
>>172600 (OP)
This is not how it works. When you create a thread you share videos hoping someone will do the same. There's no trading upload what you have if you expect this thread to actually mean something.
Who cares anymore. No one else is sharing when making threads. Might as well just make one and hope someone gives you content.
Cause they don't have content dumbass not everyone has shit for every single model. That's why we use the begging thread. Your legitimately killing of threads that actually have content cause you can't use the right threads for the right shit. Y'all act like this place is a shopping cart and give nothing in return. The literal sliver lining is uploading vids from a another model in return if they don't have vids from the model they make a thread on. If you can't do that then what's the point.
Well maybe if people would actually come through on the begging thread, this wouldn't happen so often. People have been begging for months without any links being dropped, and I've seen some newer threads become begging threads for certain models as well.
Yeah cause there's a heavy influx of lurkers on this website. It's more popular than ever..like I said make a thread and then upload whatever you have even if it's not the model ur asking for. If you can't do that then what's the point lol

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