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Just fucked this girl a few days ago. She's an escort out of the LA area. She was doing duos with another BBW, but I could only afford her. It was amazing. Tits and belly were HUGE. Biggest girl I'd ever been with. Two hours of pure heaven.
>>173144 (OP)
Dawg she looks like if Hank Hill and Jabna the Hut fucked and had a child
>>173144 (OP)
Nah you're definitely shilling this ugly ogre if you're posting her here and on /ssbbw/, fuck outta here
Wait...so not only did you pay for sex...but you then came to brag online about it? LMAO.
"She's an escort out of the LA area"
*stary fly sound effect*
imagine paying for that
Dude where are here toes and her whole back half is missing, if this is the one you chose then I’d HATE to see what the other girl looked like😭

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