
(164 KB, 800x1191, IMG_20201013_165935.jpg) (891 KB, 1846x2046, IMG_20201013_165925.jpg)
She's an amazing gainer and her belly is awesome I'm making a thread to see if anyone has content of her, I'll be uploading some videos I have of her later this night I'm just making the thread already to see if you guys are interested or not
Here's 2 videos just to start I'll upload more later

Thanks for the upload man, Lily is so underappreciated
i've sub'd to lily a handful of times over the years. she's super cute and awesome. i even emailed her a few times about random things and she was super responsive and personable. she seems like major gf/wife material imo
Yeah she is clearly underappreciated.
I got her last weight-in : YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzKGxpbHkpWlM1MGJDOTBMV2hMVmtWb00xVkJTams9
Thanks! I only have up to set 114 :( do you have all of them?
I don't have all, but after set 114 i got : 116-117-120-122-124-125-127 and 128.
Tell me if you want a vid in particular.
I'd love all if possible ^^
122,124,125 if you can only download a few šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»šŸ™šŸ»
you may be a godsend
might I request 125 127 128
If you share all of those I will share from 100 to 114, I will keep my word.
so, is actually someone going to drop the content they claim to have? :D

Don't bump without content.
Im here, it's difficult for upload to me, my internet is not good and i was working.
Here is 122 : YUhSMGNITTZMeTkzWihsaWx5KVM1MGJDOTBMVk56TldaSmRWZFlaVEk9
Finally the next : 124 and 125.

thank you, much appreciated!
Np, here 127 and 128 :

Thanks all for sharing! 116,117, and 120 would be very much appreciated as well if you get a chance
I'm always wondering, why she doesn't get more hype, while he's so hot. Thank you!
Any chance someone can share some of the older Lily stuff?
These one are somewhat being shared all over the place but if you haven't download them yet. Here you go 102,114, 126


Can someone reup the other sets on this post, at least some. Anything would be appreciated
Can anybody reup the sets from 2020 ,

Say please you rude fuck.

please you read fuck

ah fak i can't even spell my joke correctly

but for real please, i'm not op, but lily is undershared around here, please and thank you
Anyone with some videos they would be willing to share please
How much does she weigh now?
Last weigh in 291 I think
Must be 300 by now
How tall is she?
I love how that ying yang tattoo that used to be on the front of her belly has now almost completely disappeared beneath her overhang.
My wife has the same shape and size. She's now at 310 lbs.
Lily is looking absolutely prime in recent sets
reuploaded set 126 aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50[remove]bC90LVlBVnVERmp6MDM=
Does anyone have set 127 and and 128
She is my favourite Bigcutie model at the moment. Her gain is just amazing
Would anyone be able to put Lilyā€™s set 124 in a we transfer so it doesnā€™t take forever? Thanks

141, 148, 149 and 150. I don't suppose anyone has any Amber, particularly later sets?
Great drop - do you have 144 by any chance ?
Did anyone catch set 4-15 off volafile
Anyone per chance have #131 Sunlit Shower?
Thank you so much bro
Best drop since ages.
Her gain is legend..
Does anyone have access to her burping videos?
144 ?
Does anyone have her latest weigh in?
She's 356lbs according to her private blog
Any have Bc lily's vids 146 and 147?
Her first weigh in was 221.8 lbs, so she managed to gain a lot of weight throughout the years, basically under the radar.
Does anyone have her videos from 52 onwards. I've got 51 and before if you want anything
Was no one able to get her weigh in ? Vid #144
it's 5 bucks bro
not worth folks, she isn't posting anymore siting she isn't allowed to(?)

FYI for those considering, I would have personally rather spent it on BigCuties.
Her latest measurements are on there 5 bucks is nothing Iā€™d be her little slave in a heart beat
You don't seem to get it,do you? We never pay for porn!
Does she do any burping vids? Either on OF or BC?
Anyone got her new vid
Does anyone have a recent video of Lily...?
perfect curves and super cute. love
honestly her thumbnail pic on the bc homepage is deceptive; never would've billed her as having gotten so fat
They generally use the models' debut pictures, I've only ever seen them update it like once in 10 years.
Hey, could you re-up those please?
Same here, never payed attention to her until one day i checked whats up with her and damn her Thumbnail Picture is so far of, of her recent gain... On my Collection list now :D
(182 KB, 864x1152, 157lily_all.jpeg)
has anyone got her new weight gain story vid

Wtf! I'll be hunting her content from now on. I need to see her in motion at this size.
Fuck what she's been eating?
looks like everything that comes near her
Hereā€™s set 149 in hopes of someone having more to offer:
My god, when did she get so big?! I just remember her barely qualifying as chubby, and now sheā€™s damn near my preferred ssbbw tier. Will definitely be watching her, especially if sheā€™s chugging shakes šŸ˜
(174 KB, 800x1191, FCEO9XYWYAkIUrR.jpg)
any of her newest videos? please
she looks amazing
Her underwear is MIA
And her tattoo is nearly gone. Almost swallowed completely by fat.
(179 KB, 864x1152, 165lily_all.jpg)
Please someone share her new video, her gain is amazing
anyone have a side by side pic of her gain?
Ill upload that vid in exchange for a newer chloe video or jolene content. Not interested in sharing unless im also benefiting.
Read the rules and go fuck yourself you limp bizkit
someone generous who wants to share some of the beautiful lily, a while ago without new content
ill upload my chloe stuff you better upload new lily stuff
very sexy
any new video?
Does no one care about the fact that she posted on Twitter about how sheā€™s done gaining weight?
When did she say that?
I don't think any one cares, because she hasn't said that.
I didn't see everything, but a few days ago she vented on twitter, then deleted her tweets. That's what he is referring to.
Not really. She's blown up enough as is; I can't imagine her feasibly getting any bigger. That belly is to die for.
Did anyone see what she said specifically? Was she fed up with the fetish community? Is she uncomfortable in a body this large? Is she thinking about retiring from modeling and from actively gaining? Very curious what the specific reason was.
I knew I should have screenshot it but she said she was done gaining so I just unfollowed her. She didnā€™t say if she was done modeling but she made a short post about it and then deleted it and then made another longer post about how she felt that she reached her limit with gaining and she doesnā€™t like it anymore
You people need to stop sperging. She posted she was done gaining, then immediately retracted it saying she did actually enjoy it and that it was basically a mood swing, then deleted all the tweets.

Can we all shut the fuck up and post content now? JFC
a lot of talk and no content, please share something
she has also said on her BigCuties blog how she wants to be 400lbs and she's just over 300 now, so... no way she's done gaining
No surprise, really. People have their ups and downs with gaining and even the most committed gainers are often conflicted about it. Basically, I'm not worried about this, either.
can someone just post some content of hers already got damn the autism on this board is something else
Thatā€™s what Iā€™m saying

*Complains about people posting with no content

**Posts with no content

I posted this to piss off people who get upset that someone doesn't constantly buy them shit to jack off with and share it with them for free.
Oh hey, Another fag like me who bumped this thread with no content. How about we all cut our hands off and shut the fuck up?
30 days access is $22 which isnā€™t much, youā€™re telling me NONE of you guys wanted to pay that? I donā€™t know how sets works on bigcuties but she has 166 of them and sheā€™s fucking ginormous! Question, does bigcuties have a way of tracking you if you were to upload a set?
I want to buy sth from her site. But I have no clue how it works. If I pay, do I have a access to all of her vids and can I download them or do I just have access to the vids she will upload in the next 30 days?
there are extensions to download vids from sites like BC and OF. Otherwise, im pretty sure you'd have to re subscribe after one month to continue seeing her content. There are a lot of reliable extensions tho (thats why theres so many vids from OF and curvage and BC uploaded here on bbwchan) so if you are interested in subbing I personally would.
I bought one month access using my credit card, I need to build my anyways credit so this feels like a win-win.
that's an expensive OF sub. I usually don't go higher than 15
I'd love something that would allow me to bulk download full resolution images. Having to right click, save as for hundreds of pics is a pain in the ass.
Eh, itā€™s $2 more than Carmen La Foxā€™s OnlyFans, they have a similar amount of videos and they both make me diamonds so it wasnā€™t a tough decision, if it was closer to $30 then Iā€™d be hesitant.
Are you gonna share something? Please
Maybe one day but not today. If someone wants to be that hero be my guest.
how you really gonna leave us hanging lmao talking like you were gonna upload vids here but decide to wait? Why even mention it?
Out of spite, not much has been upload to this thread, despite that you seagulls keep begging for a "hero", if you really want it just fucking buy it and if you want to be that "hero" then be my guest. Me? I'll upload whenever I please.
What a pathetic way to beg for attention. Rofl

our hero has arrived !!! you're the best
Do you have More?
Have some patience you bastards. You expect a guy to get a membership, quickly download and immediately upload all content so you can wack off. He's paying for it. If he wants to take his time and wack off to it first before sharing, he's entitled to do so. His $$$ not yours
>>33451 (OP)
Thanks for uploading the vid!

- She really seems getting a bit tired about gaining. And "carrying weight" while putting more on is a game that might be tiring.
Anybody else notice how she never shows off her ass at all in her videos? Which sucks cause she has a great one.
She just did a weigh in. Does anyone know the number?
for real. Like we're all here to jack off, nobody cares who gives us the content.
Boom get it while its hot vk.com/video/playlist/509901267_8
Can't even download them? Christ
you should know how to download vids off vk, it's not that hard...
Would you care to enlighten me then?
Here try this: https://www.downloadvideosfrom.com/ or you can use whatever you found on Google.
Download all the videos while you still have the chance, if BigCuties or Lily knows about this they can issue a DMCA.
>>69490 woah that's massive! Don't forget to check the whole profile, there's a lot more than just Lily, that's fucking golden!
Bless you!

Different guy than the one who was asking, but bless you as well for such an easy to use downloader!
Is NordVPN any good for sharing videos - you know make it hard to figure out who did it.
i recently asked someone a similar question, and i was told it's generally pretty safe

but take that with a grain of salt
Thank you.

That was a lightning fast DL.

Merry Christmas.
one issue with Nord on here is that a lot of the servers have been blocked.
(301 KB, 800x1191, 168lily_censored.jpg)
Thank you very much and merry christmas
Is it possible that you have this set dear friend?
Maybe it just me be dumb but the anon link won't open
any chance someone saved set 161 from this playlist?
Dear God, she keeps getting bigger and rounder each time I see her - so GOOOOOOD!
holly shit shes huge
Now that's a turn on
Yin-and-Yang is goneā€”I guess life is no longer about balance
Cant say it enough that i never realy showed interest in her because of that skinny Cover Pic on BigCuties, until i started klicking on her Site just to check how she is doing... and boom 150ish pounds heavier with that super hot Belly... Basically drooling over her :P
Her cover pic has been update since I made light of it many months ago >>59647 lol; and yeah I wish someone would share her picsets.
Chloe and Lily are my absolute favorites right now. They both seems to really love the gaining process, and they've both gotten huge. Soon to be in SSBBW-cateogry.
The nice thing is realy watching them from the start to now... magnificent gains
(193 KB, 864x1152, 147lily_all.jpg)
does anyone have this?
or some new set?
Does anyone have the new buffet video?
New buffet set please!
That Belly is so fukcing insane... love how she blew up.
No new vids?
>>76834 none of the vids in that link are lily fuck off
>>77449 he didn't say they were, retard
>>77472 it's a lily thread they could've atleast said the vids aren't lily plus whoever the fuck that is is ugly
She's getting so fat
(178 KB, 864x1152, 176lily_all.jpg)
It's been a while without new content, any heroes please?
Get it while it's hot: aHR0cHM6Ly93ZS50bC90LTIyM0hnQXZib2o=
Most unexpected linkup of 2022
Muchas gracias seƱor!
How do you convert rar to zip?
try using 7zip to extract
Indeed.... when I first saw the file name I just thought our boy had Lily and Satanpanties in the same folder.

Really puts how big Satanpanties got into perspective.
FR had no idea she had gotten that big.

Hope she keeps it up! Thanks for the drop.
Could anyone reup??
Can anyone reup please ? Thanks in advance
can we get a reup pls?
Anyone got her new bunny vid?

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