
Groundbreaking work.
im glad a mod bothered to delete the other thread. i feel like there should be another purge, the amount of contentless threads is groundbreaking
I’m trying to upload some files I have but it’s only on my phone and not showing up in my iCloud. Then when I try to upload from my phone the transfer gets stopped
Alright I've got some content uploaded. I only have her most recent weigh in, but I have some AnnaOli and a newer not uploaded yet Chubbycat666 video up there. If someone would ever so kindly upload the 'Funnel Fantasy 3' , 'Fast Food Frenzy' , or 'Fake Fitness Influencer 'video or really any video of her shoving food in her mouth it's so ridiculously hot.

Working on uploading more vids.

Remember to remove the ()

Here's another vid just to be nice. I had only 1 kittypiggy vid but hopefully these other vids I bought that haven't been shared here will suffice.

I only got Fast Food Frenzy. Hoping some other anon drops. Threw in a few extras, Merry Christmas

Anybody got the Funnel Fantasy 3 vid? Or her tight clothes vids?
Here is insatiable Thanksgiving. Anyone have any more of insatiable series?
Who won in the Aliss vs Kittypiggy food eating thing? I wanna know and who has the vid for it?
Has she bothered to start posting again on OF or just creaming still?
Hey there, if my connection allows it, tomorrow I'll be sharing FUNNEL FANTASY II, INSATIABLE 3, FAKE FITNESS INFLUENCER and PINK MILK.
Kittypiggy vs Aliss bonython
Does anyone have Donut Doubles? I remeber it being uploaded here a while ago. In return here's some recent non-kittypiggy content. I don't have anything of hers, sorry.

As promised here are the links:

Insatiable Thanksgiving/Pink Milk/ Fake Fitness Influencer: aHR0cHM6Ly93ZXRyYW5zZmVyLmNvbS9kb3dubG9hZHMvMTQyODUzMjAwODVjYTZlY2NmYmExNTE4MTE1OGE2MDQyMDIxMDEwNjA1MDAyMi82MzM3YTg2NTk0YTFmNmVhMDE0YzljOTQ4ZTllYTE2OTIwMjEwMTA2MDUwMDM5L2Y3NzIxZQ==

Happy new Year you guys!
Any chance at a re up shattered I missed
anyone got her climbing the stairs??

Anyone know her weight in the newest video?

Damn, she's really blowing up
Anyone have the new weigh in yet?
Does anyone have her maid vid?
I saw it floating around on Pornhub and Spankbang but never downloaded it.
this one
Does anyone have 4th of July vid? Got purged in the pornhub purge :(
Coming riiiiiight up
re-up pls>>45577
Could you send in a wetransfer link ?
Does she have a speech impediment? Love her but I have a hard time understanding what she says, and I'm British too
idk man its probably all that fat around her throat making her talk wierd lmao
anybody got bouncy booty 2

Think she has a slight lisp.
Does anyone have the 2 new videos

ok i'm guessing you're joking, but just in case you're not...this isn't actually a thing, right? Like I know it's a fatfic trope that big double chins deepen women's voices, but that just isn't how it works in real life.
Fat does change your voice to some extent, it's not a fatfic trope

Most people wouldn't just assume it's the chin itself, but the excess fat literally traps the higher frequencies from escaping, resulting in a deeper voice. This fatfic trope you're talking about is based on the very real life phenomenon of fat girls getting deeper voices. People didn't just invent it out of thin air. Not like "male" deep--even at 700 pounds--but much deeper than the same woman at a healthy weight.
Since we're talking about it.. does anyone want to go find videos of girls who have gained a lot of weight talking and compare their voice? I think from skinny to fat rather than fat to very fat would be best.
Anyone have or know her latest weigh in?
someone can re upload the videos of upstairs?
Hasn't updated her OF in nearly 2 weeks 🙄

Not like the updates are worth much anyway, was subscribed to her OF last year and it was just pretty boring pictures.

Great body, but as interesting as a half boiled carrot.

Someone can’t count
Is her curvage content better than OF?
This is literally all I need, I'd die wow
Curvage is were she sells her full length clips so yeah its going to be better. Only advantage the OF would have is she can go topless on OF.
Details on the doctors visit? Any health concerns? She's getting so so sexy now
I thought she'd plateaued but she's looking enormous now. Roll on 400lbs!
whats her new numbers?
Anyone have the new doctors video?
Alright you bastards. I caved and got it and I'm sorry to say you'll at least be a LITTLE disappointed. Unless I was just too distracted by her enormous fatty nature in this vid she doesn't even say her specific weight. Also no very specific details about her health, just that they were shocked.

Still I creamed and so should you.


If anyone could reup a recent ish video of her from curvage that would be sick.
thanks for the dope drop.
You're a real one. Cheers pal.

Legend, cheers man!
Respect to the uploader

Disappointed by the video though did nothing for me
is this down already? or is big word a puzzle i don't know?
Thank you. Here's some humble re-ups


Could you send it in a we transfer link plz ?

any re-up pls
Last weigh in was 363

Doctors link is down already 😭
Please re up :D
what’s those videos?
let's get that doctors vid reupped, por flavor.
Who wants to be a legend?
Doctor visit video is on the Vola, you should search it there
what’s the vola?
Can't find it?
It's not that fast
so slow it's practically unusable. if you try and download anything over 200mb the connection will drop half way, after like an hour of dial up speeds. I am glad i'm old enough to enjoy the modern web.
does anyone have her new funnel video? she looks huge. i'm thinking she finally hit 400
(2.2 MB, 680x674, IMG_5803.GIF)
Decided to bite the bullet so here's funnel fantasy 4
Knock yourselves out.
thanks chad
Big time right on
Damn, missed the funnel video. Can anyone reup?
here you go bro
Sir, you are awesome
Popsicle princess and kitty's bouncing booty

Ooh damn its some hot new content for you all


any chance for a reup
How much has she gained since, I'm guessing about 60lbs?
can i get a re upload?
I can post it later today
don't let me down
thank you f or this

i'm looking to make a weigh in compilation of kitty. i would greatly appreciate if somebody could upload the ones i need.

the ones i'm missing are weigh ins 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 15

in return heres the ones i have (some are in low quality for some reason, sorry)



Sorry I couldnt provide more
Sorry I meant to post this yesterday but here you guys go. One of you probably need to copy it onto anither file sharing site though.
She's unbelievable, think she's gave me a foot fetish
Does anyone have her latest weigh in from January?
She doesn't update much anymore. She used to do two videos a week, now we're lucky to get two a month. Guess her popularity has grown to the point she doesn't need to be constantly churning out content?
Perhaps though she has been growing more inactive during COVID its a weird trend with the English girls on Curvage.
I'm English myself and no idea why this is
I dont think being english has anything to do with it lol. Probably running out of ideas, or just wanting to be noticeable bigger each video, so they are less often.
It has nothing to do with being English it just a coincidence that the English girls on Curvage have slowed the amount of content during COVID.

Either do I but its just a thing that bugs me,
They’re just lazy and can survive off of less videos ?
Sales for models across the board have dropped significantly over the last 6 months, too many new models approved is partially the issue. Making more clips doesn't always translate to more sales.
or maybe pple have less money cause of covid
She used to post regular on OF and reply to all messages, she's posted once this month and doesn't respond to messages any more. Maybe she's given up
She has an instagram where she does more mainstream plus size model stuff, but she hasn't updated that in months either. I do hope she is okay, she's one of my favourites and seems so sweet :/
Speak of the devil, she has a new weigh in up!
Damn, someones gotta be a hero. She has to be pushing 390
I still think her thanksgiving stuffing has to be one of the hottest videos I’ve ever seen. She’s huge and like Mochii can actually eat a ton.

What was she at her last weigh in?
couple clips that've probably been upped here before. if anyone's got some of the Insatiable videos (particularly 1 and 2) an upload would be greatly appreciated.

Last weigh in (Jan 28) she was 364.2, this one she is 374.0
Have uou got the vid?
Only 12 pounds in 5 months? Even I did better than that lol what a scam
Oh boo hoo, she isn't gaining 30lb a month and living up to your unrealistic fantasies. She's already gained a shitload, and is still continuing. The bigger you get the harder it is to put on weight. If she carries on with 12lb every 5 months she'll be nearly 500lb in 4 years; sounds pretty fucking good to me. Plus her content is always super hot and well filmed. Hardly a fucking scam.
fucking hell if only there was a way to filter out the abject fuckwit posts on here

You could just not post, would save the need to filter them out.
(27 KB, 612x408, istockphoto-1201069511-612x612.jpg)
Incoming nuclear take:

You know this would be pretty fine and understandable if it weren't for the fact that KP's entire brand is not centered in the deeper side of this fetish.

1. She has a dedicated feeder (this matters a lot)

2. Since the beginning she's posted and made videos centered around both implications and explicit confessions of fantasies how she wants to basically become a blob. Her "Insatiable" series for instance paints a picture that she is a vacuum for food 24/7.

Is 2 a little exaggerated? Sure, but on Curvage she wrote from her start about how she switched from one extreme to the other. A switch flipped in her brain and she went from wanting to be a bulimic stick to an overbloated hog - "4 times my size or more".

With her semi-professional business as a fat fetish model (she's not just being fat for fat's sake but markets to the more depraved among us), the "unrealistic fantasies" are PART of what she's selling. It's part of her price.

Just like when you buy a Coca-Cola versus Pepsi or Dr. Pepper. The price doesn't just include the slightly-different sugar water. You are buying the IMAGE and all its connotations, the nostalgic memories, the warm feelings and daydreams that Coke's forced in your mind subconsciously for decades. That's why they still advertise.

There are models who have been about as "chubby" as the average American woman for years, and that's part of their brand. They fill their niche for the guys who find "curvy" more attractive than morbid obesity.

If KittyPiggy were merely trying to be a fat model, 12 pounds in 5 months is reasonable sure. Accounting for the factors I mentioned though, I mean it's not like she lost weight but it's slightly disappointing and gives me reason to think twice before buying from her. Unless she got sick at times there's no reason she shouldn't be in the 400 Club by now.

I don't expect "30 pounds a month" per se but I do expect more than -literally less what the average winemom gained during 2020- from a model who has sold multiple times how much of hopeless growing sack of lard she is lol. It's just not worth the money if she won't try harder.

-The Fantasy is the Brand-
It's gotten worse lately. The free porn almost doesn't make up for it anymore.
The free porn is VERY NEARLY not worth it anymore. We’re swamped in self-hating trolls looking for an excuse to get on their soapbox about how this is all wrong.
I only consider it a bit of a scam when they try to hide the fact that they’ve lost a lot of weight or plan to lose a lot of weight. Cause no, I don’t want to spend 12 bucks on some relatively new vid, only to find out that the girl has since then lost half her body weight and is posting thinspiration shit on Twitter. Nope nope nope nope nope that shit stings.
not trying to argue, I'm just happy she gained.
that is all, chill fellow pirates.

(also, polite sage.)
She has stated she gets migraines so can make filming hard sometimes.

Honestly, she might just not have the genetics to get really big. She's probably going to get to 400 over the course of the next year and then stop. Maybe Covid and the fear of dying from it due to her obesity has had her have second thoughts.
Anyone got her latest weigh in?
>I need her latest weight

FUCK NO! I ain't got that shizz.

(But I tell you what I do gots)

I got her newest insatiable vidja - it's the one right before that on her CFS.

Will that work for you? It's the best I can do bruh.

That's shits on stufferdb
I have it actually I just bought it
Share the weigh in vid brudda
anyone's got her doctor's visit? or any insatiables?
you made the right call. I downloaded it because I love kp's stuff that much.

well, I opened up the file in winrar, and the title was something like "teen anal..." or some shit. I deleted it before decompressing it.
Someone, ban this malware-spreading prick!
Dudes, don't forget to do url check-ups with virus total.
>>56445 (Dead)
Bro this guy is a loser LMAO. Imagine uploading a virus. Yeah you’re so cool(NOT!! ugly ass)
Newest weigh in just appeared in the vola room moments ago
This was deleted, I hope that someone could download it
Dear God she's fantastic

Yo fuck vola's slow download speed. Here: aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LW5rZ3JYeW5sbXQ
Anyone got snacking for a sacking?

She looks enormous!
You weren’t kidding, she’s even starting to get rolls on her thighs now
Fast Food Frenzy here
Does anyone have doctor's visit or the newest one?
The fact she's only 5'4 and 375lbs is incredible. She'll hit 400 in no time, her greed is scary
Doctors Vid

Pretty boring if you ask me, but it's got some good shots (Was personally hoping for more fat chat + health/possibly morbid stuff, but very vanilla) Still not too bad.

Maybe if someone could post Snacking for a Sacking that'd be good
lmao I was so tired I left for work without posting the video. Sorry!

But yes, if anyone has any newer vids too like Snacking for a Sacking
thanks! its just one of the only vids i havent seen of her and i like doctors visit videos overall (and theres so few of them out there)
Does anyone have the Fat Chat & Play vid?

And also, has the Weigh In 15 ever been uploaded?

dang, down within a day? maybe someone has regained interest in dmca'ing stuff
Anyone got snacking for a sacking?
Thank you based anon
(1.6 MB, 1731x2048, Screenshot_20210805-133832.png)
Total silence from her, then puts all her recent catalogue on sale. Think she's packing up to leave boys!
She posted a vid on her OF's yesterday, she's looking as big as ever. Chill
She's not updated her vanilla instagram in months either. As is the case with models who gain an insane amount of weight in a short period, I think she has burnout
Any chance of a reup of the snacking Video?
You think she has burnout cos she didn't update her half assed insta. Dude, maybe she's just tired of giving away free material to scabs like you?
Girls do sales of their videos on Curavge all the time I highly doubt she's leaving just because she is doing a sale.

she might be uninterested in making content right now, and still want money from her content. That's not the same as quitting though. models usually quit out of anger moreso than boredom.

even if she takes a month or two off, if she doesn't delete her stores she'll likely eventually return when she wants the money, that's how it goes. I wouldn't overreact.

It's rare for models to treat this sort of thing like a full time job, even if it is their sole income.
Anyone have the snacking for a sacking video? Anyone else think she’s looking really huge recently also
Shes disappeared again 🙄
Just posted the following on curvage which explains her absence:

Hi my loves 🥰

I'm so sorry for completely disappearing recently and I feel like you deserve an explanation for my absence.

For those that are just here for content, things will be resuming in the next few days! 🥰

For those that are still reading, I recently ended a relationship of 5 years so things have been a little crazy and difficult. I have moved which has interrupted filming but I cannot wait to get back into things. Just currently trying to furnish my place so I have a suitable filming space! 😁

I've missed you all so much and thank you everyone still here supporting me, you're the best. Your video purchases and reviews have honestly helped more than you know! ❤
Damn that's sad, her bf was clearly a great feeder. I wonder if this is it for her gaining-wise or she'll keep at it on her own?
Ah well, anyway here's a re up of her most recent weigh in

I hope not, it would be sad if she only did this for him. Especially as they're now just... not together while she's now 200lbs heavier
He didn't force her to almost triple in weight, she willingly ate like a literal pig and clearly gets off on it
I love it how after she weighs in and realising she’s gained 10lbs of pure fat she decides to stuff herself to the brim
To get as fat as she has gotten, impossible she did it "just for him." He might of turned her on to it, but that's all her.

She's gotten so big, I can't wait to see where she goes from here. I'd be willing to bet she gets bigger even faster just to piss him off.
She said early on her Curvage posts that she used to have an ED. One day, she wrote it was like a flip switched in her brain where she went from wanting to be as thin as possible to as big as possible.

So in essence she's a little bit nuts and went from one extreme to the other. Hot!
Monetising her binge eating disorder then.
And your complaining about it?

It's not binge eating if you do it daily
Exactly, it's like routine! I don't see a problem lol.
I have been absent for a long time! I'm gonna post what I have when I can!
YAy!! youre angel <3
(706 KB, 500x307, super saiyajin risitas.gif)
Won't be a while 'til I get home at least few month sorry guys but here what I have on my laptop's work for now
It's not much but it's something
RIP risitas❤️
Is she quitting? Everything on her curvage except for clips disappeared
It's all still there. Just go to gree 'see their activity' tab, and click on status updates/replies.

It's the same on all accounts, dunno what's going on.
May you upload the video?
Your fuckin retarded
Education (and manners) is a challenge from his parts.
What are they even mad about
Thank you for the videos hero!
Sucks that she'll post on curvage but hasn't bothered with OF's for over 2 weeks
Can I please get a reup if this video was in the link?
Can we get snack snacking or bouncing booty 3
Her goal weight is 400lbs and last I heard she's only like 360. She has another 40lbs to go
She is exquisite. Anyone got any of her latest vids?
She seems to go through periods where she is into OF and periods where she isn't.
Over 3 weeks and no word from her, not even a simple note to see she won't be around for a while. She won't be getting a renewal from me

Laughs in Mal fan.
(9 KB, 286x176, 1544316340287.jpg)
>Over 3 weeks and no word from her, not even a simple note to see she won't be around for a while. She won't be getting a renewal from me
Does anyone have "Lotion Up" with aliss?
Jesus Christ! She's almost into ssbbw territory
(74 KB, 600x877, onepiecejawdrop.jpg)
What i love about that collab is just the sheer contrast... Every Model by herself can look bigger than they are with good lightning, the angle etc... But this... THIS just shows how massive Kitty is in comparison to Allis :D
All leeds arent weeee
Does anyone have the newest kittypiggy and alissbonyt vid? Be much appreciated
Anyone got the video on her curvage of her eating cake in the inflatable pool?

Also I’m new here so I’m not sure which domain these links belong to. Is it that we transfer site?

No I don't. I wanted to up some Contend for you this morning though, you deserve it.


Bless you contend fairy
Codes don't work :/

Yes they do, read the forum.

Seriously after this many years I'm still amazed to see how many people don't get it.
I always see these half assed encryptions and wonder who tf they're fooling. Evidently a lot by the amount of people who reply bitching how a perfectly normal link doesnt work and cant figure it out
I have to say the KP, Aliss vid is underwhelming, not much happens enough for me, to justify paying that price, on the other hand, chubby cupcake's vid is ok, not quite as good looking as aliss but does more to sort of justify the price
Anyone have bouncing booty 3 or snacking for a sacking?
Re Up the video please! The transfer is expired!
The first 2 links are videos that are already on sp4nkb4ng

famous popular models who are aware bbw-chan exists can task a robot that works to defeat base64 and regexes base64 humanity tests that use (}[ type clues and I've seen it work as fast as 18 minutes (someone else's link) and 0 seconds (a link I posted myself).

base64 humanity tests that are word jumbles/searches seem to defeat the robot, using a filehoster other than wetransfer seems to defeat the robot, and if you want to defeat the robot as well as humans? you can always use a site like zz.ht

summary of my thoughts on the subject found here https://bbw-chan.nl/gen/res/9478.html#q10776

currently the robot appears to be watching the kittypiggy goddess shar lauren lush threads, I've seen it in the past I believe target the msmacncheese thread and katie cummings thread.

I tested this extensively in the goddess shar and lauren lush threads but people just got mad at me, so I won't even bother posting comparison links in this thread.

tl;dr base64 encoding is pointlessly a waste of time 99% of the time, but when it actually matters you're all doing it poorly.

I have no idea which file that was, or what was wrong with it, maybe siasky.net is less reliable than I previously thought?

one reason I'm posting these links is to test the resiliency ease of use and speed of these obscure filehosts (which can really only happen if random anon's hammer away at the links.)

so anyways here's some more random reups, not using siasky.net or wetransfer:

2Mcdonalds 2345245752345.mp4
19-08-05 - The Weigh-In #6.mov

I don't know what that site is but my Malewarebyte went crazy.
Anybody got anymore chugging videos of her’s? She downs a weight gain shake like a shot of tequila!

zz.ht is a place people might host malware due to it's total lack of rules, but my links just literally point to mp4 files.

https://www.virustotal.com/ might give you slightly more confidence to try using zz.ht or it might not.
Anybody have anything that’s not already online? Here’s my contribution. Let’s keep it going!

thank you very much sir. I love everything about her from her pointy nose to goofy giggles to even the layer of fat across her chest and shoulders
(4.4 MB, 671x377, 2F6CE577-7033-429E-A86C-D4354D2A5039.gif)
Anyone have any insatiable clips (preferably Fast Food Frenzy)? I can’t get enough of this behemoth stuffing her face. I don’t think there’s another SSBBW that enjoys food so much unapologetically and sexually. And she’s getting fucking massive!


fast food frenzy has been posted here before, but here it is again anyways. trying out another new filehost, but this is one another anon who wasn't me came up with! so people might actually like it?

"...because he can take it..."
(3.5 MB, 671x377, 963F844F-D432-49FA-B0CB-EAA9C1BC6F5B.gif) (6.9 MB, 671x377, 62E550A2-C805-46CD-8718-C03B0B0225CD.gif)
Thank you so much! I know there’s more than a few videos that have been posted here already but with the thread being as old as it is I missed the boat on a lot of links that expired.

Idk if this has been posted, but this clip is special for you man

Anyone have Piggy Playpen or Cake Addict 5? Would be much appreciated!
anyone have bouncing booty 3?
You’re the man!!! Thank you! Anybody have the latest video btw? Kitty’s looking visibly bigger than even some of her really recent stuff. Might be due for another weigh-in soon
(8.8 MB, 640x480, kp.mp4)
This is dope! Makes me wonder, anyone have comparison content that they’ve edited together? That would be awesome
Has she quit? She's posted twice in 2 months
No she said that she is recovering from a breakup, and that's one of the reasons she is not posting that often
Man that sucks, she was on the cusp of ssbbw and has dropped off for the last 3 months or so. Hope she comes back, I've not seen anyone with such a ravenous appetite like her before

Didn't you see the vid from her and Aliss on vacation? That was very recent, and she certainly hasn't dropped any weight. She will make it back, and she will be fatter than when she left.

Here’s her latest, since nobody’s done it yet.


Anyone have Secret Stuffing, the first Kitty’s Kitchen, or Fat Chat & Play?
Yeah, but it is unclear whether Aliss B is actually on camera in it. She is said to be overseeing KP's workout routine, but none of the preview shots show her. I'm not biting as this point.
She’s apparently the one working the camera or narrating, but it kind of defeats the purpose of her cameo for me because I like her features as a contrast to how big Kitty is :/
Correct me if I am wrong, but in this situation, doesn't the "ft" in the vid title mean "featuring"? Being behind the camera, or off to the side coaching/narrating, is not featuring. If true, the title is deceptive.
Damn, gone already. Reup?
>>51687 (Cross-thread)
How do I use this codes? hehe
use base64 decode (it’s a website) this website is retarded about keeping that a secret as if were smarter than any model could ever be
Links already dead
>this website keeps it a secret
>decoder at the bottom of every page and even in the fucking post window
this website isn't doing anything, it's the users who are stupid. mods have even told people to stop encoding since it doesn't do anything but idiots just keep clinging to fake "proof"

I'm not sure anyone but me is relying on proof, and my examples aren't "fake". It's just that 99.9% of links don't need to be encoded whatsoever, and 0% of the links that do need to be encoded get encoded properly.

So, yes, everyone would be better off just not using the system. I think most people are just in the habit now though and can't stop.
> I need moar KupKake

Here's the only other one I gots BRUH

Thanks 4 sharing! Anyone got funnel feeding 3 or her weigh in 3 or 4 ?
Links already dead
thanks contend bruh, unfortunately I missed your drop. next time eh bruhski
(49 KB, 187x209, Screenshot from 2021-10-29 14-24-49.png)
I actually had a (sadly very realistic) dream about her last night. She was this daughter of this rich old guy who owned an estate who liked me, and I kept trying to woo her but was very shy, and I sat next to her being smushed by her giant pillowy curves.

I just can't get over how perfect KP looks. Not just being a growing voracious living tub of lard, but from her sapphire eyes to her cute long pointy nose are gorgeous to me.

Look how she is looking her neck totally. I wish she would write a journal about what it feels like being now super-massively-obese all over. Just the best. Okay sorry for simp rant, I just rarely ever like an irl model like this. I can't wait for her to reach 500+.
(114 KB, 545x537, 1617391406339.jpg)
can someone here promise to kill me if I ever start acting like this
This might be a awkward time to ask but can someone reup the latest link plz. thank you
Greetings, friend! If I catch you ever acting like that guy did, then I will euthanize you!
Christ that was like reading an early Pitchfork review they've tried to erase from history. Morcheeba, simply happening.

Fucking Eh Bruh - You think this is some sort of dream confessions supports group? I'll say a rosary for you or something, but just push those feelings deep down inside and don't talk to strangers on a porn site about it.

>>67338 You the Polish branch of my Familiski?

Damn, that other sad post was so bad here, yous guys need some Contend. Here is Piggy Play Pen, Cake Addict, 2 of the Chubby Cupcake & KP vidjas, Funnels, Comparisons, the newer one with Aliss - a few re-ups for you. All fresh Contend from a choice market. I even threw a couple bonus ups in there.






Thanks for the magic, Contend Fairy.

I wish she'd make new burping vids. I have the hypothesis that the bigger the girl gets the better her burps become. She's proven my hypothesis but barely done it recently.
Content at it's best, a not necessary gift from one kind stranger to another.
My sincere gratitude.
How to use these codes on iphone

Oh man you got to download an Android translation app for Siri to communicate between formats. It's really easier to just make your own videos at that point. Or you know, read the words on the iPhone screen that tells you EXACTLY how to do it.
Really appreciated! Unfortunately they are all expired already :/ Any chances of a re-up?
ditto on the reup :( missed all of it! was really interested in the chubby cupcake vids and the aliss one

i'd be really thankful on the re-up, thx!
this isnt even her
Someone have it?
Some insatiable
Anyone got anything new? She's disappeared on OF's again 🙄

what vid is that from?
Those pics are from a vid she posted a few weeks back
Who's on the left??
Her friend is...rough
She used to be a lot bigger. She was hospitalised with covid at the start of the year and lost quite a lot of weight. IIRC she had symptoms that lasted for months and she's struggled putting out regular content since.
Well that's what smoking cigarettes and obesity does...not shocked tbh
Really, I thought she broke up with her boyfriend and lost her house. She never mentioned getting covid. She's used to be a really active on OF's, now she barely responds but she still looks massive
CC is gorgeous, I wish she would come back and post more.
It's Chubby Cupcake who got Covid, not KP
Anyone got her new stuff? CC sucks, unless she's doing real lesbian shit she needs to stop that
So I take it she’s taking another long break?
Looks like it. She could atleast have the decency to say this instead of continuing to take OF subs, it's been over a month since she posted anything
It's frustrating she keeps taking these prolonged breaks without explanation. This is like the 3rd such break for the year.
She's probably going through some personal emotional shit after her recent breakup, or something else in her life. I don't mean to white knight, I'm pissed we aren't getting content from one of the hottest fatties I've ever seen on the prime of her life. But when someone takes this many breaks in such a short amount of time, there's usually some decent reasoning behind it. It's not like a goodgirlgrow situation, KP isn't stringing people along. In fact, she's leaving money on the table by making zero content.
Wherever she is I hope she's OK and fatter than ever
We need updates from this hog. Her gain is phenomenal
Is there a reason why we are not using Google Drive? I mean... all the WeTransfer links are dead now. Drive is permanent, and free up to 15 Gigs
Share to too many (100 I believe) and it's dead.
I wouldn’t say she owes the community as a whole an explanation - I mean, she’s her own person she can come and go as she wants. But I do say the ones paying monthly for OnlyFans content that they are not receiving deserve some sort of follow up, right?
I'll stay on her OF's in the hope she comes back, she's one of the hottest out there and was on target to hit 400 then just disappeared
(122 KB, 560x319, Screenshot_20211228-134803_Chrome.jpg)


here I leave the video of Kittypiggy Sesual Feeding with ChubbyCupcake and I am looking for the video Insatiable: 2 years later


gotchu fam
(723 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20220112-034716_Video Player.jpg) (781 KB, 2400x1080, Screenshot_20220112-034801_Video Player.jpg)
Here is my absolute favorite video of hers. It hasn't been uploaded to my knowledge. Hoping everyone shares what they have, especially looking for her most recent vids


Her fat cheeks stuffed with food are so hot. She does the best face stuffings imo. Try watching it in .5x speed and watch her chew. It's so good lol. Anyway, enjoy
Agreed, she is one of the best. The sheer amount of food she can consume is shocking. Hoping she comes back and starts posting again
thank you very much, I love her. Great video. She stores fat so beautifully with hypnotic face
Anyone got her uncensored showering video?

could you share the video from 2019, boss? that comparison looks great
What do you think is the best platform / social network to contact her and do you think I have a chance of getting an answer ?
>>73147 how bout don't. Happened to too many models where theyre driven off the platform coz of stalkers
Hi I’m new here and kitty piggy has one of the hottest bellies I’ve ever seen! Can someone reup some vids in exchange for a dump of other bbws content?
Hi I’m new here, and let me just say that kitty piggy has one of the hottest bellies I’ve ever seen! Can someone re-up content previously posted here in exchange for a dump of other BBWs?
No, faggot. Read the rules: NO TRADING.
Either dump what you have or fuck off
The guy below you must be on his period or something, don't mind him. However, on this site you can actually get banned for proposing trades. Upload what you have and then request content, and I'm sure someone with the desired content will upload it, out of gratitude.
go kiss yo mama
No one cares about that shit
Wow people are angry in here. Chill and appreciate how sexy this hog is
I don't think it's actually from a video.
Any updates guys
a compilation I made, get it while its hot:

>>73649 amazing work thank you very much, but how come its so blurry?

any tips on buying stuff and not having it plastered on my bank account?
Tell your wife to stop checking your account
outrageously good
use paypal retard
Why are y'all so mad...he just asked a question about it yikes
Can someone re up or post something?
Could you reup please
This chick is far too hot, best legs in the business.
Upload lads, some random vids to get us going
>>73649 can anyone reup this?
has she retired?
i dont think she's retired. there was some post on curvage about going through a tough time
Shes been for nearly 4 months now, such a shame
if it wasn't for her popping in on curvage last week (just online notice, nothing), I would have assumed by now her lifestyle caught up to her lol
Unfortunate she's been gone so long. Wouldn't it be something for her to return almost 400lbs? I'd buy the shit out of anything if she was bigger than her last appearance
She comes on curvage but doesn't post or reply to messages, same on her OF's
It’s still a major disappointment and such bad timing. Girl was making such good progress and great gains to her stated goal of 400 lbs. As soon as she was within reach of her goal, I think it was somewhere around 374 lbs., her boyfriend/feeder decides at that fucking time to dump her and send her spiraling into a depression, depriving us of good content. Before she posted new content almost twice per week at her peak activity. Now it’s radio silence. I’m mad bros. Not only did I want new content from her, I wanted to see when she would hit the big 400. Fml.
You're way too emotionally invested into this. Have you ever considered that maybe she just decided she didn't want to do it anymore, and it didn't have anything to do with some boyfriend who may or may not even exist.
Wrong. She literally wrote in one of her last posts on curvage, that she broke up with her ex-bf for 5 years last summer and asked for some personal time alone. Her breakup absolutely did play a part in her disappearing.

Also I don’t think she can walk away from this like it never happened. Purposely gaining more than 200 lbs of pure body fat will permanently change a person’s body. Not even liposuction will restore her skinny body to the way it was before with all of the saggy and wrinkled skin, not to mention any potential health issues she might have to deal with. No, I don’t think the girl is stupid enough to suddenly change her mind after all this effort. She truly did seem deep into the feedee fetish.
I will never understand why people take it so personally whenever a model takes a break, quits, or starts losing weight. They can do whatever they want, because it's their life. They aren't going to keep gaining or continue modeling because some random dude on the internet is saying that she needs to in order to fullfil their fantasies.

Would I like it if she kept gaining and posted more? Absolutely. But if she doesn't want to it's her decision. I don't personally know these models or other people on the internet for that matter. So I don't take it personal if content creators do something I don't want.

Thanks for hearing my autistic ramblings.
Just wish she would come back and post again, with an extra 50lbs on that frame
(175 KB, 1920x1080, Gym_Moment(2).jpg.1cb2075845e6965cdbca14871f9d0ba8.jpg)
I am at my wit's end after looking literally everywhere for a long time. If anyone has "Workout Fail" it would be the greatest gift ever, like I'm at the point I just want to see this as a grand finale to the fetish. Please, any quality I don't mind
Anyone know where shes gone
she pops in on curvage online and does absolutely nothing.
Couldn’t you know just buy it?
lol maybe if she appeared more than twice a year...also I'm broke:(
what is this king of link:
what is the site to reach them please?
any chance of reup?
Does anyone get any updates of her?
Anyone has the first insatiable video?
is there a reason why she's not posting anymore?
>>39680 (OP)
subscribed to her of...nothing interest ( she has not hot content.
she was in a long term relationship with a feeder, lived together and everything. They split up at the end of August last year. I imagine she's probably had to find somewhere else to live and if she's back living with family they may not be supportive of her choices. Either that or she's become disillusioned with the whole scene.
Whoever broke up with her has to be, I'm sorry, the most foolish ungrateful klutz on the planet. Still blows my mind. And if he is the ultimate cause for her becoming weary of gaining more he needs a hard knock in the head.
Bro if your relationship with someone is only about physical intimacy you're doing it wrong
I am going to assume you are being sarcastic and therefor assume that you are a woman.
I can't believe you just admitted to being a virgin like this.
Anyone following Aliss Bonython on OF who could ask her what's up? They're friends after all
You do realize that there's more to relationships than just sex and physical attraction right? I swear some people are delusional.
Could someone reup insatiable 1 or 2?
Anybody follow Aliss Bonython? Ask her what happened to KP

lmao let’s not
Damn do I miss her updates. she completely fell off
hello man
Its 2gigs. if some guy wanted to give u a 36kb virus he wouldn't package it with 2gigs of very particular fetish porn
…or would he?
an iso file is a disc image, not an executable. cant get a virus unless theres a virus inside the iso file which you run after unzipping
That's the vid where she is fattening up Shar, check her stufferdb
there's only a single video on there and it's not it
I'm new to her could someone reup something?
Does anyone have weigh in number 8 and 16? Trying to complete my collection
I'm downloading weigh in 8 now. Could you please upload your whole collection? (to gofile.io preferably)
Has anyone found out where she disappeared to?
someone should upload her stuff to coomer

She took the gravy pipe one too many times and asploded.

Srsly tho I do hope she's well.
Funniest thing ive seen on this site
I've been wanting to see this video for months, and it was just as good as I expected. Thank you very much Anon sir. KP is truly queen tier
Is it possible that she has ate herself to an early grave? I do hope she's OK and will return
As fucked up as this sounds that would actually be kinda hot tbh if her extreme turn to gluttony killed her off so soon, and from being thin not too long ago. Like I would fap once then feel terrible for years about it
Her sheer greed and gluttony was shockingly brilliant but she seemed pretty healthy. Hopefully she's fine and still packing on the lbs and just sorting shit out after her breakup
Even batman couldn't get something like this out of me
Fr I would’ve taken that shit to the grave
Sweet jesus what a figute. I do wish she'd come back
Why do all the comments in here keep getting deleted? This chick is hot as hell and was nailed on to hit 400 with ease
Does anyone have "Insatiable: The Anti-Diet" by any chance?
At her last few videos her ass was literally so huge that she couldn’t twerk anymore...literally tripled in size
She was right on the verge. If she continued her pace she'd probably be at 400 by now. And she was one of the best.
any chance for a reup of the workout fail?
Does aone have any of her more recent videos? I really struggle finding her content
A smalll amount of her onlyfans is on coomer, if someone would upload the rest, I'd be much obliged
agreed someone should also put chubby cupcakes stuff on coomer
Go for it, nobody's stopping you
Anyone have any last her videos?
Can someone upload the rest of her OF to coomer?
Late, but enjoy: aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LTNiZGpjZ0l3aDA=
Workout fail pls
Pls upload on a different file sharing site?

Can you post this on a faster sharing site?
Thank you! Better late than never :)
Someone needs to find this chick and have her come back
Does anyone have piggy playpen they could reup?
Any reup on the workout video?
Threw in an extra one there for you as well
If anyone has insatiable: 2years later and snacking for a sacking please share

heres Weigh in 15
Thanks for posting this stuff anon, can you upload more vids of her binge eating/stuffing? It's much appreciated.
One question where do you put those codes?
Not anon, but here's some of my favourites:
I just want her to come back, having eaten everything and be pushing 450!
I wouldn’t even care if she’d dropped abit just to get to see her load it back on 😩
Anybody got her fat chat vids?

I dont even need her to put it back on i just want new content
Any reup of weigh in 15 & 16?
Anyone have the Insatiable 4th of July video?
It's all over the usual free sites, cmon n00b
Moderators please remove all links that use this dood shitit!!! My windows is now corrupt after visiting this site. These links are placed by hackers. Nasty bar stewards!!! No punishment is too severe for the watchers
No thanks. Have a nice day
doubt. went to the site, nothing happened. stop spreading fake shit.
can anyone reup the workout fail vid? heres a new big bunny weigh in aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LTFaUGZvemIzakQ=
aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LTlCZmtNWlVVeHc= the first one was broken
I double dog dare someone to upload any or all of the insatiable vids
Does any have "STUCK: Holiday Edition"?
Guys I just found this website :
REPORT MY POSTYmJ3Y29udGVudC5jb20vbW9kZWxzLzEyOS1iYncta2l0dHktcGlnZ3k=
Not bad to watch some video previews of KP content but does anyone know how to get full access without paying ?
I know it's not the best option but I am broke for the moment.
any reup please?
Is she still posting on her onlyfans?

Hi i’m new, i didn’t know her, but she is still active? Or she’s gone?
Nah shes probably gone now, think the last update was november. Probably re-thought her life and lost some weight
is she posting content on a new page? because i have seen new nude video going around

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