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Has there been any good documentaries or reality shows about females gaining weight and when I mean gaining weight, I mean like from being skinny to being fat fat, I know that fit to fat to fit is a good example but I feel like the rest of the other episodes wasn't as good as the Fallon episode since she is considered to be the only female trainer who gains the most out of the whole series by literally reaching an obesity level (at least for her height) and having a big different appearance change while the rest of the female trainers were just getting skinny fat and the show mostly having more male trainers in other episodes then female, Basically Super Size Me but with a woman instead. I know the weight gain video existed but I don't want to watch a hundred archive videos to see some small processes change to them, so yeah post some good one
>>170383 (OP)
where can I even find this episode of fit to fat to fit?? It seems everywhere I look it's already been deleted.

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