
(442 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_70d336b7186262cafbee4e10dfc0006c_816d5c0c_1280.jpg) (457 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_bdb25b094b600833c6f248ec3548f7a9_a54f10b4_1280.jpg) (460 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_8e558f8646fdb1171acccd12f1329a9f_2235150c_1280.jpg) (433 KB, 1280x1707, tumblr_ae9667dd1ef49962850979a01d724914_38519bb1_1280.jpg)
New thread for ThiccCollegeGirl

good reply one:

Anonymous 11/05/2020 (Thu) 16:26:12 Id:c1b2ec No. 36083
New vid


good reply two:

>>36088 (Dead)

good reply three:

Anonymous 11/05/2020 (Thu) 20:05:00 Id:23d410 No. 36105
>>36086 (Dead)
why does this thread keep getting deleted
Probably due to all the server issues of late. Anything after like 10/31 is(was) at risk

about a week ago bbwchan got kicked off it's server, so it moved to a new server, that new server sucked, so ASAP bbwchan moved again. that week on the shitty server all those threads all those posts all of that database information is as far as i can tell intact at least for now on old.bbw-chan.nl and yesterday a week old backup of bbw-chan.nl was used to populate the new awesome server.

yeah it kinda sucks but.... bbwchan was HELLA laggy and images weren't loading for about a week, and now it's lightning fast and responsive! so I think moving again so rapidly was overall positive.

barclay said the posts from old.bbw-chan.nl aren't going to be merged into the current site, so, if there's anything you had open or bookmarked that the past week or so, you can just go read it on the bad server's copy of the site by changing the url to old.bbw-chan.nl

not sure how this is possible I don't know jack about servers or website creation, just read what barclay said on REPORT MY POST... he did say old.bbw-chan.nl would be up until early december though... if you need to copy/paste and links or threads from there to here or whatever....
Anything new?
can someone repost links?

first vid is the latest TCG clip, the other two are an Alyss and a Growmebigger vid respectively
reup please, new link broken
The new link works fine, you’re just not decoding properly
Can maybe later tonight, but also the videos have been on YouTube for months now (albeit at poor quality).

Reup of newest

>>40062 (Dead)
>>40093 (Dead)

wild guess, but I think all your posts are getting deleted because they're violating the rule against pointless bumping, so yeah know, if you included some content alongside your critisisms and complaints it might not get deleted....
(70 KB, 720x467, list of clowns.jpg)
>w-why won't the mods let me shitpost? :(
re-up sans trickery


lets see how long this stays up
Can we get a re-up from some kind soul please?
From whence is this video, my good sir, so that I may subscribe.
Tumblr, to which thee wilt find thy subscription senseless
It'd be nice if she uploaded more often than once every 4 or so months.
She’s lazy as hell lol her videos are mediocre when she does
(6.7 MB, 656x1232, tcg.mp4)
>>44226 why does she always look so disheveled and stoned
For real. She always looks like she's drunk on food.
Maybe she drinks or smokes weed prior to or during eating. Shutting off the voice that says stop, gotta increase the caloric intake with any means necessary.
No she’s just stoned out of her mind
Give me more chicks stoned out of their mind stuffing, honestly. H O T
Anyone have the new vid
All of her videos are so unremarkable and the simps are obsessed
She just dropped a new vid. Looks so hot. Any heros???? Its only $6
You said it yourself. It’s only $6. Be the hero
The video is👌🥵
Don’t you guys ever stare at a price and say “fuck it”? It’s not worth in sitting twiddling your thumbs waiting for a “hero” when you can just go buy the damn thing at $6.
I have. A couple of times. Then two weeks later I see it posted somewhere. I am broke so I generally don't think its ever worth it but if you aren't paycheck to paycheck, buying what you want is a nice convenience.
Her face from thin became so fat, is so hot
She was never really thin though, she started chubby
The face got fattt
How much do she weighs?
She from jersey🥵🥵💯
>>44473 (Dead)
Some are, most aren't.

Fair enough, especially in this economy. I do have disposable income so for me it is hard justifying pirating something that $6. Hey if a guy does upload it good for you guys I guess.
Someone have see the video?
She looks p hot to me man, esp the lips...
no have see video
Someone have it?
I’ve been searching everywhere... havent found it anywhere yet...
>>44618 then buy it ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Somebody will be the hero we need but don't deserve
i'd rather fap to free porn
Cant believe how much bigger her belly looks in every video... her feeder must be stuffing her like crazy 😳... we need a hero to drop the sauce...
In this instance what would be the perk(s) of fapping to this video outside of saving $6?
Holy fuck, thank you
Dat was me boys lol
here's original quality upload:
Hurrah!!! The hero we didn’t deserve. Thanks, though!
Damn I know she’s been a big girl since she’s been around but her face was always pretty skinny. In that latest video I couldn’t get over how fat her face looks with that constant double chin. She looks enormous.

No it wasn’t. We can literally see the IDs, why are you lying?
Jesus! Can she even reach over her gut laying like that?! The though of a woman getting to big to even touch themselves is a big turn on for me
Full clip ?

or more like this
shes great, but I wish she did more than bloating or stuffing videos for her longer ones.

That is the full clip, which can be found on her tumblr sweetsouthernfeedee along with other posts from her.
Can someone reup her last video in normal quality please?

A simple man of simple B64s and no words. My sort of guy
more like based 64 am I right?
Anyone have her newest video?
Dropped a new vid anyone gonna be a saint
Please anyone have her video? She looks even bigger
OMG what a pig
(3.2 MB, 750x1334, 8F1D3653-A52E-4FBB-B143-A5C192D468E7.png)
Like somebody should just be a total hero rn n buy the workout vid look at her face and arm fat her belly also got a lot bigger to so pray4ahero
Reup of her coke and mentos?
you can find the mentos vid on youtube, just type in her name
Can someone be a hero?
Reupp people. we need a saviour
Someone gotta get the new vid
12 year-olds shouldn't be on this website lol. If you want it so badly, just buy it.
hey man I wanna see this vid too, but you've demanded someone buy it for you 3 times in the past 24 hours. Give it a minute I'm sure it'll turn up on here eventually
Still no one? Dayum
Does anyone have the video of her in the Buffalo Wild Wings uniform?
New vid anyone ???
Shut the fuck up
please just fuck off. clearly nobody has the video and at this point, even if I did I'd withhold it just to spite you
I have it but I dont want to post it on this dumbass website that blocks all popular VPN servers. doing way more harm than good whoever thinks they're the admin
You could just as easily put it on the volafile or even spankbang

it helps hinder ban dodgers who break some very heinous rules. it cannot possibly be doing more harm than good.
Hey man get fucked if you aren't gonna post shit. Everybody else can use the volafile or fucking spankbang what makes you so special??
doubt he even has the video, he's probably just fucking with the people begging
no you don't. if you did you would have posted it instead of making this post crying about nothing. the only "harm" blocking VPNs does is to dickheads who want to shitpost without being punished, linkvertisers, and people who post CP. i wonder which one you are.
(41 KB, 447x266, Capture.PNG)
and guess what I'm not posting out of sheer principle? you guessed it. her new video.
so a shitposter then. we are all very proud of you.
Whatever man, enjoy your power trip. Its just a video
dont forget to jerk yourself off to the fact that it's the first time you have any "power" in your life
2 days of waiting for people to respond to your bullshit was a long wait, but it was worth it.
lmao, kind of sad that this is the only victory in life you have. i dont even visit this thread often but i saw this and had to make fun of your pathetic existance
Lol, you’re insane man.
Have fun I guess
An 8 minute 720p video is not worth all of this lol
based fuck that other dude LOL
thank you for not being a colossal faggot
Thanks bro, you're a real one. Also good job on putting that other shithead in his place. Striped away the only power he ever had real quick.
TIL Having a $9 video is a power move according to BBWChan.
Hero to the poor man
it is to those who don't have it lol
Thanks anon, youre a legend. Downloaded too, it just to spite
>>49481 this idiot
That's hot as fuck
She looks huge
Someone have it?

Here you go
The working class Hero
The curvage font is annoying:(
Why do people type "based", what does it mean? Just b64 or what?
Yeah it is short for Base64 to help remind other users :)
Re-up of the last video please?

based: A word used when you agree with something; or when you want to recognize someone for being themselves, i.e. courageous and unique or not caring what others think. Especially common in online political slang.
>>53896 (Dead)

She really doesn’t make much content. 1 tumble post every couple weeks and 1 curvage vids per couple months. It’s a shame too since she’s hot af. She’s like all gut
Aka she’s a milker
any hope here?
nothin here nigga, see you in 2 months once she posts again
New vid out
She s got so big

Here ya go

Why is she so hot and cute😫
Does anyone know why my download doesn't go past 5%? Cus I've tried so many times and still end up with the same result.
Same thing happened to me
delete your cookies or try in incognito
It's because MAB sucks ass thats why
I bet if you tracked when she uploaded you could see when her bills are due lol

I mean, it’s no secret she’s doing it for money lol. Or at least trying to get paid while doing it. Tbh few and far between is probably better than constant low effort cash grab clips. I do wish she’d update more tho, whether that be vids, pics, or just engaging with the community.
Ouch, the MAB aleady expired :-/

mab links are designed to only last 2 days, so ya know, if it's been more than 2 days the link just naturally expired as everyone was aware of :-/
Her few and far between clips are low effort and a cash grab tho... and she started fat...
Can someone pls share the video via wetransfer or any other large file system except mab. Cus after 10 downloads it just doesn't work. Tnx

literally no, that isn't possible :-p the reason anyone uses mab at all is that 20gb>2gb. if that weren't so everyone would use wetransfer instead of mab always. (although yeah it's silly to put uploads smaller than 2gb on mab, people rarely do it).
I thought she was 290 pounds. But she's 309 pounds?!?!?
Thank you so much bro
God you guys are fast with her vids didn't even know this one existed yet before you uploaded it thanks!
Holy fuck she got fat
Not saying all her stuff shows up day of but compared to other threads seem to usually see it within the week
You know you're a sick fuck when you get off on how out of shape she says she is.

Hope her new goal weight is 350 or 400
Tnx! But can someone pls link the video she did before that pls? I couldn't download it last time, idk y, but it didn't work
Jesus Henry Christ. Her content overall is kinda just okay and lacks some energy, but she is, bar none, the hottest woman I’ve ever seen. my fucking hero for posting this.
Not only is she fucking hot but the massive tits and belly are icing on the cake
has anyone got any of these
Beer Funneling/Belly Play
Coke and Mentos Bloat
Fast Food Stuffing
I wake up and all links are already unavailable, ya'll fast. Anyone care to reupload?
lol you've been sleeping for a while or did you wake up from a coma? those links were all posted a month or more ago so of course they're gone. Wish I could sleep that much. I'm seriously jealous.
Oh my, she's so HUGE now
jesus christ...
You are the GOAT random anon
(665 KB, 1440x1080, Collage_20210816_124844.jpg)
Here's a comparison between her first and most recent clip
December 2018 to August 2021
god bless you my brother
She hit 250lbs around February 2020 and she's gained well over 60 pounds since then. Back in 2018 I doubt she was anything over 200lbs so there must be roughly a 100 pound difference between those photos, even if it doesn't look like it.
Can someone reup in WeTransfer? Airbridge fucking sucks
you are the Working Class Hero.
Seriously, still don't know why people still use that shit site
why do people bitch about mab so much? yeah it's usually slow, but you get previews, which is neat

i get sick of downloading the same shit off we.tl over and over because you can't tell what shit is.

in a perfect world, everyone would use mega
in a perfect world everyone would use anonfiles

it keeps the download speed of we.tl and has even better previews than mab

why you retards continue to use only these 2 websites is so fucking strange and it just shows everyone on this site cant think for themselves and investigate options to solve existing problems
God DAYUM just her face alone is huge
You are a legend. Anybody know which clips she weighs herself in?
Only the recent one, but she said that around february 2020 she hit 250.
you can tell she's a midfat who's really pushing the limits rn. I don't think she'll get much bigger, she doesn't have the frame of Jae or Boberrie, but gotta respect the work put in, she's a blob these days

did you handbrake these yourself or did someone else do it before you obtained them?

I think the quality is a bit lower than some previous leaks we've had in this thread on some of the videos, and I imagine it's because whoever handbraked these wasn't aware of the problems that portrait mode videos would pose on calculating the correct bitrate...

these were probably the worst offenders of what I described https://mab.to/HOjAMF0AE

that staid the difference in quality might be too small for most people to notice?
These have been downloaded off pornhub, spankbang and what have you, best quality I found and I even replaced old ones if I found better quality ones later. That said, I haven't bought a single video in there, so they have been regurgitated through pornhub and spankbang compression and quality suffered as a result. The mentos bloat video is the worst example, it's at like 480p or something.

Like you said, the quality didn't matter enough for me to take the leap and buy anything.
Does it really matter? So long as it's not potato quality
Anyone can share her last video ?
>Me: "Ok, I think this is the heaviest I find attractive. I've hit my limit."

>ThiccCollegeGirl: "Hold my beer."

W-What will become of me
Its a slippery slope lads, if you told me 10 years ago i'd be nutting to women as large as boberry i'd have laughed at you
pretty much
I don't know why, maybe it's because she used to be a legit, objective 10/10 before she put on weight

For real. I remember thinking that models like Kate Dillion were as big as I was willing to go. Now I look at pictures of her and she's like, not even fat. Meanwhile, I'm jacking it regularly to chicks over 400.
it's always been more about shape than size for me. if i could find a 400+ lbs woman who wasn't a blob and also didn't have a double belly, i'd be down. marilyn might be the one tho
That definitely is a big factor for me.

Also, having big cutie chloe start gaining as I started getting into this hasn't helped.

if he had intentionally done the compression himself, and made a mistake, pointing out that mistake would allow him to do it differently next time.

that's the only reason I brought it up, no one can stop pornhub from damaging quality.

also I uploaded the few videos from his release where I already had a higher quality copy on my computer, which meant anyone who wanted to could follow my link for a higher quality copy (although my link expired a day or two ago).
What is this picture from? I’ve seen it a couple times now, but it doesn’t relate to any of her videos
definitely lots of "fatter IRL" going on with her.

i'm convinced she's way bigger than she appears in her videos.
What makes you so convinced?
Any reup?
Have you ever fucked an obese girl?
To the eyes they may seem "just chubby" but to your hands and meat is a-whole-nother story.
IRL 300 pounds is massive. In porn/softcore not so much
Look up Penfield's Homunculus though
I agree with this, even 250 is very large. I've been with 400pounders and they are enormous. I can't even visualize what a jae or boberry would even look like irl.
New curvage upload anyone got?
Anyone have the new vid ? Looks like its one of her best yet judging by the preview pics !
She needs to move to another site like of, she has some fucking much potential
Didn’t mean to send that twice, my bad, internet’s been lagging a bit
You are a hero my friend !
>buys new vid and shares it without even making people convert

Bro you apologize to no one
Not based64 but b a s e d , t h x!
you just made my night brother, thank you
God damn! How much does she weigh now?
She's so obese now, awesome
I want her to get an OF really bad, But I don't think she's motivated enough to produce content on a regular basis. But it's a crime she isn't on a platform where she can get her boobs out.
She showed her tits in some gifs on her original tumblr. They were really nice. Might be on stufferdb yet but idk.
I don't think they are, But I would still like her to have a secondary platform where she can be more explicit since Curvage is restrictive on nudity.
fuck she looks so fucking sexy in this.....omg
(1.1 MB, 1044x1091, tcg.jpg)
Some photosets and older curvage videos.

hopefully one day
Her last weigh in video showed she was 309 lbs.
Thanks Uncle Farmer Dude! When I look at the videos and photos of gainers / feedees I hope they have partner that just bangs the crap out of them on a regular basis. Although I'm sure they're out there it would be strange to be into that fetish by yourself, and not have somebody encouraging you, feeding you, and tell you how beautiful you are.
(5.9 MB, 656x1228, tumblr_r218j3EIPv1y4lq5f.mp4)
"I’ve turned into a complete pile of fat. I ordered pizza and could barely heave my fat ass up off the couch to waddle to the door. I don’t know how much more I can gain before my belly constantly pins me down."
She looks huge. She’s going to be another Layla, just a giant round gut that dominates her frame. I hope she makes a binge/stuffing vid. A Mochii/KP level one, not just a like a burger
Has anyone the full video?
That’s all she posted.There’s no full video of it,yet.
TCC has those giant tits though...
any chance of a reup?
That's bellys her money maker - her weigh in video is in the top ten all time downloaded clips on curvage - and it's not even that new
yep same one just added in the photosets, tumblr stuff and the new video
Do you have this on anything other than Mega? I got the zip to 100% on there but it never actually downloaded for me
Holy fuck, looks insane 👀
I love roleplay videos, this one looks great
You absolute legend!
Wow and Wow! A new vid drop and share from both Candii and TCG on the same day. What a great time to be with this fetish. Thanks!
Can anyone reup on wetransfer or something please? Mega never seems to like me
(220 KB, 537x435, tcg compare.png)
This is only about 5-6 months apart. She's getting huge.
Wetransfer only does a gigabyte for links, but the folder is almost 8 gigabytes. I guess I could try Google Drive if Mega really is impossible for you guys.
I could do Google drive!
Uploading rn, almost done. Included the new video too
Worked like a charm, thanks buddy
Sadly downloads are exhausted
What's the point of a download limit?
Login to ur google drive and make a copy there. U can download it with ease.

Using drive is actually better if everyone knows how to copy to their drive then download since the file stays there forever. But since most ppl will just download it straight and hit the download limit, it will probably trigger and investigation sooner or later and that drive account may get banned.

It won't work for me, says the url isn;t tthere anymore.
Mega is still up, drive is not
So uhm, could anyone re-up that roleplay vid please? Or upload it to the mega? I missed it :(
>>67591 brother, it's okay - retype her name but with an extra "C"
(634 KB, 750x1334, 29667B1F-D3E4-4A6E-AFDC-7E701A9602E3.png)
Wait, false alarm! She’s still on the site! But for some reason you can’t search her directly by name right now. Found it clicking a link on her tumblr
(71 KB, 886x886, chaironthewheels.png)
>>35933 (OP)

What I do with this stuff frens? How to download it? Spoonfeed a retard pls.
Lol, yeah. Just found out. Still pretty early for me I guess
And how to download stuff with shorter links, like >67419
(10 KB, 240x240, cringe.jpg)
stick it in the base64 decoder at the bottom of the page, and click decode. you may have to decode multiple times. check after you decode to make sure there's nothing in brackets too. people get really mad about newbies not understanding this stuff here btw so do more research in the future (e.g you could've checked the site rules for this info)
Okay but can anyone please reup the fckin latest roleplay vid? Add it to the mega, revive the drive or something
I'm down bad for that vid
what are the chances of a reup?


rejoice, plebs
Thank you, the kindest of sirs
How much do you need to eat just to maintain at that size???
Not as much as you might think. Fat doesn't cost anywhere near as much to maintain as muscle. If she's short it could just be 2500
Cam anyone repost the link....im new here and all the links expired
Excellent plan.
(203 KB, 1080x949, Screenshot_20211129_220708.jpg)
Fucking hell, it's so crazy and hot to think she was athletic and skinny just a few years ago.
She started nearing 200 lbs but okay
Yeah, athletic yes, skinny no. I believe that she has stated herself that she was never skinny, starting college around 160 lbs which is on the husky side for someone her height. After that, the rest is history.
Anybody got any videos where she shows her back? Like at all..? I've watched a bunch of her content and I have yet to see any ass. Or does this unfortunately just not exist?
Maybe in some older vids like from 2019 or early 2020. But now that she's at her peak, I haven't seen her ass in a while.
she rubs and jiggles it a bit in the recent button popping one
She does have ass when she is stuffing herself. You can see that it’s like a beach ball
jesus how much does she weigh rn
Last weigh in was 309 pounds this summer, gaining 60 pounds since march 2020 when she was 250. The weigh in video is half a year old too so i could bet on her being around 335 now.
Could anyone please put the August Fast Food stuffing up on wetransfer? I accidentally deleted it and reached the download limit for mega today
Use vpn, and be happy!
Kinda hot that this girl has around 40 minutes worth of burping content
MacSnob here, bro you did a great fucking job!
Yup, especially since she only has a few hours of content total

Thanks man, means a lot coming from you!
how tf does this girl get so burpy? I do an entire stuffing and burp like, twice.
some people just have to burp constantly for some reason. i'm like that too
This is awesome but Mega is giving me issues. Any way someone can re-up another platform? I've got a bunch of PMVs from the SSBBW comp thread
I think it’s because she drinks beer with her food
(2.4 MB, 1413x973, Untitled.png)
Almost a 100 pounds later.

Also what I found pretty hot was that she could sit up with help from her hands in that video from the first image

Then she needed a couple tries until pulling herself up with her arms

And now the closest she has even come to sitting up is leaning back to around a 40 degree angle then tilting over (abs totally unable to push up the weight of her belly) and pulling herself up with the armrest and coming out of it a ragged mess
Could anyone repost the Professor RP video?
Can't make the mega work. Can someone WeTransfer the newest one? Thanks

if anyone has downloaded these, I would appreciate a re-up on your hosting site of preference. the mega folder is maxed out and i cannot download on my vpn nor regular ip
I'll up all my content on wetransfer

My ip might change next time cuz I'm using a VPN
didn't feel like encoding these so get em' while you can
also I will upload the tcg burp comp in full quality in exchange for a new vid
these are all in the mega
Thanks for the uploads mates wish I could see those titties think I'd just cream myself. Fingers crossed she releases the udders in 2022.
There used to be a picture of here topless on StufferDB a long time ago, but it got deleted.


here's her newest vid
Honestly, I really won’t this girl to sit in between my face so I can just nom nom her out. I’m soo down bad for her
Praying she releases the titties soon. I’d pay good money for that
Sadly it's likely not going to happen. Someone asked on Tumblr a while back if she had any interest in doing OF and she said she didn't so probably not going to see her tits anytime soon.
where did she post this?
has she ever showed her ass? any vid where she even turns around?
She does in her workout attempt video. I don't have it on me though. Someone put it on spankbang I think.
XD posso usar a conta também?
>>72186 anyone got a reup?
More videos!
More videos!!
Calm down CJ. All of her vids have already been shared.
She hasn't uploaded anything since November sadly.
Hey bro where i can take the last video she post?
Hey bro?
Hey bro?
Hey guys! Pls answer my question🙏🏻
Get a grip of yourself CJ. and stop polluting the post with nonesense
Sorry, I’m new and i never been in a chat, like this
Sorry guys
Take a look at other threads on here CJ and get a feel for what is kosher and what is not. Discount the dolts and morons, there are always going to some, but for the most part, this site works for its intention - sharing of our favorite BBW content.
is professor vid still the newest content?
Yeah, Outside of some Tumblr pics.
If she was consistent she’d be the goat
She's pretty much the only one who i will buy any video of, shame she goes on these long breaks without content
pretty sure she only makes videos when she's low on money lmao

Idk. As much as I’d love to see more of her, it’s pretty hot that every video she does make she is noticeably fatter. Rather than just tons of low effort repetitive junk for cash grab
Yup, I'd have to agree, but at least when she does make an appearance, she's noticeably fatter.
>professor vid
I don't remember the last time I coomed that hard lol.
i like how she drops one good video a month rather than a bunch of garbage videos every week
All of her videos are low effort
Even though it's low effort it's still pretty good considering what other low-level content is out there.
my dick seems to disagree bro
Anyone getting pissed off by that can't make up their fucking mind. Do you want her to continue being a fat lazy slob or not?

The fact that she is too lazy and fat to stop stuffing her face to make more content is so hot. Means she is doing it because she loves it and can't stop, not just to cash out at every turn.
Respect, honestly lol

right .. her gain is so noteworthy and hot it doesnt even matter
Still nothing? What happened
Nothing since November. She better be pushing 350 if we have to wait this long for a new video
It's pretty common for her to go months without a video.
Anyone got it? I wanna see this
>That first pic

Holy shit she looks pregnant with triplets
Ha, ha - now if one of these complainers who so want her latest vid would belly up their own funds, purchase, and share - that would be great. Someone surprise me.
This is really fucking pathetic if you haven't bought and shared anything. It's begging for porn while acting like you're a big shot to be impressed
The only actual reason to complain about her stuff is her videos are .mov instead of something like .mp4, either way enjoy y'all


>>76220 this guy is a turbofaggot
LOL, repeatedly. If you dolts only knew how many share links I've posted here. Before you idiot morons challenge me with your next lame insult, I'll post the last 3 .mov files of the lmbb oldies that I'm currently posting here before I do on the lmbb thread to show that I've been active. Watch the time stamp, it will be seconds after this one.

Here's two of them - Chipolte Stuffing is almost 2gb itself and will be in a separate link.

Is there anything else (that I paid for) you want? I might have it, but this reaction from a few choice retards is discouraging.

You talk like my autistic friend from 10th grade who thought he was an anime villain incarnated in the human world
That might be, but you have no future as a comedian, or satirist. My 6th grader could do better.
I find tcg the sexiest of all models - wish she had an of
why the fuck are people consistently the most antagonistic to the dudes who actually upload shit
(5 KB, 240x210, 4to6rb.jpg)
I also wish that man, but sadly i don't think that's ever gonna happen.
Hey guys, someone got the link for the new video of Thicccollegegirl?
can someone reup her newest vid?
Can anyone reup her try on vid plz?
Enjoy :)
does anyone have her fat professor video?
Can someone upload the expired we.tl please?
Can someone upload the expired we.tl please?
(289 KB, 888x1397, 2018D678-3AC1-4FF9-AB0C-CCC5A43ACE91.jpeg) (279 KB, 914x1441, 1D9262AC-09BC-46FD-BFB8-449FAA72F8C6.jpeg) (510 KB, 1280x1707, 2C5F4989-76AB-4A89-BF11-F8BCD197D4BE.jpeg) (375 KB, 954x1614, 3A2CD06B-252B-4D66-9CF2-5C25D4590D1F.jpeg)
How the hell does she already look significantly bigger than the last video she just posted?!? I know she didn’t have a full stomach in the last one where trying on clothes but DAMN! TCG is hands down one of if the the best in the game rn At this rate she’s gonna be immobile soon
I wish she spoke more about her appetite and how much she must be eating. It's insane and I know she's not really trying. I saw those pics on her tumblr but I don't think they were from a recent vid or anything
Could someone please re-up the try on vid?
God she is a gift
(3.9 MB, 1232x656, 3-12-22.mp4)
new from tumblr
Vid reupload plz

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