
she's not super active last i checked but it could've changed
thanks for posting, I've never seen a thread for her before on here
Does anyone have anything from her biggest?
She hasn’t been active for months now. When she was at her biggest she didn’t have an onlyfans. Her story is that she get fat in High School reached her biggest soon after graduating, lost a ton of weight during college and then slowly gained 3/4 of it back. She hasn’t gained since that point which is demonstrated by how soft and squishy her belly is.
On her OF she said she had 4 vids at her all-time biggest which is why he asked. Ik I wouldn't mind seeing some of that

I don’t know which ones she’s referring to. There is a coomer for her which I’ve looked through and didn’t see anything like that but your welcome to look.
She's really hot, but I never see her posted here. I assume a lot of her vids for sale aren't even in circulation.
Any idea if she’s still active? She is one of my all time faves

No and has since lost a lot of weight.
Agree. Need proof of that
This person is telling the truth. Not gonna put private pics and/or conversations here but she has.
Shame. She was great. Hopefully she’ll come back
Pics or it didn’t happen
Not true. I saw her a few weeks ago and she was as fat as ever.
Where did you see her?

Saw her at Market Square. She was there with another girl.
No you didn’t. She is literally skinny now. Not just lost weight from her high, but skinny.
Uh…no she isn’t. She looks the same as she did when she signed off…you’re full of shit.
lol cope harder loser. Sorry your fap material is gone
Not what she says dummy lmao
I know someone who knows someone who works in the same place as her. I can confirm…the girl hasn’t lost any weight. In fact she may even have gained a few more. That’s the reality. Deal with it.
This is all just bullshit until someone posts a recent picture, so either post one or just stop
lol if you know you know, and you clearly don’t. Ozempic going to claim them all.
No clue why this chick attracts such whackos. I swear people make up b/contradict things in hopes someone will post content to prove them wrong and they get their rocks off.

Not ozempic but yes she’s essentially at her lightest. Move along now

Mmm... Scrumptious Gila Monster venom.
My friend’s gf confirmed that she hasn’t lost a pound. She’s still on of the hottest fat girls in the Steel City. Don’t know where this assclown is getting his information.
Not even in the steel city. So your gf is either fake or doesn’t know her lmao. Weird ficking thing to lie about dude, give it a rest
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Share content or shut the hell up!

Maybe you aren’t but she sure is. Maybe you should stop being a lying shitsack like the former President.
Anyone have one of her videos from when she was supposedly 350+?
Damn. I just wanted to know if she was still around. Yikes.
Definitely false. She’s still fat

We all know that. She also confirmed this on Feabie. Why some people feel the need to make up shit about people on here is beyond bizarre.
Lmao don’t be a dumb dick. Where’s the proof she’s still fat? Just “saying it on feabie” doesn’t prove anything. Especially when recent personal conversations say otherwise.

Boo fuckin hoo who gives a shit go jack it to someone else that’s “fat”.

Why some people feel the need to make up shit about people on here is beyond bizarre.

She “confirmed” it up keep selling her OF subs. She’s at her skinniest in years, hence the lack of updates. sorry to break it to you. Cope
There is zero other reason to not update anymore when she was pretty regularly active.
Her engagement ended recently. If her fiancé was her feeder, the content frequency should naturally take a dip.
Nah. She’s the “skinniest she’s ever been” per personal messages. The engagement breaking off isn’t the reason for the lack of content. There hasn’t been any real content in some time. Pretty sure you can still buy her stuff at her biggest which was around 2019-20 but has dropped weight pretty consistently since. Shes now at her skinniest for reasons out of her control and will most likely be that way for the remainder.

So whoever’s saying she’s gaining or she isn’t losing stfu lol cope harder. You all can’t be dumb enough. Nearly every model in the scene stops posting content when they’re losing weight or have gotten skinnier. This isn’t the first time and isn’t the last.

She literally told me herself on feabie that she hasn’t lost weight. There is one guy on here who obviously has delusions about having had a relationship with her. That was proven to be untrue but apparently he still has a stalkerish obsession with keeping her off the market: Some of you guys are real fucking cretins.
lol I didn’t get that impression from anyone here. But writing is on the wall dude. These models lie to play up the kink and sell their videos.

Yeah I get it but people on here lie for their own psychopathic reasons. There is literally no evidence to believe this jackass and at least two visual confirmations that she’s the same size as before she stopped posting as well as the statement from her personally on feabie. The bottom line is that these fucktards are just making up shit.
Can confirm. Still big. Spoke with her on feabie last night.
Lmao fuck off idiof. Proven to be untrue aka you not believing it 😂😂

You’re all talking about people being obsessed with her while every time she’s mentioned you’re all obsessed about her still being fat or not with 0 updates besides “she said it on feabie” fishing for someone to out themselves via personal messages or images/socials leaking

You’re weird as fuck and your little game can be seen miles away.

Dude…you’ve provided zero evidence, don’t even know what city she lives in and she herself has said that she doesn’t know you and that she has t lost any weight. You’re just a lying fuckface and that’s why you’re despised here.
lol how can you or her say that when you don’t even know who this guy is.
Right?? This dude is constantly jumping into stuff where she’s mentioned and trying to tell everybody she hasn’t lost weight or he spoke with her on Feabie about this and that. It’s weird.

In the end she hasn’t posted content in forever. Someone asked if she’s active or whatever and people said she’s lost weight and this weirdo comes out of his hole in a frenzy each time. Needs his meds

If I wanted your opinion I’d beat it out of you.
Go ask her on feabie for permission first 😂😂😂😂🤡🖕🏻
Y’all are toxic
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Either share something or shut the ever loving fuck up!!
You first.

But the whole point is that there is nothing to share. There is no new content and won’t be.
i was hoping some people had her ppv's
She's not making anything new but there's a bunch of paid clips that aren't circulated.

Yep…and in those she’s as fat as ever. The end.
Yeah.. because they are old videos. She’s not making new ones. Get a fucking grip dude lmao. This thread was funny at first but now it’s just sad or annoying the denial and cope lol
It’s the same dude that’s weirdly obsessed with her still being fat. Always running to Feabie to talk to her about bbwchan shit - so they say lmao. Like who cares stfu she ain’t gonna fuck you for being a weirdo white knight on a Chan page for her
>>167263 There’s a guy here who keeps using the word cope which is a giveaway. Same lame dumbass spreading stories about how he used to date this chick…since disproven. Maybe you should take your own advice and cope you incel fuckwit.
How was he disproven? I remember what happened in that thread and seemed like the one guy wasn’t going to dox her or send personal conversations to someone else who didn’t believe him and seems to still not give it up lmao if it bothers you that much go bang her then she’s single now
>>167302 The guy claimed to date a girl who he met on Feabie…before Feabie even existed and way before she was a member. It’s all horseshit.
Nobody is saying that about their history and ex narrative but you. Weird you are making it up out of nowhere, so probs making other shit up too.
That guy said it was anywhere from 8-10 years ago. Feabie has been around about that long. People delete and create accounts all the time. I don’t see how that’s disproven?

It’s just really weird you’re hung up on this still from that SSBBW thread. Why do you care?

Again to answer the original question there’s no new content, and she’s lost weight regardless. Coomer or SDB has some of her content on it. Otherwise I’m sure you can ask to buy her personal vids.
Yeah this anon is either her masquerading or just some dude weirdly obsessed with her, and her exes apparently lol. But yeah, by default it should be assumed that until there is new content the model lost weight. Because that is literally what happens every time with everybody, and unless they close their paysites, they will just radio silence or play it up via text posts and chats so not to lose subs. It is extremely common behavior anytime a model loses weight.
>>167391 Why does that make sense? I’ve spoken to the girl on Feabie. She said she hasn’t lost weight. I spoke to a girl who knows her…says she hasn’t lost weight. She also told me that she’s been a member of feabie for like three years blowing up this guys supposed timeline. How are you so fucking daft to believe this nonsense? And my motivation? I exposed this douche as the liar he is and he keeps doubling down…and then losers like you are white knighting him? Do you have his dick in your mouth right now?
First of all seek help

Congrats you spoke to a chick on Feabie and “a girl that knows her in rl” 😂😂

She’s had multiple accounts on there before she was “peachypop” - and sorry to break it to you but she’s been with multiple people so getting hung up on one guy is weird as fuck

You’re weird as fuck bro. You got a personal vendetta against this dude that said he was with her like 8 years ago. Move on lol. You’ve also provided nothing besides whining about this guy every time she’s brought up. Obsessed much?
You are literally the daft gullible one. There is one easy answer, they are both lying. You are literally delusional and it’s weird that you are so adamant or feel so strongly about this.
She’s been in the scene since fsntasyfeeder days. So yeah you’re “timeline proof” is full of shit lmao
Right? He also says she lives in Pitt like her Feabie said (at least when I last had an account about a year ago) which isn’t true. He’s using her account as proof 😂 plus what weirdo somehow “knows” a girl that knows her and asks if she’s still fat? 😂😂🤡

This guy is most likely a creep stalker that’s wanting her personal info to do whatever the hell they want with it hoping someone leaks any info about where she lives, her name, socials, images, etc. creepy as fuck this guy cares so much about someone saying they used to date before she got with her long time now ex. This person took another guys story of saying it was his only experience with someone in the community before, and has been unhinged about it since.

Newsflash plenty of people have been with her. Get over it lol.

Dude…she lives in Pittsburgh. My friends friend saw her there. You’re just a loser who makes up shit.
It would seem as your “friend” is in fact, the one who’s making shit up. Just you

Because I know I alwaaaays discuss fat fetish models with my friends so they can recognize them…
he is definitely fishing for info to doxx or stalk her. baiting someone to post proof so he can go full cyber sleuth. Didn’t think of that but now that you say mention it it’s extremely obvious
I find it hilarious that this guy makes up a whole story about having dated her. is quickly proved to be a fucking liar and there are still people who act as if what he said is even plausible.
Well, many people are saying they believe Red Tie.
Hop off it nobody gives a fuck but you. Seriously fuck off… If anyone wants to see his deranged ass it’s in the SSBBW GF thread on the SSBBW side a month or two back.

Guy gets all his info from feabie, plus “her” and their random “friends” that are apparently ok with this creepy fuck asking about her.

Fuck off you creep. You’re a weird ass stalker. Thats easily proved… You’re wanting people to post personal conversations, photos, socials, and whatever else for a sliver of info on this chick. Just because you don’t believe someone could’ve dated her that’s the same age and into the same shit plus local. Talking in circles with your deranged ass. Maybe if you focused this much on actually getting ass you could move on and not worry about what some chick that would never give you the time of day was doing 8+ years ago.

PS that pussy was mint
This dude in that thread talking about SSBBW models he’s been with, his stories, etc. nobody gives a flying fuck or questions it. Others post theirs as well. PeachyPop gets brought up and this dude has gone off the rails ever since.

Fucking rent free.

Most likely she denied your bitch ass and your fragile ego hasn’t gotten over it. People date and people fuck move on…

Yet still there’s no new content. There won’t be any new content any time soon if not ever that aren’t older pictures released to get some cash.

Haha I love this. Fucking pigeon chest incels acting tough on the internet. Honestly couldnt give a fuck about PeachyPop. I just love calling out fraudsters.

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