
>>30558 (Dead)
She actively uses feabie, so there’s a 99.99% chance she knows this place. In any case how do you get pics and vids from her?
i have made threads of her and she responded. the people with any sort of new content gate keep it because she doesnt like when people share it. and if they share it they share anything she will just delete her shit, its happened before. fuck this community
Anyone got more pics of her ?
LOL tell me a model that likes it dumbass
Lol fuck you I think we'll keep sharing thanks
Any model that does not realize that there will be a level of content posting/sharing is suffering from naivety beyond comprehension.

No different from a business writing off a level of shoplifting. A good business (model) will still be successful.
it would be pretty nice if somebody can reup
Reup? Or new?
Bumping this shit my dudes
>>3055 (Dead)
Does anyone have a link to the website where she answers people's questions?
Jesus. She’s 268 now, and 4’11 😳
where does she post? feabie?

As Crash Bandicoot would say...WHOA
Where did you get this candid/how do you know her weight?

Not saying you’re wrong, just wondering how ya know
Where does she post?
Because that's all you're gonna get.
She either posts on Feabie or Snapchat but she's not consistent on either.
It's just when she feels like posting.
Damn! That’s the best worst photo ever
She’s not a model, she doesn’t sell content. She has a social media presence on feabie, try google. If she wanted to distribute her stuff, that’s where she’d post it.
Well I can’t be arsed to put in effort just to get on her good side just to have a chance at getting into her Snapchat.
I wish she would open an OF or ManyVids
holy shit what this girl has done to herself, it's so hot
She is built amazing. Anyone have anything else of her?
Go on her Stufferdb profile.
A new video from her Snapchat got uploaded.
Let's just say her new boyfriend has been making her explode.
>>30555 (OP)
Whoa mama those are some nice stretch marks
Any chance of a re-up on some previous posts or new content?
(130 KB, 631x856, cowcake.jpg)
Was so encouraged that she recently started gaining nearly 3 lbs a week.
A video when she was thin? Somebody got it?
What’s her curiouscat?
oh fuck. Is there a video?
god I wish I was dating her.
Amen brother, it hurts, she’s so big and beautiful. I just really want to grab that fat gut and ass.
I remember there was a google drive link that had all her short snapchat videos on it. Does anybody still have that?
Jesus Christ, this really puts into perspective how enormous she's gotten. Saw on Feabie her BMI is 59.
Damn I forgot that I shared those videos, A year has already passed, huh

waiting for a pat on the back?
(291 KB, 400x715, image.png)
and to think she used to be this small. Incredible.
Thank you!
She's my favorite, what a super awesome gainer!
Holy fuck... she looks so obese... like she has trouble getting around. Hard to believe she's under 300lbs. Are these stills from a video?
Her writing on Feabie is very good, almost better than her photos. Just scroll her TL, heaps and heaps of amazing content.
Her Feabie is just depressing dude
Her living situation sucks rn. She wants to gain but is living with unsupportive family. Really wish she would start an OF or something so she could get her own place and eat to her heart's content.
I would pay for a cowcake OF
please tell her this
I would as well - she's recently been toying around with the idea of starting one, hoping she does
>>44001 please let this be true, I would pay so fast
she has amazing stretch marks
Holy shit thank you so much for capturing this
Can anyone reupload?
is this what we are, doxxing civilians?
If she were monetizing the simp army or something, but theres no paid content to pirate, this is just sharing mostly privately shared social videos.
Lol is that to say that girls who sell porn are not civilians?
Thank you for your service!
Cowcake is one-pointedly focused on getting as fat as humanly possible. She truly embodies the fetish as it was in the very beginning when Betsy arrived on the scene. Back then every feedee was hardcore and it was a given that they would continue to gain indefinitely to SSBBW status.
Far less stable mental states these days. Bombarded with hyper-real media and propaganda in school (not the type you think), dosed up on psych meds, living like goblins. It's not good
if that were true she should have been an extra 50-100lbs by now. seems like her weight's stagnated or she's stopped trying as hard. A LOT of women of feabie and ff talk tons of dick hardening shit about getting as fat as possible but never really mean it.

Okay, shes posted a snap chat of her and her bf's gubhub order and told you it was all for her, cool bro. Show me the results and then I'd care
I just want her to make a damn Onlyfans. I would pay for that
You obviously don't read her curious cat posts. She broke up wtih her bf a while ago, and her living situation SUCKS rn due to unsupportive family - she can't stuff, works only part time and can't afford huge stuffings.
bro, she's been gaining steadily with fast bursts over the last couple of years; like I get that there's concern over Fake Gainer Girls In It For The Money but i think it's pretty misplaced if you're talking about this girl specifically
I'm talking about egirls in general. I'm not saying it out of malice, I feel sorry for them. I really like cowcake
I would pay for her OF too. Especially her. She's amazing.
(4.1 MB, 640x1138, IMG_4547.MP4)
why has no one posted this here yet?!!!?
Yeh I follow her on Twitter
Why not post the Twitter page??
They was afraid.
(1.1 MB, 1010x736, cowcake comparison.png)
She recently went to the doctor and she is now 295 lbs. Her bmi is 59.6. She's on blood pressure meds and has to see a cardiologist but as a death feedist this is a huge turn on of course
Where did you find that out? Not questioning you, i just want to follow her in more places
Here's the rest of what I have

insane to remember what she looked like when she started
she have a tumblr or instagram where she posts these?
twitter: @lilcowzia
It's a shame she doesn't sell content. Of all the gainers out there, she's the most hardcore I've encountered.
God damn that ass is glorious
Yep. She truly lives for the fetish. Couldn’t get purer than that, really.
Super grateful! How recent does this go? Looks mostly 2018-2019, no?
Holy shit, I love reality

Most of the dates are in the filename, so it looks like Feb of this year is the last one. The MP4s at the end are from ~2018
Honestly from that angle, she looks like she has already reached ssbbw-tier body shape. Spreading her tree trunk legs wide apart to accommodate that apron belly hanging down to her crotch. And those stretch marks indicate she’s been continuing to grow at a pace, despite living in an unsupportive environment. I suppose she’s now or very soon to be as wide as she’s tall (4’ 11”)
Holy fuck she’s cute as shit
She's my dream girl - already gained 200 lbs and wants to continue gaining indefinietly, food addicted and obsessed with getting fatter no matter the consequences. Wish more women were like her
she's a flamming jsw
it says so on her feabie
And? Nobody fuckin' cares, incel.
Fr who cares... nothing wrong with her beliefs and even if you don't agree with them shes hot as fuck... just jerk off, not your your dating her where it matters
If that’s your biggest problem, then you’re apart of the wrong community my friend.Most of these women apart of this community are progressive as hell.
Porn sites are the last place I'd go to find a conservative woman lol
A genuine conservative woman wouldn’t sell out her body to make a quick buck as it would conflict with her sense of religion or traditional morals. Any sex worker who claims to be conservative or trad is just larping or cosplaying as a tradwaifu. Also cowcake looks as tho she’s at least half black, and american blacks aren’t known for being conservative in general. No doubt she would be a pro-blm, defund the police, fat positivity, woke feminist type of girl.
She's already come out and said she's Antifa.
She's a deathfeedist- problem solved....shortly.
I'd let her clock me in the head with a bikelock any day of the week

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