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Ash Garland, his belly is incredible! Don't I think it would be cool if I made fetish videos?
His latest video:

>>170931 (OP)
"his belly is incredible!" Are you retarded?
Almost certainly a Chinese native speaker - they don't have gendered pronouns. It's a common mistake, no need to be so hostile.
OP’s dad has entered the chat.
I WILL bully the Chinese and I WILL be hostile.
Fuck China
Fuck Xi, fuck China, fuck you
oh I also think it would be cool to see her getting fat, although it seems like she's on the way anyway.
Don't worry, guys, thank the people from other countries who also contribute, because you don't know how to speak Chinese well.
my dudes, hakuna your tattas..
Ashley Garland is a favorite of mine, my #1 wish for coomer before it went down was for someone to upload her OF there, but it never happened.

This isn't her latest video btw, this is from months ago. Also you b64-encoded a streaming website? Lmao.

Unfortunately she's started losing weight for her health, none of her newer content is really worth it.

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