4S her videos average $1 a minute. Now she is using onlyfans to distribute her premium content - her onlyfans prices for her premium content (the DLC/pay to unlock) are drastically cheaper than what she’s previously charged on C4S. Reiina’s onlyfans had no pay per view when she first started it because she wasn’t uploading any premium videos at all, or just short previews. Now you can use it to get premium videos too. The actual content she has always posted on onlyfans (frequent pictures, short videos, full length livestreams) is the same as it’s always been ($10-$15 a month if you do the sale) so it’s still a steal. She’s probably using onlyfans to sell the premium content so people can’t steal her shit as easily lmao
Am I willing to pay for videos? Yes.
Am I willing to pay a subscription fee? Yes.
Am I willing to pay for videos on top of paying a subscription? No.
>sooner or later people are going to get sick of this and then the models won't have anything
Don’t hold your breath.

There are way worst people on Onlyfans that do DLC kinda thing like Larkin Love. Her OF is $5 and its her video store selling the same clips over and over again at the same price. Reiina when she does sell a vid on OF will discount it from the regular price from Clips4sale and or curvage. This video I do feel came at a bad time. It was after no posting for almost a week and has not been posted else where.

So you’ll pay for videos from one site, subscription from another site, but not both from the same site even if the videos are cheaper that way? lol

the only bad thing about reina uploading premium videos exclusive to OF is that you can’t get them unless you’re already a member. Curvage doesn’t allow nudity though so that disqualifies a lot of reina’s videos. i saw on Twitter that clips4sale is cracking down on paperwork for all collab videos and onlyfans doesn’t require it as long as it’s an existing model she tags them. she travels a lot too so idk makes sense??? maybe someday she’ll update her C4S haha but the OF ppv deal is always cheaper anyway
The only reason I sub to OF is to keep tabs on feedee's weight gain journeys. I just want regular weigh-ins and a couple full length videos each month, but many of them are now charging their OF subscribers to view their weigh-in videos and mostly just post selfies
Paying money just for the opportunity to buy something. Is staggeringly dumb, like paying a cover charge just to for the right to spend money at a store. Imagine being so much of a simp you defend this shit lmao, saying “it’s a steal”. She can do what she wants, but anyone who isn’t super desperate will get tired of it fast. Maybe it is a steal, but you’re the one getting robbed dude
>you can’t get them unless you’re already a member.
Wait so even if I subbed to her right now I can't even get the video anyway because I wasn't subbed when she initially sent it out?
To rephrase: I am willing to buying videos, I’m also fine paying a subscription to get videos, but if I have to pay a subscription to have the opportunity to buy videos is something I’m not willing to do, at that point you’re asking for too much, I already subscribed to you to view videos not to have the opportunity to buy videos, accounts that are free to subscribe to are exempt (but I don’t like them since you can’t get a preview). Throughout this year I have subscribed to women on OnlyFans while also buying videos from clip stores because some models simply don’t have an OnlyFans.
Inspect element (F12) is your friend.
>like paying a cover charge just to for the right to spend money at a store

You mean like Costco? If you end up paying less, why are you so mad? I don't use onlyfans in general because I don't like the idea of them keeping my cards on file, but I can see how it'd make sense for some people.
That's 2-3 boost shakes a day, which she does. Less glamour than stuffing her face but it works.


works flawlessly to do a siterip of any onlyfans you're subscribed to. (this should go without saying, but a LOT of people have asked this stupid question, no, it doesn't let you download content you don't normally have access to, it's not a hacking tool, it's just a download tool.)

if you're on a phone? sorry I can't help you, I don't know how to use a phone to do anything useful (probably because it's not designed to be possible.)
Anyone have some recent vids?
Can somebody post the asmr reiinapop did were she is a mad scientist that made a drink that makes you gain weight rapidly.
Does anybody has any new videos of her?

That logic only works when you end up getting more by paying twice. Yes you have to pay for a membership just to be able to shop at Costco, but at least you're getting a lot more in quantity than you would have than shopping at Walmart.

Onlyfans isn't like that.

you also don't have to buy a costco membership to see what prices costco is charging and what items they're selling (which is how it works on onlyfans, you have to pay to even learn what the store has for sale and what the prices are like.)

if I could browse all of the items on onlyfans and then saw an item I wanted that required a membership and ppv maybe I'd pay it, but I'm not gonna subscribe just to browse the ppv. not knowing if there's even one that seems worth paying twice. a lot of people end up buying costco memberships because they see an advertisement for a tv they want and they just bake the membership in their mind into the price.
(170 KB, 976x2048, before.jpg) (128 KB, 1118x2048, FBCRaDZXsAEcMdW.jpg)
Holy shit, she's been fattening up quite well over the last year or so. Probably one of my favourite gainers in a long time. Kinda hope she reaches 250lbs.
There's a hour long live video on her Instagram where she does a Q&A and gets pretty bloated from the soda, if you're interested.
Any of her funneling videos or an onlyfans dump?
does she burp during the live?
She gained 13 lbs between Sept 2nd and Oct 9th eating 5 to 8k cals a day. She got up to 220 on an empty stomach once but not sure if it stuck or not
Yes and she released a new one recently.
How do people here downloads stuff from onlyfans? I've only got a few days left with my sub for a few girls and I haven't found any chrome extension that works.
I use "downloader for onlyfans.com". That doesnt work for you?

there are a lot of python scripts that will properly and completely rip an onlyfans my favorite is this one.


you need to be at a computer and know what a cookie is though in order to use it.
Do you still need to buy the content with that script?
Christ, no wonder we never see any OF content on here lol
Agreed. So cute and pretty
That puts her BMI in the mobid obesity range - so hot! Rapid gains are so rare, love that she's really going for it
I think that it's so sexy that she at first gained a lot of weight then decided to lose it all but then wanted to gain even more again. It's just so hot

People still participate in that crap? Especially during the month when these women are eating the most food. You know she's gonna be busting buttons during Thanksgiving.
links are all broken

don't think they are, works for me
do you mind reupping the files to wetransfer or mab? I can't seem to access the site

You're on a porn-sharing website, don't go bitching about how *other* people are the coomers

I'm here for fat chicks, not chumps like you. If I want to jerk off, then I shall at my own convenience
Hell yeah!!!!, Her OF is 50% off and I just snagged a month for $10. Better act fast, there's only 16 offers left.

God, I can't wait until her Thanksgiving stuffing

Sounds suspiciously like Reiina marketing but I'll be damned if you aren't wrong

It's usually $20 month, and nobody shares anything from her OF.

Take it or leave it.

"hurr durr Reiina marketing"

How the fuck else are we supposed to know when shit like this happens?
(119 KB, 704x1252, Reiinapop OnlyFans.mp4_snapshot_01.44.14_[2021.11.06_15.17.11].jpg) (123 KB, 704x1252, Reiinapop OnlyFans.mp4_snapshot_00.02.14_[2021.11.06_15.16.36].jpg) (119 KB, 704x1252, Reiinapop OnlyFans.mp4_snapshot_01.44.14_[2021.11.06_15.17.11].jpg) (124 KB, 704x1252, Reiinapop OnlyFans.mp4_snapshot_01.29.56_[2021.11.06_15.18.59].jpg)
She had an almost 2 hour stream last night on her OF, and just........look at the pics.

She is at her biggest
>>66906 can u post the stream?
Come on, somebody post some fucking content already
>Rea finally developing a double chin
Nutting buckets
Fuckk her double chin is too hot. She's the hottest she's ever been hope she goes full SSBBW
bruh, pls at least post that stream
Does she have a vid to coincide with these pics?

Yeah, the two hour stream she did over the weekend on her OF. I'd download it but that shits nearly 2gb and my internet isn't that good as it is.
where can i find the stream at. or better yet videos of this

I just said it's on Onlyfans.
any loud nasty burps during it?

I watched a good half hour or so of her live on Instagram and it wasn't worth anywhere near the time of watching it. I'm gonna have to wait for her or someone else to put together a burping compilation.
god i wanna stick my fucking cooking down her throat so bad

You the most determined chef I've ever seen.
alot of her lives have a TON of belches… nasty too… she even completely loses it a few times 🥴😳 new fetish unlocked!
This girl has literally stuffed herself to the point of puking, on more than one occasion. No wonder she can pack it on so fast. Already blowing past GGG, Candice, and soon Casey and hopefully even Shar. Legend.
Reiina has gained over 115 lbs since last November, while during that same time frame GGG has only put on 20 lbs lol
Does anyone know if she has a workout video?
>>67543 (Dead)
She also eats like 5k-8k a day to gain that fast, not many other gainers are willing or able to eat that much.

Holy shit she's looking HUGE
(3.1 MB, 960x960, 1631304984023.webm)
Good luck young chef.
I wish only triumph upon your future endeavors.

This is literally the best thing I've seen this weekend. You, sir, you have made my day
Here's a reup of one of her previous livestreams. Can anyone upload the 2 hour OF one?
one of the best posts i've seen on this site. thank you
I made a burp compilation aHR0cHM6Ly9tYWIudG8vWXNRaFE5aFduCgo

Sorry that the editing sucks, but nobody else was making this so I decided to.

I added a fart at 1:35 just to warn you
I hope the aspect ratio isn’t fucked, it looked fine for me but idk
She looks fucked now
lol you sound like me

im so OCD when it comes to aspect ratio, compression etc...

my dick even hates anything below 720p
I'm not exactly OCD but just with high expectations ig. So many OF girls have a ridiculous amount of subs and for some ungodly reason still have a portrait video formatted into landscape. Fucking embarrassing.
Something wrong with the audio I think. Comes up silent for me, and says the audio file is not supported. Any specific player needed?
What are you currently using?
Lmao I love that shit honestly. As soon as I saw the thumbnail with the double chin I audibly muttered "Holy shit". She's gone off the rails; I'm kinda concerned about what another anon said about her mental state regarding all this and her anorexia but also... Jesus fucking christ just look at her
>>67954 she's using a snapchat filter, doesn't count. Most of these girls look like bridge trolls without makeup

she does look huge though

I'd rather have a bridge troll face than a clown face with that horrible makeup.
Are there any hardcore vids on her of? im subbed but there's so much content and dont want to watch every vid to find out
Glad you're happy with yourself bro

Nope. Most you'll get is a couple of BJs when she was skinny.
Women who do hardcore on OF make the most money, you'd think she'd get with the program lol
She has this video addicted to pizza boy cum where she fucks a pizza delivery guy three times. Quite fat, but not as fat as she is now.

And why would she go through the effort of having sex if she'll make the same amount by just eating? She made literally thousands of dollars in tips by just playing with herself during that 2 hour live stream.
lol I watched that livestream live, she made around $700 in that one stream - the most I usually see her make is $100 - $400. people also don’t really tip her to do hardcore either, chugging WG shakes and inflating get her the most tips even tho she usually has a cum goal too. more people want to see her rapid weight gain than they care about seeing her do sex stuff but in some of her livestreams with her boyfriend he fingers her or goes down on her. not a jealous thing but I don’t really care to see her doing vanilla shit, I can just find that on pornhub. I joined for the gains
A lot of models think all they need to do is show tits and pussy but I'd rather see them fully clothed and doing massive stuffings and frequent weigh-ins.
>Women who do hardcore on OF make the most money, you'd think she'd get with the program lol
>A lot of models think all they need to do is show tits and pussy but I'd rather see them fully clothed and doing massive stuffings and frequent weigh-ins.

bro make up your mind lol

>Reiina has gained over 115 lbs since last November, while during that same time frame GGG has only put on 20 lbs lol

to be fair ggg did also start losing weight during the start of that 1 year period, so it wasn't just a slow 20 lbs gain
I'm personally only into aggressive gainers but when I posted that I was referring to the women making millions on OF doing hardcore content. Sadly rapid gainers are a rare commodity these days. Reiina is pretty much the only one atm and her OF is totally worth it. She's been gaining almost one pound a day this month, best gain I've seen in since Mochii
(3.3 MB, 404x720, Reiina Belly.mp4)
GGG has only gained 5 lbs since July (215 to 220), while Reiina has gained 40 lbs in the same period (192 to 232).
Lol yeah, in one year, two tops I'll be there saying "remember what that anon told you guys, and you were all screeching?"
She's good fapping material though, gotta admit that. Too bad she's sticking with that goth emo thing, would be interesting to see her natural look.
Could we get a re-up of this, please? If there's still audio issues, feel free to add more farts while you're working on them. 0:)
I would also love a reup
It makes me kind of sad how she went from 100lbs making puking videos in her bathtub to this within a year

OMFG she is just too perfect. She is getting massive at light speed.
Video's already nuked, did anyone catch it?
I'd like those puking videos tho
Nothing hotter than a rapid gain. Reiina has such a gorgeous shape the fatter she gets. I love the lower half of her body - her hips/thighs and ass are getting so wide
a pregnancy would help to improve her
she did say in one of her lives that she is hoping to have children. I'm sure the minute she announced a pregnancy her of and customs will go through the roof.
You're a lifesaver
She is getting huge real quick
Any new videos to post
Did anyone get this and can you please reup?
Reupload: aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LUYyY1JETVFvUXU

She had a livestream earlier this week with her feeder, and a solo one that's going to air in about 20 minutes.

Scratch than, she backed out of the one that was scheduled for tonight....and it was my final day before my subscription with her expired.
she's streaming right now
She's looking HUGE today. Hottest gain of 2021
13 replies. Down bad
Does anyone has any picture of her right now?
can someone upload this? her stream from tonight
its amazing how big her belly looks
Any updates from her?
Always! She really is pushing it to reach her goal. Seems like she's more confident and comfortable in her body which I'm glad for!

Year is not over yet, but I'm hoping 2022 she finally reaches a newmilestone and reaches 300
It’s hot that she’s so fat that even her giant fake tits are dwarfed by her fat gut
Woah what, how short is she?
5'2" (same as Carmen LaFox). At 240 her BMI will be close to 44
Just letting yall know coomer.party just imported reiina's OF
(164 KB, 1007x1007, O.jpg)
I can't thank you enough
who and or what is coomer party?
(175 KB, 943x924, one year difference.jpg)
She's so close to her goal weight. She's been putting on an average of 10 lbs a month. She doesn't fuck around

A user on here who does massive content drops.
Holy shit brother
What's the red streak on her lip? I've seen it a few times now and I'm never sure what it's meant to be.
BRUH she fat and she lovin' it man
I've tried to download the bigger file and it isnt completing can anyone help a novice?
(157 KB, 1118x2048, FGrFMxCWUAIxODZ.jpg)
>tfw remember when she started doing stuffing/inflation/belly stuff
>she quit to do that weird bimbo shit
>she returned and is gaining like a lunatic
It's like poetry, it rhymes.
What's her goal?
Her goal is 240 by new years and then 300 lbs. But at the speed she is going, she wont even be able to stop there. She is gaining like crazy. You blink and she has gained 2 pounds more. Unbelieveble.
For real, she’s blowing up like a balloon and said weight she’s gaining is going in all the right places.

I can’t wait to see what she’ll look like when she reaches her goal, so this should be fun. :3
Can anyone download the files larger than 1 gb? I keep trying to and it fails after a bit from the party of cooms
She's done some inflation since she's gained weight right? If she revisits inflating with helium at her current size I might ascend to heaven.
She really plans on going to 300?

it's wildly incomplete and constantly updating, so my guess is that the server is still receiving the files and downloading them all may not be possible and likely isn't wise (because tomorrow there'll be more anyways)
I want to see her keep going; and do more stuff with old partners and collaborators.

Like, I want to see her do something with Ivy again after she surpasses her
You forget: her metabolism is such she actively has to work at gaining. She talked about it at length when she stopped gaining last time and all the weight just fucking disappeared in a couple months.

It's great she's having fun but she definitely isn't going to accidentally keep going past any goals.
She needs to eat around 3500 calories a day to gain 8 lbs a month

managed to get 2 of the larger files took me 3 days FML!

got the clown succubus 2L soda bloat
and Livestream feedee video with her partner

and an extra miku inflation
Dude you're an absolute savage. I salute you sir!
based napkinmath autist
(3.8 MB, 2385x2202, Reiinapop may to dec 2021.png)
I had to make this comparison of the black dress from MAY to DEC of this year incredible what 7 months can do. PS. If you reverse imagine search some of her recent pics with the black dress you'll find some pretty hot pregnant content

thought id drop an early christmas present not sure how well MAB will cope with the size haha but this is my whole Reiinapop collection all 19gb

>>70883 Absolutely amazing, thank you & merry Christmas!
(658 KB, 2385x2205, Reiinapop-april-to-december.jpg)
I can't stop making comparisons it's just too incredible April to December fucking unreal one of the best gains in the history of this community
Already down, damn.
Anybody knows why she lost weight?
Eating disorder/mental issues iirc.
Thank god for her fucking up her metabolism with anorexia. She’s hot but messed up
She couldn't keep the weight up at the time without being constantly stuffed to the point of basically passing out. It got in the way of her studies for college and her metabolism at the time was in hyperdrive. So that was mostly just natural loss sadly.
That boob job is doing wonders to her proportions now, but that gut is fucking legendary. I keep wondering about the visceral/subcutaneous ratio though, her belly is obviously pretty firm and tight so it's mostly visceral, but other than that she seems soft as pudding everywhere else

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