
>>165071 (OP)
>Let’s keep the content coming

??? Where is the content then?
Crazy how big she's gotten.
Jesus she's a shell of her former self. Taking way more space in that car now
I bet by the new year she’ll be over 280 and that belly will be dangerously close to the steering wheel.
Jesus Christ. I'm not a doctor, but I can see her having issues at some point in the future. She's blowing up way too fast.
Seriously. I hope she enjoys being a fat pig because it’s too late to go back. Those stretch marks have destroyed her body. I just think she is too vain to blow up beyond 300 lbs. She already hates her double chin. She gets Botox and fake eyelashes to look good but is so lazy she destroys her looks. Crazy. Health issues are next.
Some of you guys rp with yourself and it's awkward for the rest of us
Piss off, guys, this girl is becoming the biggest gainer in terms of beauty and weight ratio. She becomes more and more attractive. She's not just beautiful, she has an aura, something. Her face helps quite a bit but she has a few things going on. I feel like when it hits 350 it's going to be amazing ; I hope she will aim for Ssbbw status ; It's been almost 10 years, she must have been thinking about it. she is made for that
Her ballooning at an insane rate at the same time coomerparty shit the bed is tragic irony. Content drought at her hottest, thanks anon for sharing.
Also in case you haven’t noticed, she absolutely enjoys being a fat pig. In fact she literally gets off on it.
>>165108 content is not that quick on her of, I'm not going to renew will come back in a few months
What a bunch of shit….”she has an aura”. More like she has an ego! Very narcissistic person.
Model doesn't gain: people complain
Model gains: people complain
What the fuck are you guys even doing here at this point?
wow, she really is blowing up. I was never into the shape of her belly but the way she's starting to fill out is really hot
>What the fuck are you guys even doing here at this point?

Getting off on humiliating women, same as the chodes that leave dickhead comments on social media.
She's doing fetish porn, what do you expect? You're not working in that field if you hate attention. At least she's not insufferable like some other.
Thanks for the drop king
She got ugly. Fact. Her head looks moon shaped.
She did have a cute face for the longest time! Now she’s ballooning and her face is included, it’s not very cute anymore but the roundness is pretty hot for a wank. I’m sure she is pre diabetic by now with how much trash and sugar she’s been gorging herself on.
my mind is telling me know (weird double chin, objectively way worse)

but my penis. my penis!!! is telling me yes!!!!
Bet you look no better bitch. Stfu and just enjoynthe content we get.
Damn she’s going warp speed on the gain train. Actually shocked by that recent car picture. I’ve watched quite a few of her car stuffing videos and that photo alone her figure/posture, and everything is completely changed. Molded by fat.
These girls like Tiana are intrinsically lazy. As they start making money selling their image and the weight starts rapidly increasing the content drops off a cliff. Somehow the attention from her new boyfriend is worth tanking her only remaining source of income through not making content. Total lack of ambition and complacency with the attention irl is going to ruin the rest of her life. Dude is leaving once she hits health problems and stops gaining. Partner abondonment is a legit phenomenon. All because she's constantly getting high and chilling too hard.
didn't she post on twitter or tumblr something about her boyfriend having fed other girls to over 300 lbs? Could have swore she did but couldn't find the post, maybe her bf made her delete it. He sounds like a plump and dump but I don't give a fuck, I hope she gets really fucking big.
I remember that. She said she wanted to end up like 450 or something because of it. Too bad she deleted it cause the idea of her at that size was diamonds
she posts at least twice a week for 9 dollars a month what the fuck are you even talking about. genuine brainrot
Used to post 3x as much for the same price - complaint is valid, dipshit
I agree about her probably being prediabetic.

I remember when it happened to Cambria back in the day.

She looked bloated and huge and it was sad to see her go into retirement like that.
How is it valid lmao she just posted a 41 minute car stuffing, that alone could be 10 dollars. She posts more than most OF girls for the same price. Are you actually delusional enough to say her OF isn’t worth 9 dollars right now? If you’re broke dog just say so
I miss Cambria… did she have anything else other than what she posted on s31? I have all that stuff, just wondering if there’s any more where she’s any bigger
Cambria was one of my all time faves. I you have some of her would you post please?
What is so hard for you to understand? It's a matter of equivalency to what you're used to and have come to expect. Next time you buy a pack of smokes, or whatever your favorite vice, and you only get half the quantity, you're not going to notice? Apparently, a difficult concept for simple minds like yours to grasp, but she used to post much more, and that's the fact.

She’s also on a speedrun of doing all the wrong things. I enjoy it cause she’s getting fat as fuck but anyone with half a brain and knows anything about relationships knows she’s fucking her own life up big time for some dude that’s gonna dip.

Move in together after a couple months of “dating”? ✅
Quit your job because your boyfriend of a few months tells you to? ✅
Do literally everything he says even at your own detriment? ✅
Gain an insane amount of weight (hot but let’s be real) even though you don’t necessarily like how you’re looking and have issues with it? ✅
Be stoned 24/7 so you don’t even give a shit what’s happening around you? ✅

Good for her if it works out, but the red flags were all there early on after she said she moved in together. Then came the job, etc.

We just gotta enjoy the ride while it lasts. She’s not the bastion of emotional stability as is. I remember the times she’s split and emotional breakdowns of the past.

She seems cool. I sort of feel bad for her but it’s a cannon event lol
Dude she got ugly. Look at that sphere she calls her head. No reason to be jealous of that scrawny, weak looking bf. It won’t last so you might get your chance.
bro you got a weird taste if you think she is ugly, she's one the hottest
Conscientious will look at an obese woman gaining weight and say
“wow it is very healthy to gain weight”
“I hope she knows this”
“I worry for her health”
“She will become immobile”
As if this is not the goal these people are despicable and pity full for they will never no joy forever judgmental of themselves and others

A modern sub human tragedy

Posted first on ssbbw applys here too
Even worse these intellectually disenchanted mentally molested and perpetually ignorant will come on a website with the phrase BBW and then complain the women they were jerking off to moments ago would proceed to gain weight as if it were not the goal

Even more unbelievable is the thought they would proceed to write a message expressing their discontent with the product that is being delivered to them just as advertised

>I’m sure she is pre diabetic by now

IMO, she looks better on the right.
It's about control and perpetually putting women down.

There isn't a thread on here that doesn't devolve into shitting on them relentlessly. They're too skinny or at a plateau so they're a fraud. They gain too fast, they're ugly. If there's a dry spell then she's a lazy scam artist. If she puts out stuff consistently then it's all the same and boring.

There's always a way to "spin" it. And these always come from the same sources and troublemakers playing to whatever side suits them in the moment, I've seen the logs.

Don't be surprised if there's a purge soon..
She blew the f up, especially those chins/neck. So hot. One of the GOATs for sure. Can't wait to see more vids.
Thanks to the guy that posted the car stuffing
You put it perfect these ingrates come on a porn site to complain about free porn
I have been gooning for years on this site and as it gets more popular the avg iq of the posters steadily declines
In my experience, most of the toxicity on this board is directed towards other users and not the models themselves.
Yeah. And part of it is when there is a lapse in new content people just shitpost because there is nothing to share
A 40 minute video was uploaded 𝐲𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐝𝐚𝐲 and the same bad faith trolls are using that as another opportunity..

Like I said, it doesn't really matter who the topic is about. They could be literally perfect. There isn't an active thread on here that is immune from the contagion.

It also tends to turn into bashing the people that share content, calling them "simps" who are to blame for enabling a model becoming "lazy". Usually gaps in updates aren't even because there's nothing to share, it's because the people who could share something are leaving or not bothering.

This has left us with an unsustainable model for a website & that will probably change soon now that VPNs are now restricted and we can moderate better. It would be wise to prepare for a culture revolution in the near future & make sure you're not to contributing to the toxicity.

Sorry for /gen/ posting
She is ugly! Make excuses if you want but her looks are as unattractive as her bad personality
>I've seen the logs.

Interesting. Is there any way you could prove this?
Asking because if it truly is the same assholes shitposting for months on end, couldn’t you just ban them? Especially if they’re not even contributing content, then what good are they?
This site doesn’t track users further than the ip they access with therefore a user can only be traced loosely
I love how fat her face has gotten, underrated part of a woman's gain. always been a fave of mine
Where did her chin go?🤤
I’ve seen so many girls called ugly outright snd yet this is the first ban for it

I understand what you're saying, and you have every right to feel that way, but I don't know if turning this place into what sounds like the digital equivalent of a "safe space" is the answer.
You have shit in your eyes. She becomes more and more beautiful. Look at these beautiful proportions; his face becomes round, the more round it becomes it's beautiful. Hurry, I have a big double chin. Then when it reaches more than 300, it will be exceptional. You don't see the potential in the future that it has!
It’s not the “she’s ugly” that was the ban, it’s the way the dude is intentionally derailing threads with 0 arguments just screaming into the void. It’s not “I don’t like this model I don’t get what you all see in her” it’s just obvious bait

LMAO. Ofc when a smallfat finally starts to approach actual BBW size some dipshit starts to bitch about it.

I honestly don't understand this shit. Why on earth do people come to a place that's focused on woman who are typically, *at least* 250lbs when apparently that's too big for them? And also why fucking comment in threads when said women are actively trying to gain more weight?

I swear, this kind of anon is some no confidence dumbfuck that simply tries for fat chicks because they think they're all easy or some shit.
she’s adorable
BASED ARCHITECT! They will hate you for telling the truth.
I gotta say I commend whatever mod monitors this thread and seemingly only this thread way more than any others. Might even be her boyfriend or has ties with him at this rate lol.

Any time a comment is laid out showing how manipulative and fucked up she’s derailed her life since meeting him it’s insta deleted 😂 now you’re banning people too in this thread. Meanwhile you’ve got tons of actual garbage being spewed on others that don’t even get touched. Yet this one posts are constantly deleted.
Tf is happening on this site? You’d think that ppl into fat women would understand that beauty is subjective…
I’m just glad she has a super supportive loving and caring boyfriend now to save her from the trolls
some people are only into their specific idea of a fat woman i guess. maybe they can't believe other people have different ideas
I for one am so happy to see her face changing and getting fatter. I think it really looks well and it’s a great staple on how fat she’s getting. I think the main reason she’s so popular is because she’s always been a very good looking girl, and the extra weight and changes to her face don’t change that. I hope it gets even bigger
Do the Cruise Ship challenge. 7 days of bottomless buffet and more food than she can imagine. Those stretch marks will be numerous and those thighs will be barrels.
>always come from the same sources and troublemakers

This checks out especially if you consider the stats on goflile uploads - thousands of downloads, countless more views, and yet there's always a disproportionately higher number of whingers following an upload than there are thank-yous and positive comments.
Makes you want to hug her like a tree, so thick
who the fuck hugs trees?
Hippies, Sloths, Monkeys, Pandas…
Same opinion, but her ballooning is hot. Remind me of Mocchi at her debuts. There is something special about relatively sane looking women voluntarily pigging their way into morbid obesity.
And deparate, lonely and horny, sad souls who find a woodpecker ravaged tree
thank u very much
With the exception of maybe Reiina, I don't know that I've ever seen a woman with this degree of determination to eat her way into the extremes of obesity at this kind of speed.

She's gone from chubby ScarJo to an absolute whale in a matter of months.

If you read this, Tiana, please keep inflating yourself.
This mf is getting lazier day by day. Such a low effort in the last videos
no shit, she is fat
>model doesn't gain weight
NOOO, I wanted to see her at 1000 billion million pounds

>model is gaining weight
NOOO, she's ugly now

You don't have to go to a BBW website if you're just into chubby girls, it's pretty mainstream nowdays. She has one of the prettiest faces for a BBW model, if you think she's ugly, you pretty much find all fat people ugly. Which is okay, just don't know what people were expecting from a model that explicitly says she wants to gain weight. Or I guess for lots of people the fetish is women degrading themselves by becoming ugly, but then be honest.
Hey go ahead, she's getting more and more beautiful. The more her face and arms grow, take on volume, her thighs widen, the more beautiful the whole thing makes her. Your tastes are not those of the general assembly. There are other models if you don't like them.
Damn she’s getting big. Love how fat her face is getting as well her body is gonna have to grow into that new fat chin.

My god I wanna sink my face into all of her belly fat
that last one is actually insane
Does anyone have the vid with her and Reiinapop doing a cum contest?
Mochii Babiis shit in 2020 was the best shit ever of all time tbh nothing will ever surpass tbh in my just saying fuck you
facts... 2020 mochii already feels so nostalgic man
50lbs gained in 2 months or whatever the hell it was still doesn't feel real lol. how the hell you go from normal, regular-sized chick to deciding you want to be that fat that fast? insane
Fuck no machine is brown fat and white fat > brown or tan fat always. Lighter the skin the bigger they look and the better the stretch marks and cellulite show up. Tianas gain is way hotter the only people who jerk off to mochi have low standards. Quality > Size
lmao youre fucking retarded
"shes white so shes hotter" okay go to walmart then
White women are hotter
You're right, but people are going to seethe at you so hard
Bro southeast Asian and islanders peak, white women are ugly sacks of shit this whole board is a bunch of retarded racist incels
Saying this when Latinas exist is fucking crazy
"I want to kill the devil for talkin' shit

Cuz he can't get a taste of the Chocolate; African Breast

Cuz White bitches have no butt and no chest"

-Ice Cube, 1991
Fat white women look better mostly
Latinas hit the wall at 14
I really hope she gets pregnant, I want to see her belly get really round. Kind feel like she'd be freaky enough to do milk/lactation content too
No, girls usually get their body ruin after pregnancy. It becomes this saggy raggedy mess, At the very least want to her reach 300 before body get ruin by all that excess Estrogen.
fellas is it gay to be turned on by the lady chemical?
Yeah, let me insert my weird Pregnancy fetish in an already niche Weight Gain one.
She can get pregnant after she’s at least hit 300 (preferably 350)
She's not even freaky enough to eat more than a combo meal in her car.

And every other update seems like she's in a rush to take 5 pics before her boyfriend comes home. She's not doing anything
if this incel ever manages to get a woman pregnant he's going to be the biggest asshole to her after childbirth
assuming he sticks around. if this guy hears the word 'pregnant', he's either grabbing a coat hanger or jumping town

So many people on this website need to touch grass lmao it's insane
I mean, could she be pregnant now?
Because your dad did it?
Tiana will never have kids trust me on that. She wants to be the center of attention and she knows she won't live to be old enough to see them grow up because she's 1000% all in on gaining now that she is too big ans fat paid to quit.
Update: 262.2 lbs. Up another 10 lbs in less than a month.

One of the most explosive gains I've ever seen tbh
Yeah, she’s gonna be 300 before the end of the year. She’s on pace to put on over 100lbs in 12 months
her feeder's doing the Lord's work
My only wish is we got to see the gorging she's doing.
I have a big drop coming soon
Thanks for the weigh in. Awesome to see her on the same trajectory as last month
Love her little pudgy body and can't wait to see her at 275! Seems likely by September if not late August

Fingers crossed she posts some sloppy out of control eating content soon
Somebody buy that girl a bigger mirror <3
The stretchmarks are so crazy!

Im not gonna lie, jealous of her feeder. I would nut 5 times a day into this girl lol
She will be 300 before September. I don't know why but I see it coming. Sure even! it finally begins.
"I don't know why but I see it coming."

Could it have anything to do with the fact that she's damn near gained 60 pounds this year already, Nostradamus?
I don't think her body is going to be able to take this for much longer. Something's going to give.
my DDDDICK is going to give
She's moving, no way she's gaining 40 pounds while adapting to her new place. 275 maybe
I think quasimodo predicted that you know. Notradamus did the bells
Adapting? She's not a reptile being moved to a different terrarium lmao. Probably more likely to get takeout/delivery during a move though since the kitchen takes a bit to set up
>>166642 I really love how her face is changing as of late. It's like it finally got the notice that she was fat and has gone full send. Obviously her body has changed because she's getting fatter but my god over the last month's it's gone from fat but still has ""skinnier" arms and legs and face, or just not as much as now but now her body is so fat all over, she really has graduated into full bbw fatass territory and escaped being "chubby" or just kinda fat, she's obese now. Her belly, tits and ass are giant now but I think looking at more "normal" parts of her body like fingers, arms, legs, faces, even stuff like how rolls change and grow is just the hottest thing ever.
Also god damn. Not as much as much as someone like mochi but in a good way. She's gaining super fast still but not so much that her whole body is actively giving out like we saw with mochii (even if this doesn't last)
She can't spend 12 hours sitting on her ass stuffing her face when she has to pack, travel and unpack. She's not moving to live under a bridge.
"She's not a reptile being moved to a different terrarium" might just be my favorite line I've seen in my time here
She must be doing absolutely nothing all day to be gaining this fast. She probably only gets up to use the bathroom or something. Whatever she's doing it's working and it's hot.
She is eating calories actually
She's breathing so heavy in her videos now and when she says her body is begging her to stop I'm sure that's part of it. So fucking hot - I want to see her do something more active to see how much harder it has gotten for her after packing on so much weight so quickly
Someone post more tiana plz
Yeah it’s nuts. She’s at her fattest ever and her content has slowed down to a drip. Though she has claimed to have gotten lazy now being stay at home feedee. Downside of laziness lol

I can think of a couple models who gained faster and posted every day while they blew up, did huge stuffing livestreams, released insane videos multiple times every month. and this is the one you simp for. It will not last and when it ends there will be very little to show for it
We're just gonna be fans of Tiana while you stay mad. Go touch grass dude

not saying she isn’t hot, but is the onlyfans actually worth it. i’m talking about what you get for your sub. everyone here simps the hardest for the models who put in the littlest effort. if she tried a little harder it would be more deserved. i appreciate her gain as much as you it’s a shame that’s all
How much do you think a model should provide for a $10 sub

I wouldn’t sub if I’m not getting belly updates at least 4 or 5 times a week, and if there’s no livestreams then a couple high quality videos to jerk off to every month. does anyone know if you get all the videos from her gain for $10 when you join or only the ones she sends while youre subscribed. ppl said she goes over a week without posting anything or post videos where she talks about random shit the whole time barely touching her belly and that’s a no for me
I'm old school, I can remember Nicki/Gaining Goddess putting on 130 lbs in a year and watching her stretchmarks get crazier and crazier by the week.
If you are subbing to an OF page, you get access to all of the posted content + future content during your subscription. This is only not the case where you have to pay extra (tips) for more content or they only send stuff through dms and you may or may not get access to previous dm'd content. For me the best time to sub is when there's a lot of content available at a low price, only if you hadn't seen it before. Tiana's subs are most likely supporting her instead of waiting for content.

Oh, no. That's old? How old am I? I remember looking for content on Yahoo Groups.
Yeah I'm that old too. I'm "looking at the dim's weight board praying for a Terra or TaurusVixn update" old.
Can someone repost her fat chat that was posted last thread?
Jesus christ she's hot! Does anyone know how tall she is?
I'm 36 and remember that she was already over 400 lbs in 2006/2007 so you might be over 40.
Anyway, it's just really hot to see some cute girl blowing up so fast.
I wonder if she's watching the chat feed. In any case, if you're passing through. Keep going, you are becoming more and more beautiful, the fat suits you perfectly. it shows that your body is made for that, and you will be divine at 350-400; full of strength and pleasure. Come on thank you anyway
she has the face and chin of someone twice her size. I would assume from that neck she’s over 400 pounds. she was prettier from the shoulders up 50 pounds ago, really ruining herself
shut the fuck up Donny you're out of your element
cheers to this reference and more cheers to who uploaded all the vids, you good people!
You're right, she's looking rough.
I hope she gains a body to match her face.
The idea of a 400lbs tianastummy makes me diamonds
Is this edited? looks like her chin's half the size of her gut
For no good reason it bugs me she starts all her posts with tfw. Same way when somebody says like every 3 words.

Still great work dont get me wrong
I have a couple theories about the content decline:
1. She has just gotten that much lazier
2. Her and her BF are enjoying the gain much more intimately, and maybe want to maintain that privacy
3. She has grown less confident about her appearance (some evidence of this in her recent vids). To the extent this 3rd theory is true, I really wish some of us would stop trashing here in here.

What do y'all think?
Hot, but I'm going to call it there's no way she makes it past low 300's. She's already gasping for breath every other sentence as it is and she's only 260 at the moment. Doesn't seem like she has the genetics to be extremely fat without the host of health consequences.
yep. she's gonna burn out pretty soon.
Wrong, you underestimated her. Many other models were out of breath at this stage and did not prevent them from having their full potential, I can name you Chloé, Princess, Jasmine, Brianna. We all knew how to adapt
Cringe, this looks ass. Real content only pls
Lol can you imagine spending money on this?
i hope you kill yourself
buying pictures with captions on them who the fuck would ever do that lol
Holy shit she is huge. I’ve been following her from the start, she’s gotta be easily 80-100lbs past her start point. Hope she gets to 300 but I won’t hold my breath about it.
Yeah, her face is definitely looking more hoggish, but holy shit. It's like she's evolving into an SSBBW before our eyes.
She’s literally less than 40 lbs away and gaining at an insane rate. 300 lbs eoy is likely. She’s closer to that than 200
I think her boyfriend is going to make her burst for fuck sake
What video are these taken from
Truth is, she was always too lazy to get this far on her own. But with a guy making food available for her at all times it’s much easier. Some chicks just need a feeder for the free labor, especially if they’re not naturally obese.

It's from her "just chew it" vid
Now she's too lazy and too "busy" with bf to post as often as before. Sub just ran out and not renewing. Sorry simps, it needs to be told.
>updates five times a month with nudes, stuffings, weigh-ins, measurements, etc for 8 bucks
>gaining at an insane rate

some cum-for-brains:
>this shit sucks actually
Agreed. These guys are nuts
If this is real she's finished lmao. She's passed her golden weight.

lol you're saying that because you're actually getting it free

before her boyfriend she was posting at least 3x a week, not 5x a month. That content rate is what people were actually paying for.
Some of us have an eye for aesthetics. Is what it is bro.

agree 100%. Also 5 days a month with 1 or 2 weigh in is still dogshit, I know a few models posted multiple weigh ins and scale pics a week and stuffed belly every day when gaining for the same price as her.

they hated him cuz he told the truth
Some can say (not me) she is less pretty right now but definitely this weight is her prime.
This thread is rapidly devolving. She finally is getting huge and half the people bitch about how she looks. Maybe you forgot that many people enjoy serious weight gain not just gaining 10 pounds a year. At the end of the day if how you dislike how she looks after finally making some good progress just don’t open this thread instead of whining
Oh yeah? I know like ten different models that gained a hundred pounds in six months and are way hotter than tiana. They also update every day and charge less too. You wouldn’t have heard of them though they all go to a different school

think of the most rapid gainers of the last 3 years and check coomer - guarantee they all post more than that.
I’m sure they do. Whoever “they” is.
10 hot OF models with 100lb gains in 6 months? I would like this list both as sauce and for the wankbank.

>>Maybe you forgot that many people enjoy serious weight gain not just gaining 10 pounds a year.

Those people will still end up bitching about her getting uglier, stopping because of health problems, or how her feeder looks. There's no pleasing them and is best to ignore.
(83 KB, 826x531, LuxNoir3.jpg)
>>167367 is edited so im not sure how serious the original post was. Mochii gained nearly 100 pounds in just early 2020
Exactly bro. Like what the fuck I thought people like her? Now all of a sudden she gains faster than ever and people wanna bitch and complain because she's not posting as frequent/how she's looking? YALL WANTED HER TO BE FAT! Not everyone is a fucking barbie doll and is a perfect 10. Why bitch around when you aren't getting what you want? Also for those who complain about her infrequent posts, yall are getting what yall PAID for. If she never said she was going to be posting frequently, then why complain about her not doing so? Yall complain about her price being high when mind you, you are getting every single video on top of new videos. Why would her shit be $5 and have 100s of hours of content for newly subscribers?
Mochii 100% lied about her gain timeline using old footage and releasing stuff as compilations. Don’t get me wrong she ate like a pig, but def full of shit on 100 lbs in 6 months
Tiana was 190 in the summer of 2022. 2 years ago. she doesn’t meet this guy’s standard either. historically she gains slow af and then disappears to lose it and the cycle repeats. thanks to the bf she went too fast and got too fat to go back now. full of shit indeed
It's the simps like you that are best to ignore. Folks can have their opinion. Why do you care that others see it differently? Save your energy for someone and something that matters
Not everyone looks great gaining weight. I think she should probably chill but thats just my own preference. To each his own I’m not judging or saying she isnt still hot as hell.

Go suck a cock, you are GAY

>>It's the simps like you that are best to ignore. Folks can have their opinion.

I don't give two shits about your opinion. Quit bumping the thread if you're not providing content. You faggots do nothing but run your mouths anyways.
Because your type always ends up going full icel and constantly fill up threads with schizo-posting about the models while demeaning them
I hope she reaches 300 lbs soon. Tiana is one of the prettiest girl we have seen in years and she is blowing up in the best way possible. What a belly, butt and arms. The best part is her fuller face. Makes me horny af. This happens only once in a few years. it's really rare that a conventionally very attractive thin girl, blows up and makes this much excited content. Damn i havent been this exited about weight gain since carmen lafox, cherries and chubbygirlvideos.
You simps are so easily goaded into spouting your defensive insults and nonsense. You look the fools. Chill, don't take the bait
Imagine sinking your hand into all this fat to choke her while you fuck her bloated, fat body
I'm not simping and gooning all over her, I'm just stating what I find stupid. And what I found stupid was that all this hate came from outta no where, when every thread out here is complaining about someone not gaining weight and wanting them to be big. I get the content issue Tiana's doing but it's not that big of a deal. But the whole "Tiana is ugly" shit when she's gaining like crazy when yall wanted her to do that is fucking dumb.

With that aside, I think she looks great, but I'll also have to agree with her slowing down. She gained like what, 20 pounds in less than 2 months? We don't want another Mochii.
if you think she's ugly just honestly gtfo of the thread, like why are you here? And noone should be talking about simping while on a goon website, porn has 95% of us in a chokehold but go off about simping
The whiners come back every time things starts to get interesting. I see same reactions now as a few years ago when other models were getting big. Very annoying tbh
Not everyone here wants every girl to turn into a giant formless blob. Sometimes slower gains result in aesthetically more attractive bodies. Also some girls are destined to lose their beautiful features past a certain weight.. sad but true. There are people who prefer fat women who are also beautiful, and people who want them to get as massive as possible even if in real life they are only seen as fugly hogs. A girl someone used to find attractive getting uglier happens in a many threads here, you’re just being a pussy. Valid commentary.
No where near close to being a shapeless blob. She gains a lil more wait and everyone starts trippin. How about you all shut the fuck up and go to porn hub if u wanna see mildy chubby chicks instead of bbws, bc this is a bbw thread. Not slightly chubby thread. Now all of you whining bitches go fuck off
Man if you think girls getting fatter get uglier what are you even doing here, fat = hot & hot = fat.
Keep it up - keep showing who are really the crude insulting retards on this thread who can't resist showing their simp side. The critical side shows their entitled opinion, the simp side takes the bait and responds with nothing but obscenity laden gibberish. More to come, I'm sure. More content would be more productive
It’s other women doing it, shitting on other models
Most definitely other women being salty.

Shut the fuck up. She's not even 300lbs yet. Jfc...there's way too many of you simps for skinny fats nowadays.

On a site literally devoted to BBWs and SSBBWs? Yeah, it is.
Then go find someone else to jerk off to ffs

Or better yet, get your own bitch to fatten up
You're in the wrong place. We're here to enjoy the most satisfying wg in years. Tiana is btw far from a blob. Hard to find a girl at her weight with such beautiful shape.

I'm not the one whining about her getting to fat lol. Y'all are the idiots who apparently need to find other sources of jerk material since girls in the mid 200s are apparently too big for you.
Platon says: no one should enter under my roof unless he is a geometer

Glutton says : no one should enter under my roof unless he is 250 minimum weight
Simp side? Buddy im just stating what i see for what it is. If you eant to see simp go on yhe candii thread. Never did i say that she was my glorious queen or romanticize her at all. Im here to find porn to jerk off and thats it, and you incels make drama 24/7
>I'm not the one whining about her getting to fat lol

I’m not either. I would just like you fuckers to stop clogging the thread with arguing.

Please stop arguing
ditto, no other thread is such a waste
That’s just what happens to threads when there’s no new content. Still annoying but into much as people not sharing, there’s just nothing to share
>most recent vid posted a week ago
>no new content
People here sure have the attention span of a rat
Normally I agree but before she met her boyfriend she was posting almost every other day. Not one of the complainers but there definitely was an abrupt change to posting
Agree though that’s a whole week for people to shitpost. Also saying that as if she isn’t an unemployed full time feedee who used to post much more
this thread is actually abysmal, i never expected to see this much drama on a fat girl image board of all places on the internet.
Should I start handing out bans again?
just photo?
she told in this vid that she don't fit in the bathtub anymore
Thanks mate. Incredibly hot
Actual fucking content* jesus christ just reading thru some of that shit fried some of my braincells
Bullshit. Then she should film or photo it.

Thanks man.
She is exploding with stretch marks. Just absolutely covered in them. Hot
Thank you <3
These guys are a different breed of autism. Like just jerk off to the fat bitch and fuck off.
Like half the MAGA niggers on this site?
That was uncalled for
half of this thread is people complaining about other commenters acting impolite towards the woman that we’re all not paying to view her porn. what were you expecting on here?
I am absolutely certain that autism and fat fetishism have an overlap
If you ain't MAGA you got a small dick and don't MATTA.

You’re so right dawg
Idk what it is. Somehow I can get off to a skinny t girl but not a cis girl. I might be fucked dawg
cis girl? wtf are you talking about
Google works wonders when you have questions. But I smell your response a mile away
critically retarded virgin with no real input thanks for nothing as always
that's because there's something about the ladyboy having a dick where you can imagine yourself in her place more easily
We're here to fap not to talk politics dumbfucks, stop baiting mods into cleaning the thread

Literally no one but right-wing weirdos care about what the genatalia that a random person's partner has...and they're the same group that's going to give you shit for having a preference for fat chicks instead of trad wives lol.

But it's up to you...get your dick wet and enjoy yourself...or worry about what dipshit incels and grifters will think.
This is by far the most retarded thread I have ever seen in my entire life.
I have lurked for 10 years and this takes the cake.
Truly a beautiful mind
It's real close to getting nuked. Like 3 posts with content and the rest is just retards arguing
>jannie deletes my post linking only posts with content
>keeps the 200+ autistic shitflinging about her being "ugly"
I swear the mods are smoking crack too

Yeah I really appreciated that comment of yours, I remember a long time ago when Barclay was more actively in charge and the mods weren't retarded :(

Still not as bad as the reiina thread, and that stays up lol. Reiina thread is 99.5% vitriol, even worse than you see in this thread, and its been that way the last two reiina threads.

This thread at the very least gets content when tiana uploads, so mods are really cracked if they nuke this while letting the garbage in the reiina thread fly.
And the GGG thread. And the Kayla thread. And the Candii thread. And every cassie0pia thread. And half of fucking /ssbbw/ at this point
With coomer down there is nothing to talk about until someone drops an update. So of course threads are turning to “discussions” and shitposts

This thread gets content every week and people still bitch and moan, same with the popular artists on /draw/. It isnt the lack of content, its the incels who fling shit whenever a model or artist doesn't do things exactly as they want lol.
>It can be incredibly frustrating and heart-wrenching to watch your child struggle with learning and development issues.

I believe this is subtle shittalk because so many threads aren't posting content but just retarded arguing? idk, idc, back to lurking for me
The irony of yall struggling to figure out what he means by this is hilariously on the nose
(9 KB, 229x220, images (1).jpeg)
>links tutorage for children with autism and other learning disabilities
>HUH WHAT IS THIS LINK?????!?!?!?!?!?

Holy fucking shit dude
This is about as subtle as a brick through a window lmao
>"This URL is a Google ad tracking link with various parameters used to monitor and manage ad clicks."

Why are you getting these ads anon?
No it doesn’t. And even if it did that’s an initial reaction “huh she’s fatter, cool” then back to bored posting by next day. I don’t make the rules, that’s just how it is and why
I wonder if she has ever tried authentic Canada Ramen
She’s getting worse about posting content.
Nothing new. Lazy af. Ugly af.

She's in the process of moving in with her feeder. I imagine things will pick up soon.
Fuck off back to the Kayla thread or wherever you popped out of.
fuck off yourself, asshole, I've gotten ONE post since subbing july 24th. why should anyone be pleased with that?
She just moved…bad timing my guy. She’s been talking about this for a minute
mf is angry and horny lol
lazy sure but shut the fuck up with the ugly talk you're just mad. low IQ behavior
Considering the importance of and beauty in being driven enough to properly document the gain for the benefit of posterity, her becoming a troglodyte through laziness makes the ugly face-gain so deliciously ironic.
you guys are genuinely insane lmao. truly unwell human beings

BRO COOKED!!!!! Someone had to say it
I'm good with them staying inside. I like going outside, and I want to minimize my chances of being reminded these people exist.
(76 KB, 736x571, 5z83wf.jpg)

What are you blabbing about?
This is a fetish, and everyone has their own reason to be into fat chicks. Your not better than anyone here.

This is how i see people who post shit like this.
From her tumblr lmao
It's almost like changing state takes time and efforts, who would have guessed. She sucks at planning tho, she could have recorded a couple of vids in advance and released them during the move and people would have been off her back.
Anyone got the video of her puking outside?
People are gonna drive another model off the internet aren't they. Like holy shit this happens every month where porn addicted losers freak out over nothing or are just brainrotted in general and then they complain when the person doesn't post anymore.
If people are paying her with the expectation of receiving something and she suddenly goes radio silent on them, they have a right to be mad. How hard is it to type out a quick message updating her customers on her current situation? It doesn't even have to be a full sentence, just something quick to get the point across, "Moving in with bf, gonna be inactive," is all she had to do. Would there still be people complaining? Yes, but that's just the human condition. They wouldn't, however, be complaining that posts just randomly dried up out of nowhere, especially during a time where they seemingly should be getting more stuff than ever.

She’s been saying she’s moving and won’t be as active, like multiple times even
Saw this shit and knew one of you illiterate retards was the cause.
Did she? Her tumblr post makes it sound like she didn't really. It never ceases to amaze me how many girls seem to lack any theory of mind, like it never occurs to them that people might get mad if they go silent. Giving money to OF girls is at your own risk so nobody has a "right" to get mad, but I have zero pity for girls who don't get that we can't know the intimate details of their lives, and that even the barest minimum of direct communication goes a long way.
Wasn't doxxed in the past by the community?
*Wasn't she
It’s almost like eating and walking around that she does anyway can still be done with a camera on in front of you. She just does shoot the shit talking eating vids, not like she’s doing heavily edited role play vids like Shar and stuff.
Nah as soon as they quit their job for this shit and it becomes their main source of income, they’re not going anywhere. Or when they already gained so much and are that deep in it. Not like newbies who dip their feet in it and get scared off
Kind of lmao, Some random weight loss ad or something used her as a before picture or something and she copyright claimed it or something and then I think VICE the publisher wrote an article about it and lots of people saw that and she like moved lmao
And not every model knows the depth of retardation that plagues their followers. She said that she would be moving numerous times and (wrongly) assumed that cumbrains could understand that to mean there would be less updates. Can’t really fault her for that though.
She also used the same username for socials and payment apps that she linked starting out, which had her real name on it lol
(315 KB, 1073x1828, IMG_0891.jpeg)
Inject this mindless cow shit content right into my veins
If you move for a job it’s two weeks and then you start work. It takes 5 min to do video and then 5 min upload. I don’t see any editing in her vids? Like moving is total paralysis.
I don't care what any contract says, you have the right to be mad when people don't do the right thing.
Except she wants to look good in her videos, which means putting on makeup and paying attention to camera angles. It's not the same efforts than lying in bed and gorging on candy bars and soda.

Well I for one say thanks!
She was really in a rush to release something. We see more of her boyfriend than herself, that's practically negative value. Not even a shot of her belly or her ass.
God shes got such a lovable personality
Thanks king! Any pics came with the recent vid?
I really need them to keep posting she is so fucking hot
God she is so fucking hot! Its wild that such a hottie has blown up like this. Bummer he content has slowed some but just look at her! She looks so fucking overfed and glutted out! She is really letting go and just wrecking her waistline!
We can be sure, assured and certain that she will have 350 sooner than we think (yes she has not yet reached 300 I know. I am talking about prediction)
Thanks! Unbelievable hot this girl
To her feeder, who I only assume reads this board:

When was her last weigh-in video?

They look so cute together
No they don't because it's not literally me
This couple need to make a Mochii' style challenge in which Tyana tries to gain like crazy for, at least, a whole month. At a rate that allows her outgrown clothes week by week. Somethingile this would be the hottest thing even for them
This is exactly what forced mochii Babii in to retirement as a feedee mad early
I mean they could try it for a month, not for 3 months + 1 year as Mochii did. I honestly think one month of pushing is the perfect balance between the fetish of actually get fat quickly and the reasonable health limits. And lets be honest: you all would enjoy that

That window has closed. She's gained 60lbs this year, there's no way she can gain another 30 in a month at this point.
there is no cap to how much one can gain in a year wtf are you talking about
Log off of deviant art bro your brain is pudding
Or you could switch off the porn brain for 5 minutes? I know we're all here to coom but most of us don't actually want these girls to permanently hurt themselves like Mochii
>She's gained 60lbs this year, there's no way she can gain another 30 in a month at this point.

retard, how do you explain then that Tiana has a "60lb weight gain cap" as you described it in your own post
are you TRYING to bring the death feedists out of their cave?
I’m new here I don’t use this site often but goddamn half of you on here are retarded. We’re all here to pirate some only fans content no one wants to hear ur opinions on shit. Let a nigga jerk off in peace

Is this question to me?

Try reading what I wrote again, retard. Nowhere did I mention she had a 60lb cap.
Mochi lied about her gain timeline anyway, so the argument is pointless anyway
She got Covid and it fuck up her gain. That’s all that happen.
Source: thinking gaining 100 lbs in 3 months is physically possible. Nah people NEVER lie to LARP their gains lol.

A large part of her gain was during COVID lockdown. For it to be a fake timeline, she would have had to start recording her videos earlier than that, which means she somehow predicted that the entire world was going to go into quarantine from COVID. Seems unlikely.
(105 KB, 360x695, ed.jpg) (236 KB, 460x714, editbefore22.jpg)
wanted to share two quick edits of tiana i made because i like the "thin girl trapped in fat" idea
Pretty hot, thank you
Do you like making/watching side by side videos too?
These are amazing, god I love shit like this
(164 KB, 636x640, editknee.jpg)
Not yet, was gone for some time and feel a bit rusty at editing. just wanted to share if there are others who like that style. Another one :)
Is she still busy moving and not posting? No flak to her either way, just wanting to see that gut
(138 KB, 828x596, 1D38031A-644F-4DE8-BF97-117E54D0F730.jpeg)
Tis certain. She shall swell with sudden speed, thrice the draught taken. Her form shall burgeon, rounding with curves, hips, and rolls of flesh.
only stretch marks left in her face , if that is even possible...
Thanks for the update dude

She looks great. Fat belly, stretch marks growing up her gut. Her tits are even starting to look small compared to her belly
Don't mean to beg but can anyone upload recent pics?
I think she plateaued
>Me when my dick broke:
I'm a girl and she makes me horny!
Oh boy, the Mochi cheese funnel is back
266 people downloaded this before anyone thanked you, so thank you.
Which one of you absolute fucking retards decided to comment about coomer right on her fucking Instagram account?
Thanks for the drop. You absolute legend.
coomer's been down for like 4 months, wtf is this moron doing
Were fucking cooked. Its GG's
her of is -30%, is it worth it?
The fact coomer is down and they aren't doing a basic weekly buffet a basic weekly force feeding (side profile view because NO ONE likes front views and she looks 2x smaller from the front than she dies sideways but she clearly never gets off to her own content.) A weekly chugging and a weekly weigh in. Dude must be half retarded if he has the top feedee with seriously peasant levels of content. The angles they use proves he has zero taste. She could have produced high quality work but instead rather be lazy typical stoners smoking midz probably too lol.
You can’t blame the guy for not recording much and actually spending time with his girlfriend lol, it’s crazy to me that people expect everything that benefits them most. Not recording all these crazy things is completely understandable
I’ve seen people do this in a model’s thread on curvage.

Idiots routinely talk past women and act like they don’t read their posts if they aren’t constantly replying to every single comment. What zero awareness does to a mf…

She could just do like others have done and send everything through DMs because people don’t know what to do now that coomer is dead lol
Thanks! Maybe it’s just the angle but her face looks more slim. Not accusing of weight loss, just an observation since she’s said in recent videos she doesn’t like how round her face is from her gain. Is it just me that notices?

Nah I noticed too. Hope her face keeps filling out. Been absolutely crazy about that and the neck gains.
Stretch marks are a clear indicator of Weight gain. Plus It’s hard to tell a 5-10 pound weight difference on someone who’s already fat. 260 already puts her on the mark of no return here she only going to get fatter.

this is a fully autistic post. but i have to say you're correct.

if one us coomers could actually take our hands off our dicks for ten minutes and go out there and get us a feedee gf, we would likely produce proper patrician weight gain videos.
I agree. This is why disparaging comments about her appearance make me antsy. I hope it doesn't contribute to some of her choices on video angles

That's exactly what happened with mochii and her bf lol
thank you so much for the latest video drop on gofile. To all the others discussing what could be better, shut the f...k up and enjoy what you are getting. Don´t you see, how she is exploding with stretchmarks indicating her balooning? And all the new teasing with whipped cream feeding and beertube and so on? You don´t deserve to live, all of you, shame on you! Get a life, be thankfull! And if you don´t like it, go to /gen, move on, don´t ruin what you are offered. Jesus...
Thank you for your input. You are clearly very well adjusted and should be taken seriously.
It happened with mochi but unfortunately (1) Mochi wasn't that sexy to begin with, and her gain turned her into a ball
(2) they went too hard. way too fast.

but this feedee dude should at least be getting profile angles. maybe with tianas hands tied up behind her. unlike mochi, she's actually a gorgeous woman with ass tits AND belly
Goddamn she really got domesticated she’s such a sub
Mochi looks like a sumo wrestler.
Post nut clarity hits hard after her vids
Now that you mentioned that, she kinds does lol

Looks like you're the entitled jackass who wrote "Guys is commer party down". Either find a feedee of your own to produce content with or go crawl back into your hole retard.

Grows some balls and say fuck like the rest of us. Imagine censoring yourself on a porn forum lol.

Nah as someone with yellow fever I always go back to mochii, her "addicted to gluttony" is my main go-to video when I can't nut to anything new. People who think she's ugly make no sense to me lol
hard disagree about mochii
mochii doesn't even look asian next to tiana, tiana has that more exotically erotic feminine shape common to Japanese diaspora while mochi is built like something between a brick and a fridge.
She may or may not already know about coomer and/or this chan. All it takes is a Google search and you'll find it. This still doesn't excuse for that dumbass to comment about COOMER on her Instagram. If she didn't know then, she definitely knows now.

Idk how many dumbfucks out there who still asking to update coomers and ask if it's still down. Might as well put a notice on the fucking site saying it can't import OF vids right now. People in this fetish are fucking morons.
my girlfriend is built exactly like this cow and it excites me imagining her getting to her level 🐄
vague pronoun reference and redundant possessive structure creates confusion about who is fatter, making your comment both unclear and poorly constructed

I genuinely have no idea what you think you're trying to say lol, Tiana is white as fuck

Do you actually think she's asian? Are you just retarded? Mochii is filipina
You’re a dumbass and sound jealous. What a weird thing to shit on and its just you if you think it’s unclear.
You're right, the Philippines are in South America.
(98 KB, 900x1200, GV8UI5nXEAAhrhI.jfif)
"beached after my bf force-fed me six donuts n fucked me 🍩"
gonna be incredible if she starts doing b/g

guarantee she won’t. her bf looks like he’s missing a few chromosomes there’s a reason that she doesn’t want to show him. dude cannot look in the same direction with both eyes
Umm, or maybe he doesn't want to show his face in her videos???
Did no one catch her neck number and how she knows what it is. True trad
oh for fucks sake can we jus have one thread on this website without insecure incels making fun of model's boyfriends? For fuck's sake just grow up.
nobody is so special that we can’t talk shit. white knight somewhere else
a) thank you
b) holy shit, he has her fully domesticated. look at those stretchmarks!
She’s what I thought fattiebaddie would get to. Either way good stuff on the recent uploads her gain is crazy.
stop being amazed this is only the beginning. we will see if it continues over time and with greater intensity.
Should have had her on her back, watch that belly bounce. Mochii had some great sex tapes, which more feedee would do content like this
sir, thank you, sir. best thing i've watched in years
one damn beautyful piece of art
thanks for the upload!

>>People who think she's ugly make no sense to me lol

Filipina women either look like Miss Universe or look like a Mexican who just woke up. Mochii went from the former to the latter the fatter she got.
True. She was alright then it went downhill as she reached obesity
Lmao this dude can't even fuck for 2 minutes what a retard
You should try to fuck her instead
Who puts lotion on their dick before sex, and more importantly, what woman would put up with that
That sex video gotta be one of the most unappealing nasty things I have seen from her ever
lol at him saying cum for me when she clearly wasnt cumming
Just come out the closet bruh
I came all over my neck to this video
You are in the wrong fetish board bro
Just shave the pus and we good
Amen real women have a bush. Love it.
TIL it's a fetish to like a woman who looks past the age of puberty :p, thanks anon.
by that logic, keep the leg, pit, and possibly back hair she would grow. maybe the mustache aswell. Preferences exist
yeah, and my guy above you said he likes his women HAREH
Yes!!! Fatties and body hair go together perfectly!
We need our own thread before shit gets real. lol

If you really don't see the irony in defending someone who called liking pubic hair "hair fetishists" with "preferences exist", you may actually be more clinically retarded than kilotroll
Gotta be the weirdest response I seen in the site
I had to tell her to come waxed cuz I last so long I get razor burn if she didnt... no wonder she didn't like a real one, she likes the 2 minute special lol.
Anybody got the latest?
my thing is, why are models so fucking afraid of their double chin? They always try to hide it, reduce it somehow, thinking it looks ugly or something. It doesn’t. You wanted to be a fatass so why not just own it
>thinking it looks ugly or something

WG totally changes facial features for the worse. Reiina getting hers sucked out and MFBG pulling retarded poses are both testament to that, just in diametrically opposed ways.
this girl is breaking her entire body

It changes it for the better.
That ms wrong n ms right on thighs tattoo girl (what's her name?) was damn lame face-wise before she had it plumped up with nice fat tissue.
And then she became legitimately attractive.
Also, fat faces always look younger. Sometimes its so crazy, a double chin and some fat all over sheds a decade off easily.
>Fatter face equals younger
anyone got a link for her new clothes try-on?

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