
Don't start a damn thread with no content

And not this bitch 💀
obviously threads should start with content but whats your problem with her shes hot as hell
Cunts always do shit like that here. Vaguely allude to some controversy and when you ask for context it's like pulling teeth
>>169200 (OP)
I once met her in real life she’s so heavy she insisted I fed her so I took her to a buffet she knows how to eat
>>169200 (OP)
I sent her money never got a video from her.
Schizo fr
so she finessed you into feeding her and sending money.
Merci beaucoup, monsieur!
Sadly, she's made all of her vids $50 on Curvage. I take that to mean she doesn't want anyone buying them right now.
I will literally never post content again if you keep posting my shit on here and making up lies about me. Yall ruined it.
Anybody has Redvelvet6877? Content

yo check the IDs, it's only one idiot making up lies about you repeatedly, ID "aad1a4"

As far as posting your shit, uh, no, this is literally a piracy site, if you wanna cut off your own entire source of revenue for food just because other people have very slightly reduced your income (most piracy doesn't affect sales at all because most pirates are broke as shit), have fun with that....
This happens to every model.
And you’re not even losing much here - 3 old ass videos were posted.
Shutting down your whole OF and taking content away from people who pay for it is not the way to do this. GL tho
I’ve gone years without this happening to me and once you miserable fucks get in there it’s ruined. I’ll have to worry that every sale I make is gonna end up on this website. Not even worth it when I can just give my content to the people I trust who actually keep me fed and paid.
They are all idiots, they are always here pirating content from models, desperate to masturbate, without realizing that because of them many models get fed up, get tired and leave, no one criticizes if they pirate an old video, but come on friend, they are publishing videos to the another day when a model puts it up for sale, it's disgusting, then they expect the models to do this or that thing or better quality content, how do they expect that if you ruin their sales?

Tbh most of us probably wouldn't have bought your stuff anyways. This is the risk you take selling shit, you sound like a musician being a sookie baby because people can download their music without paying for it now, boo fucking who.
You've always been a shitty person tho

Must suck to so petty that you charge for money people you trust. Either get a grip or don't come to this site again

You say that it hasn’t happened to you for years but I guarantee that’s not true. I’ve had some of your content for quite awhile. Has your income dropped in the last year? If not, you might wanna reconsider throwing away your income cuz you’re mad this is happening to you for the first time lol and don’t worry I wasn’t gonna buy from you anyways
She's not going to fuck you bro.
Please take it over to /gen/, this thread is for sharing content thank u!
Idk why you guys act like these models have a different internet than you. Its an easy search. This is a fat fetish site the same fetish these models have. They're gonna find it on someday. Either by a search of their name or another model telling them about it lol. No matter the quality of the videos this type of shit will demotivate them from making vids. Come on some uploads get 1k plus downloads. They can easily calculate how much money their losing. Hell mfs get shit for free and their still fucking complaining. The level of entitlement is insane. This site is no longer a "hidden" as the other site cause the minute there's no uploads on the "other" site. There's a fucking comment on each god damn thread or hell the comments of a models post (on other websites) No wonder that website has been broken for a few months now.

Funny how she says that, but also has a link to an amazon wishlist in her OF bio for these "broke ass men" to buy stuff for her. Maybe she should stop "free loading" and buy all that shit herself.
I was on that Google photos drive she sold and honestly this is very disappointing behavior on her behalf. She isn't no boberry or foxy roxxie to get so mad about sharing her cheap beginner content. Her ex made the right call sharing her content for free

I just discovered you from this thread and was going to sub to your OF to support your gain, but not anymore now that I know your true colors and how easily you can have a meltdown and punish your all your fans by removing content. Maybe I’ll come back if you chillax a little.
shiver me timbers.you didn't buy anything. what does she gain nor lose with our comment.
im not white knighting. I just find this funny.

Shiver me timbers is right Mr. Krabs. It’s ironic that she cares so much about potential lost revenue in some leaked vids yet feels fine burning her fanbase (the ones who are going to sub to her OF and buy her vids regardless of leaks). Not everyone is giving her money just to see some vids.
her content sucked ass anyways no big loss here

LMAO no you haven't, I guess you never noticed before but several of your much more explicit OF cam recordings were leaked on coomer.su ages ago. People are leaking directly onto this site more often these days because coomer is down.
>They can easily calculate how much money their losing.

lmfao no they can't because they have no idea how many of those people would've ever bought their vids. You think every single free download is a person that would've otherwise bought the video in question? Literally completely delusional.
What I find funny is the way ppl still encrypt some links - like that's going to stop models finding and taking down their content .... If we can get to it, so can they - it won't stop or slow them down in the slightest - all you're doing is inconveniencing us leeches
Omg okay not every single download. I'm just saying that in good faith. If you download a video your obviously interested in seeing it especially if you have the ability to preview the video before you download it come on now. It's not the first time someone has ever bought a video and realized they didn't like it. It's not insane to think that it's demoralizing as a model to see so many downloads on a privacy website. It's not delusional your just being not picky with what I'm saying.
Okay but the person who's saying this is not a customer. He's literally yelling outside of the restaurant claiming that he's never gonna eat there again when he's never eaten there at the first place. 💀💀. If he was subscribed to her then I wouldn't of said anything lmfao. I do think it's messed up to punish the people buying your content or subscribed when it's just a few bad actors. I also think it's halarious to take this all seriously cause we have no idea if the model is actually talking here. The amount of crazy people we have on this website is insane so it's good to take it with a grain of salt and not to heart.
Not that guy, but I subbed to her OF (free) after finding her here when I wouldn't have even known she existed otherwise. I'm now a potential customer, though I haven't purchased anything yet because she hasn't posted anything new since I subbed. Not to mention her free livestreams had everything you could want from her in them anyway so unless you're specifically into stuffing you coild fill your big belly girl wank quota for free via her legit onlyfans anyway. There was no reason to look up her coomer until now that she's removed all her content and coomer is doing it's job as an archive. Don't know what my point is really, maybe that I could've expected this reactiony from a model who's content is all paywalled but not one who's explicit content is all but free.
Ur 100 valid in that cause you actually subscribed to her OF. Your not being that guy at all.
Girl, just DMCA any links posted here. Problem solved.

We all have a taste for the content she makes, even if you're not subbed. If you went to a party and decided you wanted to try out a restaurant they used for catering because it was delicious, but then found out that the restaurant owner required everyone to subscribe monthly to eat there and would close randomly so only specific people they "trust" could eat there. You would be fine still paying them?
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this fucking moron took down all her content/made it $50 per video and now she’s crying and expecting her followers to help her out with paying bills…completely self inflicted. this is not a charity operation
this post is years old lmao just look how much smaller she is in that pic, 0/10 ragebait
it’s on her story right now bozo
it appears she deleted it, but was indeed there just an hour ago
What does this have to do with us. If she wants to shoot herself in the foot who cares lol.
ah yes, please proceed to chase another model out the scene

the fucking incel crusade for the hundredth god damn time
I mean, at least she's honest, ya know? Some women let you pay for "food/stuffings" but who knows what they really do spend this money on...

I think it's more just noting the fact that she spiked up the price of all her videos once they started getting shared, thus making sure none of them were purchased and that she would no longer get any money from Curvage, and now she mysteriously doesn't have any money
she also took down her onlyfans too, which was free
Took it down an hour later bc it was immediately taken care of for me 😎 stay mad. I take care of the people who support me I’m not gonna keep my content up for people to just post for free. Can yall move on to someone else now?
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I'm the only person on planet earth that thinks this, but you look like an obese female Zeltik.
Says the femcel that's worse. You aren't above the people who want to consume degenerate porn without being simps and throwing money down the drain when you're the one making the degenerate porn
unfortunately gonna have to white knight, she just had a boyfriend like 2 months, so she definitely isn't celibate like you...

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