
(305 KB, 1920x1080, Layla1.jpg) (256 KB, 1920x1080, Layla2.jpg)
So i know that layla is famous 'round here. So because i'm a big fan of her fucking full gut, and a fan of this fucking good (and ressource valuable) chan, i share this with you mates. First contribution, enjoy!

Brother, what a good contribution thanks
Do you not have 10k calores challenge?
wow new thread opened up with the newest content. bravo. to show appreciation here are a few vids. a mix of newish and old

Has she lost weight at all? Her belly doesn't look as big as it did in her older videos
Here is a Re up, don't let it disapear again without geting it ahah.

i downloaded it how do I view it?
I think it's just the way her fat is settling. Going from hardball turbo stuffed fat to permanent jiggly fat.

Didn't even last a day this time. rip.

That didn’t even last 12 hours, are these files being cleaned at all?
(341 KB, 1920x1080, subway.jpg)
here's a reup of everything posted so far

ok guys any method to slow the removing of the vids? Maybe by changing the vid name?

Anyway with this first post i discovered that uploading vids isn't long for me so i don't mind reuping. Even if it's twice a day XD
does anyone have her Woke Up Fat video?
others have tried using riddles or a logic puzzle of some sort. it usually gets ruined by some moron, though, who just posts the solution and then the share gets taken down.
Ok so i'll try with another vid later. I grabbed some ideas.
out of curiousity, does anyone have any recommendations for a video where her belly is at its largest after stuffing?
This video right here, she's absolutely fucking huge
I lost all my drives and was only able to recover like 2/3 of my collect and its in complete disarray. Fucking Windows updates...

I uploaded a Layla video a long while ago where she is on all fours and filmed from behind so you can see her gut between her legs. It was reposted here a few times and on Phub.

Could anyone share this video again? Its one of the top 5 for me and I don't want to buy it again.

Here is some content.

¿can you re up please?
I know this may sound weird, because the bigger the hotter, but I have some special fascination about a younger and skinnier Layla from 2012-2014; so, does anyone have any videos from that period of time of her?
I have one for example WVVoU01HTklUVFpNS0VoRlRFeFBLWGs1TTFwVE5UQihIb3cpaVF6a3dURlV4UWs1cVRrNVRNM1tBcmUgeW91XUIyWVdzMFBRPT0=
I don't know why I find her the hottest like this.
(3.8 MB, 320x180, player.php.gif)
Would anyone happen to have any more of her drunken videos? She's one of the only few models that can stomach (pun intended) vast amounts of alcohol.
Does anyone know how tall Layla is? I can never quite gauge it.
she did private show on pornhub and other sites
i wonder why non there any of this private shows got recorded ?
except the old dildo masturbation one
I hope you enjoy it a lot friends (double encoding)

She’s 5’ 5” according to the BBW Wiki.
Can someone re-up the video that started this thread??? I missed it. :-(
This may be a little weird for some people, but does somebody have layla's videos in which she farts or pukes?? Or any of her newest videos?? I know I'm asking a lot and giving nothing, but I would really appreciate it. :)
Any chance of a reup?
I asked before the site went down>>35646

Wondering if anyone has the video where she shows her belly from behind on all fours.

Layla done a live stream yesterday and I recorded the best parts of it. Enjoy


Serious question, what part of puking and farting turns you on? I mean, we're all weirdos here into some abnormal shit, but I can't get down with that myself.
I didn't request that but I will admit, I liked the video where she vomited that milk all over herself. I'm not into puke or farting. I think it was just her and the fact that her belly was so massive along with white stuff all over it.
Is there any collection of her befores somewhere?
Do you have the full live stream?
It’s on her YouTube channel: BBW Layla

No I didn’t record the full stream. The full stream was over 3 hours long. She was in the pub for most of it and it was quite boring cause you didn’t see anything

Yes, the drunk ones are the best -- that's what sets her apart in my opinion. Can't think of any recent ones though.
Pleae reup videos
This is not a reup, but i think you'll like it anyway!

Brother, you are the best, good contribution
Thank you very much for your contribution brother, here I also leave my contribution, I hope you enjoy a lot :)
dude this is so embarrassing lmao I never thought someone would record my drunk lives and post them lol and also call me boring in the same sentence
It’s free content though? Why would you not think that people ain’t recording your YouTube live streams and Instagram live streams??

The streams are good though!!

When I download the videos and try to watch them I can't. I don't know if you could fix this somehow
Would someone please reup this ?

here is a reup, in case of. this time i'm sure videos are working.
I forgot the link and the chan don't let me erase my first post for some reason so here is the link, double encoded ofc

Change the extension to mp4. That should do the trick
how do i download this?
Anybody know if her onlyfans is worth it?
Anybody got Sickest Fat Fantasies pretty please???
Anyone has either Voyuer Stuffing, Day in the Life of Layla, or 10K Calorie Challenge Remake?
can we get a reup of the old link?
Anyone who has hrs onlyfan, can you tell me if it's worth it?
(3.8 MB, 320x180, player.gif) (391 KB, 1238x493, Layla.png)
Requesting: Jealous ExGirlfriend Request, Immobile Regrets Roleplay (LaylaBBW.com), and Weight Gain Fantasy Request (stuffer31)

Here's immobile regrets
Any recent vids?
(342 KB, 1316x1264, A+ Gallery_33.jpg)
Anyone have this vid? I loved the first whip cream one so you can imagine my reaction when I saw she remade it
here is the most recent one guys.

Grab it while it's here

Someone has naked workout?
I give these in exchange :
Anyone subbed to her OF? Is it worth it?
anyone have her vids where she vomits?

she needs to do more fart videos. this shit really shows how gross and slobby she is.
I once asked her to do more videos of her farting and she said she didn't like to do that, so we won't be able to see many videos of that type, unless she changes her mind, which I think won't happen

Chance of a reup?
Does anyone have her newest video??
How do I put them strange links to share my vids and how I copy them links to receive videos?
Just set the wetransfer link into a encoder and then copy the encodet link
What do you do with decoded link? Really new to this can I have a step by step, really appreciate it
You need to use base64 to encode the link, so go to the website and paste the link to encode it and press encode, and copy what you encoded
What do you do with the encoded link? I put it in the web browser it did nothing
Yes do that
And once it’s decoded, how do I watch the video?
You open your fucking eyeballs
Ok......so get a code like this: YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWlM1MChkZWxldGUpYkM5MExYZEthRU5oU1dvelVXbz0
Then you browse for base64 or get the app and you enter that link and decide it. It will then give you another link which also needs to be decoded; sometimes there's gonna be a text between parenthesis that you have to delete or, even sometimes, you gotta find out what to do with the text, for example, they'll give you (5+3) and instead of deleting it, you gotta put the result in the link.
That's it
You forgot the = at the end of the code
That doesn't matter, you can either delete it or keep and it will still be the same
Anyone have the too greedy request video?

Well....you shouldn't be begging vídeos here, there's a specific thread to beg videos. But, btw..... I'm also looking for that video...lmao....so please share if you have it :)
Anyone know Layla’s weight? And best place for her vids apart from her website?
She is supposedly 355 lbs. according to her Feabie.
She hasn't done a weighing video in years now. She has been 355 on her website for a while. Think she will be bigger but she said she doesn't have scales
anyone have Woke Up Fat?
Can anyone reupload?
Would bet my house she isn't even 350 in real life. She is a smart businessperson like Ivy and Bonnie that realize that all they have to do is sell that they have gained 30 lbs when in reality they have gained like 5. Stretches out the con because truly there is a limit to how much you can gain and once you stop gaining, thats the end of the money train.
She always looks bigger even in her recent stuff. Shes never stopped gaining but she is slow she is probably stretching the truth tho
lmao it's funny to me (Layla) how you guys think we have such control over our bodies. I am trying soo hard to gain more but I just struggle because I don't have a feeder and I am naturally skinny so it's just slower for me now that I am morbidly obese and needing a lot of calories just to maintain. It's really that simple.

What I also find funny is that like I've never lost weight. My weight has always been in an upward trajectory since I started gaining. But somehow I still get more criticism for not gaining fast enough than some of the models who have ACTIVELY lost weight and then come back and start gaining again 😂😂but yeah go hate on me and say I'm conning people just because I'm not gaining as fast as you (or I) would like anymore 😂

One day I will finally move out of the most isolated city in the world and be able to find a feeder and blow up to a huge waddling ssbbw and you will have to eat your words :)
Yeah, naturally skinny alright
Wrote all these paragraphs yet you didn’t disprove a damn thing the man said
I mean that's fine lol? Just putting my two cents in 🤷‍♀️ whether you guys want to believe I gained from 130lbs just for money or because it's my fetish is completely up to you 😂
>>41971 Glad to see you're here, I think it would be tremendously hot if you could do weigh-ins at the start and end of your videos.
layla... don't pay attention to these people. most of them don't even understand the actual minutiae of weight gain and what it takes. these guys just watch videos.
jesus christ who are these losers banging on it numerous threads about models being con artists for not gaining enough/lying about gains. we get it. you have autism. utterly tedious
This, who the fuck cares that they’re not constantly gaining 100lbs a month if they’re already big
Diminishing returns exist, and I don’t get who is in it just for the gain anyways
I’m just here to see her swollen round ball gut when she stuffs it to the verge of bursting, nothing more, nothing less
Just to clarify, as someone with autism the behavior we're witnessing appear to be more linked to a condition called, 'being a dickhead'.
So Layla, ever made a video telling us how u got to where you're with your weight and the fetish? I know I'd shell out money for that.
Does anybody has "too greedy request"?
I leave these videos in exchange :
Here you have:

Does anybody have "Too greedy request"?
Interestingly enough have been a longtime customer of Laylabbw,
and to my dismay have been defrauded by "webmaster" and when questioned about taking payment and providing no video, I get told I am blacklisted.... and I have never posted or shared content That may change.. LOL

Interesting way to do business. Please members... act at your own discretion!!!
Hi, sorry this happened :( Please email me at bbwlayla@gmail.com and tell me the email you used on laylabbw.com so I can contact my webmaster and sort out your lost videos xx Layla
don't listen to these freaks lol your gain is great and these guys are nuts
its always interesting to see an actual model comment on one of these sites. one has to ask themselves, what is that model doing here and how long will they stay? personally if I were the model id hang out in this thread to get possible ideas for other videos. thats just me though.
There's couple videos on Vola rn if you guys wanna pick those up
Can you send the volafile link?
are the volafile downloads supposed to be massive?
can anyone reupload the video please?
new stuff on volafile
What new vids?
Stimulus package. Some of my favorites. One quarter re-up, another quarter pulled off the vola, and one half bump. Looking for a friend.
damn any homie care for a reup? was there anything recent in here, like something from her most recent 1-2 pages on stuffer31?
is volafile broken for everyone else too or is it jus me?
Her newest vid looks great
If no one has any new vids can someone at least re-up the sub stuffing
Lol.....the most requested video is "too greedy request", but it seems nobody has it
Just because Layla is highly underappreciated. She's not going to like me sharing but I'm spreading the love of the GOAT lol
thanks mate but how do i open and view this mp4v file
Try VLC media player or change the file extension to MP4.
Any reviews of her only fans?
Thanks bro

Agreed. I'm uploading some stuffing/fart content to vola rn. Get amongst it bros
Can u reup
Re up please, I missed it :(
Anyone know if the top greedy request video is floating around anywhere?
hate to be that guy but reup pls
Does anyone have the full version of her water hose chugging?
she must have been so ill chugging from a hose, not very sanitary is it/
Too Greedy Request has got to be the most sought after video on this site. I don't think it's ever been shared. :\
Tbh been feelin a little down lately so I want a good nut. I’m bad at decisions so I wanted y’all to vote. Should I buy the Hooters video or the Stuffed in School chair video? I’m only spending up to 20 bucks and I’m debating on the 2. I’m leaning more towards the Hooters vid but y’all let me know
bud would you consider buying her new gassy stuffing vid? Ik it is $29 but it would be a blessing if you could get it for us.

Jesus fucking christ this is the most entitled comment I've ever seen in my entire life. Dude is offering his own money to the cause and you're like "can you pay more than your stated limit for a video that's a completely different fetish from the two options you gave?"

I'm autistic so let me just say there are fucking limits to what you can explain with autism. You're super fucked up in the head.


Between the two I'd prefer the stuffed in schoolchair!

unless you wanna throw in the extra 10 bucks nah man.

thanks homie also imma take that in to consideration I have to do some work then when im done ill figure it out.
So no one really responded and I decided against the Lecture Chair stuffing vid because I already have her Cake Stuffing vid in that chair so I got the Hooters vid, so I guess best of both worlds? Sorry I like roleplay vids. Here's the link should be done uploading soon.

There are two videos I'm looking for right now, "too greedy request" and "Gassy late night gorge." Do you know if these videos are somewhere around the internet?? Or does someone have it and can upload it here?? :(
Already gone. Use better file hosting websites dude
Y’all are some greedy assholes for people who don’t upload shit and still accepted the 35 dollars worth of videos I uploaded. Jesus Christ you just can’t please people.
These vids kinda suck. Could I get new one? ;]
>I'm autistic

haha lol
I dont know why everyone's so ungrateful. Thanks a lot man for the vids
Anyone else want the too greedy request because of the vomit? Pretty much stuffing till your belly can’t take anymore
>she must have been so ill chugging from a hose, not very sanitary is it/

Her vomiting is part of her fetish i guess, not for me personally
people really seem to like her vomiting at the end of videos. does anyone know if she knows about this?

Of course she knows about it, if she didn't she'd be cutting it out of the end of her videos

It's not like she (usually) induces vomiting, but if she stuffs herself too much and can't handle it, she's gonna leave that part in because enough people like it.

(not me)
The first one or two were someone's paid request and she was shocked at how much people bought the ones that weren't edited out, so she became more open to it since people seemed to really like it and she doesn't seem to hate it. She seems more upset when she feels like she's going to puke that she won't have really eaten the food than that she's puked up on herself.
Hey lads, anyone have her newest Violet cosplay vid?
Bump. Need that video expeditiously.
>trying to buy both at the same time
>cart just keeps deleting it as soon as I try to get the other vid
what a terrible website
Maybe buy one first separately then follow it immediately with the other? Just a suggestion.
Any luck in getting them?
anyone got anything newish
She changed her to site to BC style. You get all the vids for $20 now
I saw that on her IG. It's a much better model than the outdated S31 model she had been tied to.
How do you see the descriptions of her vids now ?
Looks like they haven't been carried over. Perhaps they will be added at a later date.
Does anybody have gassy late night gorge?
seconded, not sure how downloading works on her new site but if anyone can get it, please upload
sorry to bump without a download, but I've lost my stash of Layla vids so. anyone willing to reup or upload new content?

in place of a dl, here's what is (afaik) the oldest video available online. also a fun reminder of how fucking gigantic she is now
You are better off biting the bullet and signing up to her site for $20 to rebuild your collection.
Does anyone actually know if you can download the clips from her site
(47 KB, 750x389, ic72D71.jpg)
Nah there are older videos around the web of much smaller Layla. Tbh I really adore 2013-2015 Layla, despite being thinner I find her so attractive during that weight range.
yes you can easily
Is there a provided download link or is just the case of using something like VideoDownloadHelper
aye bro could you share gassy late night gorge pls?? :)
it is done
Does anybody have her violet video?
damn I'm always too late
I second this request.
Not trying to be a prick, because content is content, but in the future, I think most people would appreciate it if you said there was slob or slob-like stuff in the vid. Again not trying to come off as a dick, especially seeing as how you actually provided content.
Well, the title itself says it is a “Gassy" video mate
Does someone have “fattening the office girl”? The new one
Read the message tree, mate.
"aye bro could you share gassy late night gorge pls?? :)"
"it is done"
Anyone have the too greedy request video? Been searching for months
new to website still figuring things out but anyways anyone have the video titled "Bloated Belly Noises" its like 30mins long and the gurgling is at the last 10 mins, best bbw video ever imo
Where do you put this?

you could at least wait until the file finishes uploading before posting the link
Merci Beaucoup! Vive La France!
(7 KB, 280x330, z9e3y7.png)
What do I do if I get stuck with this on Wetransfer? I'm checking out other links and it seems like they're all coming out with the same result
Same says there are 0 files
Anyone have too greedy request?
>>58037 (Dead)
I have some

It would better if anyone had any of her videos where she said she was at the limit of vomit and with indigestion
>>58062 (Dead)

Have some others where she pukes but not as awesome as this, but send those later, give that precious togreddy request video, thanks
>>58062 (Dead)
Hey all, I've been thinking about getting the site subscription for a while and I think imma finally get one. It is now my time to give back to this community. What do y'all want?
Too greedy would be awesome :)

"drunk hiccups" and/or "hiccups attack"
I would greatly appreciate Sickest Fat Fantasies, thank you, you're a real one if you're being honest :D
The Violet Beauregarde video.
If you could get public taco bell and huge bikini stuffing it’d be appreciated
Can you or somebody else please reupload?
that latest pov!
Top 10 list.
1. Extreme Gluttony
2. Drunkest Ever.
3. Gassy Late Night Gorge
4. Hungry Jacks
5. KFC and Doughnuts
6. Biggest Hotdog Stuffing
7. Post Buffet Hotdogs
8. Metal and Goth
9. Weightgainer
10. New Year's Eve Beer Keg.
any clip where she braps
I think too greedy is one of the most requested videos, it would be appreciated if you got it
Apart from too greedy request, messy glutton request and messy choc sundae request would also be fine
If you don't mind I would like her Naked Exercise Request or Workout Video Fail.
wherever where she say's she feel sick of overeating and feeling like puking would be good
Does anybody have the full description to her newest video?
Layla looks absolutely huge in her new preview video, anyone think she’s still gaining or is it me?
hey, im the guy tryna buy the subsciption, is there any way i can use paypal? i dont want to use my cards lol
I think it's only with a credit card
So when you buy the subscription to her website do you have access to all the videos bc that is an obscene amount of gold content
Maybe to download a certain number of files you have to pay or maybe they put other types of limits, because it is too good to be true
Download Revolut. It's easy to set up a digital card on there which is disposed after each use. Porn won't show up on your bank statement, just a payment to Revolut.
Revolut isn't in Canada yet 😭
You can also use other alternatives such as Paysera, I think it works on Canada
im thinking about using a visa gift card instead. will it work?
I don't know if that would work, but you can still try
Any new videos?
New video is a McDonald’s stuffing and button pop
Someone have the newest video please ?
Does anybody have too greedy request?
does she still do videos like that?
Can you enter in the page
(41 KB, 640x360, 1.jpeg)
Do you guys have part 1 of this video in which she wears a red shirt? I had it but I lost it

doctor visit part 1
her new vid is another hooters girl

here's the old hooters vid if anyone cares
New hooters vid sounds so hot, wonder how big she is compared to the older one.
There's a pretty hot video on her youtube of her drinking two bottles of wine and burping and dancing, drunk af. She's also like half naked in the video

How do I find said video?
Layla has to be 400lbs by now, if so she’s more than doubled her weight starting at 130lbs
Anyone got the video where she gets fucked?
no chance lol, 350 max.
You sure? She looks huge in that new hooters vid
lmao, even if she doubled 130lbs thats only 260. she would have to Triple her weight my dude. that's a big difference.
I’m also semi-skeptical if she’s actually gained much from the hooter vids just because she’s not really a gainer (you can easily just buy a smaller version of the outfit to make it look like you gained), but I’ll take the fantasy it sells at any rate.
She has never been a true girl who gets fat, there are models that in 1 year have even managed to exceed her size, also always with that face of Severus Snape, she has been saying for more than 15 years that she is increasing her weight but she only maintains and plays with her belly and camera angles ... like Carmen who uses a wide angle lens for most of the videos in order to see herself bigger in the belly area, but the difference is that Carmen has gained a lot of weight and it shows .
good news im getting a virtual visa debit shipped and might be able to subscribe to her in a few days !!! ill try to upload some vids for yall
In that YouTube video she actually says she's 355
if you could upload too greedy request and all messy videos, it would be greatly appreciated

I don’t believe that for a second. Unless she’s like 6ft tall
Then you clearly aren't very good at judging someone's weight. 355 is very believable.
For reference, who looks 350 pounds to you?
t. hasn't ever seen a 6ft tall BBW before. 355 is often barely chubby for taller women.
The fact layla hasn't done a weigh in video since 2018 when she was about 320 lbs. I don't think she's much bigger
Damn, sorry to hear about how you're blind.
Weigh in video is out, any know what she tipped the scale at?

Idk man, I've always been exceptical about Layla's weight but she has developed a visible nice double chin
WOW! She's getting huge
Alright, I know this isn’t everybody’s thing, so keep scrolling if you don’t like it. Don’t whine about it, just keep scrolling.


I need a list of every video in which Layla farts. I’m going to buy all of them

-Gassy late night gorge.
-Gassy belly play request.
-Gassy stuffing and wg shake request.
-Biggest belly remake request.
-2.4 pounds of Mac and cheese.
-Gassy beer request.

And there's this recent one where she says she gets gassy but doesn't say if she farts or if she only belches: Messy eating with hands request.
If you buy em, share them please. Be it here or in the fart thread in /bbwalt/
also Chugging Defeat Request, and possibly Swimsuit Bloat Request. First Inflation With Katie Deluxe also has farting.

for the record, her new site just lets you download them all with a subscription fee
I don't like to be the one asking this but, what the hell happened to the guy that said he would share the most requested videos once he was done paying the membership??
He probably changed his mind lol
Anyone know if her OF is worth? Its 5$ rn. Does it have all of her vids?
Her OF is different from her site but it's worth it, especially for $5, I say.
No website vids but the quality of her OF videos are just as good as her website ones.
idk how to reply to posts but im the guy who wanted to share the videos. no matter what i try i keep getting a card declined message :( even tho i have the funds probably cause im from canada

merry christmas ya filthy animals
8 gigs? Holy shit
Yeah wtf, 8 gigs ain’t ever gonna finish downloading through that slow as shit MAB. I might chance it with like wetransfer but even then that’s an exceedingly slow download. Any chance the anon who posted this can not put it all in a zip file so we can just choose whatever ones we want?
I downloaded it just fine. Stop crying about getting free shit, buddy.
it have "Too greedy request"?
this is based af bless you
And on the 16th day of Christmas, a blessed anon gave to we..
Layla would be perfect if her ass wasn’t almost flat
Could anyone re upload the some of the videos the link has already expired
Yes please a reup I was late
(34 KB, 758x426, FATTIE.jpg)
what vid is this
Layla is still the best to do it. I'll tolerate no Layla slander on here lol
has anyone watched the new health scare video? you don't even have to post it, i just want to know what happened.
Her over eating videos can’t be topped, have you got anymore?

Looks ancient, she's incredibly skinny here.

Well, skinny for Layla, anyway.
That's probably 2012 Layla
Ngl I kinda liked Layla more when she was like this

Don't get me wrong, it's incredibly hot how much of a hog Layla is rn
but I guess she was more conventionally attractive before
She’s way more attractive now, she’s literally ate like a fat hog for the last 8 years to get to a 400lb tub of lard
(12 KB, 474x266, images (76).jpeg)
hello i was wondering if anyone has this video or knows the name of the video
(122 KB, 205x272, SUMO.PNG)
Someone can share her sumo vid? please
Any chance of re up ?
I am seconding the want for a re up of this
Anyone got her Violet Blueberry bid from last year?
Oh shit, thank you man, I've been eyeing this up for a long ass time.
Could someone please reup it to wetransfer? The download stops att 99%
Anyone have the too greedy request video or any of her extreme binging vids?
(93 KB, 405x753, Peach.jpg)
So i was wondering if anyone knows what happened to her? Her MV and tumblr are completely gone... she was realy cute

Seeing her content on Stuffer DB makes me wanna buy more of her. I realy like the angelic/cute face with that Ginormous Belly - pferfect combination

All i can share myself is her Stuffer DB.
Would appreciate the one Video where she makes a Close up "Gainer Shake" in her kitchen, wearing something white & thn dropping her belly on the Counter.

sorry you can DELETE - IGNORE it, wanted to make a new thread '^^

Already did
does anyone have her new content with Renaye Starr?
could you upload layla and tammy together again? please
Anyone else thinking she’s getting huge on her holiday? defiently starting to get close to 400lbs
ye, hopefully does a weigh in after her trip
(111 KB, 828x584, D6FA9932-8ED3-4C0A-AE11-61280DA7031D.jpeg)
Has anyone seen her on social media lately since her holiday? She’s gotten noticeably huge, her fat gut hangs even lower than before
really hoping she drops a new weigh in soon
Is there a reupload for this?
Can we at least get a reup?

I follow her snap and she posted after getting back to Perth. Sounds like her trip home was rough, lots of flight delays and shit.

America treated her well though, she's looking tubbier than ever...
I really hate to expose myself but what sight are these links supposed to plug to? MEGA?
google basedecoder, you enter that stream of characters into one end and it spits out a link (or another set of characters to be decoded) on the other.
Does she take customs on OF?
Can you just not see what videos she had without subscribing first? Her new site is weird
Yeah it's awful, you can't search/view descriptions or anything anymore without subbing
(15 KB, 540x346, images (15).jpeg)
Guys, does anyone have this video? I think it's part 1 of visiting the doctor
I saw it a long time ago and it disappeared
Here you go buddy,
Submit something new if you've got it, would love to get a content train rolling here
(14 KB, 299x150, Captura.JPG)
Do you have the sumo vid? or someone can share it
No, it's a recent one
Great! Thanks a lot, i don't have new content sorry :(
does anyone have her old doggystyle video?
Does anyone know a current weight ?
she was 365.7 in November but she def put on weight when she was in the States
anyone have her new 7lb burrito remake?
Second this!! Would love to see it!!
Pretty sure someone dropped this
Does anybody know that video where Layla is in some club drinking with another woman (who is filming) and towards the end somebody calls her a pig and the woman filming gets mad?
It used to be on YouTube but I can’t find it anymore
Does anyone have her getting fucked video? It’s like gone from the internet
can someone pls upload the obesity belt video
(732 KB, 1170x1288, D33EE470-02EA-489F-A103-2AF13D067EF1.jpeg)
yo does anybody still have this vid of layla recording herself eat all day, much appreciated
I wonder what requests she takes.
God her website fucking sucks it's annoying as all hell that you basically can't navigate it in any form without subscribing to a membership
Naw, he's right you can't even read the video descriptions. If youre Richie Rich with the sub to her site how come youre not posting some shit Huh!!!!
Why the fuck should I or ANYONE in that matter need to subscribe to a service JUST to have the ability to read descriptions on content
>>82355 Because you're an idiot and you will do whatever they ask you to do, jump through hoops and bark like a dog.... and if you don't, if you refuse then they will change the law just to punish you until you learn to submit to your masters
>they will change the law
we are talking about Stuffer31.com
cry harder. This entire site is dedicated seethe because they can't see lewd shit for free.
Give me money and I might.
You poor ass fuck. You probably live in a basement and don't have a job
Reading video descriptions isn't seeing lewd shit for free. It's seeing if the lewd shit is even worth paying for in the first place. I could afford a subscription easily, but I'm not going to spend my money on mystery content.

Thanks for the content
pretty much, I'm only into specific things and basically things and the idea I need to buy a subscription just to be able to even check if she's uploaded things is infuriating
she memed herself into diabeetus???
>fatass gets type 2
Is this actually shocking?
Holy shit dude she really needs to stop cause holy shit your just killing yourself at this point…
getting beyond like a BMI of like 35 is already killing yourself, everyone should already know what they're signing up for
Other raising risk of HF weight doesn’t have that big factor. To have your organs start failing you doe that’s whole other ball park, idk gonna it’s Morbid here on out doe.
>>35035 (OP)
You people dont know what death feedism is? You realize the only way these girls do this is cuz they fetishize getting sick and dying right?

Everyone in this fetish online are headcases. You nuts but the models too. This is sick shit, don't forget that.
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You guys ought to remember, well, really just by looking at her body shape she wasn't "meant" to be stocky like an endomorph. The meatball form - which is admittedly hot and she even loves it on her - is pretty unnatural and why Asians who tend even more to central obesity get health problems easier than like fat Mediterranean women for example who get huge butts and thighs mostly.

Also she smokes and drinks heavily and fetishizes growing unhealthy. I recall in one post a few years ago, when asked how she'd deal with the consequences of her extreme bacchanalia circa 40 years old, she replied something to the effect of, "older Layla will worry about that. :)"

Yeah she's boned lul game over.
What's wrong with dying early? It's rock 'n roll and saves you from having to suffer in the great reset.
to be honest you can get ridiculously fat and still be surprisingly healthy, just gotta do a lot of cardio exercises (which, when you're this ludicrously obese, basically means swimming a lot). of course no model actually does this, Layla especially, and she also smokes a lot, so it's a moot point lol
You also can gain weight eating healthy food, lots of high carb food.. olive oil, nuts, granola, beans, and so on.. the issue here is that most models are sedentary and fed mostly on fast food and soda, hence the health issues which most of the time end up in early retirement or even death
Then go jump off a cliff, brother
If thats your philosophy
We live in thrilling times! Front row seats for the collapse of civilisation, ecological oblivion and the end of times. Don’t walk out early, sit back and enjoy the show!
He’s not wrong. You think those calories from those healthy foods just disappear when you eat it? If you eat a plate completely filled up with healthy foods,you can still gain because it’s still a substantial amount of calories.
But like he said,I’d much rather gain weight from eating too much oatmeal than gaining it from too many burgers
Could someone update her coomers? Please, i would really appreciate it
god i fucking hate the constant "hmm" she does when she eats, it's so fake. she used to be one of my favorite, lmao
god i fucking hate the constant "hmm" she does when she eats, it's so fake. she used to be one of my favorite, lmao
Agree, although everything about her personality is pretty unlikeable. I only watch to coom
Any chance for a coomers update? I would really appreciate it
Does anyone have the tipsy stuffing video? She consumes so much food when drunk and her gut bloats to different levels
Layla be built like shrek 😂😂😂

That happens whenever she goes to America and hangs out with people fatter than her

She did sets with both Reenaye and Ivy recently, they were great
>whenever she goes to America
good to know, as she's moving to Canada later this year
Anyone got an update for the coomer page?
Could somebody please update her coomer?
Hopefully she just comfort eats about the whole situation and just starts piling on the pounds
She could certainly follow legal avenues in Australia regarding this. Doubly so if she does end up testing positive to a condition that's now significantly worse due to the delay. The nonsense about not being able to chase a negligence claim sound more like, 'I'm too lazy and would rather cry for sympathy for online attention'.
its kind of sad really. she obviously has serious health issues. its not talked about enough. there is a fine balance when it comes to this lifestyle. hopefully her age is a positive factor and she can iron out these issues.
she's moving to leafland? interesting
does she think she has cancer?
She regretting now what she did to herself?
This is a great opportunity for this community to open our eyes to this.. you can gain healthy weight, binging shit food for years wont do wonders for your health, plus smoking and drinking constantly...

Isn't it ironic? She was "so turned on" being unhealthy, now she faces the consecuences.
Wish her the best honestly.
When did she ever mention regretting what “she’s done”?
its funny that I like big women, but I have no interest in being fat myself.
Maybe because fat guys are disgusting
I know women that like fat guys, believe it or not. I don't understand it but these ladies dont understand how I like their belly when I'm a guy. I've had many women look at me funny the minute I mention liking a belly and yet some of them love one on a man.
a few lmao, what a legend
Anyone got 'Sickest Fat Fantasies' please??
>'I'm too lazy and would rather cry for sympathy for online attention'.
I mean she's been in law school for a long time and she's not a lazy person in general. Not sure why online sympathy would be more worthwhile to her than a paycheck.

Unless you actually know otherwise, don't say she's wrong. She is more than likely more informed than you are.
It sounds like she's worried she has cancer.

Fat people can get sick for other reasons than being fat, you know. Surprised someone would say something this ignorant here of all places.
Most people say the same thing about fat women.

Hating yourself isn't gonna make you more skinnier, tub.
This is so tru tbh. I’m a bi girl with a fat fetish but honestly I can hardly stand being with men cause weight just looks so much better on women.
*Guys are disgusting, fat or not
Anyone have any of her vore stuff, especially her Red Riding Hood vids?
Her claim is nonsense regarding no legal avenues in Australia. She even she says 'fucking up tests is prob very standard' indicating she's just speculating on the back of being annoyed.
And IF she's studying law, she may like to flip to the chapter on public slander.

Feel sorry for her situation all the same. Still, she has avenues she can peruse if she can be bothered / it's worth it.

Public slander? What a joke. Please tell me that's another one you just made up and pulled out of your butt. Are you one of those neo liberals that are always talking about "Hate Crime" like if they didn't just make that shit term up like 5 years ago. There's no such thing as thoughts, opinions, and speech being a crime or against the law. You are out of your mind.

You want to test it? Go up to a cop and tell him "Fuck you, pig!" He will pull you over, he will do everything he can to ruin your day because you made him angry and you gave him reason if suspicion, but he will not be able to arrest you. I have seen it with my own eyes. You on the other hand are rediculous, absurd, demented, and you are everything wrong with this planet because you are an enemy of God and freedom.
Okay darling, just breathe. In through the nose and out through the mouth. Here, let me help you down from the rickety soap box.

I has nothing to do with hate crime. If you write something on the internet it comes under published text laws. If it's slander then it can be used against you should someone want to try. Or it could look badly when you try to get a job, for example in law. It was just an observation.
I can tell you don't have any legal training because you are forgetting one crucial thing: you can't start any civil claim without having DAMAGES first. Something someone who merely has late test results, not even a diagnosis yet, certainly does not have. She is also right that the test for a doctor breaching their duty of care is very high in Australia and something like she is describing so far would not amount to medical negligence. Venting online about people not doing their jobs properly, but not negligence, seems like a perfectly reasonable response to me.
In her text she states she's been worrying to the point of tears daily for a month and now that time of stress to the extent of emotional breakdown has been doubled. That's damages. She would have ground to pursue that if she wanted to. Doubly so if the medical condition she may have is now harder to treat as a result. Whether she won or not would depend on her ability to prove and argue the extent of her suffering and the ability of her representation.

Anyway, my original point was disagreeing with there being next to no comeback on doctors in Australia and that pathology staff regularly mess up. Happy to agree to disagree on that.
What you are referring to is 'pure mental harm' which is notoriously difficult to get in Australia. The court will really only award damages for pure mental harm if they are attached to a successful claim for monetary damages OR the harm consists of a recognised psychiatric illness. Neither of which appears to apply here. So no, you are incorrect, again.
There's no such thing as god, buddy. I'm not going to live my life how your imaginary friend tells me to.

You are such a badass.

And yea I'm sharint this to really just stop this devolving into a circular /gen/-tier thread, but I do feel for her. hospitals in Australia are really under the pump rn with Flu and COVID in winter, and pretty much across the whole country are under funded/under stress.

She's not entirely wrong with regards to legal protections that Doctors have in terms of these kinds of affairs, particularly when they're under pressure and resource management here. There's a bit more to it, but I would say that suing the medical authorities is probably not a good course, and might not be possible in this context.
Oh man I love this drop, I'm immensely thankful.

This is the best Layla has ever looked for me. It's weird, I know the fatter the better, but Layla in those years was so attractive. Beautiful face, great belly and proportional all around.
She's the type of fat girl I'd date irl with no shame.
Somebody asked for this. One of my biggest favorite as well.

No, I absolutely agree with you. She was so pretty back then, but I don’t really find her that attractive any more. Can’t quite put my finger on it, I think it’s the eyebrows for me, but I miss the fringe too.
This one is hard to come by but does anyone have the too greedy request?
That’s one of her best videos, does she do a remake of it or is there any other videos where she vomits everywhere?
If anyone had the stuffing in sweats request that would be appreciated
does anyone have the stuffing in sweats remake please?
“request” not remake
Has she had a recent weigh in? She’s looking super obese
she did one back in November where she weighed 365.4
coomer udpdated lil cunts
Very based mate, thanks
She was (barely) more attractive when she was skinnier. At least she had a definable waist.
Does anyone have Loud Beer Belly Gurgles?
Seconding this
Does anyone have the video where she is dressed as a bunny and breaks her old bed?
can we get a reupload of fed and fucked
>>35035 (OP)
She has such a nasty shape and texture. Why does anyone like this hoe?
What's her Coomer?
Looking like a big blob recently, she’ll be 650lbs by 2030
And it's gone
I wanna see that video too.
bump for this video
Requesting her sumo match with sexysignature and her most recent weigh in video please
Does anyone have a video of her popping the balloon?
worms,autist scum my friend

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